Help me remove porn

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May 28, 2005
This is why I have 2 HDD, one for parents and one for when parents are away. I feel badd.


Elite Member
Oct 15, 2004
1. Burn BartPE CD
2. Boot from CD
3. seek&destroy porn in \Documents and Settings\username or other directories
4. profit


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Unless you had sex with your brother's mom, he isn't your responsibility. Leave the parenting to the parents.


Golden Member
Oct 31, 2004
if you've got an admin account (which almost all winxp home accounts are) you can reset his password and login as him. Off course he would know that somebody changed his pwd.


Senior member
May 22, 2005
all rite. thanx for the input fellas. the linux solution sounds the best. and no, i dont want to get him into trouble, but want to give him the talk. now the issue is that i cant give him the talk iff i have no bsolute proof of would be awkward for the obvious reasons...anyways heers.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
You know what I find strange about all of this, is that you sound as though you yourself have never used the computer or been on it, but just assume there is something wrong. One, if this is your brother, don't you have a good relation with him and little BRO won't even let BIG BRO use his own PC to like SURF the net?

I mean come on, how poor is your relationship that he won't even let you play on his PC?

I mean sheesh how hard is it to just have your brother let you use his PC to do something on it. I mean use your imagination to use it. Then once you are actually on it then you can start digging around on it to see if there is really anything there.

Talk up story, ask him what he is into, LOOK many of us have used Peer2Peer before, so talk up some story about getting Mp3's on the web, etc.. and try to get see if he is into that or PC gaming or whatever, THEN through this mutal interest over time you'll gain hopefully more time on the PC to snoop around.

First rule of good cracking is just to get access to that PC, not to try and find a way to sneak around to it, but just take the straight approach.




Aug 22, 2004

Originally posted by: hooflung
Originally posted by: JasonE4
Second of all, porn is bad mkay. Just because you can't control your bodily urges doesn't mean you should tell this guy not to.
Just because you think porn is bad and that people should control natural urges doesn't mean other people should.:roll:

Porn is bad. It is not natural. Sex is natural. Selling sex is not natural. Selling is commerce. Commerce is manmade. Using your body in ways it wasn't intended to, multiple partners over short periods of time for extended periods of time, is a bodily hazard and unnatural. Mixing a bad biological decision with commerce is not natural. It similar, albeit more serious, to the portrayal of SUPERSIZE ME. Bad eating habbits and cheap food is very similar to the act of making pornography. Problem is that the Porn Industry has millions of vewers watching and that drives the actors and actresses to perpetuate their bad decision. Viewers take a small responsibility in their bad decision because free market commerce is built in such a way that supply and demand delagates responsibility of the product to the supplier and consumers. The freedom to voice and believe in your own oppinion doesn't negate basic funamental biologic and marketing truths. I have to equate porn with fast food because the parallels are there, although there are also social points of view that will taboo one and not the other.

Wah wah wah, cry us a river.

to the OP: keylogger. Slaving the HD to your box is a good idea, too.


Senior member
May 22, 2005
das fox, im sorry if i decieved you, or in any way implied i know little about pcs. i find my knowledge of pcs adequate in that i can take them apart, diagnose format, configure etc.

that is why my q was so specific. i have never done it before. the cracking whatever, is mostly when programs are borrowed, not when you need acess to someones pc.

what about over network?

oh the hdd remove wont work as his pc is locked....a thermaltake xaser or some such case. with a key.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2000
Leave your little brother alone, you narc. This is your parent's responsibility. If you have concerns, then take it to them. This sounds more like you have control issues or something over your brother, and maybe even voyeuristic tendencies, wanting to spy on your brother like that.


Senior member
Sep 6, 2003
If you want to destroy your relationship with your family (all of them) go ahead and do this. Things will never be the same afterwards.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Raduque

Originally posted by: hooflung
Originally posted by: JasonE4
Second of all, porn is bad mkay. Just because you can't control your bodily urges doesn't mean you should tell this guy not to.
Just because you think porn is bad and that people should control natural urges doesn't mean other people should.:roll:

Porn is bad. It is not natural. Sex is natural. Selling sex is not natural. Selling is commerce. Commerce is manmade. Using your body in ways it wasn't intended to, multiple partners over short periods of time for extended periods of time, is a bodily hazard and unnatural. Mixing a bad biological decision with commerce is not natural. It similar, albeit more serious, to the portrayal of SUPERSIZE ME. Bad eating habbits and cheap food is very similar to the act of making pornography. Problem is that the Porn Industry has millions of vewers watching and that drives the actors and actresses to perpetuate their bad decision. Viewers take a small responsibility in their bad decision because free market commerce is built in such a way that supply and demand delagates responsibility of the product to the supplier and consumers. The freedom to voice and believe in your own oppinion doesn't negate basic funamental biologic and marketing truths. I have to equate porn with fast food because the parallels are there, although there are also social points of view that will taboo one and not the other.

Wah wah wah, cry us a river.

to the OP: keylogger. Slaving the HD to your box is a good idea, too.

Hooflung's absolutely right. Porn destroys people's values, our ideals, our morals and our ability to live as God designed us. It is almost the ultimate evil.

Dabbling in porn is so dangerous, because it so often does not stop there. If a young person gets into porn there's a good chance it will turn into an addiction, and change them from the inside out. And there is no changing back. What you were is lost forever. Many of society's problems are the result of abusing ours and other people's bodies, and the proper God-given context of sex and sexuality.

I think it's great that zmaster cares. I can't believe people are asking why? If you love someone you want to stop them from hurting themselves.

I guess you guys will write me off as a religious wacko, but I know from experience how terrible porn is and what a grip it can have on you. I wish I had never gotten into porn when I was younger, it took me years to recover, and see the damage it had done. I guess you could take the view that it's my problem and nothing to do with zmaster's brother, but millions of people all over the world become slaves to porn.

Try reading some porn-addiction forums, and you will see that it is a huge problem, and it ruins many lives.


Senior member
Nov 28, 2000
OMFG - seriously enough with the religious moral crap...

Religion is another dividing line in this wonderful world we live in.

If you want to hack (yes hack) your brothers computer, so be it. It would be like breaking the lock on your sister's diary or snooping in your parents drawers when they weren't home. How does that help. No matter how you have proof, remember you obtained it in a shady way and he will remember that. What's next the GPS locator on his clothes because you don't "think" he is hanging out in the wrong places.

If people would remember "kids will be kids" then things will be alright. I've been involved in some crappy things as a kid, but you learn from *EVERYTHING* you do and that's what helps you make the right choices later on in life.

I thought us computer nerds would have more common sense, especially since some of the people here probably don't even participate in normal society.

How about this, next time, keep him off the chat rooms because it will stunt his face to face conversation aka real world communication.

DAMN, people piss me off.


Junior Member
Nov 5, 2005
this is my first post, and i hope it's not my last, as i enjoy the articles here and have found help many times here in these forums. so sorry to jump in like this.

zmaster, if you really are doing this out of concern for your brothers wellbeing talk to him about it.

brotherhood is a special relationship to be treasured. a brother stands by you through thick and thin, when the world is confusing and dangerous he will be the one person you know you can trust and depend on, the one man you can trust your life to. perhaps the only other man you can confide your closest fears and dreams to.

i can't begin to tell you how much i love and trust mine. but i can tell you, that a small trust is all that needs to be broken to colour an opinion for a lifetime. think of how ugly the word "sneak" is, how awful a label.

be very careful, think of the future. start thinking like the man you want to grow into.


Feb 8, 2005
I guess you guys will write me off as a religious wacko, but I know from experience how terrible porn is and what a grip it can have on you. I wish I had never gotten into porn when I was younger, it took me years to recover, and see the damage it had done
the problem was not porn, the problem was you. many people watch (or read) porn every day, and dont get addicted. many people also drink alcohol, gamble, and smoke cigarettes. not everyone who does these thnigs become addicted. some people do. unlike being addicted to tobacco, gambling, or alcohol, porn acciction is not nearly as big of a problem as you think it is. many people use it every day, and are able to lead normal lives. whatever the case, the addiction is not the substance's fault. but YOURS. give the morality talk a rest, you're not converting anyone.



Golden Member
Mar 14, 2005
Originally posted by: santaliqueur
I guess you guys will write me off as a religious wacko, but I know from experience how terrible porn is and what a grip it can have on you. I wish I had never gotten into porn when I was younger, it took me years to recover, and see the damage it had done
the problem was not porn, the problem was you. many people watch (or read) porn every day, and dont get addicted. many people also drink alcohol, gamble, and smoke cigarettes. not everyone who does these thnigs become addicted. some people do. unlike being addicted to tobacco, gambling, or alcohol, porn acciction is not nearly as big of a problem as you think it is. many people use it every day, and are able to lead normal lives. whatever the case, the addiction is not the substance's fault. but YOURS. give the morality talk a rest, you're not converting anyone.


I was going to say the exact same thing before I read your post.


Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: santaliqueur
I guess you guys will write me off as a religious wacko, but I know from experience how terrible porn is and what a grip it can have on you. I wish I had never gotten into porn when I was younger, it took me years to recover, and see the damage it had done
the problem was not porn, the problem was you. many people watch (or read) porn every day, and dont get addicted. many people also drink alcohol, gamble, and smoke cigarettes. not everyone who does these thnigs become addicted. some people do. unlike being addicted to tobacco, gambling, or alcohol, porn acciction is not nearly as big of a problem as you think it is. many people use it every day, and are able to lead normal lives. whatever the case, the addiction is not the substance's fault. but YOURS. give the morality talk a rest, you're not converting anyone.


A followup:
There are a lot of obese people out there, and obesity can be fatal. These people seem to be addicted to food. I suppose we'd best outlaw food immediately, because it can cause death.


Feb 8, 2005
There are a lot of obese people out there, and obesity can be fatal. These people seem to be addicted to food. I suppose we'd best outlaw food immediately, because it can cause death.
following that logic, yes we should.

people get addicted to lots of things. addictions to tobacco, gambling, alcohol, and food (i forgot about this one, very important) are FAR more common than addictions to porno. sure, i look at porn every day, but it does not mean i am addicted. if i was away from the computer for a few weeks, i'd probably think "man, i wish i could get back to the comp...for the porno", but it surely wouldnt ruin my life.

the problem is not that you don't use porno.
the problem is not that you think porno is bad.
the problem is not that you were addicted to porno.

the problem is that you think we can not handle porno because you could not.

I guess you guys will write me off as a religious wacko
If a young person gets into porn there's a good chance it will turn into an addiction
Many of society's problems are the result of abusing ours and other people's bodies, and the proper God-given context of sex and sexuality
millions of people all over the world become slaves to porn

if you dont want us to see you as a religious wacko, then try writing things based on fact. everything you wrote is highly opinionated, and being passed off as truth. care to back up any of these claims? i thought not.


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2001
I don't want to get into the morality debate. I do want to ask zmaster how he would feel if his little brother and some of his computer-savvy buddies broke into his computer. What if zmaster is the one who has porn collected on his hard drive? Maybe we're dealing with a guilt trip here. My advice- mind your own business.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Sex is good,
Sex is great,
Now why can't I,
Find a date?

If I found my brother snooping around on my computer, I'd punch in him in the face. If I found my parents snooping around on my computer, I'd be impressed.


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2002
If I found my brother had deleated anything from my computer, his computer would never be safe in the house again.

Payback is HELL.....


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
I work as tech support for an office that specializes in treatment and counselling for people (kids especially) who are direct or indirect victims of, or witnesses to, sexual abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. We also handle sexually-reactive and sexually-aggressive kids who are in the state foster-care system and need specially-trained foster homes. I support a team of about 60 professionals in this field, mostly Masters-level folks.

Based on what I know from this work, I cordially invite the Intarweb "experts" to take your defensive knee-jerk reactions, shut the hell up, and go sit in the back, instead of trying to ream the OP for having concern for his little brother. The concerns should be taken to the parents, assuming they give a damn about their kids.

I was having a conversation with my dental hygenist (or trying to, you know how it is when you're trying to talk while they're cleaning your teeth ), and we ended up talking about computers since she knows what I do for a living. She mentioned that her young son had been acting ill-at-ease, and she'd asked him was anything the matter? and he said he'd gotten into pr0n online and couldn't stop, and needed help with it. Which she handled without exorcists and holy water, she treated it as any other age-inappropriate addictive behavior, e.g. underage smoking.

So think about the possibility that the kid brother might be grateful to get the issue out in the open. It's not good for kids to be dragged along on their sexual development way faster than they're ready for, all to line the pockets of a pr0n site's owner.


Senior member
Dec 10, 2003
first if you don't know for sure there is porn then you're just spying
second there is a good chance of whoevers computer you get into they will be able to tell if they know how, also there is always the chance that you could corrupt something
so prepare to explain youself.

The Linuxator

Jun 13, 2005
I would have suggested to the OP using a KNOPPIX CD but I didn't because I wasn't sure if the OP is familiar with Linux or not. but with the PC being locked(I am hypothesizing that you can't turn it on nor have access to the CD-rom either) in that case I would suggest consulting your parents before you do any stunts with his PC.


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2002
Being concerned for your brother's welfare, and snooping into his personal affairs......there's a fine line between the two actions. Tread lightly.

Hard evidence the viewing of so-called "porn" has a harmful effect on anyone.....questionable at best. I'm sure some counsellor would like you to think so (gives him more business).

Certain sexual activity causes you to go blind/grows hair on your palms. Common old-fashioned belief....not true also.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Bluefront

Certain sexual activity causes you to go blind/grows hair on your palms. Common old-fashioned belief....not true also.

I just did it until I needed glasses, and razors are cheap
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