Have You Gotten Your Covid Vaccine? Thread.

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Aug 2, 2001
Where do you get ur info from? I get mine from word of mouth, reading webpages, and videos from many different sources off the internet.

As for them being full, as I said, there was NO ONE there when the "news" was saying they were full of sick dying people, for there was no one, just me and my wife with broken bones.

Did you know you can die of the flu of which has the same symptoms? Not say this is the flu, but its pretty much the same symptoms, and people and mostly elderly die from it.

You can get the vax for the flu, but look at the good that does, people have to get that shot all the time, and never stops it from spreading, and if it is the fault of not everyone is getting the shot so it changes, then?

As for taking the shot n all, how is it you know its is safe for sure? Is it because you watched a video with a guy telling you, trust me, Im a scientist, and you must take this, and not worry!?

If a billion people jumped off a bridge because they were told, and you that it would be safe, and you will land on the bottom in Jello, does that mean you will do it, and force other to do it as well, just because you was told to, and that you would be safe, without waiting to see if those who did jump walk away?

And again, I love the people who bitch, how dare you, and we are here sticking up for the little person that cannot, then call out the "little" guy for being dumb shit, and call them names just to feel good about themselves.

Its not even been a year as far as these shot, and have seen actual videos and reads where people who have had a different opinion have had that stuff taken down. Is that really misinformation when you question science, or see videos of people getting sick and all. Should you be just the little worried and want to know why is it a group would do that? I need information from the both sides to see what is going on and find the truth.

You people jumping in to make fun, call me a dumb ass, laugh n all, what makes you soo much better then me? A video says trust the science as if it has NEVER been wrong in the past, or our government has never done anything towards their own people, so if someone else wants to just inform you to think before the jump, you have the right then because my way of asking/thoughts are different then yours, they are dumb fuckers that deserve to die?

Are you the ones I see in the car or outside by yourself wearing a mask/face shield scared as a mofo? If you are scared, they are doing their job just right to determine which of you will just follow them like good little sheep

Follow the science?
Masks do nothing
Masks stop you from getting it and giving to others
One mask is not enough, you should wear 3
3 is not effective anymore just wear one, but made of....
Wearing a mask does not stop you from getting it but spreading it to others
Virus was not made in China by Wuhan lab
Virus WAS made at the Wuhan lab
Get the shot with no clinical trial but trust us, and science you need to get it anyway, and you scared? Good, now tell all and force them to get it too for if they do not they will kill you
Got the shot? Good now you cannot get it or spread it
Got the shot? Well you can still get it and spread it, and it can still mutate but force others to get it anyway though it does not work as science has told you before that made you scared to go get it.
People have died taking the shot others (doctors/scientists) say, well we need to shut them the f up, and remove all posts/anything from them in the name of misinformation for they all need to get the sucker no matter what. Damn thinking sheep, they all need to die.
The Flu virus kills more people? Well that straight up is not true, and these symtoms are not like the flu virus, its different and you will die if you do not take it, and force others to take as well.
Ton of people have died more of this then the flu
Kids cannot really get it of spread it
Kids can get it, but only get the shot if they are over 16
Kids can now spread it
Kids over the age of 2 now needs to get it
Kids do not need to wear a mask
Kids need to wear a mask
Kids need to wear a mask at school
Kids need large shields at their desks while wearing a mask
Kids are getting more sick because of the shields keeping them in the "dirty" air and mask gets nasty and full of germs
You can no longer eat out, the science says so
You can no longer go to work, science says so
You can go out to eat, and no longer wear a mask as you do so, but your kids if you have any must go to school all day wearing a mask, and having a shield at their desk, but the science now says you cannot spread it as you eat/shop out
You do not need to wear a mask while you eat out in a crowded place
You now need to wear a mask, and pull it down to put food in, but put it right back up over when you chew
You do not need to wear a mask while outside by yourself
You now need to wear a mask while outside by yourself or in your car
You need to wear a mask while at home by yourself
Yeah, trust the science, and I'm a politician/president/Mayor/Governor/State official and do what I say to do or pay fines/Jail
You saw a video or picture of me at a party/restaurant not wearing a mask or staying far away, or limited group to be around as we told you NOT to do, um, well, your a dumb fuck, you did not see/watch what you thought because, you are a dumb fuck.

As a small side note for those who think that just because there is a shot you can take it is 100%ish safe because science says so..

Metformin for people who have diabetes was supposed to be safe and I am on it, but.....
Metformin ER is being recalled because testing found levels of nitrosamine impurity, called N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), that are above the intake limit designated safe by the FDA. The agency has been aware of trace impurities since late 2019, but further examination only recently revealed more significant amounts.

Oxy, Oxycodone, hydros are great for pain, and not addictive, but now......

Gabapentin 100% safe and non habit forming, but......
Being misused more then ever

Trust the science? They have all said in the past, that it is good, and nothing going to happen, and now people have died, or become addicted to it. I asked my doctor that if the metformin is not supposed to be good anymore, why is it I am still taking it and not something else? My answer? On it I will live longer then if I did not.

Doctors used to promote smoking, and would even get paid for endorsing a particular brand.....
Cancer, and science was wrong. There are a TON more out there the science and big pharm has told us its safe, only to find out people died later, and in some case much later, so sticking me something made differently by 3 big pharms, because they and "science" says it is say, with not too great of a track record, I do not think so. Should I die because I did not get a shot, not worried about my other families problems they may get should they get the virus, and I die (I have extremely bad health, could really just kick over getting the flu)

If what I am/have posted, I have asked several times to show me what you know, and where you got your information it for I would LOVE to read it so I can be much more well informed, but instead, I get nothing but trust the science, and I feel bad if they have kids, and you are a dumb fucker, I have hit the ignore button on you for HOW DARE YOU QUESTION IT! You want information on how I know is right, and you are wrong, well, um, its, ahhhhhh, your a dumb fucker. I want to be informed, and I do question the "science" as not being correct when the science has flip flopped and said all I have written above and more, and I ask if you know more then me, and are smarter then me, then instead of calling a retard a Dumb shit when you are supposed to be a nice person, just go get the shot. How is it you know for a 100% fact yourself that it is, and need to push on others? I really would like to know, for I'm not really sure anyone really knows hence why all the flipping by the Fauchi WHO healthcare, how does one know what is for sure right or not. And please come on, your argument in getting the shot with no questions is, people have died, so get it, when people have died getting it as well, can still get it and pass it when told in the beginning if you got it it wouldn't, but now you have it, and cam, and will for the rest of your life have to get it for the "new" strain, and boosters, and since no real tests on its effectiveness (of which is no longer as good as the "science" has said it would be, for now you can still get it and pass it, they say today) have turned you that get it into their white rats to see what will happen to you when you do take it, and should more die later from taking it, then the covid would of anyway, all they can says is "Damn, my bad, still cannot sue us for the mislead and death that happened".

And I am mentally and physically not sound, but yet, your compassion shows in that regard calling a dumb shit/fuck, and in not pulling me aside asking whats up, get to know me perhaps, but rather you are smarter and to prove it give me no information to read on as far as why you are smarter and know for a fact it is safe, other then for me to believe in Science. I wish to read upon ur science please so I can be as smart as you, and not be called names, or become you, better then all, self centered, and then I can go call people dumb shits for I got the shot and smarter then most then with the card to prove it and the right to call others names that do not think like me or the "science" that is ALWAYS CORRECT, never has been wrong in the past

I feel a lot of people are not making the smart choice, and question why is it this doctor/scientist has said it causes this if you get the shot, and feels different, vanishes and anything said is lost in time. So please, I want to be as smart as you. I wish to make people feel like shit with disabilities that is not smarter then the norm, but because they are retarded I know for a fact, SCIENCE, I am then smarter and can call them a dumb fuck! Please please please show me something that does not say in it,
We think it does this
We think it has a different variation
We estimate.....
We feel
Not really sure, more tests need to be done, OMG YOU WILL DIE, we think


  • Both illnesses can cause fever, cough, body aches, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea (especially in children). Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Both can result in pneumonia.
  • Both flu and COVID-19 can be mild or severe, or even fatal in rare cases.
  • Both the flu and COVID-19 spread in similar ways. Droplets or smaller virus particles from a sick person can transmit the virus to other people nearby. The smallest particles may (they are not sure) linger in the air, and another person can inhale them and become infected.
  • Or, people can touch a surface with viruses on it, and then transfer the germs to themselves by touching their face.
  • People infected with the coronavirus or the flu may (they are not sure) not realize they are sick for several days, and during that time can unknowingly spread the disease to others before they even feel sick.
  • Neither the flu nor COVID-19 is treatable with antibiotics, which only work on bacterial infections.
  • Both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may (they are not sure) require hospitalization and very ill patients may (they are not sure) need a ventilator — a machine that helps them breathe.
  • Antiviral medications may (they are not sure) shorten the duration of both illnesses.
  • COVID-19: Antiviral medications and other therapies are being tested (yup, they sure are, on you!) to see if they can effectively address symptoms and shorten the duration of the illness. Currently, effective treatments are only available in an intravenous form, so they are not prescribed to patients outside of a hospital setting. Admitted they are being test, does NOT say tested and effective, but rather, being tested. SCIENCE! If it is said they are being tested, why does it not say that shot you took and being pushed actually works from the tests they have conducted over the many many years? Damn test moneys :O
  • Saying that it "MAY" is a way for them to say, "hey, we said it MAY, did not say it would for we were not sure, hence why we said it MAY"

  • Flu: Oral antiviral medications can address symptoms and sometimes shorten the duration of the illness. Because they are given by mouth, these antiviral therapies can be prescribed for patients who are not hospitalized as well as for those in the hospital.

    COVID-19: Caused by the 2019 coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2. There are several variants of the coronavirus.
  • Flu: Caused by any of several different types and strains of influenza viruses. Different strains circulate each year.
  • Wording that makes it really different how?

  • COVID-19: Several COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for emergency use among specific age groups by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Johns Hopkins Medicine views all authorized COVID-19 vaccines as highly effective at preventing serious disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19.
  • Emergency use only among a age group! they are also saying one place, ONE PLACE, "views" (NOT MAY, OR EFFECTIVE, they VIEW) as effective. NOT saying it works or nothing the "SCIENCE" you are telling me you been told it was to do!
    Learn more about coronavirus vaccine safety and what you need to know about the COVID vaccines.

    Flu: A vaccine is available and effective in preventing some of the most dangerous types or to reduce the severity or duration of the flu. It is very important to get vaccinated for the flu this year.
  • I know of people that took the vax for the flu only to get the flu shortly after getting the shot for it.

COVID-19: Complications, including long-term damage to the lungs, heart, kidneys, brain and other organs, is possible (again not sure) after a severe case of COVID-19.

Flu: Influenza complications can include inflammation of the heart (myocarditis), brain (encephalitis) or muscles (myositis, rhabdomyolysis), and multi-organ failure. Secondary bacterial infections sometimes occur following a bout of influenza infection.
HOLY SHIT GIVE ME COVID! Nothing there says after a severe case if the flu for this to happen to me

Flu: The World Health Organization estimates (Not sure again, just now instead of "may" its worded with Estimates) that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.

The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, the vast majority of people do not yet have immunity to it. Doctors and scientists are working to estimate (Not sure again, just now instead of "may" its worded with Estimates) the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be substantially higher (possibly 10 times or more) than that of most strains of the flu.

I am NOT at all saying I think it is fake, or not believe in it, I do, its just hard to jump off the cliff with everyone else just because they say to do it, and "SCIENCE" tells them to go do it, and not give proof as to why to do it, or test done over a period of time, or if read from the CDC website I collected the above from between the 2, saying this like may, estimates, feels, views, not sure but COULD be as high as XXXX, tests are being done not test have completed and found to be effective.

If you do not question what you are taking or being jabbed with, then I really must ask who is the stupid one? If you cannot give me something that says it is effective (now lol) and I need to take it, no longer in its emergency stage for people of only certain age, I must ask who is stupid? I am asking for more then one side of information, and when you question the answer given, instead of showing stuff to read or watch that proves without a reasonable doubt what you had a concern for is not a problem, look this test xxx was done, this many people before rolling it out to the masses across the world has proven xxx, is told your a dumb fucker, science says so thats all you need to know, you are now banned and posted removed with your questions and concerns, and you are now labeled as a kkk all people hating, not science trusting dumb fuck. I love all people, but you should die for not believing in science and getting the shot that science this month says if you do not take it will kill me.

the science between the Flu and Covid from the CDC

if I have grammar errors, or you did not feel like reading it, thats fine, for I am not here to please and make your life better, and if going to call me names when I have disabilities that cause me to have problems when typing and getting points across, I sure do not wish to fix any of it just to please you, and need you as a friend, or anything of the sort, and want nothing to do with mean cold hearted two faced butt munches such as yourselves. Want to believe your science, thats great, you have every right to do so, and I will not say not to, or force you not to, Im just bringing up things said in the past to QUESTION SCIENCE you seem to know more without giving me examples to read about that is FACT, rather then putting me down, my family down, calling a person with disabilities down calling them a dumb shit/fuck

What really is wrong with questions rather be feed stuff that has changed over and over and over as to the SCIENCE being correct only to be contradicted or told something totally different then what was told to me before hand

As far as information sources go, start with credible medical and scientific publications and institutions. A large volume of work is being published routinely. CDC and other governmental bodies globally are also publishing studies on a wide variety of covid issues.

These are papers, not videos. As a general rule, if it's coming out as a YT video, it's not primary information.

Start here: New England Journal of Medicine

https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110475. This one even discusses directly the risk of side effects (eg myocarditis) you list vs risks associated with infection.


CDC scientific publications are available here:

That's papers. If you want to see real world data of the vaccine effect in action, you can look at a plethora of websites that publish trend data from cases, hospitalization, deaths and more. Your state may have one. CDC publishes. John's Hopkins has had a dashboard from the start.

Then there are plenty of private sites/news orgs that have access to the databases and have their own graphs to play with.

I like https://covidactnow.org/?s=22401166 for the US for one.
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ has data across the globe.

Regardless, what you will find is that there is a very clear decoupling of hospitalization and deaths from cases that clearly increases with rate of vaccination. That's the vaccine working and saving people's lives.

Now you have posted a number of claims regarding lack of efficacy, safety, amongst other wild claims.

Where are you getting your information, and what do you have that refutes the credible medical and heath institutions I linked, as well as the real world data that clearly shows effect?


Nov 13, 2001
This shot was not test, pushed out really really fast without any real test done over years of time, so I am not just going to believe the "science" and because billions have taken it and not kicked the bucket yet, or have serious heath problems now because "science" did not have enough time, its in a "emergency (mass trials)" state right now, and do not have the usual:
Side effects may include....
Rectal bleeding
Brain Cancer
Lung Cancer
More severe case of cancer
Loss of motor skills
May forget who you are for weeks at a time
other serious side effect may also occur
Seeing double
Do not drive a car or heavy machinery
loss of awareness
loss of balance
Extreme Gas
Shitting yourself
Going cold turkey off the drug may be worse then going cold off Heroine for over a month of hell (I know this one personally coming off Paxil)

So please excuse me if I have concerns even though maybe millions/billions have taken it now and nothing bad is happening really, but again like some of the drugs I was on, and billions have taken it for years, like me, only to have "Science" come out and say they fucked up sorry you got xxxx because the science was not complete, or enough have come out and died and sued us, that at this point our profits are about to tank because of it, being sued, and more people dying if we do not pull it making us then go into the hole for the profit/death being sued will not in our favor, and out stock holders is going to sell sell sell.

I will not just blindly get something because other people without asking just said shoot me up doc, with a new drug, untested, in a emergency state of "trials" with people. Being told to get the shot, wear a mask. Do not gather with friends of family, do not eat out. Do not go to the store, and then see them without a mask, with a large group, or when they feel cameras are off, take their shit off and go shake hands and hug, be close to others, so it makes me go, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, if they are saying for me not to do those things, why is there pictures or videos of them NOT doing what I was told I MUST do? Not thinking to much into it, but it does make me want to ask questions and wait it out, if science is saying my death rate is very low, though its going to suck bad if you get it, like the flu, but as long as you're not old as dirt, or have serious health problems, will 99.98% chance in living.

Why would you not wish to question science, and why told one thing, then another, then you see the people telling you must do this, get the shot, are seen not doing just that themselves? I am young enough, and my family, if we got it have a really great chance of pulling through. Maybe not me as much, but on the other chance, because of my health I do not go out much, and if I do, I do stay over 6 feet from people, and if the need to cough comes on I do one better and cough into the neck of my shirts so not to spread it. I am not near people, and I have no old people I hang with, family is not near me at all anymore, and my wife gets tested everyday at her work, so chances of me/us spreading or catching it is VERY VERY low.

Billions have taken it, without serious health problems getting shot with a unproven, not long term test drug, worries me for they just feel, no one has died or had anything happen, they know of since if anything comes up is labeled as misinformation and their accounts removed for saying anything but what they want/need to be seen worries the shit out of me.

People in general suck ass and are self-centered and do not care if they work at a place, or have a hand in doing/making something that may kill people, and they know it, but continue to do it as long as they get paid. Fuckem, and how dare they question it, need to shut them up till we make our billions and then admit we were wrong and they cannot do a thing about it.
Feb 4, 2009
This shot was not test, pushed out really really fast without any real test done over years of time, so I am not just going to believe the "science" and because billions have taken it and not kicked the bucket yet, or have serious heath problems now because "science" did not have enough time, its in a "emergency (mass trials)" state right now, and do not have the usual:
Side effects may include....
Rectal bleeding
Brain Cancer
Lung Cancer
More severe case of cancer
Loss of motor skills
May forget who you are for weeks at a time
other serious side effect may also occur
Seeing double
Do not drive a car or heavy machinery
loss of awareness
loss of balance
Extreme Gas
Shitting yourself
Going cold turkey off the drug may be worse then going cold off Heroine for over a month of hell (I know this one personally coming off Paxil)

So please excuse me if I have concerns even though maybe millions/billions have taken it now and nothing bad is happening really, but again like some of the drugs I was on, and billions have taken it for years, like me, only to have "Science" come out and say they fucked up sorry you got xxxx because the science was not complete, or enough have come out and died and sued us, that at this point our profits are about to tank because of it, being sued, and more people dying if we do not pull it making us then go into the hole for the profit/death being sued will not in our favor, and out stock holders is going to sell sell sell.

I will not just blindly get something because other people without asking just said shoot me up doc, with a new drug, untested, in a emergency state of "trials" with people. Being told to get the shot, wear a mask. Do not gather with friends of family, do not eat out. Do not go to the store, and then see them without a mask, with a large group, or when they feel cameras are off, take their shit off and go shake hands and hug, be close to others, so it makes me go, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, if they are saying for me not to do those things, why is there pictures or videos of them NOT doing what I was told I MUST do? Not thinking to much into it, but it does make me want to ask questions and wait it out, if science is saying my death rate is very low, though its going to suck bad if you get it, like the flu, but as long as you're not old as dirt, or have serious health problems, will 99.98% chance in living.

Why would you not wish to question science, and why told one thing, then another, then you see the people telling you must do this, get the shot, are seen not doing just that themselves? I am young enough, and my family, if we got it have a really great chance of pulling through. Maybe not me as much, but on the other chance, because of my health I do not go out much, and if I do, I do stay over 6 feet from people, and if the need to cough comes on I do one better and cough into the neck of my shirts so not to spread it. I am not near people, and I have no old people I hang with, family is not near me at all anymore, and my wife gets tested everyday at her work, so chances of me/us spreading or catching it is VERY VERY low.

Billions have taken it, without serious health problems getting shot with a unproven, not long term test drug, worries me for they just feel, no one has died or had anything happen, they know of since if anything comes up is labeled as misinformation and their accounts removed for saying anything but what they want/need to be seen worries the shit out of me.

People in general suck ass and are self-centered and do not care if they work at a place, or have a hand in doing/making something that may kill people, and they know it, but continue to do it as long as they get paid. Fuckem, and how dare they question it, need to shut them up till we make our billions and then admit we were wrong and they cannot do a thing about it.

I want to say I like you, I enjoy your stuff.
Man up and get vaccinated.
Another thing I want you to know is when you see youtubers and such talking about people who have been vaccinated that have died it is very, very important to know that data includes all deaths. The CDC asks Doctors to report ALL deaths to them assumably to see if there are trends.
For example the 94 year old guy with althimers and 20% lung capacity who got vaccinated dies three months after vaccination. That guy counts in the CDC figure. The Woman who was vaccinated who dies in a car accident a month after vaccination, she is counted in the CDC tracker.
People tend to confuse that footnote when talking about the CDC tracking.


Nov 13, 2001
You can all be happy, I'm done, I'm going to go read, but I still need more information on long term data. I'm not antivax, my kids, wife, and I have been, I just been questioning this shot due to being pushed out really fast, made differently by different pharms, in a emergency state not fully been test or its long term side effects, and people just go off and take it and call others names for questioning its science just because billions have taken it and not died yet. I feel waiting to find out its long term effects are for sure safe, and its not in a emergency state showing its effectiveness.

You want to go get it, that's fine, your right and I will not stop you in any way, its your right your body, I just feel I have concerns for me and mine to just go take a drug and not question what's been told and going on, and seen people tell me to do xxx only to see them not doing it at all that they told me I must.

As for showing my proof, I would love to, for since starting in here 3 days ago, have been looking for the legit videos, and or pictures taken, but it would seem people much higher on the food chain then I/us have pulled it, for if you look cannot find a damn thing anymore other then the science is right, do not question us, if you do not take it you will die, you will kill other people, others that do not take it will kill you, you cannot catch it or pass it on ever again to anyone if you take it, to now, take it or not you can still get it and pass it, but take it anyways for...........if its not gonna stop me from getting it or passing it like been told in the past because science said so, does nothing for me anymore, really why am I being pushed to do so then if its not going to matter anymore?

I mean really, you are told to get it, will never get it, or pass it to now if you get the shot will still be able to get it and pass it, but millions have yet to die taking it, though now useless for the claims science made before (got to trust science, never wrong ) I am taking it for?


Nov 13, 2001
So billions have decided to be lab rats and they are all fine. Doesn’t that show you the science was right?

Billions have taken metformin for many more years, and now the science has come out and said they fucked up and recalled the drug, though it took years to do it or for science to come out and say oh no we bad we fucked up

So because billions have taken a experimental drug has not died yet or had serious complications later in life from taking it makes science right with it?

You know why they do clinical tries before pushing out a drug and can take years and years before they do that, and DID NOT DO THAT WITH THIS ONE, but called it a emergence shot, without really knowing long term, and people have died taking the shot but thats covered up, but how does that make science corret, just because billions have taken it and not died yet, or had something else much worse happen to them?

Yeah I do and will question that

My butt doc asked if I would like to be in a new study to detect butt cancer since they are going up my butt. Did I just go, um ok, sure go for it? NO! My first question was to ask if what they want to do to me will cause me any long term they know of, or cause me to grow a 3rd nut, and turns out its just up the butt and a blood test. My next follow up was will I get paid for I'm not going to do it if there is no benefit to me in doing so to make millions/billions for big pharm later because I was a lab rat for them? And yup I am
But I asked, did not just go science says its cool to do this month, not knowing long term effects for it can happen many many years from now, who is to say, and it may never happen at all, but I know people who have gone and got the flu shot, only to get it days later. I have yet to get the flu shot, and I have not had the flu since Christmas day back in 84'. Will I take tat shot, hell no, not after seeing people who were healthy go get it, to be on deaths door days later catching what they just went in to get the shot for
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Billions have taken metformin for many more years, and now the science has come out and said they fucked up and recalled the drug, though it took years to do it or for science to come out and say oh no we bad we fucked up

So because billions have taken a experimental drug has not died yet or had serious complications later in life from taking it makes science right with it?

You know why they do clinical tries before pushing out a drug and can take years and years before they do that, and DID NOT DO THAT WITH THIS ONE, but called it a emergence shot, without really knowing long term, and people have died taking the shot but thats covered up, but how does that make science corret, just because billions have taken it and not died yet, or had something else much worse happen to them?

Yeah I do and will question that
You aren’t looking at this logically. Does it mean the odds of future complications are zero? Of course not. Does it mean they are very unlikely? Yes.

As Paratus urged you before, calculate the odds. Odds are very high you will get COVID at some point so the question is damage control. Taking the vaccine means the odds of you having serious effects from the disease are extremely low. Without it, not so low.

See? Just do the math and get the vaccine. This isn’t emotional, this is just hard math and science. Agree?


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
This shot was not test, pushed out really really fast without any real test done over years of time
That is what I was trying to address earlier. This type of approach has actually been tested since 1990 -- that is 30 years of testing. Yes, this specific formulation has only been tested for 1.5 years, but the testing of very similar things has been going on for 3 decades. There is absolutely no logical reason to fear mRNA vaccines because mRNA is already in every single one of your cells. Plus, if you get Covid, you get the same exact mRNA as the vaccine plus more. Thus the choice isn't between mRNA and no mRNA (this is how you are framing it albeit in different words). Your actual choice is between:
(a) mRNA from the vaccine
(b) mRNA from the virus and possible death and possible long term consequences.

I'll ask you again, what are the long term consequences of Covid say 5 or 10 years out? How do you know? And why are you willing to risk those long term consequences? You are choosing one unknown for another unknown. Can you please help me understand why you think the long-term effects of Covid are better than the long-term effects of the vaccine?


Aug 2, 2001
This shot was not test, pushed out really really fast without any real test done over years of time, so I am not just going to believe the "science" and because billions have taken it and not kicked the bucket yet, or have serious heath problems now because "science" did not have enough time, its in a "emergency (mass trials)" state right now, and do not have the usual:
Side effects may include....
Rectal bleeding
Brain Cancer
Lung Cancer
More severe case of cancer
Loss of motor skills
May forget who you are for weeks at a time
other serious side effect may also occur
Seeing double
Do not drive a car or heavy machinery
loss of awareness
loss of balance
Extreme Gas
Shitting yourself
Going cold turkey off the drug may be worse then going cold off Heroine for over a month of hell (I know this one personally coming off Paxil)

So please excuse me if I have concerns even though maybe millions/billions have taken it now and nothing bad is happening really, but again like some of the drugs I was on, and billions have taken it for years, like me, only to have "Science" come out and say they fucked up sorry you got xxxx because the science was not complete, or enough have come out and died and sued us, that at this point our profits are about to tank because of it, being sued, and more people dying if we do not pull it making us then go into the hole for the profit/death being sued will not in our favor, and out stock holders is going to sell sell sell.

I will not just blindly get something because other people without asking just said shoot me up doc, with a new drug, untested, in a emergency state of "trials" with people. Being told to get the shot, wear a mask. Do not gather with friends of family, do not eat out. Do not go to the store, and then see them without a mask, with a large group, or when they feel cameras are off, take their shit off and go shake hands and hug, be close to others, so it makes me go, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, if they are saying for me not to do those things, why is there pictures or videos of them NOT doing what I was told I MUST do? Not thinking to much into it, but it does make me want to ask questions and wait it out, if science is saying my death rate is very low, though its going to suck bad if you get it, like the flu, but as long as you're not old as dirt, or have serious health problems, will 99.98% chance in living.

Why would you not wish to question science, and why told one thing, then another, then you see the people telling you must do this, get the shot, are seen not doing just that themselves? I am young enough, and my family, if we got it have a really great chance of pulling through. Maybe not me as much, but on the other chance, because of my health I do not go out much, and if I do, I do stay over 6 feet from people, and if the need to cough comes on I do one better and cough into the neck of my shirts so not to spread it. I am not near people, and I have no old people I hang with, family is not near me at all anymore, and my wife gets tested everyday at her work, so chances of me/us spreading or catching it is VERY VERY low.

Billions have taken it, without serious health problems getting shot with a unproven, not long term test drug, worries me for they just feel, no one has died or had anything happen, they know of since if anything comes up is labeled as misinformation and their accounts removed for saying anything but what they want/need to be seen worries the shit out of me.

People in general suck ass and are self-centered and do not care if they work at a place, or have a hand in doing/making something that may kill people, and they know it, but continue to do it as long as they get paid. Fuckem, and how dare they question it, need to shut them up till we make our billions and then admit we were wrong and they cannot do a thing about it.

You asked for information, I gave it to you, but you didn't even bother to read any of it before creating another wildly misinformed post. One that poses questions answered in the links I directly provided.

You have not posted any supporting information, and your conclusions are based on conspiracy theories and bad faith arguments.

Your posts demonstrate a general lack of scientific literacy.

Nobody knows everything, the situation is complex and fluid, but one has to at least put in the effort to learn and stay up to date with events. At the very least talk to your own physician for medical advice and how it applies to your situation.

What we have attempted to do is help correct your information gap in an attempt to potentially save your life or the ones around you. Your ignorance can kill you. It killed 1000 people yesterday, and it will kill another 1000 today

Learn now before it's too late and you don't end up one of those poor sods crying alone on their deathbed, lungs rotted and full of pus, that they should have gotten the vaccine.
Reactions: Meghan54


Nov 13, 2001
And what if the long term effects are worse then just getting it, because the science does not know. If not having heartburn and taking a pill instead will cause me to die from cancer 10 years later going through more hell with chemo and radiation, rather then not being able to sleep because my throat/chest hurts, and then die, how is one to know without more data and science, and see what happens to the people who just said fuck it and got the shot?

Its a crap shoot, and the fact this got pushed out so fast, and is under a emergency label, and for only people of a certain age doe worry me a little, especially when it was first rolled out science lied to a lot of people who rushed to go get it because science said if you did you can not longer get it or pass it, to now science says you can still l get it and pass it, and no real long term effect are know by science yet on it, and I really doing the right decision not getting and finding out it will kill my kids off or give them complications.

Take it now, billion have, maybe not get it, maybe you will, who know, just take it dumb shit.

Do not take it now, 10 years later people are falling like flies with much more serious side effects because it was rushed and since so new science had no idea the long term would be like this, sorry our bad, good thing you cannot sue us over it for we say we think/may/could stop you from ever getting it.

I feel at least waiting a few years would be my best because of my/our situation and fact we do not really go out, especially me, would be a very low chance of ever getting or passing it out to others vs other people out there in a different situation that chances are great and feel, and their right to do what they feel is correct to them, with out me, or anyone having the right to tell the otherwise because they do not think or act like them


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Do not take it now, 10 years later people are falling like flies with much more serious side effects because it was rushed and since so new science had no idea the long term would be like this, sorry our bad, good thing you cannot sue us over it for we say we think/may/could stop you from ever getting it.
I'll ask a third time. How do you know this scenario you point out is not actually those who caught Covid? How do you know that if you stay mostly at home and a family member brings in Covid, that in 10 years Covid will not cause you to fall like a fly?
  • HIV usually turns into AIDS about 10 years later.
  • Chickenpox lies dormant in your body for decades and can become shingles.
  • HPV sometimes helps your body get cancer.
  • Why are people confident that nothing similar happens with Covid?
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Aug 2, 2001
You aren’t looking at this logically. Does it mean the odds of future complications are zero? Of course not. Does it mean they are very unlikely? Yes.

As Paratus urged you before, calculate the odds. Odds are very high you will get COVID at some point so the question is damage control. Taking the vaccine means the odds of you having serious effects from the disease are extremely low. Without it, not so low.

See? Just do the math and get the vaccine. This isn’t emotional, this is just hard math and science. Agree?

Yes, it's risk management. The risk of side effects are low, but not zero. What's commonly missed is context and comparison to the alternative (infection.) Beyond the worst outcomes, there are also long term effects with the virus. You can't simply judge one without the other.

Potential adverse events related to medical interventions are best understood in the context of the risks associated with the disease that these interventions aim to prevent or treat, so we also estimated the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on this same set of adverse events.

Previous nejm safety study I linked and @funboy6942 did not bother to read.
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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
@SamirD , I get the gist of your message. it's absolutely true that vaccinated people are getting asymptomatic infections and spreading virus.
Not your uncle or anybody else knows to what extent, for the simple reason that asymptomatic people don't get tested, and they simply have no clue.
I do agree that letting down our guard at this time and doing less mask wearing is harmful.
However, I don't see any mask rule changes based on whether you're vaccinated or not around here.
I and everybody I know still masks up like day one when we started without a vaccine.
as to how many people who are vaccinated end up hospitalized here are two small data points from two weeks ago.
A hospital system in Western Washington had 197 covid patients across several hospitals. only one was vaccinated.
an affiliated hospital system in the eastern part of the state had less dramatic numbers, 76 and 4 were vaccinated.
I will try and get more recent data from that source.

Bexar County (county San Antonio, Tx is in) has been reporting current unvaccinated vs vaccinated COVID hospitalizations around an 85/15 split for a few weeks now, though I don't know if they're just taking patients' words for it or actually checking vaccination status with the CDC.
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Nov 13, 2001
And this scares no one, this was from the first link I was reading on this stuff finally since posting so that I can edit my post if learning something new on it:


Among 294 patients who were evaluated, we identified 170 definite and 50 probable cases of VITT. All the patients had received the first dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine and presented 5 to 48 days (median, 14) after vaccination. The age range was 18 to 79 years (median, 48), with no sex preponderance and no identifiable medical risk factors. Overall mortality was 22%. The odds of death increased by a factor of 2.7 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4 to 5.2) among patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, by a factor of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.3 to 2.3) for every 50% decrease in the baseline platelet count, by a factor of 1.2 (95% CI, 1.0 to 1.3) for every increase of 10,000 fibrinogen-equivalent units in the baseline d-dimer level, and by a factor of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.1 to 2.5) for every 50% decrease in the baseline fibrinogen level. Multivariate analysis identified the baseline platelet count and the presence of intracranial hemorrhage as being independently associated with death; the observed mortality was 73% among patients with platelet counts below 30,000 per cubic millimeter and intracranial hemorrhage. And yet getting covid would maybe be worse for me?

WTF!!!!!!!!!! anyone who got the shot had tests done before hand, or just walk in, say fuck it everyone else is doing it?

The high mortality associated with VITT was highest among patients with a low platelet count and intracranial hemorrhage. Treatment remains uncertain, but identification of prognostic markers may help guide effective management. (Funded by the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.)


Of 294 patients who were evaluated, 31 had been identified retrospectively once VITT had been recognized as a syndrome. A total of 57 patients were classified as being unlikely to have VITT because of three missing data points, unmet criteria, or both (50 patients) or because an alternative cause of the patient’s symptoms was likely (7 patients). The alternative causes were chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation from abdominal aortic aneurysm (in 3 patients) and metastatic cancer (in 4 patients). Of the remaining 237 patients who were considered to have suspected VITT, 17 were classified as having possible VITT; 50 were classified as having probable VITT because one of the criteria was not met (in most cases because of missing data) (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org); and 170 were classified as having definite VITT. All the patients who were classified as having definite or probable VITT presented after the first vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Fig. S2).
By the end of the study, approximately 16 million first doses of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 had been administered to persons 50 years of age or older, and 8 million first doses had been administered to persons younger than 50 years of age. Thus, the approximate incidence of VITT was at least 1:100,000 among patients 50 years of age or older and at least 1:50,000 among patients in the younger group (<50 years of age).11
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Aug 2, 2001
And what if the long term effects are worse then just getting it, because the science does not know. ...

Compared to what?! What will covid infection cause you 10 years from now? You don't know.

Why is this a reasonable concern? What precedent are you basing this on? What is a possible biological mechanism that's cause of concern?

Or are you just fantasizing? Huh? Maybe covid is an alien virus and it will turn you into a zombie husk when the mothership drops out of hyperspace 3.2 years from now.
Reactions: SteveGrabowski


Nov 13, 2001
The above taken from one of the links you gave me. I have yet so far to read others, but if I am to take what you provided me with as good TRUE science FACT, you just scared the shit out of me even more after reading some of the stuff there :O

And why would you not, or anyone else, want to know the long term effect of what has been pushed out with no trials done other then what's being done on people who just go get it WITHOUT asking? I may be alive now, but what about later because I did take it, who knows, so again, may be damned if you do not, damned if you do, who really is right when told something different all the time and those who tell me to do it, doesn't do what I was told to do at all?

Yeah, I question, and now I question even more after that read.....
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Aug 2, 2001
The above taken from one of the links you gave me. I have yet so far to read others, but if I am to take what you provided me with as good TRUE science FACT, you just scared the shit out of me even more after reading some of the stuff there :O

ChAdOx1 is the Astra Zenica vaccine. It's not approved for use in the US.

Concerns with this particular vaccine are well documented. Even with that... Still put it into context of incidents per capita and vs that of the virus. That's why Europe and other areas still use it.

Thankfully we have choices here and are not stuck with the AZ, the shitty Russian vaccine, or Chinese Sinovax or something like that.

If your have a particular comorbidity or condition for concern, talk to your doctor.
Reactions: desy


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
And this scares no one, this was from the first link I was reading on this stuff finally since posting so that I can edit my post if learning something new on it:


Among 294 patients who were evaluated, we identified 170 definite and 50 probable cases of VITT. All the patients had received the first dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine and presented 5 to 48 days (median, 14) after vaccination. The age range was 18 to 79 years (median, 48), with no sex preponderance and no identifiable medical risk factors. Overall mortality was 22%. The odds of death increased by a factor of 2.7 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4 to 5.2) among patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, by a factor of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.3 to 2.3) for every 50% decrease in the baseline platelet count, by a factor of 1.2 (95% CI, 1.0 to 1.3) for every increase of 10,000 fibrinogen-equivalent units in the baseline d-dimer level, and by a factor of 1.7 (95% CI, 1.1 to 2.5) for every 50% decrease in the baseline fibrinogen level. Multivariate analysis identified the baseline platelet count and the presence of intracranial hemorrhage as being independently associated with death; the observed mortality was 73% among patients with platelet counts below 30,000 per cubic millimeter and intracranial hemorrhage. And yet getting covid would maybe be worse for me?

WTF!!!!!!!!!! anyone who got the shot had tests done before hand, or just walk in, say fuck it everyone else is doing it?

The high mortality associated with VITT was highest among patients with a low platelet count and intracranial hemorrhage. Treatment remains uncertain, but identification of prognostic markers may help guide effective management. (Funded by the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.)


Of 294 patients who were evaluated, 31 had been identified retrospectively once VITT had been recognized as a syndrome. A total of 57 patients were classified as being unlikely to have VITT because of three missing data points, unmet criteria, or both (50 patients) or because an alternative cause of the patient’s symptoms was likely (7 patients). The alternative causes were chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation from abdominal aortic aneurysm (in 3 patients) and metastatic cancer (in 4 patients). Of the remaining 237 patients who were considered to have suspected VITT, 17 were classified as having possible VITT; 50 were classified as having probable VITT because one of the criteria was not met (in most cases because of missing data) (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org); and 170 were classified as having definite VITT. All the patients who were classified as having definite or probable VITT presented after the first vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Fig. S2).
By the end of the study, approximately 16 million first doses of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 had been administered to persons 50 years of age or older, and 8 million first doses had been administered to persons younger than 50 years of age. Thus, the approximate incidence of VITT was at least 1:100,000 among patients 50 years of age or older and at least 1:50,000 among patients in the younger group (<50 years of age).11

This vaccine is not in use in the United States.

Also yes, you've totally misinterpreted the risk to an astonishing degree.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2006
Yeah he's been posting nutty beliefs for years on here. If I remember right he doesn't even believe in evolution. And he thinks his (often intentional) ignorance is every bit as valid as rigorous science.
His obvious lack of logical deductive reasoning is fairly evident in this thread. Dullard laid it out pretty effen well. Props to him.

Sucks for his kids though...
Reactions: Meghan54
Feb 4, 2009
You can all be happy, I'm done, I'm going to go read, but I still need more information on long term data. I'm not antivax, my kids, wife, and I have been, I just been questioning this shot due to being pushed out really fast, made differently by different pharms, in a emergency state not fully been test or its long term side effects, and people just go off and take it and call others names for questioning its science just because billions have taken it and not died yet. I feel waiting to find out its long term effects are for sure safe, and its not in a emergency state showing its effectiveness.

You want to go get it, that's fine, your right and I will not stop you in any way, its your right your body, I just feel I have concerns for me and mine to just go take a drug and not question what's been told and going on, and seen people tell me to do xxx only to see them not doing it at all that they told me I must.

As for showing my proof, I would love to, for since starting in here 3 days ago, have been looking for the legit videos, and or pictures taken, but it would seem people much higher on the food chain then I/us have pulled it, for if you look cannot find a damn thing anymore other then the science is right, do not question us, if you do not take it you will die, you will kill other people, others that do not take it will kill you, you cannot catch it or pass it on ever again to anyone if you take it, to now, take it or not you can still get it and pass it, but take it anyways for...........if its not gonna stop me from getting it or passing it like been told in the past because science said so, does nothing for me anymore, really why am I being pushed to do so then if its not going to matter anymore?

I mean really, you are told to get it, will never get it, or pass it to now if you get the shot will still be able to get it and pass it, but millions have yet to die taking it, though now useless for the claims science made before (got to trust science, never wrong ) I am taking it for?

One thing I have learned people on this forum are very good at interpreting data & statistics.
Run any findings thru here if you don’t want a ball busting phrase it like:
“I saw this what do you think about it?”


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The above taken from one of the links you gave me. I have yet so far to read others, but if I am to take what you provided me with as good TRUE science FACT, you just scared the shit out of me even more after reading some of the stuff there :O

And why would you not, or anyone else, want to know the long term effect of what has been pushed out with no trials done other then what's being done on people who just go get it WITHOUT asking? I may be alive now, but what about later because I did take it, who knows, so again, may be damned if you do not, damned if you do, who really is right when told something different all the time and those who tell me to do it, doesn't do what I was told to do at all?

Yeah, I question, and now I question even more after that read.....
You do realize you’re engaging in motivated reasoning, right?


Aug 2, 2001
You can all be happy, I'm done, I'm going to go read, but I still need more information on long term data. I'm not antivax, my kids, wife, and I have been, I just been questioning this shot due to being pushed out really fast, made differently by different pharms, in a emergency state not fully been test or its long term side effects, ...

Okay, but while you are pondering, over 1000 people WILL die today because they took too long pondering and missed their chance.

Another 1000+ will die Thursday, another 1000 will die Friday, and this won't stop until we defeat the virus.

How much time to sit and think do you estimate you have? How long you want to camp on the slope of a smoking volcano before you think you should pack up and move to safety?

Over a long enough time scale, the odds of getting COVID are very high. Your decision is whether you want any protection when that day comes or will you just roll the dice on infection and a naive immune system.


May 15, 2000
The above taken from one of the links you gave me. I have yet so far to read others, but if I am to take what you provided me with as good TRUE science FACT, you just scared the shit out of me even more after reading some of the stuff there :O

And why would you not, or anyone else, want to know the long term effect of what has been pushed out with no trials done other then what's being done on people who just go get it WITHOUT asking? I may be alive now, but what about later because I did take it, who knows, so again, may be damned if you do not, damned if you do, who really is right when told something different all the time and those who tell me to do it, doesn't do what I was told to do at all?

Yeah, I question, and now I question even more after that read.....

I guess I'll be the outlier here and instead of caring about you and trying to keep you safe like the dozen of posters here have been doing, I say don't get vaccinated.

In fact, I suggest you and your whole family not get vaccinated. The country will be better off if people like you exist in smaller and smaller numbers. Just think about it, less people means less resources being used like medical, food, energy, etc, more housing will be available and there will be less traffic too! Your sacrifice will be for the greater good!

You don't seem like the type to believe in evolution but a mass Darwinism event can really help humans evolve into something better. So not only will you be helping your country be great again, you'll be helping the human race.

Sure if people acted like you we'd probably get more verients and could end up with something even nastier but the smart people will continue practicing safe behavior and getting vaccinations while people like you shrink in numbers. Its a sacrifice I'm willing to make even if it means losing a family member or two. After all, I can't want something for someone more than they do and its clear their life or their families life isn't that important.

So do yourself a favor, stop trying to find cherry picked examples of why getting vaccinated is bad, stop pretending to care about the science, stop wasting your time trying to justify your position to strangers on the internet. Instead, go out to where there are lots of people and don't worry about covid, those that were worried about it did what it took to take care of themselves, so you'll have no need to feel sorry about harming people because those who do get sick are just like you and those who don't, well they aren't like you.

Thank you for your sacrifice!
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