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Nov 18, 2007
I lost my first game as Kel'Thuzad. He upgraded his power to summon legendary and then got the one that reduces minion cost to 1. Next turn he played 4 of them. I think my mistake was playing the spiders in the beginning. Half the time I used my hero power I got a spider.

Second game I won without even losing all my armor.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Yeah, KelThuzad wipes the floor with Rafaam unless Rafaam draws extremely well to remove some strong minions without actually killing them. Got my win and that's enough of this one for me.


Sep 2, 2000
Winning is easy with Kel'Thuzad.. with Rafaam it takes luck and an opponent who doesn't know what they're doing.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
KT is definitely favoured over Rafaam. I've beat KTs though because they misplayed by playing Mad scientists and creepers. KT should mulligan for duplicate secret and the 4 dmg at end of turn guy. Rafaam needs to mulligan for the pit snake card to screw over KTs plan. There's plenty of removal but it needs to all used up wisely. I actually took a KT to fatigue in one game and won. By then I had saved a few good legendaries like Reno and Tirion.


Senior member
May 2, 2006
I wonder when the standard nerfs are finally going to come. It looks like owl, big game hunter and savage roar are the top candidates. I just hope they don't become unplayable like other nerfed cards. My suggestions would be:

Iron beak owl:
3 Mana 2/2: Battlecry: Silence a minion.

Big Game Hunter:
3 Mana 4/2: Battlecry: Do 5 damage to a minion with an attack of 7 or more

Savage Roar:
3 Mana: Give your minions +2 attack this turn

I think those tweaks would help balance the cards without them becoming unplayable. 3 mana for the owl seems right with spellbreaker being 4 and never seeing play. The extra health protects it from being killed by hero powers. Doing 5 damage with the BGH would cause you to have to do something else in conjunction with the card to take down most 7 attack minions like throw a minion into it or use a spell. Savage Roar only affecting minions would mean your hero could no longer attack.

I'm guessing we won't see the nerfs until the whisper cards are patched in. With blizzard's history though I'm expecting them to be much harsher than I am with the nerfs and the cards to become unplayable.


Apr 8, 2001
Played one tavern game as KT and won. Didn't look up anything before going in and looks like I had a lucky win. Played counterspell which killed his first improve staff spell. I kept getting the 3-1 and similar junk back whenever I tried using the hero power. At one point he was at about 57 health and I was down to 3 armor. One of his first cards was the one that converted all other minions so I struggled a bit early to get things going. Once I did kill that, I had the one that gives an undead each turn and had the secret that gives 2 copied of a killed minion. He killed it and I popped both again next turn. From that point on I was able to keep filling up my side enough that I could keep wiping his (kept getting a lot oof high cost ones earlier so while he was dealing with 2-3 hand size I was making sure not to go over size before I got to go on a playable streak). He did manage a flame strike which took most of my side out when I had him around 20 health, but the only time my hero power didn't screw me was just after that when it brought back one of the spawn undead every turn minions.

Guess he would have wiped me with my poor draw rng if not for me crapping on his power upgrade.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I wonder when the standard nerfs are finally going to come. It looks like owl, big game hunter and savage roar are the top candidates. I just hope they don't become unplayable like other nerfed cards. My suggestions would be:

Iron beak owl:
3 Mana 2/2: Battlecry: Silence a minion.

Big Game Hunter:
3 Mana 4/2: Battlecry: Do 5 damage to a minion with an attack of 7 or more

Savage Roar:
3 Mana: Give your minions +2 attack this turn

I think those tweaks would help balance the cards without them becoming unplayable. 3 mana for the owl seems right with spellbreaker being 4 and never seeing play. The extra health protects it from being killed by hero powers. Doing 5 damage with the BGH would cause you to have to do something else in conjunction with the card to take down most 7 attack minions like throw a minion into it or use a spell. Savage Roar only affecting minions would mean your hero could no longer attack.

I'm guessing we won't see the nerfs until the whisper cards are patched in. With blizzard's history though I'm expecting them to be much harsher than I am with the nerfs and the cards to become unplayable.

I highly doubt they would nerf BGH that much. At most, I see it becoming a 4 or 5 mana card, but the stats of what it does will not actually change. Too many cards have stats based solely on the fact that BGH exists.

I also don't think iron beak gets nerfed at all, or if it does, it becomes a 1/1.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
I think most of the cards I wanted nerfed are leaving standard mode. This is a really good opportunity for Blizzard to overhaul the basic and classic sets, unfortunately it looks like they will be keeping the changes to a minimum. They're also opting to kill Murloc decks by removing reward set from standard rather than admit they made a mistake with Anyfin can happen.

If we look at the basic and classic sets, it's easy to see some big gaping holes in what some classes can do. Eg: Priest and Paladin have no early drops. I would move any two from shadow boxer, shrink Meister or dark cultist to classic set. Minibot as well except make it 2/1. Otherwise Blizzard will need to keep printing replacements for these cards every new set.

If I could change just one card in the game, it would be Knife Juggler. I think it should be either be 2/2 or 3/1.
There are a lot of other changes I would make, mostly just small changes

Leper Gnome: deathrattle 1 dmg.
Owl: 3 mana 2/2
Novice engineer: 1/2
Spellbreaker: 5 mana 4/5
Illidan: 6/6
Black Knight: 5/5
Priestess of Elune: heal 1 more
Ravenholdt: 6/6

Savage roar: minions only
Ancient of lore: 8 mana
Druid will need buffs in other cards to offset this... Eg:
Savagery: give it cleave
Bite: 2 more armor
Recycle: 5 mana

Highmane: 6 mana 5/5
Buzzard: +1 hp

Divine favor: this cards really needs to be removed from the game.
Keeper of uldaman: rare
Guardian of kings: 6/6
Tirion: ashbringer: 5/2

Ancestral healing: also gives +1/+1
Totemic might: +3 hp
Farsight: discounts by 4
Windspeaker: 4/4
Earth elemental: 1 more mana. 6/8. 1 less overload.
Honestly I would remove the randomness in shaman cards and rebalance the whole class including overload.

Power overwhelming: +4/+2
Succubus: choose which card to discard
Drain Life: 3 dmg
Pit Lord: 1 less dmg to hero
Summoning Portal: +1hp

Battle rage: only procs on minions

Master of disguise: 3 mana 3/4 1 turn stealth
Kidnapper: 4/4

Wow long post. I'd probably come up with more stuff but am on mobile and using tapatalk right now


Apr 8, 2001
Several of those are directly against changes they've made before, so reversals highly unlikely.

Played a couple mobile games last night on my new S7, and have to say on a quality mobile it's quiet an amazing performance. Actually like several of the UI elements that are shrunk for the smaller screen than version on the desktop.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, the removal of many of these cards from the one game type is going to leave a lot of holes in many different classes.


Apr 8, 2001
Played a couple arena matches last night. First was a bad set as priest was my best option, but at least I had the privilege to face another priest at one point. He did an amazing job of randomly picking into a pretty complimentary mech deck. He was probably pretty disappointed in going from a 27-3 health advantage with 3-1 board presence to a match defeat.

Turning point was him playing a minion that gives opponent a random 1 cost one that turned into a 0-4 taunt for me. He silenced it (and emptied his hand) to trade off my other only minion and hit face. At this point I had a 6-0 card advantage and he had lethal on board.

Played card to match attack to health allowing my 0-4 to kill his minion, dropped another couple of minions and healed. After having dreadful card draw to this point, I now started getting all minions that either had a minion that replaced them on death or had an inspire effect, so even while eliminating his drop every turn my total minion count never went down. Ended up Killing him with 8 health and climbing (from a low of 1) and about 20 attack points on board.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well just logged in to try this week's brawl. It is another Druid domination brawl. Only minions allowed are ones that cost 7 or more. Since Druid has so many awesome minions in that range along with plenty of low level spells that can create minions, it is essentially the deck to beat. Don't forget to include clockwork giants as they should easily get out early since there will be very little play the first few rounds...


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Fastest brawl win ever for me. Read the brawl rules and decided astral deck is the way to go. First game, druid mirror. Turn 1 going second: coin + innervate out Astral Communion. Opponent concedes before I can even use hero power.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yep, like I said, this is simply a druid brawl. I wasn't able to draw astral my first few games, but I had clockworks out by turn 4-5 and from there it was over with me being able to start using the all the taunt spells and +2 mana spells to get out other big minions early. And having essentially 4 kill spells and the only big taunts in the game (6 class specific, and no big game hunter, Sylvannas, or Black Knight to worry about).
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2001
Did my pally last night. Had a couple shields, couple buffs, along with secrets that buff. Ended up going 3-1 against 2 mages, shammy, and lock.


Sep 2, 2000
I was bored and racked up like 20 wins with Warrior in the brawl. Weapons to the face, double Molten and charge as a backup.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, I need to make a decent paladin deck again. It has been way too long since I made a competitive deck with that class. I was debating a pseudo dragon deck with some shields, which I think could be a decent deck (as long as it gets some kind of decent initial draw).


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Been bored of the ladder while waiting for the expansion to release. I liked how LoE was released so fast after announcement.

Hadn't played any ranked at all in March, instead I just played brawl mode. Finally made an effort to rank up yesterday for the rewards. Started at rank 16, ultimate aim was to reach rank 5 but ladder reset while I was at rank 8. And... the golden rare ended up being one I already had two copies of... such a low chance of that happening considering how many 2x golden rares I have... kinda sucks. A couple hours of effort for what basically ended up being 100 or so dust :/

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Been bored of the ladder while waiting for the expansion to release. I liked how LoE was released so fast after announcement.

Hadn't played any ranked at all in March, instead I just played brawl mode. Finally made an effort to rank up yesterday for the rewards. Started at rank 16, ultimate aim was to reach rank 5 but ladder reset while I was at rank 8. And... the golden rare ended up being one I already had two copies of... such a low chance of that happening considering how many 2x golden rares I have... kinda sucks. A couple hours of effort for what basically ended up being 100 or so dust :/

Yeah, that is why I don't take ranked mode seriously. The rewards are not worth the effort if you ask me. Now, if you got a legendary for making it to rank 1, well, that might be worth the effort. However, I don't see them wanting to give out "free" legendaries every month to a few thousand players.

I didn't even play ranked last month until yesterday, and only played 3 games (completed a daily). I think it got me to rank 16...


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Priest can own this brawl pretty well.

Mind Games to pull out a bomb on turn 4 (or 3 with coin). Resurrect to bring it back if they do remove it. SW for cheap removal. Mind Control to win the endgame.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Yeah, that is why I don't take ranked mode seriously. The rewards are not worth the effort if you ask me. Now, if you got a legendary for making it to rank 1, well, that might be worth the effort. However, I don't see them wanting to give out "free" legendaries every month to a few thousand players.

I didn't even play ranked last month until yesterday, and only played 3 games (completed a daily). I think it got me to rank 16...
You're right but I figured why turn down free cards. Also, I missed completing a lot of quests in March so I was sort of trying to make up the loss.

I mainly stick to ranked for the golden portraits. Unfortunately, progress has halted last couple of months. I was trying to level up Rogue but wasn't having any fun so I stopped playing. I'm so bad with Rogue... class is still around 50 wins. I hate the whole weapon, oil, face, clear and repeat decks. I was trying to make control decks but was unsuccessful. Hopefully the expansion allows Rogue new decks.


Sep 2, 2000
Priest can own this brawl pretty well.

Mind Games to pull out a bomb on turn 4 (or 3 with coin). Resurrect to bring it back if they do remove it. SW for cheap removal. Mind Control to win the endgame.

Unless you run up against a troll deck with Majordomo as their only minion.. :sneaky:


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Unless you run up against a troll deck with Majordomo as their only minion.. :sneaky:
I did that haha. I played a couple astral druid games before I started trying different classes. Noticed I was facing a lot of priests, nearly all of them running mind games. So I built a 'I hunt alone' deck with Majordomo as the sole minion. It works great to troll the priests and is actually a decent deck in this brawl.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I actually didn't have a problem against the mindgames priests with my druid deck. I think in every case where they played mindgames on me, I used naturalize and they then lost 1-2 cads as a result. I almost always had several minions on the board from turn 1-2 which just beat the crap out of the priests because they wouldn't have anything on the board until they could play mindgames (the minions were from the 1 mana spell that summoned 2 1/1's or did 2 damage, or the 2 mana spell that summoned a 3/2 or added +1/1 to all my minions and then add in buffs like the +4 attack or +4 health and the +2/2+taunt spells).
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