Hellgate first impressions?


Senior member
Nov 6, 2004
I have a brand new, unopened copy of the game I bought on a whim. After reading reviews from players based on the demo, I have some concerns about breaking the seal and it not being any good.

I understand it's a Diablo clone of sorts, but is it better than the demo. The demo certainly sounded like a disappointment. How does it differ from the experiences some you may have had in the Beta? Is it too easy?

Thanks in advance


Platinum Member
Oct 8, 2006
Going from beta to retail, a huge huge lack of people online. I'm lucky to see 3-4 other human beings. In beta, there was a healthy amount of people chatting and playing around. It just seems way too dead in the game.

Some minor things were fixed. It's exactly like the beta in terms of visual graphics and gameplay. I'll keep playing it but I don't think it's worth the subscription. I was a huge hardcore diablo 2 fan myself. Wasn't really looking for another diablo anyways.


Apr 8, 2001
Wasn't impressed with the Beta. I hope it sinks because of the subscription model scheme they're trying to pull. And you can't even read the damn game forums without buying a copy. Craptastic I tell you.


Senior member
Dec 13, 1999
I am hoping the lack of people you mention will make them drop the subscription.. That would help increase numbers for sure. I would buy the game right now if it was not subscription based for all the good shiat.


Mar 9, 2000
i like the SP ... i don't give a hoot about MP ... yet
-and the stations are quite crowded

i am trying to decide on a Char class ... i made 3 ... BladeMaster thru level 20 in the beta, Guardian thru 10 and i am playing Engineer on 9 right now ...
the one they deleted in the beta Blademaster is the one i think i like best as he is a killing machine although you do get cool support form the engineer bots.

the dungeons DO change and the monsters will vary ... and it is very different playing as a Blademaster compared to an engineer ... so it DOES have replay value - IF you like fighting mobs and enjoy changing strategies

i got it for $40 and after about 50 hours with it including the beta, i am still enjoying it and looking forward to completing the MQ
--as to subscribing, i want to see what they offer first

for the SP - for me - worth it


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2005
Is online the same as single player, except you can party up with real people to do same quests as on single player?or different quests?


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: matas
Is online the same as single player, except you can party up with real people to do same quests as on single player?or different quests?

same quests plus there are "party quests" which are a bit different ...
i am just working on the SP ... and looking forward maybe to PvP

Level 10 Engineer and he is finally coming into his own with a choice of bots
--i cleared Piccadilly Circus three times ... and it definitely felt different each time even though the enemies were pretty much the same
... this is the FIRST time i have played thru a game over with a different char

maybe i am losing my mind


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
aside from the crappy chat system, ya, it's worth it if u like Oblivion/Diablo2/Halo3 combat (if u play as a hunter or evoker class).. use the /channeljoin chat-1 to get to the main chat channels thatt's full of people..for some reason, everyone gets put into a new channel of a few poeple when they log in instead of the main channel see http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/showthread.php?t=22548 for help/docs that the pitiful manual doenst include (chat commands, etc)

Game is super fun as an evoker (I use 2 dual weiled focus weapons with 8 mod slots so lots of differnt strategies (use splash damage, fire, physical, stun, shock, range, shield penetration mods, etc)

Partying is great --u get full xp for each party member's kills so u level very fast (but mobs do 3-4x more damge & way more health) plus more loot from more mobs

Game rolls spawns of secret passages/treasure rooms when first entering zone so have all party members wear highest luck items when zoning (I keep my luck items on still cuz loot drop rolls when the mob,crate, or chest is opened or killed as well as when u complete the mini-game (with my +280 luck, a passageway spawns on almost every lvl I party in) ..make sure every member enters the treasure b4 u start killing/opening things so they get loot too (the xp & loot only spawns for members who also enter the treasure/passageway at time of opening/mob kill) .. try to party with hi=luck chars for more loot if u want

I posted a link in Hot Deals forum that CircuitCity instore has game for $39 (online inventory is bugged..have to call or get game in-store & have clerk check back like I did -store had 5 copies even though computer system said not in stock)

Game really shines once u get to the 3rd city/4th city (lvl 8 to 10+) .. Museum battle is great (4 boss emperors animating statue minions) & the Millenium battle (huge bosses in a warzone with tons of NPC soldiers fighting alongside u like Halo3 while u activate gun turrets & blow away hordes of mobs)..if u need help, just message RippednBuff in-game


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
btw, everyone gets the subsriber perks (Halloween events,items, etc) for now since the subscription signups are bugged..thanx Flagship.. and the most beautiful graphics for an online RPG ..better than Tabula Rasa.. same level as Halo3/Doom 3/Quake 4 ..almost as good as Oblivion --if u have a 8800GTS or higher to run very high shaders/textures.. (I use only medium shadows, 2x anti, 8x anisopteric)

forget the crappy demo..even the CEO says it sucks (Flagship was forced to release a demo by their publishing partners) that included only the first tutorial hub city (consists of 2 or 3 mini-dungoeons, only 2 weapon types/armor,only 2 or 3 types of monsters, no huge mobs like in retail or hordes, no AI, no skills..it's based off a build that's 1 month old at least so is not represenative of the game at all)

Hellgate just gets better & better the deeper u go into it & advance the storyline (in that,it's like Oblivion.. it seems simple at first,..but u get deeper & deeper, it opens up..or like WoW.. simple for the first tutorial level but huge world/variety of mobs,levels, items later in game)

I have yet to read/know anyone who's played it to level 3rd/4th city as a mage or hunter & not love the game (thhey hate the bugs & chat interface but love the gameplay)..even the new blademasters in retail love their melee guys


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
I wasn't that impressed with the beta. I'd maybe get it if they dropped the subscription nonsense but even then maybe not.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
I was going to buy the title, but I played the demo and I think the year 2000 wants its graphics back :frown:


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2002
I dont see why everyone keeps bitching about the Subscription. it's OPTIONAL. The only perks you get are in the upcoming months when they release new content. I'm not subscribed and I'm having a blast playing the game. Playing with local friends is great. Bigger parties = bigger challenge. I played through the beta about 4 times and now I'mm on my retail copy for the 5th time through. AND I STILL ENJOY IT.

PvP can get interesting, dueling with friends it can have quite the competitive properties.

And someone commented on the lack of people in stations; I believe that they lowered the amount of other players to be shown on screen to compensate for some lag issues. The people are still there, but not visible. There are still lots of people online.


Oct 14, 2002
I am not at all interested in MP. I just want the SP experience. I am a huge SP Diablo 2 fan and that is what I want out of it. My only question is how does this game compare to Titan Quest? Could someone who has played both make a compare and contrast post?


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: CKent
I was going to buy the title, but I played the demo and I think the year 2000 wants its graphics back :frown:

what kind of rig do you have?
-you certainly aren't running it at max anything

it looks like 2007 to me

I dont see why everyone keeps bitching about the Subscription. it's OPTIONAL.

i do ... it's called stupidity and it is a 'gang mentality'

I am not at all interested in MP. I just want the SP experience.
it is an *awesome* SP experience that blows away most 'Hack 'n slash' RPGs in Single Player

Screw MP ... that is a FREE 'perk'


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: CKent
I was going to buy the title, but I played the demo and I think the year 2000 wants its graphics back :frown:

what kind of rig do you have?
-you certainly aren't running it at max anything

it looks like 2007 to me

Everything's maxed, believe me I checked about 5 times. I even doublechecked that I had gotten the HGL demo and not accidentally clicked on an older title. x2 4800+ @ 2.75ghz, 1950xt @ 684/945, 2gb ddr800 in dual chan.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
Originally posted by: Miklebud
I dont see why everyone keeps bitching about the Subscription. it's OPTIONAL. The only perks you get are in the upcoming months when they release new content.

You don't even get to play on the hardest settings unless you subscribe.



Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: bl4ckfl4g
Originally posted by: Miklebud
I dont see why everyone keeps bitching about the Subscription. it's OPTIONAL. The only perks you get are in the upcoming months when they release new content.

You don't even get to play on the hardest settings unless you subscribe.

Hardcore IS available after you complete the MQ

Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: CKent
I was going to buy the title, but I played the demo and I think the year 2000 wants its graphics back :frown:

what kind of rig do you have?
-you certainly aren't running it at max anything

it looks like 2007 to me

Everything's maxed, believe me I checked about 5 times. I even doublechecked that I had gotten the HGL demo and not accidentally clicked on an older title. x2 4800+ @ 2.75ghz, 1950xt @ 684/945, 2gb ddr800 in dual chan.
well then the demo is friggin ugly compared to either the beta or the final game - AND i haven't even seen DX10 yet

i think Flagship was *stupid* to release a shitty demo ... wtf were they thinking?

it LOOKS like any other modern title ... HDR, lighting, particle effects - *the works*


Golden Member
Nov 16, 2004
It's not so much the graphics technically (lighting, particles, etc.), but the artistic quality, especially the models and level design.



Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2007
Ok so they made Elite mode free? If so that would actually make me not care about the subscription at all.


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
ckent,the demo sucks.. the demo is missing hi-res graphics (that's why it's only 1.4 gigs while retail is 7 gigs, lmited beta was 4.2 gigs) --if u're playing retail with the hi-res graphics, are your graphics drivers overriding the settings? The other players have low-res graphics but the npcs/AI/mobs & enviornments look great on my 8800gts 640 mb on max settings (shaders, detail levels,etc).. trilinear & anisopteric filtering should be checked/enabled (make sure ur drivers aren't turnig it off by override).. Game looks like Halo3ish to me & plays like it (higher levels when mobs shoot at u & dodge your spells)

The game docs/manual SUCKS! Here's better guides to explain things:

chat guide: http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/showthread.php?t=23212
mini-game guide for better loot: http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/showthread.php?t=22695
game guide http://forums.hellgatelondon.com/showthread.php?t=22548

I'm going to keep raving & pimping this game like I did for Oblivion..I find it stupid that morons who've never played the recently patched beta or retail keep talking out of their asses about how the game sucks when it's clearly has more variety, 40-50 hrs of single-player, totally mixes FPS action shooter & RPG into 1 great game that requires tons of strategy for weapon/armor mods buffs for various combat tactics & PvP ..like GuildWars ..so I counter it.. if anything, enthusiasm for what your passionate about is a great thing instead of killjoys who have nothing better to do than go into threads about games they don't like who wonder why they're not popular at parties, lol (why even bother? It'll be like someone writing 'GuitarHero sucks..it's DDR for fingers in Guitar Hero threads or how Super Mario sucks in Nintendo threads..who cares..different strokes for different folks)


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Miklebud
I dont see why everyone keeps bitching about the Subscription. it's OPTIONAL. The only perks you get are in the upcoming months when they release new content. I'm not subscribed and I'm having a blast playing the game. Playing with local friends is great. Bigger parties = bigger challenge. I played through the beta about 4 times and now I'mm on my retail copy for the 5th time through. AND I STILL ENJOY IT.

PvP can get interesting, dueling with friends it can have quite the competitive properties.

And someone commented on the lack of people in stations; I believe that they lowered the amount of other players to be shown on screen to compensate for some lag issues. The people are still there, but not visible. There are still lots of people online.

Reduced number of playable characters, reduced storage capacity, reduced content, reduced spells/abilities, reduced access to loot, but yeah - hardly any difference between sub and non-sub.


Platinum Member
May 6, 2005

The subscription doesn't look too bad, it looks like a MMO with all the added levels, content, etc.

So if you don't subscribe you get like Diablo 2-ish Multiplayer (along with SP of course). If you do subscribe you get MMO-ish Multiplayer. Not a bad deal for non-subscribers.

The main reason I would subscribe is hardcore mode; it was the main reason I played Diablo 2 on Battle.net all those years. Elite hardcore looks really tough in HGL...


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2007
U know, if Hellgate was just a single player game with no online (like most RPGs now like MassEffect, Oblivion, TitanQuest, Fallout 2/3,etc ), people would be raving about it, LOL

I'm staying free & not getting the subscription & still having a blast --it's like GuildWars without the optional subscription... expanded skills/items are all cosmetic/balanced out .. halloween ghostrider helm is +6% damage(basic common low mod w/ crappy armor stats of 1 armor, 3 shields).. devs have promised no added items will outpower free items on free accounts

GuildWars gives 4 char slots & limited stash too on their free accounts.. yet no one bashes GuildWars for it & praises them for giving new skills/items on their $30-50 paid expasions every 3 to 6 months (GuildWars is a great game..but it's not real-time 3D action

That's the main draw for me.. the 3D action like Halo once u reach the 3rd city/hub

Anyways, who cares..if u don't like a game or it's model.. just don't buy it.. why waste time trying to convince others not to buy it when u never even played retail/updated beta of last 2 weeks? As for those who love it, keep spreading the good word of mouth so more games of this type 3D action gets made instead of boring static RPGs like WoW & Everquest or Lord of the Rings THAT U HAVE TO PAY $14.95 PER MONTH FOR AFTER PAYING $40-50 FOR THE INITIAL GAME WITH NO OPTION FOR A FREE ACCOUNT

Go rag in their threads instead.. seems backward to me to critique optional subscritopins on a game that offers free accounts while doing jack shit on MMORPGs like WoW, Everquest, Lord of the Rings, StarWars, Asheron's Call, & tons of other games that charge $14.95 with NO optional free accounts.. go whine to them instead
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