Help me remove porn

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Golden Member
Sep 18, 2004
get your parents to talk to him about it, and stop listening to all these idiots trying to prove that they're right.


Senior member
Nov 28, 2000
Haha, idiots trying to prove they are right is true..BUT

at the same time, telling someone their beliefs on why PORN is bad is the same as saying why is isn't bad.

Let's just say this, if you were my brother, I would either whoop your ass, or never talk to you again. My sister and I have a great relationship and it wasn't built on distrust.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2004
leave your brother alone its porn big deal who doesnt watch porn?sh!t even ur mom and dad probably do lol


Apr 11, 2004
As I said further up, 10 is an age where I would question it. Yes, curiousity at this age should be considered normal, but watching it and storing it seems a bit in the worrysome level. I pose this question. Why does he at age 10 have access to a PC behind closed doors? A 10 year old should be closely monitored with online access.


Feb 7, 2005
Hehehe, sourceninja, that's a pretty funny link! Although it seems strange to me that people protest about flaws in evolution being taught. I though the evolution scientists were all for exposing the truth? Ah well, I guess as long as the 'truth' doesn't prick people's consciences they are all for it!


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Yeah, this is how the conversation goes........

Well little bro, just after I hacked into your computer and found lots of porn, I realised that we haven't had that 'mano a mano' chat that brothers have - you know, that chat that brothers who are really good friends and trust each other should have.........

I got a feeling that he won't forget your intervention (right or wrong) for the rest of his life, and he will never entrust a secret to you, or trust you, or ask you about things that he might need answers to.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2004
What right does a 10 year old have to privacy on the internet? You guys are acting like this guy's bro is 15 or something.

What many of you appear to be saying is that this kid should be supervised so porn can be prevented... but once he has it it's totally OK for him to do whatever he wants?

Years ago, I built my 11 year old brother's PC. I also use it quite a bit myself, as I have a copy of Fedora on it. I told him a long time ago that the 'net is dangerous place and that anything on the computer will be mine to investigate as I will. One day I found an IRC window open, in which my brother was acting like a total dick (being racist, swearing like he would never dare do in RL, and generally saying some very nasty things). Had I found porn, I would have reacted in the same way. Actually, he may have porn on there, but I really don't even want to know.

I told him that I found some of his logs. I didn't comdemn him for being evil or anything, I just wanted to educate him. Had I found porn, I would have tried to tell him the pros and cons. I wish I had an older sibling to teach me what it would be like years down the road.

My parents are split. I'm much older than my sibling, but I'm in college so I can't always be home. I'm the closest thing he has to a dad, since we were moved around for a while. I don't see why this isn't my business.

Does he despise me for "snooping"? Hah. When he realized what I was talking about, he started to cry, and kept begging for my forgiveness. He didn't really say this, but he got really upset over thinking that what I saw might change my opinion of him. He promised never to do it again.

I know my brother better than anyone. I know he has a mean streak, because, regretfully, I'm the one who put it there. I wanna do my best to remove it, too.

Do any of you remember being 10 years old? Do you really think that a ten year old can evaluate the consequences of his actions?

Why don't we just let 5 year olds do whatever the hell they want? We wouldn't want to disturb their "natural" progress.

I'm not religious.


Oct 7, 2001
This thing turned into a contraversial topic just for someone who wants to find a way to get into windows so he cares about his brother. To those who said they'd hate to have the OP as an older bro, you're missing out.

this older bro cares for his little bro, and doing what older bro's should do.

I applaud your concern, and yes, just swipe the hdd, slave it, look through it. Little bro might be a bit mad, but just say that you just had to clean it from spyware, and you stumbled onto it.

or just ask for his password using the spyware excuse .


Golden Member
Jul 20, 2001
From the one true faith, the Flying Spaghetti Monster ( ) says porn is alright by him, he admitted he didn't create enough natural sex for everybody to engage in, but he is glad we found a solution to the problem ourselves.


Senior member
May 12, 2004
Originally posted by: PorscheMaD911
Hooflung's absolutely right. Porn destroys people's values, our ideals, our morals and our ability to live as God designed us. It is almost the ultimate evil.


Plus, computer games are bad too! AND comic books! That's what my pastor told me, so it must be true!

Sheesh... Why don't you slap around your wife a bit too, many Christians think that's permitted (nay, compulsory!) by the bible as well.

Naked women aren't evil, so how can pictures of naked women be evil? It just doesn't compute. Granted, the circumstances surrounding said pictures could be unfortunate, but the circumstances surrounding a picture of a car could be unfortunate as well.

Bottom line, you're not your brother's keeper. Try to be his friend instead, if there's a problem he'll confide in you, and THEN you can show your true evil self and be the narc that you've been brought up to be.


Senior member
Aug 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Kalessian
What right does a 10 year old have to privacy on the internet? You guys are acting like this guy's bro is 15 or something.

What many of you appear to be saying is that this kid should be supervised so porn can be prevented... but once he has it it's totally OK for him to do whatever he wants?

Years ago, I built my 11 year old brother's PC. I also use it quite a bit myself, as I have a copy of Fedora on it. I told him a long time ago that the 'net is dangerous place and that anything on the computer will be mine to investigate as I will. One day I found an IRC window open, in which my brother was acting like a total dick (being racist, swearing like he would never dare do in RL, and generally saying some very nasty things). Had I found porn, I would have reacted in the same way. Actually, he may have porn on there, but I really don't even want to know.

I told him that I found some of his logs. I didn't comdemn him for being evil or anything, I just wanted to educate him. Had I found porn, I would have tried to tell him the pros and cons. I wish I had an older sibling to teach me what it would be like years down the road.

My parents are split. I'm much older than my sibling, but I'm in college so I can't always be home. I'm the closest thing he has to a dad, since we were moved around for a while. I don't see why this isn't my business.

Does he despise me for "snooping"? Hah. When he realized what I was talking about, he started to cry, and kept begging for my forgiveness. He didn't really say this, but he got really upset over thinking that what I saw might change my opinion of him. He promised never to do it again.

I know my brother better than anyone. I know he has a mean streak, because, regretfully, I'm the one who put it there. I wanna do my best to remove it, too.

Do any of you remember being 10 years old? Do you really think that a ten year old can evaluate the consequences of his actions?

Why don't we just let 5 year olds do whatever the hell they want? We wouldn't want to disturb their "natural" progress.

I'm not religious.

THIS is what you should have done IMO.. Making your little brother feel embarrassed at his sexual desires is plain wrong. He's still young and if he really does look up to you and you made him feel embarrassed, he may grow up to be very passive about his sexuality and may even become a social outcast. People shouldn't hide from their sexual desires but learn more about it. Unless you want your brother to grow up and become a prude, i suggest you educate him about WHY its' not good to watch porn at his age and maybe he will limit his porn consumption.

btw// breaking into your brother's computer to 'protect' him was a bad move on your part. Sure, you probably made him limit his porno but what about when he does have REAL problems and will remember the embarrassment you caused him when he was younger. Will he go to you? Hopefully he doesn't get into trouble.

//edit take some human sexuality courses at your local college or something. I totally recommend it to anyone. It's a great class and makes you more responsible when you do start poking at your sig. other.


Senior member
May 12, 2004
Originally posted by: PorscheMaD911
Dear oh dear, where have you been the last 10 years? Fact: millions of people die from AIDS every year, because us humans abuse our sexuality. Fact: porn cheapens sex, removes its intimacy and desensitizes the consumer.

If you don't believe me that porn is a problem then you have your eyes tightly shut and are desparately fighting the truth! Follow this link for some Stats

I think you'll find that problems with aids, sex and violence is more prevelavent in areas of the western world that are most heavily influenced by Christians. Christians do not have a natural way of dealing with these things, so when it finally surfaces it does so in an unnatural fashion. The same probably holds true for muslim societies, but the studies I've seen mostly deal with western civilisation.

Knowledge empowers people and enables them to make sane and rational choices. Christianity is all about concealing facts. Few fundamentalist young Christians know how to use a condom. I.e. they're more likely to catch AIDS. They have the same urges as normal youth, but does not know how to cope with it. They may think that oral and anal sex doesn't really count so they conclude they can't catch HIV (or other diseases) that way... Nor do they think they need to be tested.

You should (atleast) start watching "60 Minutes" on a regular basis. (


Senior member
Apr 21, 2005
Did you just use the words "remove" and "porn" in the same sentence? Now that just doesn't make sense...I can PM you some links that will help you add more to it if you'd like though, because clearly "remove" must be a typo for "augment".

Seriously though...I haven't read beyond the first page, but I really think people exaggerate the negative impact that porn and sex have on people (especially in the U.S.). Also, I didn't get the impression that this was a question of the brother "inadvertantly" accessing some porn by mistake (as some people seem to be asserting with their "it's easy to accidentally access porn" arguments). If he has files sitting around anywhere other than his TIF folder, then it would mean that he's actively seeking out and downloading it, and if he's doing this, then yes, I think he is old enough for porn. If he's too young to understand it or desire it then he won't spend his time actively seeking it out, period, and if he's old enough that his sex drive has started kicking in, then I really don't think people should be making him feel like he's doing something "wrong" or "bad". Sex is natural, curiosity about sex is natural, and people shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of their natural impulses, especially when those impulses are completely harmless. People who feel otherwise should watch Kinsey, and take special note as to how the main character's father turned out (though admittedly that part of the story was fictionalized).

Edit: And yes, as has alraedy been suggested, the easiest way to get access to his files would be to just pop the drive into a second computer. Also you may be able to log into his PC using the username "Administrator" with a blank password, and doing so should give you the ability to view anything on the drive.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
wear a hooded cape and take a big hammer.

Jump into your brother's room and scream:


and smash your brother's PC in pieces.



Senior member
May 9, 2003
Originally posted by: flexy
wear a hooded cape and take a big hammer.

Jump into your brother's room and scream:


and smash your brother's PC in pieces.


Two quick notes, since the topic won't die--

1.) I wouldn't classify this as a life-altering, earth-shattering invasion of privacy. Brothers routinely do this kind of stuff. He is 10 years old, and the older brother actually did not embarass him, which is a big deal. But even so, one isolated event of such a small magnitude isn't going to sexually scar him.

2.) On the "health" of porn, there are studies on either side of the fence. There is supposedly a strong correlation between the availability of porn and the rate of sexual crime--and it's an inverse relationship, meaning more porn=less crime. But on that same note, that same link exists between divorce rate and porn. Correlation does not imply causaulity, but both sides are trying to prove it. What HAS been shown, however, is that violent pornography is extremely damaging to anyone's sexual identity. It is forbidden to conduct any psychological study that attempts to determine the effects of porn on human beings in any college. Now, it cannot be argued that pornography has not become more violent since its commercial debut. Perhaps it is not harmful for human beings to see expressions of love in sexual form, but that's not what porn has become.

And on a side note, I found most people's attitude that "I am stronger than you, I can't be addicted" to be extremely arrogant. That's akin to saying: "I play Russian Roulette but I haven't gotten shot yet, just because you got shot, you're a weakling." I happen to believe porn is addicting, and that it's not healthy, but to take that attitude with any addiction is offensive and immature. There are plenty of weak people in the world, but most of them just got in over their head before they knew what was happening. You'd do well to remember that, in case you ever screw up and someone has the audacity to spit in your face for it.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
Hey porn saved me from the gangs of the ghetto. I spent all my free time indoors instead of selling crack.


Senior member
Nov 28, 2000
sourceninja - that's just classic!!!

So where are all the overseas people?? They need to chime in an explain how sex is viewed completely different outside of our borders (especially Europe). Being a world traveler and seeing this first hand, I find it amazing how people back here in the states get so worked up about porn.



Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2002
wait til your brother is about to leave (going to school, etc) and tell him you need his pc (because yours is "broken") so you can continue working on your school research (or whatever) ... to make it more realistic, start talking about your "broken pc" the day before youre going to ask him...


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2002
It's not good for kids to be dragged along on their sexual development way faster than they're ready for, all to line the pockets of a pr0n site's owner.



Golden Member
May 2, 2005
Why, when someone alludes to the fact that he/she believes in a higher power, do so many people who believe otherwise decide that the preceeding person can not possibly possess rational thinking skills? Does one's belief in a clear moral standard set forth by a creator who made us and loves us make that person incapable of logical reasoning?
Perhaps instead of picking out all the "religious" people and blaming them for basing all their decisions on their particular faith, we should all remember that "religious" people can think too, and that -most- people who hold a faith in a higher power do so through a personal decision, which was reached through the same reasoning that we all employ.

I am not ashamed to say that I also agree porn can have a serious negative effect on anyone who is not ready for it. Furthermore, I do believe that no one is ready for porn. Sex is a beautiful thing; however, it is only beautiful when shared between two people who love each other. Porn takes that two way relationship, and effectively makes it one way. Even less than one way, really, because even the viewer of the porn really does not love anything about the subject of the pornographic material, other than her body.

I am also not ashamed to admit that I am a born again Christian, and I do strongly believe in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. You may think that's just my opinion, and it is. However, please remember that I, and most others who stand with me on this issue, hold our views for sound and rational reasons. To me, views other than mine are just opinion. I respect others' opinions, and do sincerely hope and pray that others may experience what I have experienced, so that they may too find truth and logic in the belief of God.

The above post again, may be regarded as only one person's opnion on the topic, and is not meant to start a flame war.

Peace be with you all.


Senior member
May 9, 2003
Originally posted by: kovert
sourceninja - that's just classic!!!

So where are all the overseas people?? They need to chime in an explain how sex is viewed completely different outside of our borders (especially Europe). Being a world traveler and seeing this first hand, I find it amazing how people back here in the states get so worked up about porn.

I'm a Middle-Eastern Muslim, who's spent significant time in the Middle East and East Asia--notably Japan, which is probably the most sexually jumbled nation on the planet. One of my best friends lived in Hungary for two years. Sex is more of an industry in Europe than it is in America, and believe me, it is not something you want imported here. (Although it's making headway.)

You should ask yourself what porn is. It's not in any way, shape, or form an expression of love between two people. We (or perhaps I speak for myself) are not advocating a return to the old days of complete sexual censorship, so that women have to walk around wearing the hijab and chadoor, as it is in the Middle East where complete morons have taken control. But it is one thing to accept human sexuality as natural and beautiful, and another to *drown* yourself in it. There is no respect for sex at ALL anymore--we brazenly display the bodies of our women and men for no reason whatsoever. You tell ME wtf a bunch of busty, scantily-clad women has to do with buying a car? Or drinking a beer? Why in the Flying Spaghetti's Monster's name do we have middle school girls in miniskirts and leather pants? What are we trying to accomplish here? And if you think that trend is not linked to porn then you are insane--slowly but surely what would have passed for softcore porn in my childhood is now standard fare for cable TV. I can't browse the goddamned internet without having six ads for "" shoved down my throat. CollegeHumor (one of my favorite sites when I was in college) has at least three to four pornographic links per day--because they know it increases traffic and revenue.

We are FAR past the point of accepting sex as natural and beautiful. We have crossed into the realm of glorifying and worshipping sex, and sex for sex's sake. Some of you may think that's fine and dandy, but believing in free, promiscuous, no-strings-attached sex does not bode well for the family, which in turn does not bode well for society.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2001
Originally posted by: sourceninja
Hey porn saved me from the gangs of the ghetto. I spent all my free time indoors instead of selling crack.

you and me both. :thumbsup:

its really the job of the parents to teach the kid whats right & wrong. i have a son whos almost 10 and if he had a brother i wouldnt expect the brother to rat on him about anything.

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