Have you ever actually *witnessed* an act of road rage?


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Just saw a car insurance commercial that made me think of this. I can think of 2 off the top of my head:

The first, I don't remember exactly what happened leading up to it, but the end result was a car and a small pickup on the side of the road. Neither looked damaged, but the guy in the truck got out, and pulled out a Louisville Slugger from behind his seat. He started walking toward the other car, and by that point, the car I was in had moved past. Not sure what happened after that.

The other one, now that I thik about it, I only saw the end result of. The rest of the story came from the guy it actually happened to. Apparently this guy had made a turn onto the road that runs next to the river near here, and cut off another guy in a truck. The truck forced him to the side of the road, the driver yelled at the guy to get out of his car (which he was dumb enough to do), and the truck driver proceeded to beat the snot out of him, then leave. The guy left his car on the road, and came up to the ballpark where I and my family were to use the phone to call the police.

some people



Senior member
Jul 11, 2003
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
I had a guy following me to closely and driving agressively. I tapped the brakes and flipped him off. At the next light he got out of his car and started walking up to mine yelling and waving his arms. I got out and when he saw me walking towards him he started running away. I took the keys out of his car and threw them into the woods.
Drove off with a big smile on my face.


Jun 19, 2003
My cousin got cut off by this guy and he somehow decided that the smart thing to do was to follow the guy home while making threatening gestures. The guy drove home, somewhat stupidly, and then called the cops on his cell phone. My cousin was promptly arrested.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: luckysnafu
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.

That reminds me...

I was driving home one day, after having a particularly *bad* day, and almost went nose-to-nose with this guy in a little old Dakota who pulled away from the curb without looking. Being in such a wonderful mood, I called the guy an asshole, but the windows were rolled up and the car was running and moving, so I didn't think anything about it. Certainly didn't think he heard me. Anyway, I proceeded down the street and pulled into my driveway about a block away. A minute or two later, he pulls up behind me, rolls his window down, and asked me if I just called him an asshole. I looked him in the eye, and said "no sir, I did not", and we proceeded to argue for a few minutes before he finally got fed up and drove off



Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2002
I was leaving work.. waiting in line to make a right turn into an extremely busy intersection and the car behind didnt think that i was going fast enough so when we finally got the green light and turned he sped up and got in front of me. This was a 3 lane(6 total) divided road. I just ignored the guy and tried to get into the right most lane and he did the same thing and slowed to a crawl.. I then moved back to the center lane and again he followed.. there were about 4 lane changes total where he wouldnt let me pass. Finally we were pulling up to another light and when he had stopped behind the traffic i decided to seize the opportunity to pass him.. WRONG.. as soon as he saw me coming up beside him he jacked his car to the left and pretty much t-boned me... though he didnt hit me.. he just blocked the path... this guy was a major nut bar.. so then he gets in front of me again and starts making gun gestures in his rearview mirror basically pointing his finger to his head and pulling the trigger.. SCARED THE $%#%# out of me. I finally just pulled off the road to let the asshat get way in front of me.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 1999
My brother cursed out a guy driving a truck or something while riding his bike in Brooklyn (lives there). The dude stopped, jumped out and ripped him off the bike from behind, beginning a beatdown. Yeah, chareges were pressed.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: NTB
Originally posted by: luckysnafu
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.

That reminds me...

I was driving home one day, after having a particularly *bad* day, and almost went nose-to-nose with this guy in a little old Dakota who pulled away from the curb without looking. Being in such a wonderful mood, I called the guy an asshole, but the windows were rolled up and the car was running and moving, so I didn't think anything about it. Certainly didn't think he heard me. Anyway, I proceeded down the street and pulled into my driveway about a block away. A minute or two later, he pulls up behind me, rolls his window down, and asked me if I just called him an asshole. I looked him in the eye, and said "no sir, I did not", and we proceeded to argue for a few minutes before he finally got fed up and drove off


I've always thought that if you're man enough to spout off at the mouth, you ought to be man enough to back up your words. To do any less is pussified.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: NTB
Originally posted by: luckysnafu
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.

That reminds me...

I was driving home one day, after having a particularly *bad* day, and almost went nose-to-nose with this guy in a little old Dakota who pulled away from the curb without looking. Being in such a wonderful mood, I called the guy an asshole, but the windows were rolled up and the car was running and moving, so I didn't think anything about it. Certainly didn't think he heard me. Anyway, I proceeded down the street and pulled into my driveway about a block away. A minute or two later, he pulls up behind me, rolls his window down, and asked me if I just called him an asshole. I looked him in the eye, and said "no sir, I did not", and we proceeded to argue for a few minutes before he finally got fed up and drove off


I've always thought that if you're man enough to spout off at the mouth, you ought to be man enough to back up your words. To do any less is pussified.

like I said, I'd already had a bad day; I really didn't feel like fighting at the moment. Besides, what are you calling me a pussy for? I was just standing there in my front yard, perfectly *ready* to fight if he wanted to, but he never even opened his door to get out of the truck



Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2000
A friend of mine has some pretty bad road rage, which I must say is quite contagious. So he was driving in his RX300, me in the passenger seat, a black SUV was tailgating him for about a mile and he didn't brake test him. However, he went into the left turn lane towards where we were going, but he decided to turn back into the lane and cut the guy off. The other driver proceeded to do the same, my friend then cut him off again into that same turn lane. My friend got out of the car and punched his SUV as he sped off, we followed him for about a mile till he sped away. I must say I've never laughed that hard in my life.

EDIT: Same friend likes to drink those StarBucks cappucinos that you get in glass bottles at the grocery store. The stories hes told me about breaking them over some peoples windshields are quite hilarious. Of course they all did something extreme to deserve it.


Senior member
May 7, 2005
A while back I was driving down a fairly congested 2-lane road and stopped at a light (yellow, turned red before I even got to the light) The guy behind me wasn't paying attention and did a panic stop ending up about a foot off my rear bumper. He was obviously pissed and blasted his horn while screaming all manners of things. I started laughing (it actually was kind of comical) and that apparently made him even more angry, he then slowly made the finger out/thumb up gun sign and got something out of his glove compartment. I called the cops and told them what was happening and they had a cruiser a block away. As the light changed and I pulled away the cop was right there and pulled him over, another showed up right at that moment, I pulled off just ahead of it in a gas station. Fortunately the guy behind gun-boy pulled off as well and we both watched as the Police did a full gun out felony stop. The guy the whole time was yelling he didn't do anything. I kind of felt sorry for him, he was obviously fairly well off and driving a nice car (new Volvo wagon.) We both gave our statements and the guy pled out with some kind of anger management. The prosecutor's office called me afterwards and told me if I see him in any other than incidental contact I should immediately call the cops.


Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: NTB
Originally posted by: luckysnafu
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.

That reminds me...

I was driving home one day, after having a particularly *bad* day, and almost went nose-to-nose with this guy in a little old Dakota who pulled away from the curb without looking. Being in such a wonderful mood, I called the guy an asshole, but the windows were rolled up and the car was running and moving, so I didn't think anything about it. Certainly didn't think he heard me. Anyway, I proceeded down the street and pulled into my driveway about a block away. A minute or two later, he pulls up behind me, rolls his window down, and asked me if I just called him an asshole. I looked him in the eye, and said "no sir, I did not", and we proceeded to argue for a few minutes before he finally got fed up and drove off


I've always thought that if you're man enough to spout off at the mouth, you ought to be man enough to back up your words. To do any less is pussified.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold agree with you


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2001
I once got behind some old beater truck going 20 under the speed limit. I was behind him for a 1/4 mile when we got to a stop sign, he gets out of his truck walks back to me and starts going off on me and saying im tailgating him and ****** (which i wasnt for once). And im like well your driving 20 under the speed limit wtf is the problem. Then hes like why dont u pass me in the intersection. After that stop sign there was a passing zone anyhow so i got around him but i was scared cause u never know if someone is gonna pull a gun on u or what.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: teddyv
A while back I was driving down a fairly congested 2-lane road and stopped at a light (yellow, turned red before I even got to the light) The guy behind me wasn't paying attention and did a panic stop ending up about a foot off my rear bumper. He was obviously pissed and blasted his horn while screaming all manners of things. I started laughing (it actually was kind of comical) and that apparently made him even more angry, he then slowly made the finger out/thumb up gun sign and got something out of his glove compartment. I called the cops and told them what was happening and they had a cruiser a block away. As the light changed and I pulled away the cop was right there and pulled him over, another showed up right at that moment, I pulled off just ahead of it in a gas station. Fortunately the guy behind gun-boy pulled off as well and we both watched as the Police did a full gun out felony stop. The guy the whole time was yelling he didn't do anything. I kind of felt sorry for him, he was obviously fairly well off and driving a nice car (new Volvo wagon.) We both gave our statements and the guy pled out with some kind of anger management. The prosecutor's office called me afterwards and told me if I see him in any other than incidental contact I should immediately call the cops.

holy crap :Q



Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: NTB
Originally posted by: luckysnafu
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.

That reminds me...

I was driving home one day, after having a particularly *bad* day, and almost went nose-to-nose with this guy in a little old Dakota who pulled away from the curb without looking. Being in such a wonderful mood, I called the guy an asshole, but the windows were rolled up and the car was running and moving, so I didn't think anything about it. Certainly didn't think he heard me. Anyway, I proceeded down the street and pulled into my driveway about a block away. A minute or two later, he pulls up behind me, rolls his window down, and asked me if I just called him an asshole. I looked him in the eye, and said "no sir, I did not", and we proceeded to argue for a few minutes before he finally got fed up and drove off


I've always thought that if you're man enough to spout off at the mouth, you ought to be man enough to back up your words. To do any less is pussified.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold agree with you

Definite pussified Americans. They took the easy way out.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
Originally posted by: NTB
Originally posted by: teddyv
A while back I was driving down a fairly congested 2-lane road and stopped at a light (yellow, turned red before I even got to the light) The guy behind me wasn't paying attention and did a panic stop ending up about a foot off my rear bumper. He was obviously pissed and blasted his horn while screaming all manners of things. I started laughing (it actually was kind of comical) and that apparently made him even more angry, he then slowly made the finger out/thumb up gun sign and got something out of his glove compartment. I called the cops and told them what was happening and they had a cruiser a block away. As the light changed and I pulled away the cop was right there and pulled him over, another showed up right at that moment, I pulled off just ahead of it in a gas station. Fortunately the guy behind gun-boy pulled off as well and we both watched as the Police did a full gun out felony stop. The guy the whole time was yelling he didn't do anything. I kind of felt sorry for him, he was obviously fairly well off and driving a nice car (new Volvo wagon.) We both gave our statements and the guy pled out with some kind of anger management. The prosecutor's office called me afterwards and told me if I see him in any other than incidental contact I should immediately call the cops.

holy crap :Q


I remember watching a full gun out police stop a few weeks back....i was caught in construction traffic and the state police had pulled this joker in a ricer over. This young guy's ricer had those frosted/glazed over windows all over, basically it looked like mirrors instead of windows. I couldnt hear the words but I saw that state trooper pull out his gun and probably told the guy to get out of his car which the guy did, then the guy opened all his doors on his car...THEN the officer approached his car.....i was thinking to myself that guy is so PWNED!

My road rage was yesterday having some idiot tailgating me, i did the classic brief slam of brakes to make my car buck like i was stopping hard, the guy freaked out so much he swerved onto the shoulder :laugh:


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
A couple times.

Once I pulled out of a side street in the Maxima into the right lane of a two lane road (two lanes each direction with a divider in the middle). I punched it and really sped up quickly, well, some idiot redneck in a white chevy truck was coming up in the left lane and apparently he didn't think much of my manuever so he speeds up and passes me only to cut in front of me and start brake checking me. I move to the left to go around him and he blocks me again, really pumping the brakes this time. I flipped him off and now he's really steamed up. At the next light he starts acting all tough like he's going to get out of his big manly truck and beat me up. Fvcking douchebag. He kept up his impression of a knuckle dragging neandethal for the next couple lights until I turned off.



Jan 5, 2003
I was pulling out of a parking space once and I couldnt see because parked next to me were two huge SUVS.. so I start pulling out slowly and some asshole honks his horn but I am already like out of the parking space. I apologized (put my hand up and looked at him and said sorry) because I didnt even see him there but he didnt like my apology and flicked me off and started cursing me out. I put my car in park and refused to move. He got out of his car and started to threaten me asking me to get out of my car. I just sat there for 10 minutes while he was outside my car yelling and then finally drove off.


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2004
Saw one car chasing after another. The passenger in the car doing the chasing had his whole top half out the window SHOOTING at the other car. Now that's road rage!


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2001
When I was 16 I was the passenger in my friend?s car (also 16). He turned right into a neighborhood off of a main road; there is a gas station right on the corner. Some guy was leaving the gas station, and pulled out of the station without stopping, wanting to turn left. Had my friend not seen him, he would have nailed the car in the passenger door. As it was, he swerved hard to the left and yelled "what the hell are you doing?"(note, it was summer, windows down). The guy who had stopped, 3/4 in the street, said "what do you want!?" and started to chase us. He tried to get in front of us, but when he gained some ground, there would be a parked car and he had to back off. We got to an intersection where you had to turn. My friend turned left, and the guy chasing us slid to a stop, almost hitting the driver door. One more left turn, and this guy chased us up a parallel street to the first one. We came to a stop at a stop sign, and the guy flew by us on the left, and slid to a stop halfway into the intersection. He gets out and says "what the f*($ do you want!?" He walked up to the car and punched the driver window, nothing happened. He then punched the sun roof, which shattered. My friend took off; I looked over my shoulder and saw his plate. It was a custom plate, easy to remember.

My friend?s dad called the cops; turns out they were familiar with this guy. We all had to go to court, where the judge told the guy he was lucky it was two 16 yr. old kids, next time it might be a guy with a gun. Anyway, he had to pay for the sunroof, and pay for and attend two different anger management classes.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: NTB
Originally posted by: luckysnafu
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.

That reminds me...

I was driving home one day, after having a particularly *bad* day, and almost went nose-to-nose with this guy in a little old Dakota who pulled away from the curb without looking. Being in such a wonderful mood, I called the guy an asshole, but the windows were rolled up and the car was running and moving, so I didn't think anything about it. Certainly didn't think he heard me. Anyway, I proceeded down the street and pulled into my driveway about a block away. A minute or two later, he pulls up behind me, rolls his window down, and asked me if I just called him an asshole. I looked him in the eye, and said "no sir, I did not", and we proceeded to argue for a few minutes before he finally got fed up and drove off


I've always thought that if you're man enough to spout off at the mouth, you ought to be man enough to back up your words. To do any less is pussified.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold agree with you

Definite pussified Americans. They took the easy way out.

And took what...a dozen or more innocent people with them? :|



Mar 30, 2001
Had a couple of them, some redneck ***** in a jacked up Ford F350 thought it was his duty to cut me off just before an intersection. I honked and gave him the finger, he promply pulled off to the side jumped down out of his truck and started jumping up and down on the side of the road wanting me to come fight him. I just stuck my hand up through the sunroof, waved, flicked him off again and drove off.

Another time some arse in a older Bimmer was tailgaiting me, while on his cellphone, while I was already doing 10 over the speed limit in the righthand lane. Then he thought it would be a bright idea to flash his lights at me to get me to go faster. Gave him a nice brake check and then floored it. I hope the bastard dropped his cellphone.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: CrackRabbit
Had a couple of them, some redneck ***** in a jacked up Ford F350 thought it was his duty to cut me off just before an intersection. I honked and gave him the finger, he promply pulled off to the side jumped down out of his truck and started jumping up and down on the side of the road wanting me to come fight him. I just stuck my hand up through the sunroof, waved, flicked him off again and drove off.

You're lucky he didn't decide to just put his truck in reverse and go BigFoot on you



Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
one time a few years back I was cruisin on west bound I80 over by Madison Ave (Those familiar with Sacramento) and these two cars get on the freeway going a bazillion miles an hour. They are literally playing bumper cars with their beat up hoopties, sparks were flying and parts of the cars were flying all over the freeway.

It was late at night so there wasnt too much traffic, it was just unbelievable, like straight out of a movie! I remember one guy in one of the vehicles had this huge handelbar mustache and mullet.
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