Heroes: Volume II

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Golden Member
Jan 22, 2001
Originally posted by: gwlam12
Why did Nikki attack Sylar? Have they even met before?
Maybe because Sylar 'shot' Parkman, someone she tried to kill before. And she was upset for him stealing her kill...

Peter and Nathan may still be alive. Insofar as future Peter survived the blast and Nathan could've dropped Peter before he blew, both of them could make appearances next season. This would be inline with Issac's painting of Nathan in an oval office; the bomb still went off; Sylar did cut Ando.

Looks like this was the family sticks together episode: Niki struggled to keep her felony family together; Molly and her 'adopted fathers' Suresh and Parkman outvoted Noah and kept her alive; and of course Nathan and Peter went above and beyond to Save the World.
Feb 19, 2001
What are you guys expecting, some 24-like ending? Come on, this is NOT 24. You're not going to get someone ripping out 10 people's heads like Jack does in Season 6, Episode 17.

Remember when they saved Claire from Sylar in the middle of the season when it was all about saving the cheerleader? What did people think about that? It built up with a lot of tension just like how we had a buildup in tension before the nuke. The action wasn't that great, but come on, that's the way the show is supposed to be. It's not some manly show to top 24 in terms of violence and badassness. It's supposed to have a storyline that's worth following and has a dramatic feel to it. Yeah, the ending was a little weak and quick, but still, it doesn't piss me off as much as the stupid parts of 24 does.


Feb 3, 2005
Originally posted by: TheChort
And, I'm not ashamed to admit, in the teaser ending, for a split second, I had hope that Hiro would be facing a T-rex
Hehe, that was actually the first thing that went through my mind.

I wouldn't be surprised if the samurai somehow turns out to be Hiro's father.


Aug 31, 2002
I still enjoy heroes.

Don't get caught up in in all the psuedo science of they're abilities. The show isn't as much fun to watch when people just sit there and try and pick out inconsistencies with what they've shown us so far.

Overall, the finale was OK. There were too many story arc's to finish up in 1 hour, IMO thats why it felt rushed. I guess they had to sacrifice time that they could have spent making the ending more dramatic. They had to do it in order to tie up all the storyarcs they started.

I agree with TheChort Season 9/10, Finale 7/10.

I think throughout the entire series, Suresh will play a major role in all of the seasons.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Lame finale after a great season.

Few points: Is this still leading up to the 5 years future episode, or did something change?
It seemed obvious that Hiro had already changed time in the 5 years future episode, since Sylar did not yet have the cheerleader's powers. (future Hiro did not know of the changes since he existed outside time)
But no devastating New York City explosion happened in this episode, unless a man exploding above a city is enough to send people into a panic. Even still, the future would at least require Nathan to be alive for Sylar to absorb his power. And if Nathan isn't alive, what caused history to change? The only thing I can think of is Hiro's knowledge of the future, and his pleading with Nathan (calling him a villain and such) was just the push over the edge Nathan needed to be a good guy. But still, why not just knock Peter out, or shoot him and then let him regenerate?

And what's with Peter not even trying to use any of his powers against Sylar? The man has telekinesis, and he just just hauls off and starts punching Sylar?
Hiro didn't seem to learn much about sword fighting, or even the obvious tactic of "stop time and kill while time is stopped."


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Fox5
Lame finale after a great season.

Few points: Is this still leading up to the 5 years future episode, or did something change?
It seemed obvious that Hiro had already changed time in the 5 years future episode, since Sylar did not yet have the cheerleader's powers. (future Hiro did not know of the changes since he existed outside time)
But no devastating New York City explosion happened in this episode, unless a man exploding above a city is enough to send people into a panic. Even still, the future would at least require Nathan to be alive for Sylar to absorb his power. And if Nathan isn't alive, what caused history to change? The only thing I can think of is Hiro's knowledge of the future, and his pleading with Nathan (calling him a villain and such) was just the push over the edge Nathan needed to be a good guy. But still, why not just knock Peter out, or shoot him and then let him regenerate?

And what's with Peter not even trying to use any of his powers against Sylar? The man has telekinesis, and he just just hauls off and starts punching Sylar?
Hiro didn't seem to learn much about sword fighting, or even the obvious tactic of "stop time and kill while time is stopped."

The thing that changed was Clair was alive. It was only partly about stopping Sylar from getting her powers, the other part was that she would convince her "father" to help save the city.


Oct 9, 1999
The pacing in the final scene was way off, other than that it was a stellar season.

They paced the final fight with Sylar all wrong. They should have went for more of a superteam dynamic which each Hero taking shots then Hiro finishing him off. I think that's what they tried to do but the pacing was so broken it came off really disjointed.

Either way, I purposefully stayed off threads about this show until now. I wanted to form my own opinion about the show and I loved every minute of it. It's the best network TV has to offer.


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2001
most everyone caught up in the "omg, teh final fight wasn't l33t enuff" movement seems to forget the importance of (1) well-told story arcs and (2) the 23 previous episodes.

i guess hollywood blockbusters and video games have skewed expectations.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: davestar
most everyone caught up in the "omg, teh final fight wasn't l33t enuff" movement seems to forget the importance of (1) well-told story arcs and (2) the 23 previous episodes.

i guess hollywood blockbusters and video games have skewed expectations.

I guess so... I'm not sure why people were expecting this giant battle scene. These people are just ordinary people who only recently found out they have powers. They aren't the Justice League.


Nov 27, 2001
It's good to note that Hiro will not be meeting "Kensei", because there is no such person as the Takuzo Kensei writings are just fiction ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensei ). Although I can't remember the exact time where he teleported back to... I believe it was 1647?

If you look at the events that occurred during this period ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edo_period#Events ) there doesn't seem to be any wars. The only war of note (that isn't listed in that event timeline) was 1688-1689.

I think that the eclipse is meant to signify the change that's coming among people and possible those people on the battlefield will become some of the first "heroes" ( which could show why the symbol stands for them ).


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2005
Originally posted by: Aikouka
It's good to note that Hiro will not be meeting "Kensei", because there is no such person as the Takuzo Kensei writings are just fiction ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensei ). Although I can't remember the exact time where he teleported back to... I believe it was 1647?

If you look at the events that occurred during this period ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edo_period#Events ) there doesn't seem to be any wars. The only war of note (that isn't listed in that event timeline) was 1688-1689.

I think that the eclipse is meant to signify the change that's coming among people and possible those people on the battlefield will become some of the first "heroes" ( which could show why the symbol stands for them ).

hey smart guy, the whole show is fiction.....he can meet whoever the hell he wants.


Mar 14, 2003
why couldn't they just subdue peter like they subdued ted in claire's house?

why couldn't they just shoot peter instead of presumably killing off both nathan AND peter? i don't understand nathan's reasoning here. i won't let my brother die without me dying as well? that doesn't make sense.

unless of course nathan knew peter would regenerate and he was only sacrificing himself by flying peter to a safe distance. this would then definitely make nathan the hero of self-sacrifice for the greater good.
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: davestar
most everyone caught up in the "omg, teh final fight wasn't l33t enuff" movement seems to forget the importance of (1) well-told story arcs and (2) the 23 previous episodes.

i guess hollywood blockbusters and video games have skewed expectations.

Exactly, I think they did a great job. The characters aren't Heroes by choice, they are heroes by circumstance. 99.999999999999999% of people put in that situation would be cowaring and pissing themselves. Hiro is the only one that stepped up because he knew what would happen if Sylar lived.

If everyone all joined in in the fight we should just call this Heroes:X-Men the TV Show.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: davestar
most everyone caught up in the "omg, teh final fight wasn't l33t enuff" movement seems to forget the importance of (1) well-told story arcs and (2) the 23 previous episodes.

i guess hollywood blockbusters and video games have skewed expectations.

Exactly, I think they did a great job. The characters aren't Heroes by choice, they are heroes by circumstance. 99.999999999999999% of people put in that situation would be cowaring and pissing themselves. Hiro is the only one that stepped up because he knew what would happen if Sylar lived.

If everyone all joined in in the fight we should just call this Heroes:X-Men the TV Show.

They were gearing up for a huge confrontation between Peter and Sylar the entire series.
He has a number of unknown powers, along with being able to analyze how to properly use them. While Peter could've used anything Sylar threw at him, he should've been no match for Sylar's expertise. They made Sylar look like a b*tch in the final fight; he's the same guy that saws peoples heads off and messes with their brains for crying out loud. Unless they have a large plan for him next season, his exit from the show was terrible. Sure Hiro would've eventually killed him anyway, but it seemed like the finale was rushed and didn't live up to the quality of the rest of the series.

As for everyone else joining in, they would've been decimated in short order if they tried. Nikki got in a few lucky shots, but she still wouldn't have been any match for Sylar. Claire would've been useless; decapitated people don't regenerate and she has no fighting abilities. DL was already incapacitated. Micah and Molly were useless. As for Parkman, well we saw what happened with him. The only one that would've had a fighting chance would've been the Haitian if he showed up. Even Candice would've been disposed without much effort due to Sylar's abilities.

If they had planned on this ending from the beginning, they could've at least shown the future battle where Mega-Sylar and Peter duke it out. It was a great story, but I like to see some action. The teased us the entire series and never delivered. Though the concepts of unity, heroism, and family were wrapped up great in the finale.


Golden Member
Sep 26, 2005
I thought the ending on the season finale was pretty cool. The little girl who can find anyone anywhere mentioned that there was someone/something who was a far greater threat than Sylar and she was afraid to try and track him/it because it was watching her. This leads me to believe there is something even more sinister that the collective heros will have to battle. All of them are learning their powers and I'm pretty sure that they will become even more powerful. I'm looking forward to the next season.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: ValkyrieofHouston
I thought the ending on the season finale was pretty cool. The little girl who can find anyone anywhere mentioned that there was someone/something who was a far greater threat than Sylar and she was afraid to try and track him/it because it was watching her. This leads me to believe there is something even more sinister that the collective heros will have to battle. All of them are learning their powers and I'm pretty sure that they will become even more powerful. I'm looking forward to the next season.

EDIT: Looks like Kring changed his mine and will be keeping the living heroes around with new heroes being introduced next season, with one character especially playing a huge roll.

I'm sure the new antagonist is connected to the whole Linderman/Petrelli group that was setup, but beyond that I wouldn't even know where to guess.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: Chris
The pacing in the final scene was way off, other than that it was a stellar season.

They paced the final fight with Sylar all wrong. They should have went for more of a superteam dynamic which each Hero taking shots then Hiro finishing him off. I think that's what they tried to do but the pacing was so broken it came off really disjointed.

To be honest, a fight between Sylar and Peter should be completely one sided in favor of Peter due to the fact that he can pretty much do what Sylar can do AND he can stop time. I guess they have to make him look like a wuss just to make it seem as if the other heroes are necessary for some purpose other than living, breathing, and passing off their powers to Peter.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
Originally posted by: Chris
The pacing in the final scene was way off, other than that it was a stellar season.

They paced the final fight with Sylar all wrong. They should have went for more of a superteam dynamic which each Hero taking shots then Hiro finishing him off. I think that's what they tried to do but the pacing was so broken it came off really disjointed.

To be honest, a fight between Sylar and Peter should be completely one sided in favor of Peter due to the fact that he can pretty much do what Sylar can do AND he can stop time. I guess they have to make him look like a wuss just to make it seem as if the other heroes are necessary for some purpose other than living, breathing, and passing off their powers to Peter.

Sylar can control his powers far greater than Peter after absorbtion. We've seen that the time power breaks down without proper training and is not easy to use. Peter should've been in for a hell of a battle with Sylar, but it didn't go down like that.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: PimpJuice
hey smart guy, the whole show is fiction.....he can meet whoever the hell he wants.

Unless they... you know... exist in a world that's supposed to be parallel to the real world .


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: davestar
most everyone caught up in the "omg, teh final fight wasn't l33t enuff" movement seems to forget the importance of (1) well-told story arcs and (2) the 23 previous episodes.

i guess hollywood blockbusters and video games have skewed expectations.

Exactly, I think they did a great job. The characters aren't Heroes by choice, they are heroes by circumstance. 99.999999999999999% of people put in that situation would be cowaring and pissing themselves. Hiro is the only one that stepped up because he knew what would happen if Sylar lived.

If everyone all joined in in the fight we should just call this Heroes:X-Men the TV Show.

They were gearing up for a huge confrontation between Peter and Sylar the entire series.
He has a number of unknown powers, along with being able to analyze how to properly use them. While Peter could've used anything Sylar threw at him, he should've been no match for Sylar's expertise. They made Sylar look like a b*tch in the final fight; he's the same guy that saws peoples heads off and messes with their brains for crying out loud. Unless they have a large plan for him next season, his exit from the show was terrible. Sure Hiro would've eventually killed him anyway, but it seemed like the finale was rushed and didn't live up to the quality of the rest of the series.

Exactly. Nearly everyone saw the finale as setting the stage for a Peter vs Sylar showdown. You have a precise and methodical Sylar who has almost perfect control over all of his abilities versus Peter who has his own stash of abilities, but with much less control and precision.

The rookie vs the seasoned veteran. Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe vs Ferrari in the 60's.

Instead, Sylar showed off some pretty cool moves, Peter got in a couple of good punches, then Sylar goes out like a punk-ass bitch. Totally disappointing.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU
Originally posted by: Fox5
Lame finale after a great season.

Few points: Is this still leading up to the 5 years future episode, or did something change?
It seemed obvious that Hiro had already changed time in the 5 years future episode, since Sylar did not yet have the cheerleader's powers. (future Hiro did not know of the changes since he existed outside time)
But no devastating New York City explosion happened in this episode, unless a man exploding above a city is enough to send people into a panic. Even still, the future would at least require Nathan to be alive for Sylar to absorb his power. And if Nathan isn't alive, what caused history to change? The only thing I can think of is Hiro's knowledge of the future, and his pleading with Nathan (calling him a villain and such) was just the push over the edge Nathan needed to be a good guy. But still, why not just knock Peter out, or shoot him and then let him regenerate?

And what's with Peter not even trying to use any of his powers against Sylar? The man has telekinesis, and he just just hauls off and starts punching Sylar?
Hiro didn't seem to learn much about sword fighting, or even the obvious tactic of "stop time and kill while time is stopped."

The thing that changed was Clair was alive. It was only partly about stopping Sylar from getting her powers, the other part was that she would convince her "father" to help save the city.

But Claire was also alive in the evil future, so that couldn't be it.
Well, unless Hiro was just wrong. He blinked out right after stabbing Sylar, so it's very possible he only thought it was Sylar, when it never has been.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2003
Originally posted by: BigJ

I'm sure the new antagonist is connected to the whole Linderman/Petrelli group that was setup, but beyond that I wouldn't even know where to guess.

when i was watching that seen, i got the impression that Bennet (Noah) knew something about this new guy. Both Parkman and Suresh were like "WTF could this guy be?!" and Bennet in his usual cover-up manner said "let's get back to our task at hand."

Plus, this is a little girl who finds someone scary. It is a matter of perspective after all


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: davestar
most everyone caught up in the "omg, teh final fight wasn't l33t enuff" movement seems to forget the importance of (1) well-told story arcs and (2) the 23 previous episodes.

i guess hollywood blockbusters and video games have skewed expectations.

Exactly, I think they did a great job. The characters aren't Heroes by choice, they are heroes by circumstance. 99.999999999999999% of people put in that situation would be cowaring and pissing themselves. Hiro is the only one that stepped up because he knew what would happen if Sylar lived.

If everyone all joined in in the fight we should just call this Heroes:X-Men the TV Show.

They were gearing up for a huge confrontation between Peter and Sylar the entire series.
He has a number of unknown powers, along with being able to analyze how to properly use them. While Peter could've used anything Sylar threw at him, he should've been no match for Sylar's expertise. They made Sylar look like a b*tch in the final fight; he's the same guy that saws peoples heads off and messes with their brains for crying out loud. Unless they have a large plan for him next season, his exit from the show was terrible. Sure Hiro would've eventually killed him anyway, but it seemed like the finale was rushed and didn't live up to the quality of the rest of the series.

Exactly. Nearly everyone saw the finale as setting the stage for a Peter vs Sylar showdown. You have a precise and methodical Sylar who has almost perfect control over all of his abilities versus Peter who has his own stash of abilities, but with much less control and precision.

The rookie vs the seasoned veteran. Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe vs Ferrari in the 60's.

Instead, Sylar showed off some pretty cool moves, Peter got in a couple of good punches, then Sylar goes out like a punk-ass bitch. Totally disappointing.

I liked the part where HRG (Noah) tried to attack Sylar and he was thrown back. The time-stop effect was way cool. I'm going to watch it again (hopefully I didn't delete it by mistake).


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: PimpJuice
Originally posted by: Aikouka
It's good to note that Hiro will not be meeting "Kensei", because there is no such person as the Takuzo Kensei writings are just fiction ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kensei ). Although I can't remember the exact time where he teleported back to... I believe it was 1647?

If you look at the events that occurred during this period ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edo_period#Events ) there doesn't seem to be any wars. The only war of note (that isn't listed in that event timeline) was 1688-1689.

I think that the eclipse is meant to signify the change that's coming among people and possible those people on the battlefield will become some of the first "heroes" ( which could show why the symbol stands for them ).

hey smart guy, the whole show is fiction.....he can meet whoever the hell he wants.




Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: davestar
most everyone caught up in the "omg, teh final fight wasn't l33t enuff" movement seems to forget the importance of (1) well-told story arcs and (2) the 23 previous episodes.

i guess hollywood blockbusters and video games have skewed expectations.


I thought this was a fantastic episode. The people here complaining are just being whiny fools of the first rate. It is mind boggling that people who appear to be fans (evidenced by posting on an Internet forum regarding the show) yet seem incapable of processing what the heck the show is all about. The show is not at all about non-stop big fight scenes so why in the heck would the season finale be all about that?

I've read more coherent rants on Myspace than most of this drivel.
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