Higher taxes stymie job creation

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Nov 11, 1999
One of the things that helped make America what it is today is the idea of someone being wealthy. Taxing someone at 70% - 90% is a barrier to that ideology.

Someone may say, "Why would I want to do that when the government will take 70%?"

I worked with people who refused to work overtime as they thought it would "put them in a higher tax bracket." I didn't care, I worked all the overtime I could get.

Taxation is a slippy slope. The government will spend every penny it collects, then some. Our national debt is an example of that.

Democrats have already said they want to repeal the Trump tax reform, and raise the corporate tax rate.

Even more evidence taxes kill jobs:


Its ok, no matter what the experts say, yall are still going to argue against it.

Of course a right wing propaganda outfit like the Civitas Institute would say that. It's what they're paid to do. Sheesh.

Is there some part of "trickle down economics already failed America" that you don't understand?
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Nov 11, 1999
Were you even born by the 1990s?

I was watching the news and reading the newspapers.

Historical facts are not something you get to make up unless you're using Kellyanne's alternative facts. A trivial amount of Google-fu will confirm what I offered.
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Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
After 40 years of evidence of the opposite or at the very least, neutral, I can't believe anyone falls for this anymore.

We have two historical periods in the US to look back on with two opposing polar opposite tax schemes. Both roughly 40 years.

One with a top tax rate of 91% with an effective rate of around 50%

One with a top tax rate of 35ish% and an effective tax rate of 18%.

One period is marked with the highest wage growth and industry growth in the country's history and the creation of the entire middle class.

The other is marked by the slow destruction of the middle class, and wage stagnation and offshoring of jobs

This is seriously a no brainer anymore and no one with half a brain is buying reaganomics anymore. The only thing that trickles down is contempt and a new gilded age of robber barons.


Dec 18, 2010

One with a top tax rate of 91% with an effective rate of around 50%

One with a top tax rate of 35ish% and an effective tax rate of 18%.

One period is marked with the highest wage growth and industry growth in the country's history and the creation of the entire middle class.

Is it selective ignorance on your part, our you just do not know?

When we had a high tax rate, what was happening inside the United States?

World War II vets using their GI bill to get degrees
Interstate highway project
Dam construction
Rural electrification program

During the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and even into the 1970s, the United States government invested so much money into infrastructure it is outrageous. Of course we had a booming economy, because jobs were plentiful.

My great grandfather went from serving in the navy during WW II, to working on the interstate highway project. He helped build some of the major highways in Southeast Texas.

What's left to build? Let's say we raised the taxes again, where would the money go? If you want to rebuild every bridge in the US, fine. Maybe upgrade the power infrastructure, ok.

Do you really think raising taxes to provide medicare for all is going to drive the economy? Of course not.

The difference in the time period you mentioned and today? Decades ago the government spent money to build this nation. Today, we give stuff away, such as foreign aid, and corporate welfare.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Is it selective ignorance on your part, our you just do not know?

When we had a high tax rate, what was happening inside the United States?

World War II vets using their GI bill to get degrees
Interstate highway project
Dam construction
Rural electrification program

During the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and even into the 1970s, the United States government invested so much money into infrastructure it is outrageous. Of course we had a booming economy, because jobs were plentiful.

My great grandfather went from serving in the navy during WW II, to working on the interstate highway project. He helped build some of the major highways in Southeast Texas.

What's left to build? Let's say we raised the taxes again, where would the money go? If you want to rebuild every bridge in the US, fine. Maybe upgrade the power infrastructure, ok.

Do you really think raising taxes to provide medicare for all is going to drive the economy? Of course not.

The difference in the time period you mentioned and today? Decades ago the government spent money to build this nation. Today, we give stuff away, such as foreign aid, and corporate welfare.

What is so fucking shocking, is you NOT seeing how you're making my point, and not your own.

Just fucking wow...
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Watching Texashiker desperately veer from one inaccurate point to another is funny and sad at the same time.

The best part is how he gushes about all the major infrastructure projects during those peak years, but point to point to point, over the last 4 decades, every single fucking major infrastructure project has been shit on by the GOP and their legion of deplorable voters as a huge waste of money.

Can't build competitive, necessary high-speed trains in highly populated, cash-generating parts of the country because some mud-dwelling farmers 2k miles away think it's a bad idea...all the while they farm fallow fields of dirt, just depending on government welfare to support their inability to grow actual food....the true salt of the earth, let me tell you.

And believe me, I hate saying this shit about those parts of the country, because I know it isn't true across the board and that there are some awesome people and beautiful land out there; but time and time and motherfucking time again, it's these same shithole people that, for some reason, get a vote that counts 5x as mine, demand the government spend nothing on GDP, wage growth, and progress, but do whatever it takes to heavily tax blue states so that all that money can be sent to their fucking dirt farms. There is no respect deserved of these people. They are fucking leaches, and Texas Hiker is the wailing banshee of this mewling mob. These fucks are terrified of the ever-dwindling migration of brown people, that actually never affect their lives, but vote everyone into poverty with their preposterously unbalanced representational power....all because of these simple phantom terrors.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
These kinds of threads are very educational for a guy like me. I'm a simple man, with only two years at a community college before becoming a newspaper photojournalist. Common sense tells me that the rich would like to stay rich, so they aren't creating jobs or increasing salaries unless it's in their own self-interests to do so. For that reason alone trickle-down just never seemed logical to me.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I also like how conservatives have persistently made NAFTA out to be the greatest crime against this country (well, 2nd, now, after immorally electing a negro to POTUS), when overall, the job loss/gain was relatively neutral. Yes, certain sectors got hit hard, but here's the thing: for all the brown immigration that you guys hate to no end, NAFTA has made tremendous gains in reducing the numbers, because it creates good jobs in Mexico. That's kinda the point--people need an incentive to stay and find success in their own country, otherwise they will leave. Every single one of you would do the same, and despite how desperately every one of you conservatives demand of it--this country doesn't owe you shit.

...and that's the rub. Either you want an actual solution that effectively reduces illegal immigration, or you end agreements like NAFTA. Can't have both, retards. And the fact that immigration, illegal or otherwise, has drastically reduced year upon year upon year over the last decade+ at the southern border, is a testament to actual solutions that work, not phantom nonsense that history has long proven to never ever work--your stupid pecker-sized walls.


Dec 18, 2010
What is so fucking shocking, is you NOT seeing how you're making my point, and not your own.

Just fucking wow...

For the sake of discussion let's raise taxes back to what they were in the 1950s, 1960s.

What should the money be spent on?

Should our economy be based on how much the government can tax and spend? We are already 22 trillion in debt, what a few trillion more.


Dec 18, 2010
I also like how conservatives have persistently made NAFTA out to be the greatest crime against this country (well, 2nd, now, after immorally electing a negro to POTUS), when overall, the job loss/gain was relatively neutral. Yes, certain sectors got hit hard, but here's the thing: for all the brown immigration that you guys hate to no end, NAFTA has made tremendous gains in reducing the numbers, because it creates good jobs in Mexico. That's kinda the point--people need an incentive to stay and find success in their own country, otherwise they will leave. Every single one of you would do the same, and despite how desperately every one of you conservatives demand of it--this country doesn't owe you shit.

...and that's the rub. Either you want an actual solution that effectively reduces illegal immigration, or you end agreements like NAFTA. Can't have both, retards. And the fact that immigration, illegal or otherwise, has drastically reduced year upon year upon year over the last decade+ at the southern border, is a testament to actual solutions that work, not phantom nonsense that history has long proven to never ever work--your stupid pecker-sized walls.

Wow, just wow.

You made a half decent post with only a couple of insults.

Part of NAFTA was to build the economy of Mexico and hopefully end (or at least decrease) illegal immigration.

Since illegal immigration is still a problem, let's end NAFTA, and build a wall the likes of which even GOD has not seen. Bonus points of you can name the movie where "The likes of which GOD has not seen" comes from.

~~ EDIT ~~

The problem was not obama being black, it was everything he did, such as helping pave the way for Iran to further their nuclear program..... etc.


Oct 18, 2005
For the sake of discussion let's raise taxes back to what they were in the 1950s, 1960s.

What should the money be spent on?

Should our economy be based on how much the government can tax and spend? We are already 22 trillion in debt, what a few trillion more.
Here is the predicted diversion. Out of bull shit to throw at the wall to support his failing op Texashiker pivots to another subject.


Dec 18, 2010
Here is the predicted diversion. Out of bull shit to throw at the wall to support his failing op Texashiker pivots to another subject.

Difference between the 1950s - 1970s, and today, we had a nation to build.

So where is the money going to go that will spur the economy like it did back then?


Oct 18, 2005
Difference between the 1950s - 1970s, and today, we had a nation to build.

So where is the money going to go that will spur the economy like it did back then?

That sounds like an interesting new thread, have you learned in this one that your op was wrong yet?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
Cutting corporate and 1%er taxes just ballooned the national debt by 10% ($2 TRILLION) in two years. Thank you "party of fiscal responsibility."

And we're supposed to buy that raising taxes will somehow be what increases the debt?
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Dec 18, 2010
That sounds like an interesting new thread, have you learned in this one that your op was wrong yet?

It is part of this thread. Some of the posters think if we raise taxes back to what they were in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, the economy would "magically" rebound.

There is a big difference in the government of the 1950s, 1960s... and the government today. The government today is not interested in creating jobs. Democrats have no interest in providing a path out of welfare.

I promise you, if Trump wanted to raise taxes and provide a job for everyone on welfare, the democrats would have a meltdown.

Cutting corporate and 1%er taxes just ballooned the national debt by 10% ($2 TRILLION) in two years. Thank you "party of fiscal responsibility."

And we're supposed to buy that raising taxes will somehow be what increases the debt?

Half-truth, nice mental gymnastics though.

Cutting taxes was only part of the problem. Increased government spending is the other problem.

Did you forget to mention the treasury department is taking in record taxes on purpose, or was it a mental lapse?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
If you have a problem with my question I would refer you to post #138 in this thread, authored by someone who questioned raising taxes and then immediately conflated raising taxes with increasing the debt.


Dec 18, 2010
If you have a problem with my question I would refer you to post #138 in this thread, authored by someone who questioned raising taxes and then immediately conflated raising taxes with increasing the debt.

According to Eskimo, national debt is good. 404 problem not found.


Nov 11, 1999
TH is pretty much hopeless because he believes in way, way too many GOP lies. The remark about Obama paving the way for Iran's nuclear program is illustrative.


Dec 18, 2010
TH is pretty much hopeless because he believes in way, way too many GOP lies. The remark about Obama paving the way for Iran's nuclear program is illustrative.

I would like for you, or anyone else, to explain how raising taxes is going to create jobs.

As described earlier in post 131, the government of today is different than the government in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.

Added bonus, rather than infrastructure, democrats talk about stuff like medicare for all. How is medicare for all going to spur the economy.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Wow, just wow.

You made a half decent post with only a couple of insults.

Part of NAFTA was to build the economy of Mexico and hopefully end (or at least decrease) illegal immigration.

Since illegal immigration is still a problem, let's end NAFTA, and build a wall the likes of which even GOD has not seen. Bonus points of you can name the movie where "The likes of which GOD has not seen" comes from.

~~ EDIT ~~

The problem was not obama being black, it was everything he did, such as helping pave the way for Iran to further their nuclear program..... etc.

How is illegal immigration still a problem? Oh, you're going to have to differentiate between the majority of which is visa overstays, fly-in European or a Canadian immigration, vs anything involving people walking over the southern border. That's actually important. Pretty much all of you retards see some generic illegal immigration number, and classify all of it as "brown people crossing through Mexico!" ...and don't deny it. That is what you do.

You have to do the work yourself, and you have to get back to me. It's the only way you learn. That's how learning works. You make demands of everyone else, but always refuse to do the actual work to learn anything. You have to explain how anything relating to NAFTA or our southern border is related to an ongoing problem with illegal immigration. You need to do this with the real data, and you will be treated like a child until you do.

lol--Obama's admin did more than any other admin to curb the Iranian nuclear program. This is a universally accepted fact by every world organization that isn't Benjamin fucking Netanyahoo and other GOP jihadists. Hell, even the actual defense and intel people appointed by Trump--all of them conservatives--agree with that assessment. Stop being such a blatant idiot.
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