HBO's Game of Thrones season 6 discussion thread- airing 4/24/16 (No book spoilers)

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Mar 1, 2000
The Vale had been content to sit out the recent wars behind their near impregnable defenses. They did not come to Rob's aid when requested either. There would be little reason for Jon to appeal to them as he had no relationship. Sansa played her association with Littlefinger close to the vest knowing that Jon probably wouldn't approve if her knew the whole story.

I know they've sat out for the past 20 years (they road with King Robert and Stark against the Targaryens). But to not even ask or even plead with them seems ridiculous. Especially after Sansa was JUST THERE.


Mar 1, 2000
Contract negotiations. It doesn't matter though. Whether GoT gets renewed beyond season 8 or not probably doesn't matter since HBO will no doubt commission a spin off. The only question would be if they can do the spinoff with just the consent of Martin or if the current producers have intellectual property in some of the characters and would need to be bought off.

Show makes too much money for HBO to just drop it after x seasons. And Martin must be getting used to those trucks full of cash backing up to his front door - beep, beep, beep.

"The Sand Snakes" - 6 seasons and a movie!


Dec 3, 2013
im guessing ep10 will be closure on Kings Landing/sparrow arc and setup for the major White Walker arc for next season.

Now that Dany controls Maureen and the 3 former slave cities, how will she keep them AND still take Kings Landing?
she has 100k dorathi Calvary, 8k unsullied, 2k 2nd Sons mercs, 100+ ships, and 3 dragons.

the ships, calvary and dragons are coming with her to Kings Landing.
unsullied/2nd sons to keep control over 4 cities?
but those same 10k men failed b4 and lost 3 cities.

and who will rule these 4 cities while Dany is across the sea?
same triumvirate of tyrion/Grey Worm/nice tits?

Danys purpose the whole time has been to raise an Army and Navy with her personal Air Force to head back to Westeros. She has more or less been trying to make the cities independent of the Masters, which she may have just solved. Not sure if she will actually do it, but she had every intention of genocide on the Masters and their troops, etc, which Tyrion was trying to slow her down on. The whole "Your reign is over" idea didn't go over so well.

She wants to rule the 7 Kingdoms, anything on that side of the sea that would be in alliance with her is just extra gravy.

I could see Grey Worm and Messandei staying there possibly, I would think Tyrion would bug out with her.

I would even think if she does accomplish that, many of the Dothraki might return back there, for starters.

The Vale had been content to sit out the recent wars behind their near impregnable defenses. They did not come to Rob's aid when requested either. There would be little reason for Jon to appeal to them as he had no relationship. Sansa played her association with Littlefinger close to the vest knowing that Jon probably wouldn't approve if her knew the whole story.

Pretty much this. It took Sansa having a relationship with Littlefinger to get them involved, they have been sitting on the side the whole time. She didn't even know they were actually going to show up for certain I imagine.

On a side note, I've been wondering where Ghost is hanging out myself.
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Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
what was devos going to do with his archers in close combat?!
a little bit unbelievable that jon got his army surrounded like that.

and if devos didn't break position, then jon wouldn't have gotten surrounded?

why did the opening credits show riverrun and bravoos?
I didn't see any scenes that involve either one of them.

now I'm dying to know what's Littlefinger's price for helping?
sansa in marriage??

Devos would have still had the same issue, his archers would have been hitting his people as well as the Bolton's. Ramesy just didn't care. The only move for him was to either join the fray or just watch his army fall knowing they'd come for him next.


Feb 23, 2005
Excellent, although predictable, episode. Wife and I were cheering throughout.

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Jun 24, 2001
I just can't get over how stupid that CGI dog bite looked. The actor playing Ramsay couldn't even pretend to lurch at the moment the dog was supposed to lunge/grab? Also, how did Sansa release them by just standing there? I think it would've been so much better if they incorporated Ghost somehow.
Ramsay's aim getting better the further Rickon got was probably intended to show that he was toying with him by letting him last that long but they really should've taken notes from a similar scene in Apocalypto (excellent movie, BTW).

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
A great episode, if only because Ramsey is no more. Hated him, he was an unimaginative character that was boring to watch, his sicko shock factor wore off after the whole Theon thing, but they kept going back to it.

Regarding the giant... how the heck did he not have any kind of weapon? And by weapon I am including simple tree stumps. If he had anything other than his fists that whole fight would've been very different.

I guess that's why they gave him no weapon in the show. That's bad writing, but whatever.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
My only complaint is Rickon running in a straight line........

I knew the outcome of it, but it didn't bother me that he was running in a straight line. I'm not sure, but he was young when the show started so he wouldn't have all the experience or training of his older brothers. Even then he also was in pure panic mode. Odds are all he saw was Jon coming at him full speed on a horse to save him. In his brain he prob keep thinking that if he could just get to him, he was safe. To do any strategy goes out the window the when pure fear comes in.


Sep 22, 2007
Contract negotiations. It doesn't matter though. Whether GoT gets renewed beyond season 8 or not probably doesn't matter since HBO will no doubt commission a spin off. The only question would be if they can do the spinoff with just the consent of Martin or if the current producers have intellectual property in some of the characters and would need to be bought off.

Show makes too much money for HBO to just drop it after x seasons. And Martin must be getting used to those trucks full of cash backing up to his front door - beep, beep, beep.

The universe is full of possibilities - prequels back to the beginning, sequels, spinoffs focused on certain characters - HBO can milk this for years (decades?) to come.

I'm waiting for a decent GoT MMO - not sure the one in development is going to cut it.


Dec 17, 2001
I just can't get over how stupid that CGI dog bite looked. The actor playing Ramsay couldn't even pretend to lurch at the moment the dog was supposed to lunge/grab? Also, how did Sansa release them by just standing there? I think it would've been so much better if they incorporated Ghost somehow.
Ramsay's aim getting better the further Rickon got was probably intended to show that he was toying with him by letting him last that long but they really should've taken notes from a similar scene in Apocalypto (excellent movie, BTW).

He was definitely toying with him. He didn't even look when shooting the first shot.

I thought Ramsay was going to eventurally order all the archers to loose on Rickon, kinda of a waste but it would have almost guaranteed a hit and sent a message.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Jon's strategy made no sense. Jon's army HAD to attack, since they are the ones that want Winterfell. All Ramsey had to do was wait. They even had the burning effigies lined up to give his archers range markers for more accuracy. Ramsey had the perfect upper hand in a defensive battle (Higher ground, 2x troops size). I don't think Jon executing on his strategy would've mattered at all.
Not that it matters, but Jon's strategy did make sense. They were going to attack, but not Jon going full ham alone. Forcing his cavalry to charge full tilt to save him. After attacking with the strategy they were originally planning, they were anticipating Ramsey's men would push forward if the center of the Stark forces gave. Drawing them into the defensive positions Jon's army had prepared. The whole point was to prevent that shield wall envelopment maneuver they were caught in, due to Jon getting played by Ramsey.

We were laughing when it was explained to Giantsbane. His face was hilarious when they were using words like envelopment and pincher.

It could have worked to. Ramsey would have no control over the men that are in the middle of the fight. If those men press an advantage in the heat of battle. Instead of disengaging and falling back to original positions, they end up where Jon expected them to.

Another indication that Jon was right about Ramsey's overconfidence? Ramsey even fighting him in open battle. Jon did not have seige equipment or provisions to sustain one. No logistical lines of supply; nothing. Ramsey could have stayed in Winterfell. Precisely as he was going to attempt, after losing the battle. Right up until the wun wun gate crashed him. Which he could not have done if Ramsey had all his archers. They would have pin cushioned him before he could near the gate.

But it WAS a desperate move, and Jon WAS a dumb ass. He was trying to save his bro, which was not going to happen. Should have been more patient and listened to his sis. Her emphatic point was "Don't do what he wants you to!" and he still did. Jon Snow knows nothing.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
The overall battle was probably the worst one I have ever seen depicted. The neat piles of bodies, the troops dutifully waiting while the bolton troops encircle them, the "gate" of winterfell being a big wooden door.

Come on. Most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.

The individual fight scenes were well done however which made the overall ridiculousness even more infuriating.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
Episode 10 will end with Ser Friendzone on the brink of becoming a Stone man...
Or at least I hope we see him one last time...


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
[DHT]Osiris;38305233 said:
Wunwun should have had like, a rock on a rope. Or a burning tree limb. Hell, he could have stolen two of those pigstickers the phalanx troupe was using and just started skewering people. Someone dropped the ball on that one.

Thoughts on possibility of every male in a potential leadership role ending up as a ruler, per the tagline of 'All Men Must Die'? Danny takes the throne, sand snakes in the south, Yara on the islands, Jon dies leaving Sansa/Arya in Winterfell (maybe Sansa goes to vale to marry LF, kills him, takes the vale for herself?).
They had to have wunwun suck, or as I mentioned, he would have gone full Sauron and rekt 5-10 dudes a swipe. Broke the shield wall and changed the whole battle. Instead he swiped at spears like Frankenstein's monster swiping at torches, shouting "fire bad!"

I think you called it on girl power. It is speculated Varys went to Dorne. Women are in charge there now. Woman running Iron Isles, Danny running everything when the smokes clears. Marg or Cersei running King's Landing, at least temporarily? Sansa running the north?

The odd one is whether or not KL goes 'splosions. May not be much left to rule.


Dec 3, 2013
The overall battle was probably the worst one I have ever seen depicted. The neat piles of bodies, the troops dutifully waiting while the bolton troops encircle them, the "gate" of winterfell being a big wooden door.

Come on. Most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.

The individual fight scenes were well done however which made the overall ridiculousness even more infuriating.

The piles of bodies might have been a bit overblown, but is something that has happened in battles in the past to a degree.

I thought the fight scenes for the most part were some of the best ones I have seen in a long time.

As far as being encircled, they were fresh troops rushing in, looked a pretty classic Roman Legion maneuver to me. The guys in the middle have been wearing armor and slashing away for awhile now, lots are injured and worn out at that point and trying to stay massed back to back.

I did notice Wunwun grabbing a shield at one point and slapping people around with it, would be interesting to see a Giant with about a 10 foot long sword.

Screw Frankengor, if trial by combat Wunwun would have be great

Stomp, squish.

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Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
The overall battle was probably the worst one I have ever seen depicted.
I hope that is a very minority opinion.

LoTR RoTK was far worse. Without trotting out any other film or show. The way the riders of Rohan charged the giant elephants. home girl taking one out by riding through its legs and giving it razor rash. Ghosts swarming everything at various speed. A speed determined only by what we need to play out first. The battle at the black gates, and the magic earthquake that only swallows evil minions.


Sep 25, 2001
Devos would have still had the same issue, his archers would have been hitting his people as well as the Bolton's. Ramesy just didn't care. The only move for him was to either join the fray or just watch his army fall knowing they'd come for him next.

davos archers could have picked off a lot of the infantry that went to surround jon.
heck, that infantry's back will be to davos if they were to do continue the surrounding tactic.

if only davos held his position.


Sep 25, 2001
Regarding the giant... how the heck did he not have any kind of weapon? And by weapon I am including simple tree stumps. If he had anything other than his fists that whole fight would've been very different.

I guess that's why they gave him no weapon in the show. That's bad writing, but whatever.
and how about a shield?
jon must expect ramsay to have archers.
give the giant a tower shield and charge with shield infront of him... like a battering ram


Jun 23, 2005
It was good in the good hollywood movie kind of sense, but perhaps not in the Game of Thrones sense. I think I liked the white walker assault last season more.

what was devos going to do with his archers in close combat?!
a little bit unbelievable that jon got his army surrounded like that.

and if devos didn't break position, then jon wouldn't have gotten surrounded?

why did the opening credits show riverrun and bravoos?
I didn't see any scenes that involve either one of them.

now I'm dying to know what's Littlefinger's price for helping?
sansa in marriage??

He owes her for saving his butt last season.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
The piles of bodies might have been a bit overblown, but is not something that has ot happened in battles in the past.

I thought the fight scenes for the most part were some of the best ones I have seen in a long time.

As far as being encircled, they were fresh troops rushing in, looked a pretty classic Roman Legion maneuver to me. The guys in the middle have been wearing armor and slashing away for awhile now, lots are injured and worn out at that point and trying to stay massed back to back.

I did notice Wunwun grabbing a shield at one point and slapping people around with it, would be interesting to see a Giant with about a 10 foot long sword.

Screw Frankengor, if trial by combat Wunwun would have be great

Stomp, squish.

If you watched the after show commentary, they said they took the ideas for the battle from famous historical ones. Getting encircled and massacred actually happened to the Romans though. Hannibal's men did it to them, is what the writer said, irrc.

The giant used a log on the dead at hardhome. It was super-effective until it broke. That much iron and the ability to forge it would have been silly. But a giant wooden war club would have been doable.


Dec 3, 2013
davos archers could have picked off a lot of the infantry that went to surround jon.
heck, that infantry's back will be to davos if they were to do continue the surrounding tactic.

if only davos held his position.

No they couldn't have.

You think some of the guys that were at least 5 deep wouldn't have peeled off even if they had went rogue and tried to spread out on the perimeter.

If they held position they might have gotten some on the ends.
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