Have a Droid X, Should i jump to an IPhone?


Golden Member
Dec 31, 2010
Love my X but have a certain attraction to the I Phone.. Always have. Would it be worth a switch?


Oct 18, 1999
IMO going from the dx to the iPhone is a step back. The dx does more, has a bigger screen and better camera. My two cents.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Once Android and more importantly WP7 have the same amount of apps, I'm gone from iPhone. The hardware is inferior in my mind, and iTunes licks dick. But dammit, those apps are something else!


Jan 6, 2002
LOL did somebody really just say the DX has a better camera? really? The D/D2/DX have absolutely horrible cameras.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2005
Need more information. Are you just bored? Do you have an itunes collection and/or other piles of Apple products? How many paid apps do you have on your DX? You would need to buy more apps again on the iphone. On top of all that, it's the IP4...if you were going to switch, I would tell you the same thing I would say if you were considering going to a standard high end Android phone on VZW right now: wait and get something that's an improvement! Dual-core for sure, 4G maybe (example I wouldn't mind the Bionic but I guarantee I would mind the increased plan cost for a 4G phone).

FWIW, I am sticking with my original Droid for quite awhile. Definitely want something better, but ability to tinker with will be key, as well a noticeable step up in performance. Heck for that matter, the next phone may be a W7 phone for my wife.

Or put money aside now and get the XOOOOOOM when it comes out (ffs, must have been the same ass-hat advertising person who told Comcast XFINITY was a cool name).


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
IMO going from the dx to the iPhone is a step back. The dx does more, has a bigger screen and better camera. My two cents.

I'll bite. What more does the Droid X do that the iPhone doesn't? Aside from having a larger screen that is. Because most Android smartphones and iPhones basically have the same functionality. And camera wise the iPhone 4 is the equal of the Droid X if not better.

PC World Camera Test

BGR camera test

Camera Pad camera test

The above camera comparisons were taken with a random Google search.

To the OP there's really no reason to go from a Droid X to an iPhone 4 at this time. If you're thinking of upgrading or changing phones I'd wait another few months when the iPhone 5 gets unveiled and also see what new Android phones are around.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
I'll bite. What more does the Droid X do that the iPhone doesn't? Aside from having a larger screen that is. Because most Android smartphones and iPhones basically have the same functionality. And camera wise the iPhone 4 is the equal of the Droid X if not better.

PC World Camera Test

BGR camera test

Camera Pad camera test

The above camera comparisons were taken with a random Google search.

To the OP there's really no reason to go from a Droid X to an iPhone 4 at this time. If you're thinking of upgrading or changing phones I'd wait another few months when the iPhone 5 gets unveiled and also see what new Android phones are around.

droid has adobe flash. there.
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Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
droid has adobe flash. there.

It's technically possible to install Flash on an iPhone. But that aside there is very little Flash content that is sized for mobile devices. Personal opinion but I consider Flash very low on the list of desirable options. Heck, most sites that use Flash are crap. There are very little sites that I consider make good use of Flash.

So is that it?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
It's technically possible to install Flash on an iPhone. But that aside there is very little Flash content that is sized for mobile devices. Personal opinion but I consider Flash very low on the list of desirable options. Heck, most sites that use Flash are crap. There are very little sites that I consider make good use of Flash.

So is that it?

nope, just wanted to see your excuse. since you can't understand (or admit) that you can't have flash on iphone, you won't be able to understand any other argument. g'bye.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
why don't you get what you want to get OP, not what fanboys on the AT forums want?


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
nope, just wanted to see your excuse. since you can't understand (or admit) that you can't have flash on iphone, you won't be able to understand any other argument. g'bye.

Before you go spouting of like a douchebag maybe do some research. It's entirely possible to get flash running on an iPhone. It's an unofficial mod, but it still exists. Since you can't understand (or admit) that the iPhone is a very capable device, you won't be able to understand the simple English in this post.

People like you give Android fans a bad name. You should be ashamed of yourself. We can try to get people on board with Android by making a good argument, but you insist on turning them away by acting like a bigger asshole than the Apple fanboys. It also shows that you'll claim things that just aren't true and won't admit when you're wrong. Flash is working on iPhone... Deal with it.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
nope, just wanted to see your excuse. since you can't understand (or admit) that you can't have flash on iphone, you won't be able to understand any other argument. g'bye.

Excuse? So my opinions that Flash sucks is an excuse? I don't want Flash on my iPhone. It's not installed and I see no reason to. I really am not that enamored with Flash. I even stated that it's a personal opinion. I don't play Flash web games. Most of the Flash used in web sites could have been done with less resource intensive technologies like Javascript. There are genuinely few web sites that make good and creative use of Flash. Again, all personal opinion but I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that there's no compelling reason for me to want Flash on my phone sized device.

Oh, and if you think I'm against Flash, think again. Too lazy to dig for my past posts but I've made this post more than once that I think Flash belongs on tablet devices like the iPad. Whereas I could not care less whether it ever comes to a phone sized device.

And if you think Flash isn't available for the iPhone 4, look at this link with instructions. It's a little buggy, but what version of Flash isn't buggy and a resource hog? This has been around for a few months now.

So aside from the supposed lack of Flash. What does the Droid X do that the iPhone 4 can't? I've proven the Droid X having a better camera wrong. I've proven your comment that the iPhone 4 has no Flash wrong.

Also, in case you missed it, my suggestion to the OP was to keep his Droid X. There is no compelling reason (except more available software) to move to the iPhone 4 when you're on a Droid X. If I was completely biased I'd be telling everyone how awesome the iPhone 4 is and that nothing else compares. Much like how certain posters have nothing but bad things to say about the iPhone and Apple.
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Feb 19, 2001
nope, just wanted to see your excuse. since you can't understand (or admit) that you can't have flash on iphone, you won't be able to understand any other argument. g'bye.

Good god Fanboy. I have Flash on my Droid overclocked to 1.1ghz. It's honestly not worth it IMO.

I have an iPod Touch. When I have Wifi it's CLEAR which device I use to browse the web, and it's my iPod Touch.

What happened to the many users who used to run around shouting that Firefox was supreme due to Noscript and that was their favorite addon. Not only did that kill flash stuff, it killed half the functionality in most sites. Of course, when it comes to Apple not having flash, then you'll all scream out loud.

Stop making Flash sound like a killer feature. It's not even that big of a deal. Having basic out of the box functionality and a smooth UI is far more important and while every OS shoots for that, Android still cannot achieve that. I don't care WHAT excuse you throw out, but Android is just the most unpolished OS out there right now. Symbian included. You could say Android is as incomplete as Symbian S60v5 was when trying to make a touch OS (but at least S^3 is somewhat half decent and that OS has been making strides...). We're still at a choppy incomplete OS from 3 years ago for Android.

Regarding the camera, the iPhone 4 will win hands down. In fact many people picked the iP4 over the Nokia N8. Part of me says the sharpness is pretty close, but the iP4's camera wins due to saturation. It's really oversaturated and we all know that people love saturation. Hence AMOLED screens despite the exaggeration of the normal gamut by 40%.

I honestly don't blame the OP for wanting to switch. In a sense I'm almost in the same boat with a worse phone. The Dx's 4.3" screen is nice, but everything else is... well almost the same as what I'm running now. Sure it's got a faster GPU, but what game do I even want on my Android phone that's worth taking up my GPU? Nothing. The locked bootloader of the Dx is also very... meh. Same situation here on my Milestone. So while I'll stick to my Android phone, I don't blame anyone for wanting to switch.

My advice would be to wait for the iP5. Decide between that and the Bionic or Atrix or next gen HTC/Samsung phone.

Once Android and more importantly WP7 have the same amount of apps, I'm gone from iPhone. The hardware is inferior in my mind, and iTunes licks dick. But dammit, those apps are something else!

The # of apps keeps growing. Rewind to 2008. The apps on the iPhone were already amazing. By 2009 I was using a lot of amazing stuff like Convertbot and stuff. The games then? Still blow what Android has out of the water. Months ago, we heard 30,000. The numbers can keep increasing, but the quality is still meh. It's probably something to do with the Android SDK, but when the developers are slowly moving back from the iPhone side, you need to realize that most of the top developers ran to iPhone first, with the leftovers on the Android side. Sure things will rebalance, but the number of apps won't make Android better. We need quality improvement. Just like how long did it take for the damn Facebook app to at least become DECENT on Android? It's still steps behind because I use it on both platforms.
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Golden Member
Oct 20, 2000
Gadgets is another thing that the Android excels at.
From what I understand, if the iPhone comes with a certain app (I.e. SMS app), you can't download another app with the same functionality to replace it.

As far as flash, I use Dolphin browser and have the option to enable each flash object on its own (I.e. it doesn't load automatically)

That being said, I'm not an Android fanboy but disagree with some of Apple's business philosophies, so I don't buy any of their products (or Sony products either, because they behave similarly)


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
Gadgets is another thing that the Android excels at.
From what I understand, if the iPhone comes with a certain app (I.e. SMS app), you can't download another app with the same functionality to replace it.

As far as flash, I use Dolphin browser and have the option to enable each flash object on its own (I.e. it doesn't load automatically)

That being said, I'm not an Android fanboy but disagree with some of Apple's business philosophies, so I don't buy any of their products (or Sony products either, because they behave similarly)

Apple does not allow apps that affects the core functions of iOS. This has been known since day one, however there are apps that allow you to use other browsers besides Safari.

For as much as people complain/bitch about Apple's app policy, I find it odd that the Apple App store has the highest app count AND the greatest app quality.


Jun 23, 2001
Bottom line, OP. You have a Dx, which implies that you're under contract for a good while yet. If you purchase a Verizon iPhone, you're going to be buying a year old phone at full retail price and riding it through at least 15-18 months of your remaining contract. Do you want to do that? Pay 750 dollars for a phone, which is already guaranteed to be eclipsed by the upcoming Tegra 2 products in a few short months?

For as much as people complain/bitch about Apple's app policy, I find it odd that the Apple App store has the highest app count AND the greatest app quality.

Android's Market count has been growing faster than Apples. The only thing that will slow it down is every tablet and handset maker thinking they need to fund their own app store. Your second statement is purely opinion, both Android and iOS have their share of quality and junk.


Oct 11, 1999
I'd wait a bit, no one knows if the iPhone 5 will come to Verizon this year, I'd be pissed if I bought a vPhone now and it was outdated in 3 months by a new model.

The Droid X is a great phone, keep it for a while and let the whole Apple/Verizon thing shake out a bit... At least till you see if there's an iPhone 5 released this summer.


May 18, 2001
Apple does not allow apps that affects the core functions of iOS. This has been known since day one, however there are apps that allow you to use other browsers besides Safari.

For as much as people complain/bitch about Apple's app policy, I find it odd that the Apple App store has the highest app count AND the greatest app quality.

App count is pointless and app quality is a moot point, as all mobile platforms have quality apps.

As an example, take a look at the detail recently released by Apple regarding their top apps:

Out of the top 10 paid iPhone apps of all time, 9 are games.

On the free side of iPhone apps, Facebook reigns supreme, inching out Pandora and Google's mobile app. Song-discovery app Shazam captured the fourth spot in Apple's list, followed by Movies by Flixster. Paper Toss was the only game to make it into the top 10 free apps.

Nothing there that screams 'quality' IMHO, and after discounting games the most downloaded apps are exactly the same as any other platform. Numbers for the Android Market and App World will likely bring up the same applications in their top tens. Essentially, people do the same things with their smartphone regardless of the platform. To think that having any one of the leading platforms somehow means your life is richer and fuller than your fellow man is pure phallacy.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
Android's Market count has been growing faster than Apples. The only thing that will slow it down is every tablet and handset maker thinking they need to fund their own app store. Your second statement is purely opinion, both Android and iOS have their share of quality and junk.

Like I said, Apple has everyone beat at BOTH quality and quantity. I'm just tired of people making up utter BS about the App store when clearly its the best. Android has its widgets, Apple has its app store. Period.

App count is pointless and app quality is a moot point, as all mobile platforms have quality apps.

I see, so both criteria is pointless, just as long its convenient for your argument.

Nothing there that screams 'quality' IMHO, and after discounting games the most downloaded apps are exactly the same as any other platform. Numbers for the Android Market and App World will likely bring up the same applications in their top tens. Essentially, people do the same things with their smartphone regardless of the platform.

You clearly have no idea. I've throughly traversed Android's market and from what I see, I'm not convinced by your claims. If Android was anywhere close to Apple in app quality, I would own an Android device.

To think that having any one of the leading platforms somehow means your life is richer and fuller than your fellow man is pure phallacy.

And I don't and have never claimed that. Trying to convince yourself and everyone else that there's very little difference in app quality is fanboyism at its finest.
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