Help, Need a Lawyer and advice!


Senior member
Jan 11, 2006
The Point of the Whole Story: The head of financial services is who FAFSA goes through to determine how much aid a student should receive. The financial head decided to NOT approve her for LIVING EXPENSES. This is not about scholarships or pity money or any BS like that, the stupid lady didn't account for living expenses, the same expenses she had the previous semester!!!! Nothing in her situation changed and suddendly, unbeknownst to her, the head of the department decides that she doesn't need that much. She has in writing all of her previous semester's info and how much she was approved for as well as this years incorrect amount.

UPDATE: She has already spoken to the assistant Dean (the head Dean refused to see her). I'll give details on that convo after work.

Okay, this story is about my girlfriend of almost 3 years now. We both live in Charlotte and she attends Johnson and Wales University. She was given almost a free ride to this school because of her 3.9 unweighted GPA in high school and since she is technically an "independent" student (meaning she has no means of obtaining financial support from anyone in her family). He father has been dead since she was an infant and her mother is a convicted drug felon who is spending the next 7 years in jail. She grew up with her aunt and uncle who have never had much money. Her aunt is disable and her uncle works full time at a factory job that barely puts food on the table.

Also, for reference, Johnson and Wales doesnt have semesters, it has trimesters. Her first trimester was the 3rd semester of the last academic year.

Now to the main part.

Johnson and Wales approved her for federal loans their 3rd trimester, her first trimesters there, that totaled over $3000 in refund for that one trimester. $2200 of it went to her housing for the school and $800 was given in a refund check. That's fine and dandy and all, and there was nothing wrong with that semester (aside from them issuing her refund the day before school ended for the year) financially. Well, she was getting set up for school this year and asked what she need to do for her financial aid stuff. They told her just to fill out a form stating her situation has not changed since last semester. She asked them if moving off campus would make a difference, they told her no, as long as she is a full-time student, which she is. She also confirmed the amount she was to be getting back on multiple occasions, for a couple of them I was witness to them telling her that she was to get back $3000 each trimester in a refund for living expenses, books, food, etc, totaling $9000 for the year.

Yesterday she walked down to the financial aid office to get an idea of when her refund check would be given out to her (she needs the money to get her wisdom teeth pulled). She called me immediately after, crying, explaining that she didn't know what happened, but the school didn't approve her federal loans for the same amount as last year. Keep in mind that the head of the financial office at the school is the one who approves student's federal aid amounts. The head of financial aid didn't approve her for any living expenses. None at all. Her refund paid for her books and now she is left with NOTHING.

She called the head of the financial department, spoke with her for an hour, trying to figure out why she wasn't approved for more money on her federal loans and why she was told she was going to get back $3000 each trimester when she isn't. I was in the car with her while she was talking to the lady and I could hear the lady screaming at my girlfriend:
Lady: "So what, you want me to write you a check for $9000, is that it?"
GF: "No, I just want to figure out why I was told differently, I'm not asking for any money, I just wanna know why..."
Lady: "I'm sorry I can't give you any money, you can't just call in here expecting me to hand out charity."
GF: "I'm not asking for money, I just wanna know why it was decided that I don't get enough money to live on"
Lady: "I'm not calling you a liar or anything, but I just don't believe that someone in this office would tell you that you were getting that much back.

**Keep in mind the people promised her the refund check from the 3rd trimester of last year by the 6th week of school and it got there on the 11th week**


Point of all this is: she needs a lawyer and CANNOT afford one by any means. If she can't get her wisdom teeth pulled and goes day after day of agony with pain in here mouth, there is no way she or I can afford to hire a lawyer. We need a lawyer to either
A - Get her released from the school without have to pay back all of their "scholarships" (which amounts to $21,000)
B - Force them to give her the federal financial aid loans she was supposed to get and *IF POSSIBLE* punitive damages which I will explain more about when I can finish the rest of the story.


If you can help or know of someone who CAN, please PM me and I will give you my contact info so that we can speak directly.

Thanks to everyone for reading this and thanks for any advice you have.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
sheehs. "whaaa whaaa! im entitled to the money! whaa! whaaa!"

you do know many places are cutting back on such crap. also she needs to review whatever paperwork she has. that is her only option.

i had sympathy until i seen "punitave damages"


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2004
Why in the name of all things secular did she trust any office stooge with what papers to fill out for her Financial Aid?

Why did you state she is given almost a free ride and then is getting a loan to pay for tuition and books with only some left over for personal items?

Why is she even dealing with the ignorant jackass that she is now? Go immediately to the Dean and begin pounding on the door. Make absolutely sure she has all the papaerwork and document/record every conversation (and make sure to tell them that she is doing so with the verbal agreement and date and time recorded) and ask her questions again.

Where are the Reward letters stating she will get the same amoung as last year? Did she read (and does she have) the paper concerning her "situation has not changed from last year."

It sounds (if your story is accurate) that the "Lady" is a jackass or an evil power monger at best and you/she should immediately go way above her head and raise hell with the Dean or President of Admissions etc.

Edit: Punative damages only undermine my belief in your story. How the crispy crap do you get punative damages from a University for deciding to lower your REWARD/Loans to do to their school?

Also, did she work last year? Did she earn an income that she reported that may have altered her loan status in some way? Details man ...

.... DETAILS AS IN FAFSA PAPERWORK AND DOCUMENTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second edit: You are seriously trying to tell me you can't scrape together a credit card or make monthly installments to some dentist to get her wisdom teeth pulled. Shens
Nov 5, 2001
the give what they give. she isn't due anything. if someone made a mistake and told her incorrect info, that sucks, but doesn't mean there's any grounds for a lawsuit.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
I'm not fully understanding the situation here.

When she filled out the FAFSA worksheets, what did the letter state? If she did fill them out, she'd have everything in writing. If she didn't fill out the FAFSA worksheets, then why does she think she is getting federal loans?

Everything else in that post is useless junk. She either did the loan paperwork properly or she didn't. And none of that information is discussed in the post.

A) Scholarships are free money. You don't every pay back scholarships, as far as I know. You don't need a lawyer for this point.

B) What do the federal financial aid loan paperwork say that she will get? Punitive damages would be a joke in this situation. The pain and suffering from teeth have nothing to do with this situation.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
why would you get a refund?

what does she have in writing? she should have paperwork showing what the deal is


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
I've much experience with student aid (having used it for 8+ years of school), and I can't figure out what is happening here.
Refunds are given when you pay the school out of a loan and then they pay you back because of a waiver, scholarship, or something like that.
So does your GF have a waiver or a scholarship or what?


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
Originally posted by: waggy
sheehs. "whaaa whaaa! im entitled to the money! whaa! whaaa!"

you do know many places are cutting back on such crap. also she needs to review whatever paperwork she has. that is her only option.

i had sympathy until i seen "punitave damages"

so if someone told you that they were not going to charge you for something and then they did after the fact you wouldn't be upset?

what a douchebag


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: fitzov
so if someone told you that they were not going to charge you for something and then they did after the fact you wouldn't be upset?

what a douchebag
What does that have to do with this thread or Waggy's post? It appears as if the school always was charging the same amount. Thus, your comparison isn't valid.



Golden Member
Oct 19, 2003
I am sorry, but I can't even sympathize with your girlfriend's story (main reason because I 've been paying my own school and expenses since I was a freshman with no financial aid but by having a job). There are some advice I can give though. First, as somebody mentioned, get all the paperwork that was signed by your girlfriend and the financial aid office and read it very carefully. If they stated that they would give her the same amount every year (which I doubt), then you may have grounds for an appeal. Otherwise, she should stop crying (which I don't really see the necessity of) and get a job to pay for her expenses. At least the school is still paying her books and tuition. Either way, wish you guys good luck.




No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: fitzov
Originally posted by: waggy
sheehs. "whaaa whaaa! im entitled to the money! whaa! whaaa!"

you do know many places are cutting back on such crap. also she needs to review whatever paperwork she has. that is her only option.

i had sympathy until i seen "punitave damages"

so if someone told you that they were not going to charge you for something and then they did after the fact you wouldn't be upset?

what a douchebag

all he has to do is look at the paperwork. thats it. take it in and show them.

also he had sympahty until he started talking about "punitive damages". comon thats bullshit. yeah i would be upset but punitive damages?

if it was me i would have taken the paperwork into the office and asked to talk to hte head of that department. IF the paperwork says i get $3k a semaster and i was not getting it yeah i wold be raising hell. I would NOT be threatening a lawsuit with "punitive damages" (wich he will not get).


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
On the wisdom teeth issue, see if you have a university dental school around and call them. If they are willing to do it, it won't cost much.


Feb 28, 2003
This is a fine life lesson. If it's not in writing don't believe it.

Books+Tuition are covered? I hate to say it but she may be working to pay for a place to live. Lots of people do it. There might also be work/study programs available at school that could be worth looking into. Has she applied for Pell Grants or anything? It sounds like she would qualify.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2004
So wants the school to pay for her wisdom teeth to be pulled? I'm pretty sure that is not what the money is for.

I wish I could get some extra dough through my college to pay for maybe a little lipo here and there, but they won't give it to me either .


Senior member
Jan 11, 2006
Originally posted by: fitzov
I've much experience with student aid (having used it for 8+ years of school), and I can't figure out what is happening here.
Refunds are given when you pay the school out of a loan and then they pay you back because of a waiver, scholarship, or something like that.
So does your GF have a waiver or a scholarship or what?

She is filed as an independent student, she has scholarships and school grants that make up most of her tuition, for the couple grand left over she had to take out federal loans (through FAFSA, etc, etc). The college is what determines how much $ in federal loans she is given. Basically, what it comes down to, is the stupid head of financial services at the school didn't account for living expenses because she was no longer living on campus, when she had visited the financial office atleast a half dozen times to ensure all the paperwork was in order.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2006
Originally posted by: waggy
sheehs. "whaaa whaaa! im entitled to the money! whaa! whaaa!"

you do know many places are cutting back on such crap. also she needs to review whatever paperwork she has. that is her only option.

i had sympathy until i seen "punitave damages"

Go DIAF, a$$hole. I didn't ask for your opinion, so don't give it. She needs help, period. If you don't have anything productive to say, don't participate in this thread. I haven't even finished giving all the fvcking info yet because I'm at work right now. I serious dougt you would have even made it to college w/o your parents, let alone one dead and the other in jail. Go jerk off...


Senior member
Jan 11, 2006
Originally posted by: homestarmy
So wants the school to pay for her wisdom teeth to be pulled? I'm pretty sure that is not what the money is for.

I wish I could get some extra dough through my college to pay for maybe a little lipo here and there, but they won't give it to me either .

It was an example of how broke she really is, fvcking dumbass...

I can see this is going to start an "I am holier than thou" war with all of the rightous a$$hats here...


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
So instead of suing, why doesn't she:

1) Get a student loan from another source.
2) Work a few hours to pay for the remaining costs.
3) Ask to speak with someone in charge of the student aid office and see if she can get the FAFSA loan increased.

While doing that she should:

1) Learn to look over the paperwork next time. They give you multiple notices of how much loan money you got, what the expenses should be, etc. If there was an error, she should have corrected it months ago.
2) Get a tight budget set until this is cleared up.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2006
So instead of suing, why doesn't she:

1) Get a student loan from another source.
Doesn't have anyone willing to co-sign (her whole family has bad credit and doesn't pay taxes....)
2) Work a few hours to pay for the remaining costs.
She is trying, but you can only do so much....
3) Ask to speak with someone in charge of the student aid office and see if she can get the FAFSA loan increased.
That was who she talked to in the first place

While doing that she should:

1) Learn to look over the paperwork next time. They give you multiple notices of how much loan money you got, what the expenses should be, etc. If there was an error, she should have corrected it months ago.
There was no paperwork stating anything for THIS year, since her status didn't change, she filled out a short form that said so and they said it would be exactly the same amount back as last year
2) Get a tight budget set until this is cleared up.
Already done, but how are we to afford her dental bill? Only 2 oral surgeons in NC accept medicaid... Plus her car is dying


Oct 10, 1999
Basically you are bitching because the feds are no longer OVERPAYING her Financial Aid. Well, good. They shouldn't be. Sucks for her, but she can go get a J-O-B to pay for books and other things. Many of us have...


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2005
Welcome to dealing with college financial aid. I'm suprised everything has gone smoothly up to this point. There are appeals processes and paperwork and forms to send back and forth and get signed and bs and you don't need a lawyer just patience. My financial aid situation was so screwed up my last year of school that things were not fixed until several months after graduation. My classes were all dropped by the financial aid office at the beginning of my last semester which took about an entire day to fix, and my graduation pics are with my friend Steve's diploma.


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2005
Originally posted by: palindrome
Already done, but how are we to afford her dental bill? Only 2 oral surgeons in NC accept medicaid... Plus her car is dying

How about getting a job, I worked one or more jobs the entire time I was in college. I was always a full time student.



Senior member
Jan 11, 2006
Originally posted by: doze
Welcome to dealing with college financial aid. I'm suprised everything has gone smoothly up to this point. There are appeals processes and paperwork and forms to send back and forth and get signed and bs and you don't need a lawyer just patience. My financial aid situation was so screwed up my last year of school that things were not fixed until several months after graduation. My classes were all dropped by the financial aid office at the beginning of my last semester which took about an entire day to fix, and my graduation pics are with my friend Steve's diploma.

There is no appeals process. Welcome to our world.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2001
Originally posted by: palindrome
Originally posted by: fitzov
I've much experience with student aid (having used it for 8+ years of school), and I can't figure out what is happening here.
Refunds are given when you pay the school out of a loan and then they pay you back because of a waiver, scholarship, or something like that.
So does your GF have a waiver or a scholarship or what?

She is filed as an independent student, she has scholarships and school grants that make up most of her tuition, for the couple grand left over she had to take out federal loans (through FAFSA, etc, etc). The college is what determines how much $ in federal loans she is given. Basically, what it comes down to, is the stupid head of financial services at the school didn't account for living expenses because she was no longer living on campus, when she had visited the financial office atleast a half dozen times to ensure all the paperwork was in order.

I'm a little confused by this part. Why does she think she is entitled to a living expense if she is living off campus? To me it seems this would change the refund no matter what the financial department said. She decided to move for whatever reason. They shouldn't have to pay for it.

It sounds like this whole thing revolves around the fact that she decided to move off campus and now her refund is smaller?
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