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Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
I'm not dropping $500 on a console. And I thought the X360 was expensive. Bah.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2001
I'm buying a Wii and an X-box 360 at that price.

Thumbs down for PS3


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
PS2 installed base= 107Million users. Besides that though- we were talking about Nin. If you were talking about Squenix that would be something different. Take that 6Million users paying $15 a month to play, a whopping $90 Million dollars. Nintendo moves over $20 Million in DS hardware in one week in one territory.

Yet I believe the attachrate of game to hardware sales for ps2 is between 1 to 2. A lot of those sales don't really net sony all that much money.

I'd say, world wide, there's probably only around 60 million active gamers, the rest just game every once in a while (and thus aren't giving the companies very much money and aren't worth going after). A market like WoW is definetely worth going after, since it's likely to contain the bigger spenders, and not the ones who will buy the loss leading hardware and then barely purchase software.

Oh, and that's $90 million of almost pure profit, Nintendo probably breaks even on the DS hardware.

So from close to point blank you can shoot somewhat decently. Let's back that up a bit- we'll go to 400 yards. I'll grab my AR-15 using iron sights and you grab your rifle of choice and see how those mousing skills are helping you out

It's not even worth it. Ok, the guy doesn't think the Wii is for him, so he's not going to try it. He probably doesn't like Nintendo games anyway, so no matter what Nintendo released, it would not have appealed to him.
I, personally, am excited about the Wii because they're trying something new, and it looks like their approach to it is anything but half-assed. Whether or not it's a good idea remains to be seen, but I think we'll be able to say that if it fails, it didn't fail from poor implementation. The marketplace will decide if it was a good idea or not. I believe, at the very worst, the Wii will be like those gimmicky arcade games, which are the only ones that even exist anymore. Go into any arcade, and it's likely you'll see very few games that aren't a rhythm/music game, lightgun, racing, or some motion sensor game. You may see some fighting games. Now, the failed arcade market probably isn't the best thing to compare the Wii too, but consoles have already eaten up the rest of the arcade market, maybe the Wii will gobble up what's left. Certainly what's left exists because someone wants it and is pumping money into it.

I like the way the console market is diverging.
Nintendo is trying something new and quirky, they'll at least offer a different experience to break up the monotonous activity that is gaming.
Microsoft is going for the traditional gamer crowd, just give me games, games, and more immersive games.
And Sony is going for the high end entertainment market. I don't care for this market, but if I did, I'd probably be psyched about the PS3.

They are available and working for the PS2 and the XBox- you have to ask yourself why you don't use them.

There's an easy explanation for that. There's no place to put/use a mouse when you're playing on a TV, and even if there is, the games aren't setup to make good use of it. Halo has a very limited turning/aiming speed, the primary advantage of the mouse is lost due to the sluggish movement of the game.

I saw actual gamers and none made it look easy, most were over compensating heavily as again there is no FEEDBACK to truly justify the feel of striking someone with a sword.

Well, the controller does have rumble, I'll wait to try the controller before I condemn it though. If it sucks, I don't have to spend money on it, it costs me nothing to try in a store, and not that much just to buy the system for games I'm already interested in (aka, smash bros) and then see if the rest is worth getting as well. No one forces you to spend money, and if you don't try it, ultimately you're at best losing nothing, and quite possibly depriving yourself of something that could be entertaining.

I saw Samus circle strafeing without the Wii being moved. How did they do this? With lock on only, would be impossible otherwise with this type of control system. I dont want the game aiming for me thank you very much.

Metroid Prime 1 and 2 did the same thing, and they used a standard controller. It's just the way nintendo felt the game should be played. Red Steel has a more traditional movement I believe, not certain though. Anyhow, the wiimote functions as the aiming device (and I can't see it being worse than using a joystick for that), and the control stick on the nunchuck attachment is used for movement.

As far as which racing game was zagging lmao. Are you ready to eat your words? Say Yum Yum!

Looks like about the same amount of zagginess I've seen in any racing game I've ever played, short of the completely unrealistic ones like mario kart. In fact, I've been playing need for speed most wanted lately, and I zag much much worse in that than the guy in the video did. Some racing games just aren't easy to control, especially if the car has any sense of weight at all.

why would they go with infrared technology......? my god it's 2006, use RF/Bluetooth or something besides goddamn IR.

It does use bluetooth. The IR is only used for pointing at the screen, for aiming. All controller input and motion is transmitted over bluetooth, but IR had to be used for the aiming since bluetooth could not be used to determine where you're aiming at.

I was amazed at the light gun Nintendo introduced with the NES. Now that it's here again, I want to know

The NES, and nearly all other lightguns, depended on CRTs. They made the screen flash when you plugged the trigger and they would detect a pattern to determine what you were aiming at. (the gun had a little sensor inside) Non-video game lightguns worked similarly I think, except that the gun would project the light onto a sensor. Ok, so that's not pattern based, but still.
The Wii works with an infrared port and a sensor bar on top of the TV. I'd imagine it somehow determines angle and distance to determine what you're aiming at. This allows it to work on any type of screen, since the old lightguns wouldn't work on a CRT, and flashing screens are annoying anyway.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Few- three times- I assume you can count at the very least. You are so insignificant as a PC gamer that id and Epic have moved primary development to consoles. This isn't my assumption. Go ask Carmack and Sweeney why PC gamers are insignificant. Bioware is using consoles as their lead dev platform as is Bungie and Lionhead for most of their titles. There are most of the companies that defined the PC as a viable gaming platform- now their priorities are console first- then PC. The only company with a strong track record that is still PC first is Blizzard- one company. You go talk to them about why PC gamers are not significant. I'm not trying to give my take on the situation, I am pointing out reality.

And saying cross platform compatiability is not innovation just shows ignorance of what innovation is friend. Any introduction of something new is innovation, so adding cross platform compatibility to a console that did not have it is adding something new.

Have you ever seen a console before? That has to be one of the most moronic things I've seen anyone type in a long time. Go check out RE4 for just a singular high visibility title that is multi platform. Innovation never has and never will be copying what someone else does- as the definition YOU LINKED TO makes note of(the introduction of something new
2 : a new idea, method, or device). Obviously you are straight out trolling here, it is not possible you don't understand that. Oh yeah- the quote that got me on the pointing issue-

Pointing devices are not as good for games. Several reasons, not the least of which so many console pointing games dont have a crosshair or a decent set of sights on the device.

Now you need to point out at least one of these many games.

Yet I believe the attachrate of game to hardware sales for ps2 is between 1 to 2.

According to Sony it is just under 10. Not saying that is completely accurate but just adding up the sales of GTA and Madded this gen- ignoring all of the other games- gives us almost a 1:1 tie in.

I'd say, world wide, there's probably only around 60 million active gamers, the rest just game every once in a while (and thus aren't giving the companies very much money and aren't worth going after).

If that were the case- and every single active gamer lived in the US then they would be spending over $150 a month on games. The global sales numbers factored against 60Milion would put this closer to $400-$500 a month. Not per year, that is per month.

It's not even worth it. Ok, the guy doesn't think the Wii is for him, so he's not going to try it. He probably doesn't like Nintendo games anyway, so no matter what Nintendo released, it would not have appealed to him.

He isn't interested in any of the consoles, he jumped in the thread to bash anything that wasn't a mouse- that much is quite obvious. No need to let him spred the kind of BS he was unchecked.

I like the way the console market is diverging.
Nintendo is trying something new and quirky, they'll at least offer a different experience to break up the monotonous activity that is gaming.
Microsoft is going for the traditional gamer crowd, just give me games, games, and more immersive games.
And Sony is going for the high end entertainment market. I don't care for this market, but if I did, I'd probably be psyched about the PS3.

I'd agree with your take here, although MS seems to be forgetting to bother with actually making games. I'm staring down an awful lengthy drought right now- nothing coming that looks too promising outside of Prey for the next ~six months. Said another way, it looks like Nintendo has more strong titles coming for the Wii before the end of the year then MS does for the 360. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing much that looks too promising in the near term.


Senior member
Nov 7, 2000
First this is the last post I make on the topic. Your point that PC Gamers are insignifcant is just your opinion, you have not posted a single fact to back it up. Show me a VIP from Sony, M$, or Nintendo saying they dont want PC gamers business and then I will believe you know what your talking about, in the mean time please continue to post your opinions as fact, its very amusing.

"Have you ever seen a console before? That has to be one of the most moronic things I've seen anyone type in a long time. Go check out RE4 for just a singular high visibility title that is multi platform. Innovation never has and never will be copying what someone else does- as the definition YOU LINKED TO makes note of(the introduction of something new"

I could easily call your above statment moronic, but its not. Its actual ignorant. Thats not a cut down, but it has to do with knowing the difference between cross platform and multi-platform. Obviously by your statment one would gather you do not.

"Pointing devices are not as good for games. Several reasons, not the least of which so many console pointing games dont have a crosshair or a decent set of sights on the device."

"Now you need to point out at least one of these many games."

No I dont, I just have to go through the extremly boring process of asking you to please start using reading comprehension again. Notice the crosshair or a decent set of sights on the DEVICE???? Let me explain, that is stating that the pointing devices dont have a crosshair on them or a set of sights, on the device!!! Not that the game does not, just that the games using it dont have access to a device with a crosshair or sights. This statement was made in refrence to your claiming the Wiiwii was similar to using a rifle.

"He isn't interested in any of the consoles, he jumped in the thread to bash anything that wasn't a mouse- that much is quite obvious. No need to let him spred the kind of BS he was unchecked."

Not true at all, I posted my opinion. I was originally extremly excited about Nintendos new controller (When I first heard about it), but after seeing it in action my opinion has changed drastically.

And I love how you continue to post totally untrue, bogus, not one ounce of reality in fact, bs. Like I am not interested in any of the consoles, your just so silly and childish about this, reminds me of arguing with a twelve year old. As it stands I am interested in all of them and for all I know I may well buy all three. Well two more. I only replied with the mouse info after seeing so many people acting like the Wiiwii would be the next best thing since sliced bread. Sorry you cannot handle a differing opinion.

But continue to ignore the facts and post bs, and I will continue to reply. Nothing personal, but your posting lies about me, and I have a right to defend myself. Your the one making bogus claims about me and totally ignoring the point at hand, not me. So please continue to do it, if you really think you are accomplishing anything by making claims about me personally instead of staying on topic (As if anyone could convince you of anything).

Again this whole thing is about me stating my opinion that I consider the mouse/keyboard superior to this type of gaming device. I stand by it, can we stop with personal and stay on that? You disagree? Fine, dont call my personal life into it, especially when every single judgement you have made about me is wrong. Not the least of which is you trying to turn this into some kind of PC Gamers are insignificant discussion. Thats got nothing to do with what I posted, my argument is about control schemes, you yourself said the Keyboard/Mouse is on both the Xbox and PS2, so this is a console discussion, not a PC discussion as you so obviously seem to miss.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Your point that PC Gamers are insignifcant is just your opinion, you have not posted a single fact to back it up.

I posted the devs that have dropped the PC as their lead dev platform. You, conversely, have offered nothing.

Show me a VIP from Sony, M$, or Nintendo saying they dont want PC gamers business

They want everyone's business. That doesn't make everyone significant to them.

Thats not a cut down, but it has to do with knowing the difference between cross platform and multi-platform.

The industry terminology is what I use. Too bad for you if it is an industry you don't know anything about. Capcom calls RE4 cross platform- you take your issue up with them. My apologies if the industry that created the platforms decided before you were born what the terms would mean. I didn't define the word- they did and it's their industry.

Several reasons, not the least of which so many console pointing games dont have a crosshair or a decent set of sights on the device.

You should have included either in your sentence between have and a if you were making both terms conditional on the latter portion of the sentence.

Like I am not interested in any of the consoles, your just so silly and childish about this, reminds me of arguing with a twelve year old.

so many people acting like the Wiiwii would be the next best thing since sliced bread

I think that sums up your position better then anything.

Your the one making bogus claims about me and totally ignoring the point at hand, not me.

What's your gamertag? Since you are so into the console scene.

I stand by it, can we stop with personal and stay on that?

You don't know the industry standard definition of words
You don't know what is on XBLive! despite your claims that you are in
You seem to not be able to list off any high profile PC native devs
You don't know what the economic breakdown of the industry is

Which of those is not true? This is not personal- this is entirely based on your posts in this thread and the impressions you are giving off. Particularly with your pet name for the Wii's controller, you sound like a young teenager. I am not saying that is the case, but my ten year old found that comment rather immature.


Senior member
Nov 7, 2000
On that note I am reminded of a wise old saying that I should of learned along time ago.

Whos more the fool? The fool, or the one who argues with him. (And I ask you Ben nicely, please do not reply to me and I will not to you, lets just agree to disagree.)

Anyone else believe console developers should consider a mouse/keyboard type device? Something akin to some of the simple wasd devices out now? I understand the idea of gyro based gaming and it is a good one, I just dont think tech being released will be advanced enough at the time they are releasing it to really be a truly proficent device. I am personally glad you can use a gamepad with the Wii as I love Nintendos games so will more than likely pick one up. Just from what I have seen I dont like the infrared type controller for it.

Same with PS3, they dont seem to be acting very original in many areas, not the least of which is this controller add in. Personally I see the PS3 in alot of trouble unless the price drops quickly. M$ had a better system and still was outsold, and that was with a similar price. With the PS3 being so high, even if it is better, I am afraid the shoe will be on the other foot this time.

Edit: And when I say keyboard mouse type device, I am not at all saying a full keyboard setup. Something more akin to the Belkin Nostromo and a similar device as a mouse. I can understand the fear, M$ has voiced it loudly, that people with those type of devices have a distinct advantage of standard based controllers. I know the majority of console gamers dont like them. Imo its because there is a learning curve to them, that and they are not the best by a long shot for all games. Its just on certain games, like 3d shooters, strategy games, rpgs, and so on I dont see having a mouse keyboard type device as being a bad thing.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Don't bother PMing me just because you are tired of having your arguments blown out of the water in public. If you don't want to ignore my posts feel free- if you want to debate this issues brought up in this thread then do it here.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2006
Hate to say this, but Sony is pretty much the M$ in console industry with so many games available to them. If ps3 is going to be compatible with ps1 and ps2, its going to sell well no matter what. IMO..

Xbox is like Apple OS. It improves greatly with each generation, works very well etc etc, but imcompatible with each generation...



Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
At least Crytek are still sticking with the PC... for now!

Its just all the devs and publishers of games get snapped up by Sony and MS because their deals are so lucrative. There are quite a number of games that were always stated to come to PC first then MS and Sony get hold of them, dump a load of money at them and hey presto, its not gonna come to PC... in some cases forever!


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
I probably won't go with any of the consoles but the Wii looks incredibly cool, I don't know how many times I've been playing oblivion and wanted to swing the sword not just click the mouse, if the wii is cheap enough I'll definitely consider getting one.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: fierydemise
I probably won't go with any of the consoles but the Wii looks incredibly cool, I don't know how many times I've been playing oblivion and wanted to swing the sword not just click the mouse, if the wii is cheap enough I'll definitely consider getting one.

i reckon

all that swinging of the remote WILL get old very quick, its immeasurably fun now, but it will lose its novelty quite fast i think.

i think alot of gamers who are, well, fat.... will probably not be bothered, instead prefering to sit down with some twinkies and just wave the remote from the arm chair with their wrists


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
Originally posted by: fierydemise
I probably won't go with any of the consoles but the Wii looks incredibly cool, I don't know how many times I've been playing oblivion and wanted to swing the sword not just click the mouse, if the wii is cheap enough I'll definitely consider getting one.

i reckon

all that swinging of the remote WILL get old very quick, its immeasurably fun now, but it will lose its novelty quite fast i think.

i think alot of gamers who are, well, fat.... will probably not be bothered, instead prefering to sit down with some twinkies and just wave the remote from the arm chair with their wrists

Yea, I can't see any bloaters playing that Eyetoy fighting game where you control the character with your whole body. Most are familiar with the PS2 controller so it seems like an easy learning curve for the tilt functions & triggers & not have to wave it around like a 5 year old.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: DeathReborn
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
Originally posted by: fierydemise
I probably won't go with any of the consoles but the Wii looks incredibly cool, I don't know how many times I've been playing oblivion and wanted to swing the sword not just click the mouse, if the wii is cheap enough I'll definitely consider getting one.

i reckon

all that swinging of the remote WILL get old very quick, its immeasurably fun now, but it will lose its novelty quite fast i think.

i think alot of gamers who are, well, fat.... will probably not be bothered, instead prefering to sit down with some twinkies and just wave the remote from the arm chair with their wrists

Yea, I can't see any bloaters playing that Eyetoy fighting game where you control the character with your whole body. Most are familiar with the PS2 controller so it seems like an easy learning curve for the tilt functions & triggers & not have to wave it around like a 5 year old.

If you get bored with it, just get a standard controller


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Avalon
Originally posted by: DeathReborn
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
Originally posted by: fierydemise
I probably won't go with any of the consoles but the Wii looks incredibly cool, I don't know how many times I've been playing oblivion and wanted to swing the sword not just click the mouse, if the wii is cheap enough I'll definitely consider getting one.

i reckon

all that swinging of the remote WILL get old very quick, its immeasurably fun now, but it will lose its novelty quite fast i think.

i think alot of gamers who are, well, fat.... will probably not be bothered, instead prefering to sit down with some twinkies and just wave the remote from the arm chair with their wrists

Yea, I can't see any bloaters playing that Eyetoy fighting game where you control the character with your whole body. Most are familiar with the PS2 controller so it seems like an easy learning curve for the tilt functions & triggers & not have to wave it around like a 5 year old.

If you get bored with it, just get a standard controller

There's no chance i'll get bored of the Wiimote as i'll never buy one, lol.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2004
Thing is guys, its not that the Wiimote will get boring.

But if the games dont keep the innovation on different ways of how the wiimote is USED then it will definitly get boring.

Its pretty much up the the GAMES to keep the Wii alive...


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
I'd agree with your take here, although MS seems to be forgetting to bother with actually making games. I'm staring down an awful lengthy drought right now- nothing coming that looks too promising outside of Prey for the next ~six months. Said another way, it looks like Nintendo has more strong titles coming for the Wii before the end of the year then MS does for the 360. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing much that looks too promising in the near term.

Yeah, a shame really. I've been a PC gamer since the very beginning, before I even owned a NES, so hardware is often all that is needed to excite me. Still, microsoft just doesn't have the games, especially since the few I might have a mild interest in are available on the PC, will run/look better on my PC than xbox 360 (and since I bought a 360 control pad, play equal or better, though the lack of rumble is a bummer), and have a $10 cheaper price tag.
The original Xbox was the same way though, minus the control pad being available for PC. It really took Halo 2 and the promise of a whole lot of online excellence to finally get me to buy one. Halo 2 was good, not sure if I'd say worth a console for though, but the online wasn't anywhere near the hype. Then the system died in anticipation of the xbox 360, and no worthwhile games came out after halo 2 that couldn't be had for PC or another system.

BTW, Valve also has the PC as their primary dev platform.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Chumster
$500 unit will not support wireless controllers??! (and unlike the 360, you won't be able to upgrade the 20Gb version)

oh WTF?

they even took off the plastic chrome lettering too, ****** cheap skates.

im sorry but 500 for something that possibly wont be any good as a Bluray player, wont have a big hard drive, wont have wifi, wont have a memory card reader and now wont have wireless controllers is just a ****** joke. seriously if Forza 2 turns out to be much better than GT5 then ill be sending money M$'s way. a MGS4 trailer just wont buy me

ive played with the 360's wireless controllers and its definately the way to go. i can sit a good distance from the TV in a comfy chair and play.

whats next? they sell you it in pieces and you have to make it yourself?

i like how they claim theres no difference in what each version will be able to play 1080p blu-ray movies.........the other wont, i think thats a big difference there. one will alow you to put your MS in and save your cameras digi pics....the other wont.

i can see all the sony guys standing atop a massive mound of bull ****** and theyre just shovelling it at us
Jun 14, 2003
seriously, its looking like XBOX 360 here i come. ive had a go with a 360 and have been truely impressed. and what im seeing in the future of the 360 only impresses me more.


Apr 18, 2006
Re: Keyboard-Mouse control for consoles.

This won't happen simply because consoles are played from the couch.

The only way around this would be to build some sort of Lapboard-type device (important: it must be *cheap*), and pack it in with some hugely popular game, or have it actually ship with a console.



Oct 8, 2004
Does anyone have any more info on preorders? I thought with the official launch date, that places like EBGames would take preorders. I just called and the guy said that they were going to take them starting in October... if at all.

This sounds like a lot of BS since 1. the guy at EB games probably doesn't know anyting... 2. I would imagine that he would want less people to know about the preorder... 3. He is probably sick of getting asked the same question... 4. He probably with the rest of the employees are hording all the preorders so they can sell them on ebay.

Just wondering if anyone else has info. Preferably someone who works at EB games or another retailer.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: ThunderLew
Does anyone have any more info on preorders? I thought with the official launch date, that places like EBGames would take preorders. I just called and the guy said that they were going to take them starting in October... if at all.

This sounds like a lot of BS since 1. the guy at EB games probably doesn't know anyting... 2. I would imagine that he would want less people to know about the preorder... 3. He is probably sick of getting asked the same question... 4. He probably with the rest of the employees are hording all the preorders so they can sell them on ebay.

Just wondering if anyone else has info. Preferably someone who works at EB games or another retailer.

my mate went down to game and just preordered his PS3
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