Hillary May Be Charged Within 60 Days

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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Then link it; you make claims, then refuse to back it up.

Do you know what "legal experts" call what you are doing?
I believe the common term for an investigation in search of a crime is a "witch hunt."


Jun 19, 2000
Then link it; you make claims, then refuse to back it up.

Do you know what "legal experts" call what you are doing?
Ooh, you're such a badass when you get all emotional. :wub:

Here's a little bit to get you started. Since anyone short of Loretta Lynch (and even she is doubtful) would lead to you whining about that individual, I'll give you some other stuff to chew on. You'll discount anything anyway so it's not worth putting any more effort into.



The above is from July of 2015 but I included it for background.


Any further whining on your part will be ignored by me but don't let it stop you if you have the overwhelming desire to do so and I'm certain you will.

And feel free to contact the FBI to let them know you're certain they're wasting their time. It's your tax dollars at work and you have every right to express your opinions. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you. Who knows, you might get a presidential commendation for saving the taxpayers some money. :thumbsup:


Nov 11, 1999
Ooh, you're such a badass when you get all emotional. :wub:

Here's a little bit to get you started. Since anyone short of Loretta Lynch (and even she is doubtful) would lead to you whining about that individual, I'll give you some other stuff to chew on. You'll discount anything anyway so it's not worth putting any more effort into.



The above is from July of 2015 but I included it for background.


Any further whining on your part will be ignored by me but don't let it stop you if you have the overwhelming desire to do so and I'm certain you will.

And feel free to contact the FBI to let them know you're certain they're wasting their time. It's your tax dollars at work and you have every right to express your opinions. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you. Who knows, you might get a presidential commendation for saving the taxpayers some money. :thumbsup:

So amusing. You seem to think that you're qualified to read the statutes & apply them to a situation where you only have well propagandized third party information.

The whole series of trumped up scandals are designed to make it all about character assassination so that they can avoid substantive issues.

Repubs sure as Hell don't want anybody to notice that they haven't changed a thing about trickle down economics, financial regulation or hyper aggressive Neocon foreign policy.
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Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
I would not worry about it. Clinton has been chosen as the designated nominee for the Democratic party. She will not be charged with any crimes.

It does not matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Ooh, you're such a badass when you get all emotional. :wub:

Here's a little bit to get you started. Since anyone short of Loretta Lynch (and even she is doubtful) would lead to you whining about that individual, I'll give you some other stuff to chew on. You'll discount anything anyway so it's not worth putting any more effort into.



The above is from July of 2015 but I included it for background.


Any further whining on your part will be ignored by me but don't let it stop you if you have the overwhelming desire to do so and I'm certain you will.

And feel free to contact the FBI to let them know you're certain they're wasting their time. It's your tax dollars at work and you have every right to express your opinions. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you. Who knows, you might get a presidential commendation for saving the taxpayers some money.

I'm just interested in how they're going to make the case that a Cabinet Secretary acted without authorization with regards to her department's own policies. And how a criminal charge could stick in such a situation (assuming an actual error is ever discovered) without any evidence of criminal intent. At worst -- literally at worst -- Hillary might get an FYI or a reprimand.
So yes, I would say our taxpayer money is being wasted on political BS.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I would not worry about it. Clinton has been chosen as the designated nominee for the Democratic party. She will not be charged with any crimes.

It does not matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.
It's a vast conspiracy that Obama hasn't been impeached too. Yeah, we get it.


Nov 11, 1999
Hasn't he declared the US a Muslim colony of Kenya and himself dictator for life yet?

Soon, very soon. He laid the groundwork with Jade Helm and the assassination of the Ambassador in Benghazi. He'll have to take back the wildlife refuge in Oregon first because that's where he's hidden the secret command center & the Sharia gayification gas canisters. All of America will be sucking dick & worshiping Allah before they know what hit them.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Soon, very soon. He laid the groundwork with Jade Helm and the assassination of the Ambassador in Benghazi. He'll have to take back the wildlife refuge in Oregon first because that's where he's hidden the secret command center & the Sharia gayification gas canisters. All of America will be sucking dick & worshiping Allah before they know what hit them.

Hmm.. needs more FEMA camps and chemtrails, and a reference to HAARP-caused global warming. Then you'd have full retard.


Dec 3, 2013
Soon, very soon. He laid the groundwork with Jade Helm and the assassination of the Ambassador in Benghazi. He'll have to take back the wildlife refuge in Oregon first because that's where he's hidden the secret command center & the Sharia gayification gas canisters. All of America will be sucking dick & worshiping Allah before they know what hit them.

Hmm.. needs more FEMA camps and chemtrails, and a reference to HAARP-caused global warming. Then you'd have full retard.





Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Hmm.. needs more FEMA camps and chemtrails, and a reference to HAARP-caused global warming. Then you'd have full retard.

Agreed...but if Vincent Foster isn't mentioned, at least in passing, it all falls apart like a house of cards.


Because Vincent Foster is secretly an agent of Obama, who was actually born in Kenya in 2246, and travelled back in time to recruit fellow usurpers to destroy America.

See, Vincent Foster never really died. Instead, he is Obama's personal agent, responsible for recruiting Agenda21 hispanic teens with calves the size of canteloupes to import Ebola into the US via ISIS refugees, smuggled aboard second-hand Toyota pickups carried in the cargoholds of Syrian and Iranian aircraft carriers.

Vincent Foster is also responsible, personally, for Benghazi. He coordinated the attack with future Osama bin Laden, HRC, and Saul Alinsky. This attack was carried out in order to give Obama the ability to then send Foster back in time to overthrow the Libyan government, so that Sharia law could be forced down the throats of good Americans. While this hasn't happened yet, that is because Obama, Foster, and Alinksy are still organizing the Agenda21 agents, and have not sent them back in time yet to enact Sharia law. Their plan is to enact Sharia law in 2007 America, so that Obama can become Supreme Leader and Ayatollah of America in 2009 America.

Note well: it is well-known in certain circles that both Alinksy and Foster disagree with Obama on a few various issues, and are currently plotting to undo all of it in 2046 America. All of this has been corroborated by people who know, as the same details of these microaggressions against America have been received independently in both Alex Jones and Glenn Beck's right crown molars, with only minor variations in irrelevant details.

We can be sure that we're in a middle time period now because we know all of these things with all of our hearts, but have zero evidence to prove it. The fact that we have zero evidence to prove it shows just how diabolical Obama, Foster and Alinksy are.

Luckily, if we elect Strongman Trump, he will personally force Obama to go back in time to undo his own birth. We know this is true because Strongman Trump has said so.

Also: Benghazi.


Nov 11, 1999
Hmm.. needs more FEMA camps and chemtrails, and a reference to HAARP-caused global warming. Then you'd have full retard.

It goes without saying that The FEMA camps are where they'll have the Sharia gayification gas chambers for the people who don't succumb to the aerial spraying from drones. It's a fate worse than going to Auschwitz.


Oct 15, 1999
I believe the common term for an investigation in search of a crime is a "witch hunt."

Isn't it sometimes difficult to determine if a crime has been committed without an investigation?

Simply proclaiming that Hillary did nothing is every bit as stupid as proclaiming her guilt. Why not let the FBI actually look into the matter before deciding the outcome?


May 15, 2000
PAPER: Hillary EmailGate Goes Nuclear...
Blumenthal Access to NSA Reports?

It appears information that should have been redacted, was not.
And it shows a rather curious piece of info from a person without clearance.
Ready your excuses gentlemen, Sudan hits like a truck.

And there it is! Benghazi hasn't just exploded is gone nuclear!!!

And this info is brought to us courtesy of that beacon of excellent journalism, the observer!

And what's this smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud? Why it's an email marked classified discussing super secret info about sudan!
Oh shit!!

Of course what jackass didn't read was that this super duper highly secret classified email was classified by none other than...wait for it...wait for it...Sidney Blumenthal. You know THE Blumenthal, the high ranking, highly decorated, military man who works for a super duper intelligence agency. Oh except he doesn't and his classification of an email/info marked classified means exactly two things...jack shit!

For fucks sake, you would think this moron, jackalas would have gotten a little bit suspicious when the whole article is prefaced with, "Does the latest release of hilarys state department emails include highly classified US intelligence?"
But nope, this moron bought it hookline and sinker!

The sad part, even after explaining to him twice now how he had been mislead, it won't stop him from believing and spewing more bullshit.

Congrats! You've reached Michael1980 level stupidty!
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May 15, 2000
Good luck with that sport!!

Lol! Only it the mind of a righty retard would their accusation of guilt be enough to meet the requirements from the links this dumbass posted.

Ooh, you're such a badass when you get all emotional. :wub:

Here's a little bit to get you started. Since anyone short of Loretta Lynch (and even she is doubtful) would lead to you whining about that individual, I'll give you some other stuff to chew on. You'll discount anything anyway so it's not worth putting any more effort into.



The above is from July of 2015 but I included it for background.


Any further whining on your part will be ignored by me but don't let it stop you if you have the overwhelming desire to do so and I'm certain you will.

And feel free to contact the FBI to let them know you're certain they're wasting their time. It's your tax dollars at work and you have every right to express your opinions. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you. Who knows, you might get a presidential commendation for saving the taxpayers some money. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
And there it is! Benghazi hasn't just exploded is gone nuclear!!!

And this info is brought to us courtesy of that beacon of excellent journalism, the observer!

And what's this smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud? Why is an email marked classified discussing super secret info about sudan!
Oh shit!!

Of course what jackass didn't read was that this super duper highly secret classified email was classified by none other than...wait for it...wait for it...Sidney Blumenthal. You know THE Blumenthal, the high ranking, highly decorated, military man who works for a super duper intelligence agency. Oh except he doesn't and his classification of an email/info marked classified means exactly two things...jack shit!

For fucks sake, you would think this moron, jackalas would have gotten a little bit suspicious when the whole article is prefaced with, "Does the latest release of hilarys state department emails include highly classified US intelligence?"
But nope, this moron bought it hookline and sinker!

The sad part, even explaining to him, twice now how he had been mislead won't stop him from believing and spewing more bullshit.

Congrats! You've reached Michael1980 level stupidty!

As a rule of thumb, if the title of an article is a question, the answer is almost surely "No".


Jun 19, 2000
She's getting hammered from a whole lot of directions lately. Not just her, Slick Willy is too along with her defense of him in light of a statement she made to sexual assault victims; "You have the right to be heard, you have the right to be believed". Considering the smear campaigns she spearheaded against several of the numerous victims of her husbands predatory sexual behavior, that was truly a dumb statement for her to make. His victims are not sitting by the sidelines either, they are being very vocal about his behavior and there are rumblings of more of his victims coming forward.

The Foundation is being looked at closely as it should be. Her health is coming back into question. Her email problems are growing in intensity. The press has finally, after several decades, grown weary of defending the Queen and when she's lost the press, it's all but over.

The world the Clinton's have created for themselves is crashing down around them. They are to blame and I have no sympathy whatsoever. The swamp needed to be drained. It's nice to see that the level has gotten high enough to spill over the banks. Maybe we'll see it actually drained at some point.

As I've said, I feel she should be charged. I have seen enough to believe that she has brought at least that much upon herself. Whether there is enough to convict her is another matter. I'm sure that the political class looking out for the political class will keep her from actually being charged and from serving any time but it doesn't matter. Just charging her would be enough to send a ripple through the political community. A ripple that is very much needed. Not enough, but something anyway.

I said many, many months ago that I thought she'd take a deal and drop out. I think that deal is before her if she's smart enough to recognize it's sitting right in her lap. She still holds some cards. She could drop out tomorrow if she wanted to citing health issues and I believe all the bad juju would be made to just magically evaporate. But, we will never know what is going on behind the scenes, we can only conjecture.

A recent polling showed that 20% of Democrat voters would vote for Trump. November is a long way's away. Anything can happen between now and then. But it's time for the rein of the Clinton's and the Bush's to end.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
Although I would love to see her brought up on criminal charges, I realize that the rule of law for the political royalty in the US isn't the same as the rest of us. I'm not holding my breath and I don't think anybody else should until/unless it happens.

As yet the right has not hit her with anything that is going to keep her from getting in office, thus continuing the dynasty that the United States has descended into with rare exception.


Nov 11, 1999
She's getting hammered from a whole lot of directions lately. Not just her, Slick Willy is too along with her defense of him in light of a statement she made to sexual assault victims; "You have the right to be heard, you have the right to be believed". Considering the smear campaigns she spearheaded against several of the numerous victims of her husbands predatory sexual behavior, that was truly a dumb statement for her to make. His victims are not sitting by the sidelines either, they are being very vocal about his behavior and there are rumblings of more of his victims coming forward.

The Foundation is being looked at closely as it should be. Her health is coming back into question. Her email problems are growing in intensity. The press has finally, after several decades, grown weary of defending the Queen and when she's lost the press, it's all but over.

The world the Clinton's have created for themselves is crashing down around them. They are to blame and I have no sympathy whatsoever. The swamp needed to be drained. It's nice to see that the level has gotten high enough to spill over the banks. Maybe we'll see it actually drained at some point.

As I've said, I feel she should be charged. I have seen enough to believe that she has brought at least that much upon herself. Whether there is enough to convict her is another matter. I'm sure that the political class looking out for the political class will keep her from actually being charged and from serving any time but it doesn't matter. Just charging her would be enough to send a ripple through the political community. A ripple that is very much needed. Not enough, but something anyway.

I said many, many months ago that I thought she'd take a deal and drop out. I think that deal is before her if she's smart enough to recognize it's sitting right in her lap. She still holds some cards. She could drop out tomorrow if she wanted to citing health issues and I believe all the bad juju would be made to just magically evaporate. But, we will never know what is going on behind the scenes, we can only conjecture.

A recent polling showed that 20% of Democrat voters would vote for Trump. November is a long way's away. Anything can happen between now and then. But it's time for the rein of the Clinton's and the Bush's to end.

Heh. That's the basic "throw all the shit you can find" attack, even if it's just the same old shit that wouldn't stick before. It serves only to maintain the faith of the true believers.
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