Hillary faints @ ground zero?

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Jun 11, 2004
LMAO this thread still? Must suck to know that a crazy bitch with 1 and 1/2 feet in the grave is STILL going to steamroll Trump.

America wins again and stays great!


Nov 11, 1999
So Hillary is lying in her book too?

So you're trying to back away from the factual errors in the linked piece?

According to the source, she was back campaigning for Shumer within a few days. And, uhh, why would she tell people who didn't need to know anything about it?


Jun 9, 2016

Guess Who Colin Powell Is Talking About: He's "Still Dicking Bimbos At Home"

Having exposed the apparent strong mutual dislike between The Obamas and The Clintons, the leaked Colin Powell emails had another gem of an admission about just what other 'elites' think of The Clintons... in particular Bill...

I'm trying to figure out how this accusation even works. Some democratic donor who doesn't like clinton is projecting this onto obama who he presumably identifies with, so that means there's "strong mutual dislike between The Obamas and The Clintons".

Just some advice for your own benefit, appearing this desperate only lowers your own credibility, which rather explains why it's at rock bottom.


Jan 14, 2013
at the end of the day after all the posturing and accusations, Hilary with late stage cancer is better for this country than electing Trump and his Deplorables agenda. and I was never a Hilary fan to begin with.


Nov 11, 1999
I'm trying to figure out how this accusation even works. Some democratic donor who doesn't like clinton is projecting this onto obama who he presumably identifies with, so that means there's "strong mutual dislike between The Obamas and The Clintons".

Just some advice for your own benefit, appearing this desperate only lowers your own credibility, which rather explains why it's at rock bottom.

Thank you.


Oct 11, 2005
Still wondering what's in that Hillary Crash Bag..and now this: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-...s-worried-about-hillarys-health-over-year-ago

Leaked Emails Show Colin Powell Was Worried About Hillary's Health Over A Year Ago
"She could barely climb the podium steps"... "On HDTV she does not look good"... hardly the "it's probably nothing" narrative the Clinton campaign would like America to believe.. and that was 18 months ago.

Uh, isn't that about the time she was getting out of the hospital for her well documented clot??? Gee, might have something to do with Powell's statement.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Here's my answer. As of today, I am still able to choose how thick a shit sandwich I get to bite into. Trump's is manageable, Hillary's is a mile high. I'm not sitting this one out and I'm not voting for Gary Johnson. I still have a choice and I am going to exercise it.

Here's how it's going to shake out. Assuming Hillary is still in the running the electoral college will make her POTUS. We'll have our first president voted into office with Parkinson's. (Yup, I said it, IMO that's what she's got. My BIL has it and the signs I see in her are the same.) If you think the U.S. appears weak to the world now after eight years of Obama bowing and disparaging the U.S. and its people, wait until the predator nations of the world see a woman (which none of the Islamic nations have any respect for at all) who is sick and couldn't project a position of strength if she wanted to. And she's already told them that boots on the ground ain't gonna happen on her watch. What a highly intelligent position that is to use as a basis for negotiations. She's already told the world that she's as dumb as Obama.

On the home front, it will be tax and then spend to buy more votes to seal the deal. LBJ started it, Obama intensified it and Hillary will finish it. The dumbasses our educational system have cranked out (many of them here, BTW) think that the rich are going to pay for all of that. People with even a bit of intellectual capacity know that this means an enormous further eroding of the middle class. There isn't enough money to be taken from the rich to even make a minor dent in funding it all. The dependent class will grow to ensure Dem victories from now until the system collapses. When you've got a political party whose ideological position is based upon their proclamation that they are the ones looking out for the downtrodden and will make it all better, it doesn't take a lot of brain power to understand that it is in the best interest of that political party to perpetuate the dependency. If they fixed it, they wouldn't be needed. They haven't yet, just what is it that they are waiting for? Oh, and we're at $20T, where will that end up?

Meanwhile, our porous borders will remain open by design in the quest for, you guessed it, still more votes. It ain't just the poor from latin america streaming over, there are people that want to bring our nation down because their god tells them to do so. But there I am peeking over the top of that basket marked "deplorable" again.

Which one will use the IRS as a political weapon? Maybe both. But if Trump is going to do so, I say let's see if the goose likes it when it experiences what it's been doing to the gander. Same with the DOJ, the FBI and the State Department and every other agency that under Obama have become political arms of the DNC. I want that apple cart upset and in a big way.

Lastly, self-interest. I have self-interest myself and I've got it bad. I learned a long time ago that the only one I could count on to look out for me was, me. So both candidates have self-interest. I can relate. Which one has put the hot poker up my ass the farthest? That answer is an easy one for me. One has been in the political arena in one form or another for many decades. I know her M.O. as a politician. The other one may turn out to be as bad or worse. So, it's the screwin' I know I'll get versus the screwin' I might get. That's not a difficult decision for me.

I'm going wrap it up with this. I am sorry to see that you have jumped on the "fairness" bandwagon yet again. It doesn't suit the werepossum you used to be. Life ain't fair, you know that but for some reason you're choosing to pretend that's not the case. I hope whatever is eating at you resolves itself.
Fair enough. I have no problem with anyone voting for Trump OR Hillary; it's a personal decision. But for myself, enough is enough. No more shit sandwiches, period. It's not a matter of fairness, it's just a matter of enough is enough.

I dislike most of what I know Hillary will do once in power. I have literally no idea what Trump would do. However, I consider Trump to be personally much more loathsome and less trustworthy an individual, so that balances that out. Neither is sufficiently decent a person to earn my vote; neither is sufficiently horrid to drive my vote to the other. So I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Even though I have some major policy differences with him, I consider him to be morally by far the most decent. And again, speaking only for myself, I prefer losing with a moral candidate than possibly winning with an immoral candidate.

wall of text does 4dx8
lmao +1

We've become a bumper sticker nation, where we not only cannot read something substantial that takes thirty seconds, but we've somehow become proud of that fact. That said, that was pretty funny.

I'd be shocked if he was actually healthier than Clinton.
Of course. How healthy can he possibly be if he doesn't pitch over in a dead faint now and again? Everyone knows that's the true measure of good health.
Reactions: Madpacket


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
they'd both be among the oldest Presidents ever elected and probably have loads of health problems.

all things being equal, though, I'd take Kaine taking over as President rather than Mike "Pray Away the Gay" Pence any day.
Yup. I've not voted for a Democrat for President ever, but given the choice I'd happily vote for Kaine among the four of them.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
at the end of the day after all the posturing and accusations, Hilary with late stage cancer is better for this country than electing Trump and his Deplorables agenda. and I was never a Hilary fan to begin with.
Whatever she has, I don't think it's life threatening. Look at her staff's reactions: Not only is this not unexpected, their concern is to get her out of the public eye, NOT to hospital. She has passed out or nearly passed out in public several times, and in none of those episodes did her staff's reactions shift from concern about bad publicity to concern for her life. Ergo Occam's razor suggests that she is not likely to drop dead any time soon.


Nov 11, 1999
Yup. I've not voted for a Democrat for President ever, but given the choice I'd happily vote for Kaine among the four of them.

Well, if all of this bullshit about Hillary's health is true, you'll have your chance in November.


Nov 11, 1999
Whatever she has, I don't think it's life threatening. Look at her staff's reactions: Not only is this not unexpected, their concern is to get her out of the public eye, NOT to hospital. She has passed out or nearly passed out in public several times, and in none of those episodes did her staff's reactions shift from concern about bad publicity to concern for her life. Ergo Occam's razor suggests that she is not likely to drop dead any time soon.

Your claim that the fainting spell wasn't unexpected has no basis in reality, nor can you possibly document that she nearly passed out in public several times.

You're just spreading the FUD.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
I'm all for the theory of change, but based on the changes Trump is actually promising -- starting trade wars, encouraging increased nuclear proliferation around the world,

Yea, Hillary is promising real wars if you going going there. Don't rock the boat, TPP is great!
Assange: Clinton Can't Be Rewarded For Whipping Up A "Neo-McCarthyist Hysteria"
Assange: Clinton Whipping Up "Neo McCarthyist Hysteria"
Hillary Threatens War With Russia
Paul Joseph Watson

This is brexit fear mongering all over again, if you don't vote remain, its going to lead to world war 3!

Don't even start on nuclear proliferation, you've done plenty making that a reality.

Type A workaholic.

Yes, the perfectionist who thought (c) meant clinton or cookie

Anyways, Dr. Noels Hillary Clinton - Ground Zero Analysis

Webtech Vidzette

and things stranger than fiction
REPORT: Chelsea Clinton’s Apartment Used to be a Health Clinic. Is It Still?

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Campaign Broke Protocol - Ditched Hospital to Hide Her Medical Condition
james hoft
Clinton team avoided ER to conceal details of her medical treatment

CBS Caught Editing Clip, Transcript In Which Bill Clinton Says Hillary Fainted "Frequently"
..just imagine what's in that "Hillary CrashBag"??

No collusion...nope!

This is why she's been on a rampage over online "deplorables"
They don't take orders from her like the rest of the media.

Still wondering what's in that Hillary Crash Bag..and now this: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-...s-worried-about-hillarys-health-over-year-ago
Leaked Emails Show Colin Powell Was Worried About Hillary's Health Over A Year Ago
"She could barely climb the podium steps"... "On HDTV she does not look good"... hardly the "it's probably nothing" narrative the Clinton campaign would like America to believe.. and that was 18 months ago.

lol wow


Nov 11, 1999
I do love the claim that Clinton "broke protocol" in going to Chelsea's place. Those making it couldn't document it if their lives depended on it. It's the usual speculation & innuendo presented as fact.


Sep 5, 2000
Yea, Hillary is promising real wars if you going going there. Don't rock the boat, TPP is great!
Assange: Clinton Can't Be Rewarded For Whipping Up A "Neo-McCarthyist Hysteria"
Assange: Clinton Whipping Up "Neo McCarthyist Hysteria"
Hillary Threatens War With Russia
Paul Joseph Watson

This is brexit fear mongering all over again, if you don't vote remain, its going to lead to world war 3!

Don't even start on nuclear proliferation, you've done plenty making that a reality.

Yes, the perfectionist who thought (c) meant clinton or cookie

Anyways, Dr. Noels Hillary Clinton - Ground Zero Analysis

Webtech Vidzette

and things stranger than fiction
REPORT: Chelsea Clinton’s Apartment Used to be a Health Clinic. Is It Still?

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Campaign Broke Protocol - Ditched Hospital to Hide Her Medical Condition
james hoft
Clinton team avoided ER to conceal details of her medical treatment

No collusion...nope!

This is why she's been on a rampage over online "deplorables"
They don't take orders from her like the rest of the media.

lol wow



Senior member
Dec 2, 2011
I think this forum is the only place where Killary supporters hangout, because I've yet to see any signs, bumper stickers, or real life people that support her.


Nov 4, 1999
I think this forum is the only place where Killary supporters hangout, because I've yet to see any signs, bumper stickers, or real life people that support her.

It's hard to see anything when you're living under a rock....



Jul 16, 2001
I'm trying to figure out how this accusation even works. Some democratic donor who doesn't like clinton is projecting this onto obama who he presumably identifies with, so that means there's "strong mutual dislike between The Obamas and The Clintons".

Just some advice for your own benefit, appearing this desperate only lowers your own credibility, which rather explains why it's at rock bottom.

I hold you in absolutely no esteem..you are of no consequence.. so what you think or don't think is nothing more then steam from a kettle. It's obvious to the most casual observer the clintons and obama hate each others guts.

As close Clinton sources told the Washington Times, Bill Clinton reportedly said in private:

“I’ve heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I’ve heard from Obama. I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever. Obama doesn’t know how to be president. He doesn’t know how the world works. He’s incompetent. He’s an amateur.”

But now we know Clinton holds a grudge against our unqualified Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama. Apparently, he’s only keeping quiet so Obama supports Hillary during her Presidential campaign.



Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I think this forum is the only place where Killary supporters hangout, because I've yet to see any signs, bumper stickers, or real life people that support her.

I am not a "Hillary supporter", I am merely extremely, extremely against Trump.

This healtherism lies campaign is just one example for *deliberately* spread lies by the Right (Trump camp and right media) which shows how Trump "works", that his entire campaign, his entire persona is a giant lie, from the biggest scammer in politics that the US has ever seen.


It remains to hope that the majority of US people *STILL* is not insane and they can spot the lies and manipulation...and those normal people (as opposed to the lunatics) don't require bumper stickers, nor even "enthusiasm". (Which, admittedly, is not easy with Hillary). But they will still vote Hillary on election day.


Jul 11, 2001
Can you imagine Pence as POTUS if something happened to Trump?

Got Zika virus and pregnant? No choices for you, old white guys have decided you have to deliver that baby.
I have never seen a smile on the face of Pence, not once. I have never seen a smile on the face of DJTrump either, only a lot of smirks. Among Pence/Trump/Kaine, undoubtedly Kaine is the only sane choice. So if HRC dies in office, I think we will be OK.
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