hate itunes, got an Iphone 3GS, trying to install facebook

holden j caufield

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 1999
Why is it not accepting my regular facebook signin. Do I really need to get an itunes account to use facebook on my iphone?


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Yea, you need an iTunes account to download stuff, otherwise how can you redownload purchased stuff later?


Jan 22, 2010
Having an iTunes account in no way implies you must use iTunes. Unless I'm upgrading firmware, I never sync my phone. All my purchases are done using the App Store application on the phone itself.

How did you activate your phone in the first place without an iTunes account..?


Jan 6, 2002
confused here, the iPhone has an app store icon, you can download shit directly to your phone without iTunes. You need iTunes to activate the phone, but after that you don't. Exceptions would be apps too big to be downloaded directly on the phone.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2000
confused here, the iPhone has an app store icon, you can download shit directly to your phone without iTunes. You need iTunes to activate the phone, but after that you don't. Exceptions would be apps too big to be downloaded directly on the phone.

You also need an iTunes account to use the App store.


Jan 6, 2002
You also need an iTunes account to use the App store.

you know something, that's a really good point, one I totally spaced on. lol But OP won't have to technically use the iTunes software, but if he has an actual beef with the store in addition to the software he's SOL.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2002
Itunes is one of the things I hate most about the Ipod, Iphone, and everything Apple. I never use it. I use winamp. I download via Amazon. Itunes is just the worst piece of software ever. Pure crap. I want something that makes my life easier, not something that prevents me from doing everything that I want with everything that I purchase. You shouldn't have to find a work around to get it to the Apple products to work...such a jailbreaking the phones, or finding additional software that works better.


May 30, 2000
Itunes is one of the things I hate most about the Ipod, Iphone, and everything Apple. I never use it. I use winamp. I download via Amazon. Itunes is just the worst piece of software ever. Pure crap. I want something that makes my life easier, not something that prevents me from doing everything that I want with everything that I purchase. You shouldn't have to find a work around to get it to the Apple products to work...such a jailbreaking the phones, or finding additional software that works better.

It sounds to me like you just don't like Apple. WTF are you here?


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2000
Yeah, OP never had used iTunes before, so he didn't have an account set up yet.

As for the iTunes hate, I don't get it. It manages your media, from podcasts, music, videos, everything. Not that much different than WMP?


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
It is Old World v New World thinking. Old World dictates that all files and folders need must be maintained by the user, and if they want to play a song, they can damn well dig through the folders to find it.

New World thinking dictates that they don't give a crap where the files end up so long as iPhoto (Picasa) or iTunes (WMP) knows where it is and if they want to play a song, then they use those.

Library management vs File management. The iPad is the epitome of New World, Windows tablets are the epitome of Old World.

However, and this is for the audience, why get an iPhone if you hate iTunes and everything it stands for? It is the culmination of the ecosystem.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
It is Old World v New World thinking. Old World dictates that all files and folders need must be maintained by the user, and if they want to play a song, they can damn well dig through the folders to find it.

New World thinking dictates that they don't give a crap where the files end up so long as iPhoto (Picasa) or iTunes (WMP) knows where it is and if they want to play a song, then they use those.

Library management vs File management. The iPad is the epitome of New World, Windows tablets are the epitome of Old World.

However, and this is for the audience, why get an iPhone if you hate iTunes and everything it stands for? It is the culmination of the ecosystem.

That just blew my mind.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
That just blew my mind.

Aah! Text is so inefficient at tone... I have no idea if you are being serious or not!

In seriousness though, going through the paces of setting up an iTunes account is necessary if you want to redownload purchases or get for-pay apps. Especially apps with in-app purchasing.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2006
I was being serious. That basically sums up what Apple is doing with their products. Also, it's not like an iTunes account is a bad thing.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2002
It sounds to me like you just don't like Apple. WTF are you here?

Listen fanboy, I have 3 ipods, an Iphone and a macbook and I liked things about all of them. The Macbook was the best laptop I ever had. Its an older one and its dead (I used it for years, rebuilt it just to get more life out of it.) It's simply past its life cycle at this point.

The Ipods are quite good, but far from the best mp3s out there, and are simply not the first like many think. They do, however, have the best control interface as well as best third parts accessories. Sound quality and built in features...not so much. That said, they are quite nice.

The Iphone, it is a tremendous piece of gear. It is, however, a HORRIBLE phone. For that reason I no longer use it and will wait until they can actually make the phone part worthwhile. I need to be able to actually make a call on my phone. I don't know one person that has one, that can make a quality call on theirs either, and they all love them. They simply use them for texting. I can't do that. As for Itunes, it is the worst piece of software ever. If you don't agree, then that is cool, but that doesn't negate the fact that there are a bazillion better choices out there.

The thing is, I don't have to hate a company to have an opinion. Apple is capable of tremendous innovation. They tend to lock down their products in order to cash in and be more profitable, because they know they have a lot of sheep, like you, that will buy into it. As much as I like them, I will find an alternative to what I don't like and move on. I will not buy their Ipad for the same reason, but will wait until they make it as it should be...which they will.


Apr 29, 2003
Listen fanboy, I have 3 ipods, an Iphone and a macbook and I liked things about all of them. The Macbook was the best laptop I ever had. Its an older one and its dead (I used it for years, rebuilt it just to get more life out of it.) It's simply past its life cycle at this point.

The Ipods are quite good, but far from the best mp3s out there, and are simply not the first like many think. They do, however, have the best control interface as well as best third parts accessories. Sound quality and built in features...not so much. That said, they are quite nice.

The Iphone, it is a tremendous piece of gear. It is, however, a HORRIBLE phone. For that reason I no longer use it and will wait until they can actually make the phone part worthwhile. I need to be able to actually make a call on my phone. I don't know one person that has one, that can make a quality call on theirs either, and they all love them. They simply use them for texting. I can't do that. As for Itunes, it is the worst piece of software ever. If you don't agree, then that is cool, but that doesn't negate the fact that there are a bazillion better choices out there.

The thing is, I don't have to hate a company to have an opinion. Apple is capable of tremendous innovation. They tend to lock down their products in order to cash in and be more profitable, because they know they have a lot of sheep, like you, that will buy into it. As much as I like them, I will find an alternative to what I don't like and move on. I will not buy their Ipad for the same reason, but will wait until they make it as it should be...which they will.

I think TheStu was probably right about why you don't like iTunes. The first time I used it (when it first became available for Windows) I hated it too. When I got an iPhone I gave it another chance, and it's actually pretty cool if you can get past the "old world/new world" thing. I still don't particularly like that aspect of it, but I live with it. Smart playlists are one of the best features I've ever seen in an MP3 player.

Perhaps there are other programs with similarly great features that I haven't found; I'm sure there are actually, the open source software community is really incredible. I started with WinAmp (actually started with MacAmp before I switched to Windows in 1999) and got set in my ways, didn't ever want to change how I did things (back then it was typical to have your entire music collection in a single playlist). When WinAmp 3 came out I HATED it. I basically had to be forced to use iTunes to recognize that it actually is a pretty cool program.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2000
The Iphone, it is a tremendous piece of gear. It is, however, a HORRIBLE phone. For that reason I no longer use it and will wait until they can actually make the phone part worthwhile. I need to be able to actually make a call on my phone. I don't know one person that has one, that can make a quality call on theirs either, and they all love them.

What city are you in? I have never had a problem here with calls, on any network here (Canada).

It is a shame the iPhone is locked to ATT in the US - especially with the apparent problems in major cities. Here's hoping to the end of ATT exclusivity this summer!


Senior member
Oct 17, 2002
What city are you in? I have never had a problem here with calls, on any network here (Canada).

It is a shame the iPhone is locked to ATT in the US - especially with the apparent problems in major cities. Here's hoping to the end of ATT exclusivity this summer!

NYC. That said, as bad as ATT is, it is the phone's design not the network. I have other phones that have good phone call quality on the same network. Problem is the rest of those phones lack where the Iphone excels. If Apple would only put a good phone in it, I would be happy.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2002
I think TheStu was probably right about why you don't like iTunes. The first time I used it (when it first became available for Windows) I hated it too. When I got an iPhone I gave it another chance, and it's actually pretty cool if you can get past the "old world/new world" thing. I still don't particularly like that aspect of it, but I live with it. Smart playlists are one of the best features I've ever seen in an MP3 player.

Perhaps there are other programs with similarly great features that I haven't found; I'm sure there are actually, the open source software community is really incredible. I started with WinAmp (actually started with MacAmp before I switched to Windows in 1999) and got set in my ways, didn't ever want to change how I did things (back then it was typical to have your entire music collection in a single playlist). When WinAmp 3 came out I HATED it. I basically had to be forced to use iTunes to recognize that it actually is a pretty cool program.

Itunes forces you to do things how Apple wants you to do it. I refuse to use software like that. The end. There are easier ways to get from point A to point B.


Apr 29, 2003
Itunes forces you to do things how Apple wants you to do it. I refuse to use software like that. The end. There are easier ways to get from point A to point B.

Could you be specific about what it forces you to do that you don't like?

I mean, all software works in a particular way so you could say that all software forces you to do things the way the designer wants you to do it.


May 30, 2000
Listen fanboy, I have 3 ipods, an Iphone and a macbook and I liked things about all of them. The Macbook was the best laptop I ever had. Its an older one and its dead (I used it for years, rebuilt it just to get more life out of it.) It's simply past its life cycle at this point.

The Ipods are quite good, but far from the best mp3s out there, and are simply not the first like many think. They do, however, have the best control interface as well as best third parts accessories. Sound quality and built in features...not so much. That said, they are quite nice.

The Iphone, it is a tremendous piece of gear. It is, however, a HORRIBLE phone. For that reason I no longer use it and will wait until they can actually make the phone part worthwhile. I need to be able to actually make a call on my phone. I don't know one person that has one, that can make a quality call on theirs either, and they all love them. They simply use them for texting. I can't do that. As for Itunes, it is the worst piece of software ever. If you don't agree, then that is cool, but that doesn't negate the fact that there are a bazillion better choices out there.

The thing is, I don't have to hate a company to have an opinion. Apple is capable of tremendous innovation. They tend to lock down their products in order to cash in and be more profitable, because they know they have a lot of sheep, like you, that will buy into it. As much as I like them, I will find an alternative to what I don't like and move on. I will not buy their Ipad for the same reason, but will wait until they make it as it should be...which they will.
:biggrin: I'm far from being an Apple fanboy. I do have an iPhone, but that's it. I find their computers to be overpriced, but I did buy an iPod Nano.

My reason for why it appeared that you just seem to hate Apple, is because you bitch, but you never say why you have a problem with itunes. You call it crap, but you never really say why. Next time give an example or two.

As for your iPhone problem, did you try turning off 3G before making your call? I always do when I go into NYC, and haven't had dropped a call there since.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2002
:biggrin: I'm far from being an Apple fanboy. I do have an iPhone, but that's it. I find their computers to be overpriced, but I did buy an iPod Nano.

My reason for why it appeared that you just seem to hate Apple, is because you bitch, but you never say why you have a problem with itunes. You call it crap, but you never really say why. Next time give an example or two.

As for your iPhone problem, did you try turning off 3G before making your call? I always do when I go into NYC, and haven't had dropped a call there since.

First of all, I don't have to get into specifics with you. I have used Itunes since its inception and it just outright sucks compared to similar products. Go try some. As for the Iphone, I have been through 3 of them. I am not speaking of 3g or dropped calls. I am speaking of Phone call quality.

I do no blame Apple or the Iphone for ATT. Let me be clear, I have had and currently do have another phone right now ON THE SAME NETWORK, that has crystal clear telephone calls. It is a motorola global q. The ability to hear people and be heard by them is simply the only thing it can do that I like about it better than the iphone. It also has mms, which the iphone still didn't when I officially gave up on them...which was when the GS came out and it was still not supported. I realize that was "ATT, " but I don't really believe that.

If Apple would include quality phone ability into the iphone, along with the rest of what it can already do....I would be back on board. I don't blame them for the rest of ATT's poor network problems.


Apr 29, 2003
You just look silly when you complain so much about a program but can't give a specific reason why you don't like it. For all we know, you may just not know how to do what you want to do.

Just saying.
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