Have you ever actually *witnessed* an act of road rage?

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Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2004
Lol, this one actually happened really recently- during that big NE rain-week that finally ended yesterday.

Driving on 495, visibility is sh!t, I'm hydroplaning hard in the right lane so I pull into the next lane over. Apparently the woman in the CRV from a ways back had been gunning her engine hard to try and block my lane change, so when she misses it she's pretty ticked off. First chance she gets, she shifts into the right lane and pulls up next to me, so we're eye to eye. She flips me the bird, and gives me the grand old evil eye. Now, in typical fashion for myself, I look her right back, and i do the whole exaggerated spaz routine, eyes opened wide, shaking fists in the air, yelling "GWARARARARAR". Generally it either weirds people out enough to be like "okay fvck it not worth it", or they get ticked off more- but really, how do you respond to something like that?

Not this woman. She becomes ENTRANCED, and stops looking at the road. I think "holy sh!t", she's gonna get us both killed, so i stop provoking her, and focus on the road. Next thing I know, she hydroplanes hard, and slides into the breakdown lane sideways, and all the way into the mud. I'm think "oh my god" and i pull into the bd lane myself, and stop in front of her. Her car is stuck now, so I get out and after the initial awkwardness, I try to help her get the car out. Doesn't happen, so I call AAA with my card, and they come after 45 minutes, during which time I'm still trying to help her, in the pouring rain, to get unstuck. She doesn't pay a dime, I tip the tow truck driver that finally pulls her out 5 bucks, and I'm on my way. At the end of it, she gives me her number.

Call shens if you like, but if any of you were on 495 on Tuesday afternoon at like 1, between 38 and 39 (lowell/andover), you'd know what I'm talking about. They put up flares for us, lol.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
There's an on-ramp to Northbound I-95 at Yamato Rd in Boca Raton (if anyone cares).

If you see the onramp merges for drivers headed west on Yamato and those turning in from the East side. The drives coming from the west have a 'merge' sign. One day I was turning left from the Eastbound side and a guy in a truck barreled through the merge lane almost driving me off the road, which I was honking at him as it happend. Apparently he didn't like it and got angry. We both merged onto the highway further up and he drove up next time me flailing his arms and motioning for me to pull over. I gave him the finger and waved him off.

Clearly he thought I was in the wrong, and while I was pissed and knew I was right, I had no reason to risk my life over it (any further). He sped off and I was angry the rest of the ride home.


The other time I was about 11 (20+yrs ago), in a station wagon with my parents (think Griswold's). We were going back to the hotel after a long day at disney world (I told you to think Griswold's). Similar situation to above with a mergelane and them not merging properly (sadly, no christy brinkley and a ferrari to cause distractions). This time it was a couple of rednecks in the truck and they were determined to terrorize us after they got honked at, swerving in front and slamming on the brakes, slowing down to get beside us and yell, etc, trying to get my dad to stop with my mom and 3 kids in the car. My dad tried to get away in the 'ol Pontiac Safari Wagon but it just didn't have the getup and go. He ended up pulling a quick U turn after they had cut in front of us another time and passed the spot where they could do the same...

Holiday Roooooo-oooo-ooooo-oad...



Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Had someone blow by me on the highway, and get into my lane(left, the fast lane) and slow down to 55MPH.

This caused me to ride up on his ass, which he didn't like.. so he brake checked me.

I backed off, downshifted, and blew by him.. this happened a few more times before we parted ways.

I suppose it was more playful than roadrage, but yeah.

The Pentium Guy

Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2005
HUGE Wrangler hit the side of this Prius. Prius obviously got owned.

Prius pulls over to the side to discuss with Wrangler. Wrangler reverses, runs away. Prius follows, can't catch up (it's a damn prius).

Cops come, own them both.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: pclstyle
Lol, this one actually happened really recently- during that big NE rain-week that finally ended yesterday.

Driving on 495, visibility is sh!t, I'm hydroplaning hard in the right lane so I pull into the next lane over. Apparently the woman in the CRV from a ways back had been gunning her engine hard to try and block my lane change, so when she misses it she's pretty ticked off. First chance she gets, she shifts into the right lane and pulls up next to me, so we're eye to eye. She flips me the bird, and gives me the grand old evil eye. Now, in typical fashion for myself, I look her right back, and i do the whole exaggerated spaz routine, eyes opened wide, shaking fists in the air, yelling "GWARARARARAR". Generally it either weirds people out enough to be like "okay fvck it not worth it", or they get ticked off more- but really, how do you respond to something like that?

Not this woman. She becomes ENTRANCED, and stops looking at the road. I think "holy sh!t", she's gonna get us both killed, so i stop provoking her, and focus on the road. Next thing I know, she hydroplanes hard, and slides into the breakdown lane sideways, and all the way into the mud. I'm think "oh my god" and i pull into the bd lane myself, and stop in front of her. Her car is stuck now, so I get out and after the initial awkwardness, I try to help her get the car out. Doesn't happen, so I call AAA with my card, and they come after 45 minutes, during which time I'm still trying to help her, in the pouring rain, to get unstuck. She doesn't pay a dime, I tip the tow truck driver that finally pulls her out 5 bucks, and I'm on my way. At the end of it, she gives me her number.

Call shens if you like, but if any of you were on 495 on Tuesday afternoon at like 1, between 38 and 39 (lowell/andover), you'd know what I'm talking about. They put up flares for us, lol.

You should really get into a relationship with her. Imagine at parties when everybody starts telling the story about how they met... you guys would win every time.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
A few months ago.

I was going about 70 on Southern State Parkway in the left lane (flow of traffic), with traffic in front of me and slower traffic to my right. Some sh!thead in a Murano was about 2 feet off my bumper the whole time. I get past the truck in the middle lane, put on my blinker to move over, and start to change lanes when this ass behind me cuts right IMMEDIATELY after he passes the truck. I swear he almost clipped it. So, I had to dodge back into the left lane so he wouldn't hit me...as he passed me, I flipped him off.

Well, he didn't like that. He swerves right in front of me, and slams on the brakes. Hard. I dodged around him and got in front of him, but he came flying up behind me...keep in mind, we're now at about 75 mph and he couldn't have been more than 2 feet away from me. I look back at him in my mirror, and he's drawing his finger across his throat, classic "I'm gonna kill you" gesture.

Then, he gets on my left, and tries to run me off the road. He matches my speed and starts moving into my lane! There was no traffic behind me, so I hit the brakes as hard as I could and dodged to the left. I finally thought I got away from him, but he takes my exit and ends up beside me in traffic stopped at a light. He starts swearing at me and spits on my car. At this point, I just want to get away from him, since he's obviously a psycho.

He then took off and got into a left turn lane with his blinker on going into a business that's a couple buildings down from my work. As I start to drive past him, he floors it and puts his car RIGHT in front of mine in my driving lane. I had to dodge right to avoid plowing into him.

Good thing I was driving a rented car this whole time...


Nov 9, 2004
I 'm about to get in my car to go to lunch. You biatches better stay out of my way, I'll show you some road rage


Apr 17, 2004
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
I've always thought that if you're man enough to spout off at the mouth, you ought to be man enough to back up your words. To do any less is pussified.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold agree with you
STFU :roll:


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: GuitarDaddy
I 'm about to get in my car to go to lunch. You biatches better stay out of my way, I'll show you some road rage

never get between a man and his food?



Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: luckysnafu
I was leaving a mall one day and some jerk in a truck decided he didn't want to wait in the left turn lane like he should have and went around everybody on the right. He turned while I was turning so I beeped at him. He game me the finger so I laid on the horn and gave him the finger back. I followed him to a red light and after we stopped he got out of his truck and came back to my car freakin pissed off. I had my windows down since it was my old car with no ac. He came up to my window and threatened to kill me. Said he would kill me if I did anything. I just sat there and let him vent. He got in his truck and took off. I was so freaked out I didn't even get his plate. I wish I would have since I could have called the cops on him. That's the best I have.

This is why I keep a pen in the driver's side door. Come up to my window talking like that, and I'll stab you in the fscking neck.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
Last week I saw one.

I saw this guy in a pickup cut off a guy in a minivan in front of me. Yeah, it was a jerk move. The guy in the minivan couldn't let it go. He kept trying to drive the other guy off the road for the next 3 miles or so. Then when the pickup got behind him (in my lane), he slows down to about 10 mph. I had had enough at this point, especially now that it was directly affecting me. I decided to pass him on the right (it was a highway so no problem there). The guy in the pickup, still behind the van at this point, moves behind me to get past this idiot once and for all. When the minivan guy saw the other guy about to pass him, he jerks the wheel over to get in the right lane ahead of him. Naturally, that was the space I was currently occupying, so he ended up driving ME into the freaking shoulder.

I gunned it on the shoulder to get up next to him, and politely gestured for him to pull over so I could kindly beat the living **** out of him. He suddenly swerved into the left turn lane and left the road. ****ing idiot.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
I had an incident with some jackoff in a Pacifica a few weeks ago... it's posted on here. It was pretty good stuff.

Anymore though, it's just not worth getting into. That 90-year old grandmother could be packing for all you know, and no matter how badass you think you are, she can still blow your head off. I typically only react when I have no other choice or I've just been pushed to extreme limits... and this is very, very rare.

But I do seriously carry an uncapped pen in my door. It's there for the sole purpose of stabbing you in the face if you feel the need to get out of your car and approach me. I've done this ever since I was 17 years old after a couple of drunk assholes cornered me in my car at 1am on a desserted road. I was coming home from my girlfriend's house and I was stopped at a stoplight. A few moments later a car pulled up behind me. Three guys hopped out and started banging on my windows acting INSANE. I ran through the red light and they all jumped back in and followed me. Eventually they gave up and took off, but that was when I realized I needed to be armed. I probably can't fend off 3 guys with a pen, but I'll sure as fsck take one down with me.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: jbourne77
But I do seriously carry an uncapped pen in my door. It's there for the sole purpose of stabbing you in the face if you feel the need to get out of your car and approach me. I've done this ever since I was 17 years old after a couple of drunk assholes cornered me in my car at 1am on a desserted road. I was coming home from my girlfriend's house and I was stopped at a stoplight. A few moments later a car pulled up behind me. Three guys hopped out and started banging on my windows acting INSANE. I ran through the red light and they all jumped back in and followed me. Eventually they gave up and took off, but that was when I realized I needed to be armed. I probably can't fend off 3 guys with a pen, but I'll sure as fsck take one down with me.

/me slowly steps out of arm's reach...



Senior member
Oct 25, 2002
We made the mistake of traveling on Thanksgiving weekend. Between Tucson and Phoenix traffic was at a standstill and tensions were high. Apparently some guy in the right lane was not starting up quick enough when the car in front of him moved and this big truck hauling a horse trailer behind him flashed his lights. Well the dude in the car flipped him off and then traffic came to a dead stop again. I was stopped in the left lane when I see a huge thirstbuster cup come flying from behind and splatter over the dudes car. Then this HUGE cowboy strides up to the guys car. The look on the guy face in the car was one of sheer terror. Lucky for him, traffic started moving again and he sped off.


Senior member
Mar 24, 2000
i got cut off on the brooklyn bridge one time so i pulled up next to the driver to give him a stare down. i noticed his windows were down and i was screaming "Hey assh0le", still no response.
so i proceeded to grab a fist full of pennies and threw it right at his face. at that moment he jerk his steering wheel and almost ran into the side of the bridge.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
The most classic incident I have was when I was being tailgated for miles and I placed a bowling ball on the roof of my car. It rolled down off my trunk and under the asshole's car. He disappeared, so I don't know what the damage was... I just know that he was gone.

A few months ago someone gave me the idea of flipping pennies at people who tailgate. I have a sunroof, so it's easy to do without actually looking like you're doing it. You just flip the coin like you would in a cointoss... it goes out the roof and onto the car behind you.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2006
Originally posted by: DeathBUA
Originally posted by: NTB
Originally posted by: teddyv
A while back I was driving down a fairly congested 2-lane road and stopped at a light (yellow, turned red before I even got to the light) The guy behind me wasn't paying attention and did a panic stop ending up about a foot off my rear bumper. He was obviously pissed and blasted his horn while screaming all manners of things. I started laughing (it actually was kind of comical) and that apparently made him even more angry, he then slowly made the finger out/thumb up gun sign and got something out of his glove compartment. I called the cops and told them what was happening and they had a cruiser a block away. As the light changed and I pulled away the cop was right there and pulled him over, another showed up right at that moment, I pulled off just ahead of it in a gas station. Fortunately the guy behind gun-boy pulled off as well and we both watched as the Police did a full gun out felony stop. The guy the whole time was yelling he didn't do anything. I kind of felt sorry for him, he was obviously fairly well off and driving a nice car (new Volvo wagon.) We both gave our statements and the guy pled out with some kind of anger management. The prosecutor's office called me afterwards and told me if I see him in any other than incidental contact I should immediately call the cops.

holy crap :Q


I remember watching a full gun out police stop a few weeks back....i was caught in construction traffic and the state police had pulled this joker in a ricer over. This young guy's ricer had those frosted/glazed over windows all over, basically it looked like mirrors instead of windows. I couldnt hear the words but I saw that state trooper pull out his gun and probably told the guy to get out of his car which the guy did, then the guy opened all his doors on his car...THEN the officer approached his car.....i was thinking to myself that guy is so PWNED!

My road rage was yesterday having some idiot tailgating me, i did the classic brief slam of brakes to make my car buck like i was stopping hard, the guy freaked out so much he swerved onto the shoulder :laugh:



Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2006
My girl "friend" was driving and was cut off by this lady with a bunch of kids in a van. She then cut her off back and they had a little game going back and forth. When they reached a red light, the lady got out of her car and walked up to my friends car who rolled down the window for her. The lady then slapped my friend in the face and yelled at her for endangering her kids and walked back to her car. My friend was speechless.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
My girl "friend" was driving and was cut off by this lady with a bunch of kids in a van. She then cut her off back and they had a little game going back and forth. When they reached a red light, the lady got out of her car and walked up to my friends car who rolled down the window for her. The lady then slapped my friend in the face and yelled at her for endangering her kids and walked back to her car. My friend was speechless.

That's another thing... if you stick a limb through my window, you lose it. Grab hold of it and floor it. Take that bitch for a ride.
Dec 28, 2001
This happened a few weeks ago - not the smartest thing to do in retrospect, but hey, what can you do? I was eastbound on I-94 in the southside of downtown Chicago, on a sunday afternoon. As usual, the traffic sucks, and there's a lane-merge coming up on my lane. No biggies, traffic's pretty full, and everyone around me is following the flow of traffic, no problem.

Or so I thought.

Then this Don-King Haired motherfvcker decides that he is better than all of us and is gunning it on the shoulder just so he can get ahead, which effectively makes him cut me off, but to top it off, almost clips my car. I heard him coming up, so I know this cocksvcker was cutting everyone else off who was at the merge as well.
Now, you should keep in mind, the typical Chicagoan, when it comes to driving, freely exchanges the bird around these parts, almost as a sign of goodwill, if you will.

Not me.

According to my GF, I purposely time it so that they're right next to me when "the gift" is given so that they can fully comprehend and appreciate what is given to them.
This time, I add to the gift package with a nice 5-second interlude of carhorn, in response the guy, a tribute to Chicago traffic and driving, stops in the middle of the merge lane, still on the shoulder in front of me. Me, I stop, and wait about a second, curious as to what is about to transpire - well, I get sick of waiting after about a second or so, and zoom right by him.

Apparently, my passenger, my GF's best friend, says that Don King was holding up a finger as if he was telling me to wait and was about to start a fight. At this juncture, maybe as a sign of my idiocy, I'm more amused than frightened - as I take my exit, I see the Don glaring at me and on the passenger side seat is sitting a child no more than 12 years old. Great role model there, the Don - anyhow, as I'm exiting, I see that he is trying to stare me down. I press my face against the side window, give a toothy grin, and wave at him as I drove off.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2006
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
My girl "friend" was driving and was cut off by this lady with a bunch of kids in a van. She then cut her off back and they had a little game going back and forth. When they reached a red light, the lady got out of her car and walked up to my friends car who rolled down the window for her. The lady then slapped my friend in the face and yelled at her for endangering her kids and walked back to her car. My friend was speechless.

That's another thing... if you stick a limb through my window, you lose it. Grab hold of it and floor it. Take that bitch for a ride.

If you did that and messed them up pretty bad, you could use self defense as a way out of assault charges right (or manslaughter if when you left go they roll under your tires)?


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2001
Two guys fighting in the street in front of our house. I'm not sure what incited the incident but it was rather funny to watch two grown men duke it out in the street. I called the police but the dispute was settled before they arrived.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
wtf is wrong with all yall backing off? someone pisses you off, you make them know it. i was driving from berkeley to oakland with my boy a few months ago and this dumb*ss is leanin back in his cadillac thinking he's a pimp n while in the traffic. i'm to his right with the front of my car about equal to where his front and back doors divide. the b*tch swerves into my lane not looking so he doesn't have to brake for the car ahead and i'm forced to pump my brakes (don't have abs) and had to turn so i was all the way in the right side of my lane. i progress with a 10 second honk (along with cursing of course) and i pull up next to the guy. when i get parallel to him, i stick half my body out my window and extend my arm with a fully extended middle finger (almost close enough to touch his car) and had my right hand on the horn. that's what you do.

like a year ago i was in oakland and this fool was tail gating me in a jeep in the left most lane. we were going fast but i slowed down to like 80 in the 55 zone. he was right on me so i slowed down to 60. then i sped back up. he started tail gating again. this time i saw a cop in the 3rd lane so i figured i'll piss the jeep off and try getting him a ticket. i dropped to 50 real quickly so he'd be forced to slam on his brakes. i pulled to the 2nd lane when he was still going like 70 and he just went by me. right when he saw the cop he slammed his brakes so the bast*rd didn't get the ticket but he almost did.

anyway, you oguys gotta stop standing up for yourselves.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
My girl "friend" was driving and was cut off by this lady with a bunch of kids in a van. She then cut her off back and they had a little game going back and forth. When they reached a red light, the lady got out of her car and walked up to my friends car who rolled down the window for her. The lady then slapped my friend in the face and yelled at her for endangering her kids and walked back to her car. My friend was speechless.

That's another thing... if you stick a limb through my window, you lose it. Grab hold of it and floor it. Take that bitch for a ride.

If you did that and messed them up pretty bad, you could use self defense as a way out of assault charges right (or manslaughter if when you left go they roll under your tires)?

What do you mean? Their arm got tangled up in your seatbelt wihle you were just driving away trying not to get punched. That's all.
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