Originally posted by: Lamont Burns
Peter is acquiring powers the same way he always has, no? Now it just has a quick animation attached to it. It's like his dad except the person he sucks it from retains their original power, I imagine. Otherwise Suresh and Nikki2 can just be killed off now.
Well we have seen scenarios where the parent -> child power relationship is identical (Parkman for instance) so its possible Peter has the same exact power as his father, only he doesn't know how to cut their powers, he only knows how to copy. (Perhaps just like with the Parkman example, where we knew that the son wasn't able to manipulate minds right away, just read them, but eventually learned his higher potential...) Imagine if Peter could copy and paste the powers as well...
Claire still grossly overestimates the actual fighting power being a young girl who can't die really provides. It's always dumb to hear her make such statements.
Yeah, I wish the writers would realize that ability to heal quickly should make her strength and endurance potential super human.
A lot of people get distracted by Wolverine's claws, but his extremely awesome fighting ability comes from his ability to heal.
Claire needed to forget regular school long ago and go devote some major time to martial arts training. Hiro is the wrong hero to be wielding a katana :evil: