Help!!!! Still Getting Totally Screwed By Best Buy

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Jan 21, 2006

one option is to get yourself a Yahoo account and to tell the world,
including the Best Buy investment community, about the details of
the treatment you have received at Best Buy's hands.

i suggest keeping it factual & polite - the facts will speak for themselves.

it helps if you put up a small website that documents what you describe
in the original post. with copies of receipts and other relevant documents,
taking care to excise personal information.

i had a problem with HP where i returned a scanner to their repair
facility, and they continued to bill me for it.

after i put up the website, they straightened out the situation right
quick. the CEO's office got involved.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: nanaki333
the most entertaining thing about best buy is going to their AV section or their computer section and eavesdrop on the employees "helping" customers.

I do this at Circuit City :laugh:. I cringe every time I hear the word "Monster".


Senior member
Oct 13, 2005
Originally posted by: mrgq912
I agree don't buy big ticket items from BB. Unless you are getting an insane deal, and the savings justify any future hassel.

But guys BB does have its uses for us tech guys. I buy stuff from my PC all the time to troubleshoot problems. For example a while back i bought a power supply from BB. Discovered that solved the stability issues with my pc. Buy same power supply from newegg, return BB power supply, no questions asked.

Again I wanted to play around with a new router and installing DD-wrt. Tried Buffolo router, bricked it, returned it and bought Link sys, will try it again tonight.

So basically use and abuse a big company like BB. But don' t reward them by buying big items and store warrenties.

You're joking. The Best Buy I know charges you 15% restocking for returns.

My dad bought his very first digital camera from Best Buy and he was very specific with the salesman. He wanted a USB camera, not serial link. Salesman praised this one camera on display, showed my dad the features, everything was good. Even when he asked the salesman the most critical question, "this is USB, correct?" the salesman insisted it was and my dad agreed to buy it. The guy went off to the back, grabbed one from the cage and rang him up. My dad gets home and the first thing he noticed is it was serial... not USB like he specifically asked for.

In a whiteman fury, my dad packs it up and goes back to Best Buy to return it. They slap him in the face with a 15% restocking fee. He asks for the GM and he too insists he cannot waive the fee. My dad is very impatient and doesn't like confrontations, he ate the fee just to be done with it and filed a case with the BBB. Good lesson on extortion for ya.


Apr 20, 2005
Working on a sample letter to seek corporate intervention as some of you have suggested.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by: SPARTAN VI

You're joking. The Best Buy I know charges you 15% restocking for returns.

When I worked at BB, it was only a 15% restock on certain items such as digital camera and camcorders as well as a few other items. Supposedly, the reason for this was that people tended to try to use them as "rentals" on vacation otherwise and return them when they got back, leaving the store with a unit that had to be sold as open-box at a discount. The 15% restock for a non-defective item basically covers the store's cost when they had to open-box it as it was no longer a new item.

It's pretty shady what happened to your dad though. On the rare occasion we had an issue with mis-information or just lack of information we would eat the restock and take it back. We also had a policy that we had to inform the customer verbally and in writing about the restock fee before purchase and have them sign it.


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2007
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING gets management at corporate stores doing your bidding like giving their district manager a phone call and threatening to go above his head.

I'm a manager at a corporate store kind of like that, and heres what I would do in your situation.

Call the GM, say you want the # to his district/regional manager. At this point he will probably be shitting bricks and will do whatever it takes to make you happy. If that's good enough for you, take him up on it. If you want a little revenge, say that's fine, but I still want the number to your district/regional manager. Call up said district/regional manager and tell him your entire story. Feel free to talk about lawsuits, better business bureau etc... If you're not satisfied at that point, call up customer service or what have you and ask for his boss (usually some sort of regional director). You probably wont have to go higher than that. As you go higher and higher along the chain, these people have greater authority and decision making power to give you whatever they need to in order to make you happy.

Seriously though, telling the GM that you're calling his boss is probably going to be enough.

Good Luck.


Dec 18, 2006
Well good luck trying to sue them...what exactly did they do wrong? They carried your TV away in a manner you didn't approve of? They refused to honor their extended warranty and repair your TV? The warranty said "in-home" but they carried it away? Your TV came back damaged and they refused to repair it? No judge, except Judge Judy maybe just for the dramatics, will side with you.

XXXXX came to fix your TV in the standard manner in which they do everyone elses. If your warranty specifies they will transport it in the DLP limo, but they sent a minivan, then you are right to complain. But you decided to be the typical service nightmare and tell everyone how to do their job. That always gets results! They didn't listen, so you decided to go sleuthing for someone to back you up. Samsung "Why didn't you buy OUR extended warranty" tells you XXXXX is incompetent...really?? Miscellaneous "We Hate BB no matter what" forum members say, "we hate BB no matter what." So armed with your impartial analyses you confront BB with your findings that XXXXX and BB are incompetent. Hmmmm I wonder why they want to avoid you... So, you TV comes back with splotches and TIME TO SUE for improper transport, ignoring a know-it-all customer, and acting like they were your friend.

I know it may be difficult now that you are all worked into a lather, but hold the lawsuit and just call them back for service. Consider not climbing everyone's tree until they mess it up a second time. Save the courts for when they don't honor their 4-repair Lemon policy.

Aside from that, I would suggest you don't buy extended warranties from ANY retail store. Get it straight from the manufacturer. And even though you will hate my post, take solace in that I am in my 4th year of boycotting BB although for much different reasons from you.


Senior member
Oct 13, 2005
Originally posted by: nanaki333
your dad didn't see that the camera was serial from the demo unit?

You'd think it would be that simple, but the sample unit will only show the output jack on the camera, doesn't necessarily indicate whether it was USB/firewire/serial just by looking at the output jack on unit itself.

Being his first purchase, and how well I know my father, he'd have to see the interlinking cable and/or the box to find out that it was serial and not USB. I'm sure when he opened the box and was greeted by a serial cable, he knew immediately what had happened.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Your first mistake was buying a DLP, since they are all defective. Buy an LCD or plasma next time. Anyway I would demand a refund and chargeback if possible with your CC company. If that doesn't work send corp CEO a letter you are considering legal action and legal fees associated with it. Then if that doesn't work you may have to work it though an attorney.


Apr 20, 2005
This will be included in the initial report:

Jan. 3rd, 2007: Visit the store where purchase was made and finally speak with the general manager. Present him with the first 2 pages of this report. Informs me that everything I have experienced over the past several weeks with my DLP unit is totally unacceptable. Assures me that I will receive a replacement or at the very minimum,
competent service and will contact me within 24 to 48 hrs.

Jan.5th, 2007: After waiting 48 hrs without any word, I visit the store once again. Ask the clerk at the service desk to get the store manager. The clerk calls GM on his private line. Before emerging from the safety of his office, the clerk is directed by the GM on the phone to ask my name and reason for my visit. I provide my name and reply that my visit is regarding a 61 inch HDTV. As soon as the GM hears this, he immediately dispatches Mr. Ron to speak with me, the very same person who promised to contact XXXXX on my behalf to ensure any negative effects of improper handling were corrected. But Ron never called XXXXXX or myself.

Mr. Ron comes down and immediately informs me that my problem is no longer the stores responsibility. Then he has the nerve to lie directly in my face. Claims he tried to contact me after our original conversation, but he said I had no voice mail service. However, he is unaware that both my home and office have voice mail and call display. There is no record of his call on either system!!! As for the GM, what a despicable and cowardly course of action. Hiding in his office and forcing his subordinate to break a promise that the GM pledged to me.

Well, here's an early draft. Too much sugar coating, did I shovel too much fertilizer ?????

Dear Sir/Madam:

When your organization opened your first store in the Greater Toronto Area, there is no doubt in my mind that Best Buy established a new benchmark in the retail sales of electronics and appliances that was never available to Canadians until now. By offering quality products, great values and a no pressure atmosphere, you forced other retailers to follow suit. And up to now, I?m glad to say that your competitors have yet to match this. It is for these reasons that Best Buy has easily become my preferred source for all my home theater and computing needs. In fact, my combined purchases over the last 16 months have easily exceeded $10 000 Cdn.

However, it is my latest and largest transaction that I am writing to you about and I would be most grateful for any assistance that you can provide.

In October, 2005, I took delivery of a 61? Samsung DLP HDTV and because the value of this item exceeded $5000, I naturally invested in the 5 yr ?Performance Service Plan?. But over the past 2 months, this TV has faltered on multiple occasions and I have experienced nothing but frustration using your PSP. It has lead to 3 service calls within a 6 week period. By reading the chronological summary listed below, you will see that this entire unpleasant experience could have been avoided if either 1-866-Best-Buy or the store where I bought TV placed a single phone call on my behalf. I hope that you can help resolve my problem and to make certain that no one else suffers the same experience I had to endure.

Please bear in mind that I am currently employed as a professional engineer in the automotive industry, so I have taken great care to ensure that what I have documented in the summary is accurate and conforms to the integrity and ethical standards that I use everyday in my profession.

Additionally, I have spoken to several colleagues and consulted with many online forums seeking advice on this issue and many of the people I have corresponded with have suggested that Best Buy?s satisfaction rating is somewhat poor. As a result, I am also hoping that through your intervention, I can demonstrate to these people that these negative comments are exaggerated and the unpleasant individuals I have dealt with are the rare exception.

At the very minimum, my hope is to have an in-home service call from a competent technician provided that the incompetence of the first repair service people did not permanently damage my TV. As I mentioned previously, I have been a loyal Best Buy customer since your expansion into Canada and with your greatly needed help, it is my greatest wish to continue this trend.

Kindest Regards,
Ben Dover

Anyway, I'm off to the store to the get the full names of the GM and his sleezy sidekick.


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2005
I'm sorry, but you're very unlikely to et a resolution using that letter. I sent a similar one to the CEO's office and they sent me back a form letter informing me that the warranty policy had to be followed.


Apr 20, 2005
Originally posted by: Fraggable
I'm sorry, but you're very unlikely to et a resolution using that letter. I sent a similar one to the CEO's office and they sent me back a form letter informing me that the warranty policy had to be followed.

How is asking for someone that doesn't use a mini-van to bounce my TV around violating BB warranty policy. Remember, I'm not demanding a replacement ( eventhough I think I deserve one ).

PS. In you're signiture area, I hope the drunk that took your friends life got the max. My uncle was run down by a drunk in 1980. The bastard only received a few months.



Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Fraggable
I'm sorry, but you're very unlikely to et a resolution using that letter. I sent a similar one to the CEO's office and they sent me back a form letter informing me that the warranty policy had to be followed.

Geeze don't you get it, OP?

Best Buy doesn't care about you whatsoever

You are a 'Devil' that they want to "go away"

get a lawyer ... plan to sue ... file with the BBB ... the State Attorney ... whatever ... and go to every site on the 'net that you know of ...

but you will get no satisfaction with a letter to them

THEY DON'T CARE ... the company has NO customer service when you have a problem it is YOUR FAULT [period] and they hope that you DIE of frustration before you take legal action

Didn't you bother to read what i posted about the Worst Major Retailer in the USA in your LAST thread?

and try OT

and good luck
[anyway ... you'll need it]


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2005
Originally posted by: muskyx1
Originally posted by: Fraggable
I'm sorry, but you're very unlikely to et a resolution using that letter. I sent a similar one to the CEO's office and they sent me back a form letter informing me that the warranty policy had to be followed.

How is asking for someone that doesn't use a mini-van to bounce my TV around violating BB warranty policy. Remember, I'm not demanding a replacement ( eventhough I think I deserve one ).

PS. In you're signiture area, I hope the drunk that took your friends life got the max. My uncle was run down by a drunk in 1980. The bastard only received a few months.

My point is that BB is going to drag their knuckles and not give any animal's arse about you and your TV until it's a 'lemon'. They're not going to go find another technician because that takes their time and effort and they don't HAVE to do it.

Use the email address I PMed you. You might get somewhere.

EDIT: The guy in my sig was a member here. I didn't know him personally.


Apr 20, 2005

I sent the letter below to BB CEO and 20 of his Big Wigs:

Subject:Insignificant Canadian BestBuy Customer Pleading For Intervention

Dear Mr. Anderson and Honorable Associates:

As a loyal customer of Best Buy since your expansion into Canada, I am writing this letter to you with two primary goals in mind. First and foremost, it is to convey to you the immense magnitude of frustration I am feeling and secondly, my greatest hope that you can help me resolve my problem so I can continue to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere and the great products that your retail stores offer. Please keep in mind that all my efforts to resolve this through Canadian contacts have been exhausted.

In November of 2005, I purchased a 61 inch Samsung DLP HDTV along with a 5 year Performance Service Plan (PSP) from the store located in Whitby, ON, Canada. During the final month of the factory warranty, the lamp module on this unit exploded and Samsung dispatched a local technician within 48 hours of my call. It took the serviceman less than 10 minutes to replace the bulb and I was very impressed with the turn around time.

However, four weeks later, after the factory warranty expired, the light engine began to fail and the PSP came into effect. This marks the point where my customer experience declines exponentially which would lead to 3 service calls in a six week period.

This all begins when Best Buy PSP hired a highly questionable service company named XXXXX Ltd that came to transport my 61 inch HDTV to their service facility using a DODGE CARAVAN. My initial reaction was one of suspicion for obvious reasons and I requested to see their credentials. As it turns out, these were the people that Best Buy entrusted my television to. I was informed by the 2 men in this vehicle that my TV had to be transported to their service facility mainly because diagnostics had to be performed. I immediately protested this course of action because XXXXX and Best Buy never asked me any specific details of the malfunction so why were they so certain that diagnostics were required. Secondly, I knew for a fact that light engine/colour wheel failure can easily be repaired in home. But as I expected, my request for a technician to perform an in-home repair fell upon deaf ears. So the 2 men proceed to wrap my 61 inch widescreen with a filthy looking cloth and duct tape. Yes, DUCT TAPE. When this improvised covering was complete, it was then transferred into this passenger mini-van in the only position that would fit, ?Face Down?.

The following morning, I contacted a very helpful gentleman, MR. Troy at Samsung Tech Support. He confirmed that this malfunction did not require diagnostics and should have been performed in house. He even went on to specify that this type of task is allocated 30 to 45 minutes of labor for Samsung authorized technicians. However he also informed me that XXXXX was totally incompetent for transporting the DLP face down. He elaborated that this would lead to high potential of screen damage and serious problems to the projection optics. So I quickly placed a call to 1-866-Best-Buy and insisted on speaking to the duty supervisor. A Mr. Steve takes my call and I request to have my TV transferred to another service company, or at the very minimum, convey my concerns to XXXXX to ensure that the same mini-van is not utilized during the return of my TV and that an inspection be performed to rectify any damage that may have been generated from the face-down transport. Mr. Steve admits he that lacks any technical background on HDTV?s and assures me that the DLP was in the hands of a qualified technician. Ultimately, he takes no further action. So I insisted that he record my objections in the claim file and his subsequent refusal to take corrective action. I encourage you to access this file log to verify that I made multiple calls to this department and my requests were all denied.

The following Monday, I visit the store of purchase hoping for their help. I speak to a Don Pameli, the night manager and inform him of how my television is being mis-handled. His exact words were ?Wait and See What Happens?. When I explained to him the consequences of face-down transport, he finally agrees to contact XXXXX to ensure any damage is corrected and that the mini-van is not used for the return trip. He then promised to contact me when he resolved this issue on my behalf. Needless to say, he never called XXXXX or myself.

On December, 21st, after all my efforts were in vain, XXXXX returns my television in the same Dodge Caravan in damaged condition. When I power the unit up, there were large blemishes covering the screen that are inherent to the improper handling I witnessed.
(Please feel free to visit : nuked DLP for images and video of this damage.)
I immediately contact 1-866-Best-Buy and inform them that their refusal to assist me during this ordeal has ruined my widescreen . There are no apologies and the first statement I hear is that XXXXX will return the following week to remove my TV for another 2 weeks. When I demand that they use a service company that does not use a minivan, the reply was it must be XXXXX.

In desperation, I visit the store to meet with Param Singh, the store manager in a final attempt to avoid the services of XXXXX Ltd. I explain to him my very unpleasant experience and he immediately apologizes on behalf of Best Buy and tells me what I have endured is totally unacceptable. He then assures me that I will receive a replacement DLP unit or at the very minimum, a professional service call from a competent technician. He then promises to contact me with additional details within 1 to 2 days. At the end of the week when Mr. Singh has failed to contact me, I return to the store one final time. I ask the clerk at the service desk to get the store manager. The clerk proceeds to call the GM on his private line. Before emerging from the safety of his office, the clerk is directed by Mr. Singh on the phone to ask my name and reason for my visit. I provide my name and reply that my visit is regarding a 61 inch HDTV. As soon as Mr. Singh hears this, he immediately dispatches Mr. Don Pameli, my favorite night manager. Mr. Pameli comes down and informs me that my problem is no longer the stores responsibility as instructed by Param Singh. Then Don has the audacity to falsely claim that he tried to contact me after our original conversation, but because I had no voice mail service he was unable to leave me a message. Unfortunately for him, he is unaware that both my home and office numbers that I provided have voice-mail so it is obvious he didn?t call. To support my accusations, both my home and office numbers also have call display, and there is no record of this alleged call. I then requested Don to show me the numbers I left with him and sure enough, the numbers were correct. I will let you draw your on conclusion.

As for the Param Singh, I can not conceive of anything more despicable and cowardly than hiding in his office and ordering his subordinate to break a pledge that he made with me. But the 2 of them do make a very good team.

I hope you can understand why all the details expressed here were necessary and I apologize for the length of this letter. I also hope you can bear in mind that I hold the position of a professional engineer in the automotive industry so I have taken great care in using the integrity and high ethical standards that I use in my profession to be truthful and accurate in all my statements. I strongly believe that this entire unpleasant episode could have been easily avoided if either 1-866-Best-Buy or store management placed a single phone call on my behalf. Unfortunately, 20/20 vision is hindsight.

I am very grateful that you have taken a few moments from your busy schedule to read my correspondence. Despite 3 major failures within a 6 week period, please do not interpret this letter as a demand for a replacement product. My greatest wish here is for the authorization to have a competent service person visit my home if my DLP HDTV is salvageable. If my geographic location poses as a problem, I ?d be more than happy to incur the costs of the additional fuel and mileage expenses.

Kindest Regards,

Brad Anderson CEO/Vice Chairman/Director -
brad.anderson@bestbuy.comShari L Ballard Divisional Executive VP - shari.ballard@bestbuy.comRonald D Boire Executive VP/Other Corporate Officer
Brian J Dunn President/COO -
Thomas C Healy Divisional Executive
Susan S Hoff Senior VP/Other
Darren R Jackson Divisional Executive VP/CFO
Ronald James Director
Joseph M Joyce Senior VP/Assistant Secretary/General Counsel
Elliot S Kaplan Director/Secretary

Kevin T Layden Geographical President/COO
Allen U Lenzmeier Vice Chairman/Director -
Michael A Linton Divisional Executive VP/Other Executive Officer
Philip J Schoonover Divisional Executive VP
Richard M Schulze Founder/Chairman of the Board/Director -
Greg Thorson Divisional Executive VP
Mark Paragi
Senior Executive Resolution Specialist
Jill Nezworski, Senior Executive Resolution Specialist,
Tony Mason, Senior executive resolution specialis
Judy Telschow, Senior Executive Resolution Specialist
Elizabeth Sevcik Bradbury Anderson's assistant

Over half of the addresses are dead, but I guess some were still valid. I got this reply:


Re: Insignificant Canadian BestBuy Customer Pleading For Intervention

Dear Muskyx1,

Thank you for taking the time to document your concerns with the recent
repair of your television.

Please be advised that I am currently investigating this issue for you
and will have an update for you on Tuesday as I am out of the office on
Monday. Your case is priority for me, thank you for your patients.


Sheryl Ross
Senior Customer Support Consultant
Best Buy Canada CHQ


After all the BS I've been through, I won't be holding my breath. I'll still be preparing letters for BBB, and several letters to various Canadian TV news watchdog reporters as well as other suggestions from members.

Again, Thanks to everyone.


Apr 20, 2005

The TV is now totally screwed. Can't even see a picture. All that mis-handling finally caught up. Check out the video.

WTF DLP Video link

My greatest fear now is the pricks at Bestt Buy will think I'm deliberately breaking my TV.

I'm so freaking sick of this TV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bill Brasky

Diamond Member
May 18, 2006
Wow. I would demand they give you a new tv when you get the 'update' on Tuesday. Obviously you've been screwed.


Senior member
Sep 13, 2003
This is why I stay away from TV's that can't fit in my trunk and that I can't move by myself.

Just let them do whatever they want with it. After the four tries you get a new TV.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2005
Please be advised that I am currently investigating this issue for you
and will have an update for you on Tuesday as I am out of the office on
Monday. Your case is priority for me, thank you for your patients.

They cant even spell patience?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
it was auto spell checker's fix, last word in email, so lady probably saw it when it was too late and said "ooops"


Senior member
Jan 8, 2006
Originally posted by: thilan29
Lets have some of those current/former BB employees that posted in your other thread post now. I'd like to hear what, if anything they have to say.

i just found this thread. posted on the old one.

i know your problem...its a BB in canada and EVERYONE knows they suck big time. basically this is how it works. every BB is going to be different. golden rule: if the store is ranked high in company you would have gotten this fixed long time ago. my store is currently 6th in company and i am blown away that you haven't gotten this resolved yet until i realised it was a store in canada. just keep it at though, speak with corporate etc... i am PM'ing u as well to help out.

lemme say one thing though, the fact that people are surprised that we categorize and analyze customers and break them down into sales groups is ridiculous. EVERY company does this and every organization. i mean...whats your credit score? its a number which determines how good of a consumer you are plain and simple and thats a core element of our economy/society. also, for those of you who feel like you have been burned by the company...the average consumer is retarded (if you watch southpark you would know 1/4 of america is retarded) and i feel like most people who hate it hate it because they tried to do something retarded and was not allowed. you would not believe all the crazy stories i get every day about people trying to do ignorant, stupid stuff to get their money back or swap out something. or we didn't let them break a rule that was made because 1/4 of america is retarded.
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