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Senior member
May 2, 2006
Anyone play Tavern Brawl with the new cards yet? How powerful is the Inspire ability?

I played it with both classes. It's hard to tell how inspire will be since the brawl is much slower than the meta. For example the 6 mana 3/5 that summons another 3/5 whenever inspired worked well in the brawl but is way to slow for meta. Some hunter cards were really good: the 5 mana 3/3 that summons a random beast if you already have a beast (of course my opponent got king crush), the 2 mana 3/2 elephant where if you win the joust you draw the winning minion and a 2 mana secret that summons a 3/3 bear with taunt when your hero is attacked.


Oct 30, 2000
The hunter deck sucks BADLY in this brawl. If you get it, you might as well just concede. 20 times playing it and 1 win. I have had others at work with similar experiences. HUGE threads about it on reddit and the official forums.


Seriously, if you doing brawl auto concede the hunter deck. The joust mechanic sucks balls, and the cards given to the deck are horrid. There are two chances of winning with it: slim and none.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
The hunter deck sucks BADLY in this brawl. If you get it, you might as well just concede. 20 times playing it and 1 win. I have had others at work with similar experiences. HUGE threads about it on reddit and the official forums.


Seriously, if you doing brawl auto concede the hunter deck. The joust mechanic sucks balls, and the cards given to the deck are horrid. There are two chances of winning with it: slim and none.

I don't tend to play Brawl after I get the pack. I guess I got lucky, one hunter game got a win. That deck was pretty janky though haha. The class does work decently with Joust I guess since Unleash/Summon Huffer are both not "minions" so your minion curve does tend to be higher even with decent early game creatures.


Oct 30, 2000
I don't tend to play Brawl after I get the pack. I guess I got lucky, one hunter game got a win. That deck was pretty janky though haha. The class does work decently with Joust I guess since Unleash/Summon Huffer are both not "minions" so your minion curve does tend to be higher even with decent early game creatures.

Yah, well Blizz only put in 2 creatures with 2 casting cost, nothing for 1, and then you have animal companion at 3 mana. And even then you have rely upon that horrible joust mechanic which is basically a fail battle cry most of the time. They load up the hunter deck with 6+ casting minions to give the deck a chance of winning a few jousts, but the mage has a few 8-10 casting minions as well. The hunter relies upon needing those 5 casting cost divine shield taunters, but they are joust mechanic on if you get them as taunts.

The only other way to win as the hunter is get really lucky with lock and load mid to late game. If you make it to mid to late game because the mage got a bad draw. That and maybe the mage's spellslinger's gave the hunter a decent spell to use.

It is all way to RNG reliant for the hunter deck and even if the hunter wins every joust, get's very good cards from lock and loaded, the hunter can still have a high chance of losing to the mage deck in this brawl. I know because I've been on both sides of that happening now. I'm pretty much done with the brawl as it really isn't any fun with how lopsided it is.


Nov 27, 2001
Yeah, I lost badly on the Hunter deck. The mage played that 1-cost Argent Lackey-Thingy (1/2 that gains +1 attack when Inspired) on turn 1 and 2, and I was able to counter those with Arcane Shot, but after that, I had nothing to play until turn 5. :\ I might have been able to win if I won the Joust on that 5/6 Sunwalker clone. I think I actually tied on that one, which is a loss for you. Frankly, I think a tie on a joust should just force a redraw.

As you'd expect, I utterly destroyed my opponent with the Mage deck.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
I got the win 5 brawls - 60 gold quest today. So I played a few more games. Hunter deck is worse mainly because hero power doesn't synergize. I did manage 3/7 games with hunter, though they were drawn out. Definitely don't keep lock and load in starting hard, it's way too slow.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
New Druid deck i'm having a lot of fun with. First deck I built without netlooking btw so i'm pretty proud of it

2x Innervate (0)
2x Mark of the Wild (2)
2x Wrath (2)
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze (2)
2x Echoing Ooze (2)
2x Savage Roar (3)
1x Shattered Sun Cleric (3)
2x Swipe (4)
2x Keeper of the Grove (4)
2x Kezan Mystic (4)
2x Druid of the Claw (5)
1x Loatheb (5)
2x Sludge Belcher (5)
2x Force of Nature (6)
1x Hogger (6)
2x Ancient of Lore (7)
1x Cenarius (9)

The main thing about this deck is Echoing Ooze+Mark of the Wild or any buffs you can give it. Main thing =/= must have though cause i've been able to get out of sticky situations without that combo but I aim for that on initial draw.

I won't lie to you, i'm pretty much 50/50 with this deck around Rank 14-15 for now but i'm having a lot of fun with it.

It got eveything from early minions to silences. Lots of Taunt minions and some ways to give it early.

My new favorite card: Kezan Mystic. Damn it saved my life more than once, especially VS Mages and Hunters. It's a great minion and can give you that edge you need.

Hogger, I know guys, but I freaking love that card. It's just so fun even though it's situationally useful, I just love dropping Hogger down and have that taunt early thanks to Innervate.

Cenarius too, great card but costly but I love it.

I made this deck to have fun and I rarely play Druid but it's slowly becoming my Top 2 favorite class, Paladin being #1 for now.

Don't hesitate to comment and give me ideas to improve the deck even thought i'm having a blast with it right now as is.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
Biggest problem is the lack of wild growth. Other than that, two acidic oozes and two kezans are absurd. No bgh? no shredders? no dr win? no emp?


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
I'm playing Druid right now as well. Deck still needs tweaking I think, but it's doing ok. I'm running:

2x Innervate
2x Zombie Chow
2x Wrath
2x Wild Growth
1x Blood Mage
1x BGH
2x Swipe
2x Keeper
2x Senjin
2x Starfall
2x Azure Drake
2x Druid of the Claw
1x Harrison
1x Sylvanas
1x The Black Knight
2x Ancient of Lore
1x Ancient of War
1x Dr. Boom
1x Ysera

Pretty normal ramp Druid, except Bloodmage/Starfall I think, I also leave out Shredders for Drakes and play Senjins over Beltchers to balance the curve. The idea is you use Blood Mage/Drakes with Starfall/Swipe/Wrath for early board clear. The 3 damage clear is especially nice against Patrons. Then just play big creatures. I like all the draw as well, typically have no issues keeping the hand full unless both Lores/Drakes end up near the bottom. I really like the curve on this deck, I find I can usually use my mana efficiently.

Edit: I'll add, I've experimented with a lot of things in the Ysera slot, Nefarian, Cenarius, Rag. Ysera seems to be the best so far. The Chows are the other question mark. They're nice stall against the pure agro decks, but I'm not 100% sold. I had to lower the curve a bit, from where it was originally, but I don't know if a solid 2-3 drop might be better.
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Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't understand the Zombie Chow obsession. When I see that card played (by anything but a priest) I see an easy heal for my character. As a druid you have much better choices with a 2 mana minion (such as the ones that you can do 3/2 or 2/3+taunt). The taunt forces the same response just delayed a turn, either they have a spell to kill it or need to kill it with their minions, and you don't give them a free +5 health in the process.
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Nov 27, 2001
I don't understand the Zombie Chow obsession. When I see that card played (by anything but a priest) I see an easy heal for my character. As a druid you have much better choices with a 2 mana minion (such as the ones that you can do 3/2 or 2/3+taunt).

Trump went into this when he talked about the The Great Tournament card Refreshment Vendor, which restores 4 health to each hero. In his experience, these cards work well for control decks, because their early-game focus isn't so much about damaging the hero. You've probably seen this a lot where you may only see 1 HP restored from a Zombie Chow or possibly none. The only problem that I had with it is when I get a Zombie Chow late in the game, and that's the point where I'm actually damaging the hero. Although, if your board control is far superior, a 5 heal isn't a big deal.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Trump went into this when he talked about the The Great Tournament card Refreshment Vendor, which restores 4 health to each hero. In his experience, these cards work well for control decks, because their early-game focus isn't so much about damaging the hero. You've probably seen this a lot where you may only see 1 HP restored from a Zombie Chow or possibly none. The only problem that I had with it is when I get a Zombie Chow late in the game, and that's the point where I'm actually damaging the hero. Although, if your board control is far superior, a 5 heal isn't a big deal.

Yeah, the heal is whatever, I don't mind that. It's just face damage. The 2/3 stat line doesn't match up well against mech decks in particular and with the lack of other <4 drops I don't know if it's necessary to keep Chows over say a 3 drop like Farseer/MC Tech or the Druid of the Flame or something. I might have to experiment with those.


Oct 30, 2000
Zombie Chow great for turn 1, or priests with achunai. It's basically board control for the first few turns for a slower mid to late game control deck. If you are playing an agro deck don't bother with it at all.

It's a shitty card for almost any deck beyond the first few turns. Even in arena I would get one, but never two if offered.


Apr 8, 2001
haven't been reading this thread lately as I was out of town for the week. Got back tonight and did the brawl after unpacking. Got the mage and it was a 1 battle facestomp for pack reward. Now I see this seems to be a common occurence

Had several low cost minions that buffed my HP so the huntard popped both trackings early to try and limit me. AIf he would have just put out minions I was so strong I could have just hero attacked them away. By the end of the match I dropped rhonin and 2 frost giants and was surprised he didn't just quite (already had him down to 3 health while I was just under 20). after another futile scramble on his turn, wiped all his minions from the board and then killed him next turn.


Nov 27, 2001
Ugh, so I'm still playing this Priest deck, and my win-rate is still pretty bad (50% at best). In most cases, my problem seems to be being mid-range vs. aggro. I end up with a really bad hand, and the other player simply doesn't. If you think about it, that's almost expect with aggro because their card distribution is at a low cost, so they have a higher chance of getting low-cost cards. It's a sad state of affairs when a Mana Wyrm ends up at 7 attack and I haven't had a good method to even attack. Essentially, if I ever played a card, there was always a very readable way for the enemy to counter it. :\

Honestly, it's getting rather frustrating :\
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Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Priest is just in a bad spot right now. Most of the matchups are stacked against them.

I was at rank 8 a few days ago but then dropped 3 ranks trying out new decks... Am slowly climbling despite having a bit of bad luck. Played handlock and for five straight games i didn't draw any twilight drakes or mountain giants before turn 4.
Got mad and switched to playing a midrange hunter deck right now and almost back to rank 8 again.


Nov 27, 2001
Priest is just in a bad spot right now. Most of the matchups are stacked against them.

Yeah, I just played a game against a Hunter, and right from my opening hand, I knew it would be a loss. Almost every Hunter is aggro right now, which means if you can't fight against the inevitable barrage of early minions, you're, and I'll put it rather bluntly, fucked. There was one point where I wasn't sure what was the best option. He had a Leoc and the Haunted Creeper on the board, and I could have used Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing to kill them. The problem is that he'd easily kill my Soulpriest with one of the resulting spiders the next turn, and I'd still be left with nothing. I ended up waiting, but I still don't know if that was the right move. :\


Hm... I think that might've been the first time I've ever had a true fatigue battle that ended with (my opponent's) death by fatigue. It was against a Paladin using one of those mid-range decks with Tirion. I have to say... cards like Tirion make me really want to run some sort of silence in my deck as I just don't have an answer for them.
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Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
LOL, poor mage. Someone didn't get the memo that Fel Reaver means pretty much instant no cards. Grant it, I understand that he was trying to put finishing damage on the table, but seriously, I played Emperor already when I had 7 cards in my hand (warrior).

So the mage was still full health and I was down to 15+10 armor. We were in turn 8, and he had a freezebot, an annoybot but I had killed the shield, and then played the Fel Reaver to end his turn. I didn't have anything on the board, so he figured he was safe. So I play a 2 cost warsong, a 2 cost forthing berzerk, 1 cost armorsmith, a 1 cost cruel task (on my berzerk), a zero cost whirlwind, a 1 cost battle rage (drew 5 cards), an inner rage (on the armorsmith), an inner rage (on the armorsmith), and finally an execute on the Fel Reaver. Oh, and caused him to discard 27 cards (well he had about 18)... He was left with 4 cards in his hand. I killed the taunt with the taskmaster, and hit his hero for 16 damage from the berzerker, and 5 from the armorsmith and gained 10 armor.

He quit.


Senior member
May 2, 2006
The information for the end of month reward chests are out:

Rank 20 - 1 golden common card, 5 dust
Rank 19 - 1 golden common card, 10 dust
Rank 18 - 1 golden common card, 15 dust
Rank 17 - 1 golden common card, 20 dust
Rank 16 - 1 golden common card, 25 dust
Rank 15 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 14 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 13 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 12 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 11 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 10 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 9 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 8 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 7 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 6 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 5 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 5 dust
Rank 4 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 10 dust
Rank 3 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 15 dust
Rank 2 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 20 dust
Rank 1 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 25 dust
Legendary - 3 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card

It seems like rank 15 is optimal for casual players to get the golden rare. I actually ending up de'ing most of my golden that I never use since I rather the dust (what was I ever going to do with a golden angry chicken?). Now I'm going on 5k and can finally craft some legendaries I have been wanting.

Grand Tournament is out tomorrow but I don't think it'll change the meta too much. There doesn't seem to be too many cards that'll make an impact in constructed. The epic/legendaries I'm hoping to pull are:

Chillmaw/Twilight Guardian - Not high on my list but if I make a dragon deck I'd like these guys.

Mulch/Aviana - If I end up playing druid I might want mulch for removal and Aviana probably won't be that good but I wouldn't mind pulling her.

Eadric the Pure - The Jury's still out on him but he does have a lot of upside.

Shadowfiend/Confessor Paletress - Shadowfiend may turn out to be good and Confessor Paletress is almost certainly going to be to slow but does have a cool effect.

Elemental Destruction - Good board sweep for Shaman.

Varian Wrynn - My most hoped for epic. While I'm not sold on him he's an excellent card for control decks (which warrior excels at). I think of all the epics he has the most upside.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Got a lot of dust, almost 20000, around 2000 gold, and the 50 packs for tomorrow. Definetely won't using up my dust for any legendaries though, because I don't see any card that is a must have right now.


Senior member
May 2, 2006
Got a lot of dust, almost 20000, around 2000 gold, and the 50 packs for tomorrow. Definetely won't using up my dust for any legendaries though, because I don't see any card that is a must have right now.

Yeah, as of now I don't see any cards worth crafting. Maybe Eadric and Varian once they prove their worth but I don't see any epics/legendaries as must haves. I'm probably end up crafting Mal'ganis, Jaraxxis and Bane of Doom for warlock decks. I was thinking of crafting Vol'jin and cabal shadow for priest but don't think any priest decks are good in meta right now. I'll probably end with Cenarius/Ancient of Lore instead to give me all the Druid cards I need for a good deck.


Nov 27, 2001
looks like 15 and 5 are the cutoffs if trying for the best loot chest.

I wouldn't mind a golden epic card just for the shot at getting an epic that I'm still missing! I wanted to build a Druid deck over the weekend, and I ran into the same problem -- high-end Druid cards (the ancients) are all epic. Right now, my highest rank is 10, so I'll have a lot of work if I want to hit 5... and I'll have to give up on Priest.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Anyone doing any big openings today? I'm looking at ~80 packs with my saved gold. I'm traveling for work next week, so HS will be my main game all week since I'll just have my phone/laptop. Should be a good time to test some shit.


Apr 8, 2001
Used coins to prepurchase and have about another 10 packs earned but not opened. Will probably wait till the weekend before tearing into them.
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