Have a bank account at BofA? You can no longer criticize unions


May 24, 2004

Title: Attacking SEIU, Nina Easton fails to disclose husband's ties to Bank of America

So, after SEIU buses about 500 people to the private home of a Bank of America employee, the neighbor, Nina Eason, who did not like seeing the mob outside, complained about their unruly actions. Well, "progressives" don't like anyone talking bad about their intimidation tactics and immediately seek to discredit the neighbor!

Let us play nice and satisfy the pro-union, pro-"progressive" members of AT P&N, and every comment we make we must disclose our entire life's story, specifically where we have our checking accounts & other financial accounts - otherwise none of our comments will mean anything to any of them...

Welcome to "progressive" America.


Jan 30, 2001
Any of those SEIU thugs that were in that mans yard should have been arrested for trespass.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
I don't think we have a thread going on this incident, so maybe we can outline what happened.

The crux of the story is that an SEIU mob moved by means of 14 school buses from Washington, DC to next door Montgomery County in Maryland and they then charged onto the porch and lawn of a B of A attorney's home and then on to home of a JP Morgan executive and proceeded to "protest," using amplified megaphones and trampling the homeowner's lawns.

The only occupant of the attorney's home was the attorney's 14 year old boy who was terrified and barricaded himself into a closet out of fear of the mob breaking into the home.

FOX contributing reporter Nina Easton and her husband live in the neighborhood and she has been covering the story for FOX News.

SEIU thugs, a group tied at the hip to ACORN, are known for violent and intimidating tactics. The president of SEIU Andy Stern has been one of the most welcome and frequent visitors to the Obama White House.

SEIU owes Bank of America $100 million dollars, political play money that was borrowed and used to elect Democrats and only Democrats. Is this SEIU intimidation to force B of A to "forgive" that loan, like ACORN extorts walking around money from other businesses?

The criminal trespass, the violent bullying tactics have been used countless times against corporate locations. We now have assaults against private persons and homes.

Welcome to Obamaland, the land where community organizers, union thugs and mob rule rules!

The Politics of SEIU Personal Attacks Against Business Executives

Crossing The Line

Cops Fail To Respond To SEIU Mob
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Jan 30, 2001
I don't think we have a thread going on this incident, so maybe we can outline what happened.

The crux of the story is that an SEIU mob moved by means of 14 school buses from Washington, DC to next door Montgomery County in Maryland and they then charged onto the porch and lawn of a B of A attorney's home and then on to home of a JP Morgan executive and proceeded to "protest," using amplified megaphones and trampling the homeowner's lawns.

The only occupant of the attorney's home was the attorney's 14 year old boy who was terrified and barricaded himself into a closet out of fear of the mob breaking into the home.

FOX contributing reporter Nina Easton and her husband live in the neighborhood and she has been covering the story for FOX News.

SEIU thugs, a group tied at the hip to ACORN, are known for violent and intimidating tactics. The president of SEIU Andy Stern has been one of the most welcome and frequent visitors to the Obama White House.

SEIU owes Bank of America $100 million dollars, political play money that was borrowed and used to elect Democrats and only Democrats. Is this SEIU intimidation to force B of A to "forgive" that loan, like ACORN extorts walking around money from other businesses?

The criminal trespass, the violent bullying tactics have been used countless times against corporate locations. We now have assaults against private persons and homes.

Welcome to Obamaland, the land where community organizers, union thugs and mob rule rules!

The Politics of SEIU Personal Attacks Against Business Executives

Crossing The Line

Cops Fail To Respond To SEIU Mob

Great summary but you forgot the part about the Montgomery County police declining to get involved for fear of "inciting the mob". Wonder if they would have had similar fears if it were Tea Party protesters on Ike Leggett's lawn?

Edit: Sorry missed your 3rd link.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't think we have a thread going on this incident, so maybe we can outline what happened.

The crux of the story is that an SEIU mob moved by means of 14 school buses from Washington, DC to next door Montgomery County in Maryland and they then charged onto the porch and lawn of a B of A attorney's home and then on to home of a JP Morgan executive and proceeded to "protest," using amplified megaphones and trampling the homeowner's lawns.

The only occupant of the attorney's home was the attorney's 14 year old boy who was terrified and barricaded himself into a closet out of fear of the mob breaking into the home.

FOX contributing reporter Nina Easton and her husband live in the neighborhood and she has been covering the story for FOX News.

SEIU thugs, a group tied at the hip to ACORN, are known for violent and intimidating tactics. The president of SEIU Andy Stern has been one of the most welcome and frequent visitors to the Obama White House.

SEIU owes Bank of America $100 million dollars, political play money that was borrowed and used to elect Democrats and only Democrats. Is this SEIU intimidation to force B of A to "forgive" that loan, like ACORN extorts walking around money from other businesses?

The criminal trespass, the violent bullying tactics have been used countless times against corporate locations. We now have assaults against private persons and homes.

Welcome to Obamaland, the land where community organizers, union thugs and mob rule rules!

The Politics of SEIU Personal Attacks Against Business Executives

Crossing The Line

Cops Fail To Respond To SEIU Mob

Wow.... that's sickening, especially the part about the cops not wanting to get involved. That's their damn job. If the "mob" gets out of control, get more cops, shoot all the thugs if you have to.


Jan 30, 2001
Wow.... that's sickening, especially the part about the cops not wanting to get involved. That's their damn job. If the "mob" gets out of control, get more cops, shoot all the thugs if you have to.

Even more sickening is the total lack of coverage regarding this incident. In fact Nina Easton has been slammed for an opinion piece she published regarding it. If this had been 500 Tea Party protesters on the front stoop of Bertha Lewis or Andy Stern's home you can bet their would have been front page coverage.


Jul 18, 2000
No surprise at all.

Republicans are still the best at deception despite the fact they lost control for a while now.

Well you did vote for GWB, twice, and you are an accomplished liar who lost his mind quite some time ago. Soooooooo...for the first time ever in these forums, and likely life in general, you are correct!!!


Oct 10, 1999
Even more sickening is the total lack of coverage regarding this incident. In fact Nina Easton has been slammed for an opinion piece she published regarding it. If this had been 500 Tea Party protesters on the front stoop of Bertha Lewis or Andy Stern's home you can bet their would have been front page coverage.

The conservative persecution complex is really, really trite at this point.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
I happen to live a couple of miles from where this took place. That is just a quiet suburban neighborhood where kids ride their bikes and people live normal and busy lives.

This assault has been a topic of discussion here since it happened and a lot of people are now considering what they will do if the Obama loving mobs come a callin'.

The incident is seen as a real indictment of local law enforcement in a jurisdiction that has a lot of very high profile residents, maybe even more than NW DC, any of whom could be randomly targeted as not meeting the approval of SEIU/ACORN.

Montgomery County in MD and Fairfax County in VA are next to DC, where all kinds of political protesting, violent and not, can be expected. But that shit is not common in the surrounding suburban sprawl and the tony neighborhoods that are the residences of choice for DC's movers and shakers.

People here are mostly Democrats, pay crazy high taxes for what they expect to be top of the line public services, including top of the line law enforcement. They do not expect to be at the mercy of SEIU or ACORN gangs. If the mobs want to target the burbs here, the backlash will be against not only the poster children of the progressives - SEIU and ACORN - but the entire Dem Party in these Dem counties. Guaranteed this is now going to be a factor in local elections.

On a practical note, we have seen the massive arming of America with the coming of Obama. If the mobs want to attack people where they live, they should expect that they will eventually get some martyrs to the cause out of it.

If SEIU comes back into the neighborhoods here I doubt that the Montgomery County police are going to be as lackadaisical as they were this last time. The risk is in how the threatened families and their neighbors, die hard liberals for the most part, will respond to the mob violence.
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No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
hmm thats a stretch to link her to BOA.

and who fucking cares anyway? SIEU shouldnt been on the mans lawn. the police should have been there.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Why didn't she disclose her link to BoA?

What link?

Her husband works for a media consulting outfit that, like all of the companies in that field, services corporate clients.

The company that employs her husband has B of A, one of the largest banking institutions in the world, as one of hundreds of clients.

They also provide communications services to Tyson Foods. You eat chicken? Hey, you better disclose you are a corporate tool!

Soros funded Media Matters is a pure propaganda engine. Glad to see you enjoying their pablum. Too bad it seems to stop you from thinking for yourself.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
The conservative persecution complex is really, really trite at this point.

Ok, but you did nothing to refute the veracity of his comment. I certainly didn't see any coverage of this issue, and I do believe that if it was a bunch of Tea Party supporters pulling something like this it would be reported all over the place. Do you disagree?


Aug 23, 2007
What link?

Her husband works for a media consulting outfit that, like all of the companies in that field, services corporate clients.

The company that employs her husband has B of A, one of the largest banking institutions in the world, as one of hundreds of clients.

They also provide communications services to Tyson Foods. You eat chicken? Hey, you better disclose you are a corporate tool!

Soros funded Media Matters is a pure propaganda engine. Glad to see you enjoying their pablum. Too bad it seems to stop you from thinking for yourself.

Am I misreading this roundable Mediamatters article or is her husband a principle in the company that lobbies for BoA to prevent financial reform or at least does some kind of PR?

Your tactics are kind of clever. You're A) making it sound like he's just an employee of a giant corporation rather than a principle listed 2nd on their website, B) making it sound like BoA is just another client, and C) making it sound like lobbying or PR for BoA is somehow equivalent to having a BoA account.


Oct 10, 1999
Ok, but you did nothing to refute the veracity of his comment. I certainly didn't see any coverage of this issue, and I do believe that if it was a bunch of Tea Party supporters pulling something like this it would be reported all over the place. Do you disagree?

Yes, I disagree and honestly I'm not going to waste time trying to prove what is readily obvious. If I were able to find links, then the persecution complex would just say, "That's not enough!" I can't count the number of times I've seen these types of comments only to find others more willing to waste time than myself to provide countless links.

So, it doesn't matter. The complex will manifest itself regardless of the conditions, because that's what people want to believe. There are perceived inequities in anything that has to do with actions from non-conservative parties.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Am I misreading this roundable Mediamatters article or is her husband a principle in the company that lobbies for BoA to prevent financial reform or at least does some kind of PR?

Your tactics are kind of clever. You're A) making it sound like he's just an employee of a giant corporation rather than a principle listed 2nd on their website, B) making it sound like BoA is just another client, and C) making it sound like lobbying or PR for BoA is somehow equivalent to having a BoA account.

Rational 360 Principal Bios

Let's see how far you can stretch the connections. The FORTUNE columnist (!must be BIG BUSINESS!), and sometime FOX Business News analyst, that lives next to the B of A attorney whose home got mobbed by SEIU/ACORN and frightened a 14 year old into seeking refuge in a closet is married to a corporate/political communications professional who has as clients politicians and corporations (!BIG BUSINESS, AGAIN!)

The concern you have is that she did not mention that her husband is a principal in a media communications company that has among hundred of clients a CEO speakers organization, The Business Round Table, that has as one of their hundreds of members, the chairman of B of A. B of A is not a client at all, but the chairman is a member of a speakers group that the husband does PR for. And therefore, her own messaging on the mob in her neighborhood is skewed to not fairly represent the goodness of the mob actions. Do I have that right?

Her husband is not a lobbyist, he is a media guy, a PR flack that specializes in Republican campaigns, like for Mitt Romney (former Chairman of Bain & Co. - !BIG BUSINESS, OMG!) His partners include guys that worked in the same capacity for Clinton. Hello! Real world! These consultants in media work for whomever pays their bills!

I know this is kind of complicated for you and Media Matters (though they are funded by George Soros, one of the biggest money grubbers of all time that got his money by buying inside information from lefty governments) to understand, but people work for companies. Sometimes, like in law firms and professional services companies where the people are both producers of billable hours and are either founding members or invited partners they are also part owners, also sometimes known as principals. You seem to have a big problem with that, like it makes a difference and requires special disclaimers for their spouses, who do not work at the same firms and actually have their own professional lives.

I get it! You don't have a wife that works! If you did, you would find that what you do for a living has virtually nothing to do with what she does for a living, unless you are both principals at the same firm, of course, and have !BIG BUSINESS! as clients. Or if a mob descends on your neighborhood to terrorize the local kids.

And, for all I know, both the husband and the wife have B of A checking accounts, which automatically would disqualify them, according to your standard, from reacting to the SEIU mob at their doors and the doors of the B of A attorney that lives in their neighborhood.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry about an SEIU mob assaulting your room in your mom's basement. I am sure you have nothing to do with !BIG BUSINESS! other than eating their tasty chicken.
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Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
So conflicts of interests don't exist, PJABBER?

Oh, they do! As when politicians blur the lines between the interests of their constituents and their own.

But, not in this case. As I tried to point out by dissecting the tenuous connections that Media Matters, itself a poster child for in your pocket politics, tried to make.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2007

Interest you don't see the SEIU do this in states that have strong gun rights laws.


Nov 19, 2009
Great summary but you forgot the part about the Montgomery County police declining to get involved for fear of "inciting the mob". Wonder if they would have had similar fears if it were Tea Party protesters on Ike Leggett's lawn?

Edit: Sorry missed your 3rd link.

This is why they seek to disarm the public because a LOT of people in this country would ask them to leave, call the police, and failing to get a response from either, SHOOT them.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
No surprise at all.

Republicans are still the best at deception despite the fact they lost control for a while now.

Easton is no Republican, she's a leftie (though not a loon.) Her current husband is a moderate Republican, but she appears on Fox representing the left side of the aisle. (She has also appeared on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS - she's no right winger.)

Media Matters on the other hand is a liberal group poorly masquerading as a non-partisan group to promote Democrats in general and progressives in particular. If you're looking for deception, take a good look at Media Matters. From the wiki: Media Matters for America describes itself as "a web-based, not-for-profit, progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." This is purely a progressive propaganda house, NOT a media watchdog.

Shows the difference between Maryland and Tennessee though. If an unruly mob forced its way into a private Tennessee home with only a teen-aged male, we'd be discussing the penetrating power of double ought buck and whether or not the survivors should be prosecuted.
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