Hip Hop and conservatism are the same thing.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Have you ever noticed how you can look at two different things and never notice they are identical even though all the signs are there? It should be obvious to any serious thinker that people hate their own hypocrisy, that it is what they see in others that makes them despise the other. I, for example, despise Woody Allen, putting aside his support for scum bag Roman Polanski, and particularly because he's an indecisive sniveling wimp, a wishy-washy liberal, to be exact, somebody so caught up in his trivial thinking as to be totally confused about reality. It's very irritating to be a liberal and have to examine facts before you can reach an opinion. Conservatives dispense with all that effort and just create their own closure and certainty out of their asses. What a gift. But I digress, another liberal failing.

So the very antipathy between conservatives and their contempt for hip hop culture and the hip hop radical rejection of assimilation should be an immediate tip off that each is like the other, group loyalty and demonetization of the other. Each side is the result of a need for self respect and self affirmation, organized as a movement and a culture, and all based on hidden self contempt, the need for group identification to fill the void where real self love is lacking.

So what is the driving force. As usual, I think it's sex, the feeling that one is sexually worthless with the concomitant need to dominate and objectify the object of desire. White men are becoming as unemployed as black men. White men are becoming as unreliable and economically superfluous an black men are to black women. Women more and more have no real use for men as a means of economic survival because men no longer control the purse strings.

Hip hop and conservative mails are terrified of the sexual independence of women and put them down, seek to rape them as a means to show dominance, in words and at the abortion clinic and with reproductive freedom.

Women world wide are coming into their own and men are terrified because they feel worthless.

Hip hop and conservative culture is testosterone driven, patriarchal-authoritarian.

Both lack normal shame and show off stupidity and hubris like it was a positive trait, be it calling the President a liar during his address to congress or playing rap at a thousand decibels. Each group loves to be offensive.

Both reject education and culture as effete. Both are racist.

What other similarities do you see?


Feb 5, 2011
YACHABDT Yet Another Conservatives Have A Brain Defect Thread

Granted, you didn't use the word defect. I didn't read it, of course; I made CTRL-F do that for me, but I did peruse a few words and I can tell you were saying the same thing you always do.

Get a hobby. A better one.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
YACHABDT Yet Another Conservatives Have A Brain Defect Thread

Granted, you didn't use the word defect. I didn't read it, of course; I made CTRL-F do that for me, but I did peruse a few words and I can tell you were saying the same thing you always do.

Get a hobby. A better one.

Thank you for you deep analysis of my post that you didn't read. I will give it all the consideration you gave mine.


Feb 5, 2011
Thank you for you deep analysis of my post that you didn't read. I will give it all the consideration you gave mine.
Both of our posts thus get the attention they deserve, but mine took far less time to write.


May 24, 2004
I wonder if we each created our own weekly threads describing our personal opinions of why Moonbean is a brain-damaged disrespectful ass whoring himself out for what little scraps of attention he can get... how long would the mods allow that to continue for?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Gosh, mention how conservatives are like hip hop folk and you get a bunch of folk posting with their pants hung so low you can smell their asses.

I should apologize for the way you embarrass yourselves.

Maybe I should do some Obama, Reverend Wright threads. Brain defective conservative threads are in such short supply in this forum.

You guys should be nicer to me. You know how much you crave self respect. But then what would you expect from a bunch of worthless, sexually insecure males sees Tarzan swing into the room, his metrosexual maleness all burnished and shining. No wonder all the contempt for homosexuality with hip hops and conservatives. You know where the only place is you'll be finding sex. I guess we know who all those testosterone boosters are being advertised to. Liberal intelligence is the new sexy, haven't you been watching Elementary?


Feb 5, 2011
Gosh, mention how conservatives are like hip hop folk and you get a bunch of folk posting with their pants hung so low you can smell their asses.

I should apologize for the way you embarrass yourselves.

Maybe I should do some Obama, Reverend Wright threads. Brain defective conservative threads are in such short supply in this forum.

You guys should be nicer to me. You know how much you crave self respect. But then what would you expect from a bunch of worthless, sexually insecure males sees Tarzan swing into the room, his metrosexual maleness all burnished and shining. No wonder all the contempt for homosexuality with hip hops and conservatives. You know where the only place is you'll be finding sex. I guess we know who all those testosterone boosters are being advertised to. Liberal intelligence is the new sexy, haven't you been watching Elementary?
DSM V diagnostic criteria for systemic brain defect in internet posters:

1) Click search > advanced search
2) Input user Moonbeam, "Threads started by user", filter to P&N, click search now
3) Review threads created in 2014. There are 9 of them.

In ascending order, beginning on 1/3/2014 through today,
1) 2013 best conservatve moments
Summary: self-evident
2) Imagine our world invaded by alien pod people who snatched up bodies (locked for trolling)
Summary: brain defects
3) How to win the battle against mass psychosis
Summary: Conservatives mentioned within first 20 words. Didn't read further
4) A crossroad in human evolution
Summary: Conservative/s mentioned 7 times in first post
5) Republican candidate for Oklahoma deemed insufficiently insane
Summary: conservative brain defect mentioned first (and only) post in the thread
6) What our ignorance of the truth can do...
Summary: Not conservatives!!
7) Did I get welfare wrong??????
Summary: Allusion to conservatives in first sentence
8) The Political attack against women by the conservative right is mental illness
Summary: self-evident
9) Hip Hop and conservatism are the same thing.
Summary: conservatives

Yikes, I didn't realize how pathetic you really are until I tabulated your last 9 threads. Even you must realize how pathetic this is. You're creating more than one thread a week about your obsession with conservatives. You're ill.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
I think you are being too specific. Hip-hop culture is really just an offshoot of good-old American materialism. The culture seems extreme but in actuality I think it represents America more as it actually is- it is just alot more honest about it. Complete no-holds-barred self-gratification. Isn't that what America is all about now? Hip-hop culture is really just a mirror of the root culture (as opposed to sub culture). Conservatives and liberals alike can find their reflections here.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
DSM V diagnostic criteria for systemic brain defect in internet posters:

1) Click search > advanced search
2) Input user Moonbeam, "Threads started by user", filter to P&N, click search now
3) Review threads created in 2014. There are 9 of them.

In ascending order, beginning on 1/3/2014 through today,
1) 2013 best conservatve moments
Summary: self-evident
2) Imagine our world invaded by alien pod people who snatched up bodies (locked for trolling)
Summary: brain defects
3) How to win the battle against mass psychosis
Summary: Conservatives mentioned within first 20 words. Didn't read further
4) A crossroad in human evolution
Summary: Conservative/s mentioned 7 times in first post
5) Republican candidate for Oklahoma deemed insufficiently insane
Summary: conservative brain defect mentioned first (and only) post in the thread
6) What our ignorance of the truth can do...
Summary: Not conservatives!!
7) Did I get welfare wrong??????
Summary: Allusion to conservatives in first sentence
8) The Political attack against women by the conservative right is mental illness
Summary: self-evident
9) Hip Hop and conservatism are the same thing.
Summary: conservatives

Yikes, I didn't realize how pathetic you really are until I tabulated your last 9 threads. Even you must realize how pathetic this is. You're creating more than one thread a week about your obsession with conservatives. You're ill.

I'm still a bit bothered that my body snatcher thread was locked since it was clearly a P & N thread about Fox News and had such great potential.

Nothing could be more topical, in my opinion, than the fact that the modern conservative reasons defectively, thanks in great measure to the shame that has been removed from being goofy by right wing media and their bubble effect. There are millions of defective and delusional minds going to the polls in America today, driven there by their own unconscious fear of the other. What you see in me is the monster under your bed, your own face looking back at you. Who is going to save you, you poor demented thing. I can only do what I can and I will have to be content with the only thanks you have to give. I know you can't treat me any better than you treat yourself, like you feel you are being treated by me. But when you bury a gem in a steaming pile of shit, you will have to dig through that steaming pile of shit to recover it. Learn to hold your nose like I did. You're not the only one that had to face Moonbeam's hose.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I wonder if we each created our own weekly threads describing our personal opinions of why Moonbean is a brain-damaged disrespectful ass whoring himself out for what little scraps of attention he can get... how long would the mods allow that to continue for?

Mommy Mommy, Moonbeam is picking on me.

Mommy threw you out of the nest. Get a spine.


Jan 4, 2013
Today's words that start with the letter P: Political , pretentious, pedantic, pompous, presumptuous, pontifical, puffed up, pathetic, poppycock.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012


I would say the most common illness among conservatives is paranoid schizophrenia. Some people are conservative because they believe in free markets and capitalism. Some people are conservative because they are completely insane and they think Obama is a kenyan communist who may or may not be Satan and obamacare is designed to give everyone the mark of the beast. I think it was Joe Rogan who said it best. People can get a pass when they talk about God, but you know someone has completely lost touch with reality when they start talking about the devil.
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Mar 19, 2007
I'm still a bit bothered that my body snatcher thread was locked since it was clearly a P & N thread about Fox News and had such great potential.

Nothing could be more topical, in my opinion, than the fact that the modern conservative reasons defectively, thanks in great measure to the shame that has been removed from being goofy by right wing media and their bubble effect. There are millions of defective and delusional minds going to the polls in America today, driven there by their own unconscious fear of the other. What you see in me is the monster under your bed, your own face looking back at you. Who is going to save you, you poor demented thing. I can only do what I can and I will have to be content with the only thanks you have to give. I know you can't treat me any better than you treat yourself, like you feel you are being treated by me. But when you bury a gem in a steaming pile of shit, you will have to dig through that steaming pile of shit to recover it. Learn to hold your nose like I did. You're not the only one that had to face Moonbeam's hose.

Moonbeam's response to accusations about his obsession with conservatives is to prove it right by obsessing even more. Doppel is right, you are ill, get some help. And don't respond with some malarkey about how I see hate in myself or whatever, just go get some help.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Moonbeam's response to accusations about his obsession with conservatives is to prove it right by obsessing even more. Doppel is right, you are ill, get some help. And don't respond with some malarkey about how I see hate in myself or whatever, just go get some help.

You are looking at what it looks like to be cured and you wonder why I terrify you and you have to follow me around like a remora screaming no no no no no, objectivity can't look like that, I can't be that mentally brain damaged, help.

Pray To Jesus

Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2011
You are looking at what it looks like to be cured and you wonder why I terrify you and you have to follow me around like a remora screaming no no no no no, objectivity can't look like that, I can't be that mentally brain damaged, help.

I believe that you have brain damage at your frontal lobe. The brain damage is caused by schizophrenia and the natural progress of that disease. Medicine slows down the brain deterioration so take your meds as prescribed. Don't skip doses.

The brain damage can be seen from how you have above average crystallized intelligence alongside a below average fluid intelligence.

I will pray for your continued wellbeing.
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May 24, 2004
you wonder why I terrify you

In the summertime a mosquito flies near me. It does not terrify me. Yet I will still slap the mosquito dead, for mosquitoes annoy me.

You are the mosquito of my story.

and you have to follow me around like a remora screaming no no no no no, objectivity can't look like that, I can't be that mentally brain damaged, help.

If this isn't an attention whore doing what he does best, I don't know what is.

You created this thread, you wrote the content of this thread, you knew exactly the type of responses you would receive. Nobody is following you around. You walk right up to people and insult them. In return they flip you the bird. That is not following. That is reacting to what you purposefully presented.

So the question is, why do you claim people are following you around?

The probability that you genuinely enjoy this attention is looking higher and higher with each thread you create.
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Oct 15, 1999
Another day, another Moonie troll thread.
Hi Moonie! I didn't read your thread, but by golly I fully support your (insert deity of your choice here) given right to spew your inane ramblings on the multitude that simply don't give a fuck what you have to say.


May 24, 2004
conservative mails[sic] are terrified of the sexual independence of women and put them down, seek to rape them

You are not a beacon of enlightenment. You are an attention whore. I get the feeling you were bullied as a child/teenager by people whom you associate with conservatism. Now you have your outlet of the internet where you get to be the bully to those who bullied you.

Except none of the people here were the ones who bullied you as a child.

You claim you are objective. I highlighted one claim of yours. What is your basis for your objectivity here? Surely if you are objective, then there must be others on this site who agree with the statement you wrote. When you make claims like this, it is no longer a joke.

You were honored with the title of elite member - your words, your thoughts, are reflective of those who run this forum.

If these types of conversations amuse and entertain you... (I'll let everyone else fill in the remainder of that sentence how they see fit)
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Another day, another Moonie troll thread.
Hi Moonie! I didn't read your thread, but by golly I fully support your (insert deity of your choice here) given right to spew your inane ramblings on the multitude that simply don't give a fuck what you have to say.

In all the threads where I don't give a fuck what people say, the majority of them, I don't post. But then, I learned not to be a liar. I am interested in your opinion and find no delight in implying how insignificant you are. Then again, I do have some self respect and don't need to belittle you to have it. Naturally though, if I tell you anything real, you will feel belittled because it is how you feel.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
cubby: You are not a beacon of enlightenment.

M: How do you know? What objectivity do you offer to back up your opinion?

c: You are an attention whore.

M: Then this would be why you post here. You have to assume I'm like you otherwise where would you get such an idea?

c: I get the feeling you were bullied as a child/teenager by people whom you associate with conservatism.

M: Same thing with this. You must have been bullied. In fact I know you were. We all were. But what you see in me is coming up from your own unconscious knowledge of what happened to you. This is why I reflect back to you who you are, so you can learn.

c: Now you have your outlet of the internet where you get to be the bully to those who bullied you.

M: I just say some words of a factual nature and you feel bullied by them because they are true and you don't want to know it. You don't like having the truth spoken. It makes you feel like the victim you feel you are and don't know it.

c: Except none of the people here were the ones who bullied you as a child.

M: Yes it wasn't me that bullied you.

c: You claim you are objective.

M: I also claim to know about myself what I know about you, all that stuff you deny.

c: I highlighted one claim of yours.

M: Don't be lazy, tell me what it was. You spend no effort trying to understand what I say, why should I care to look up whatever it is you refer to.

c: What is your basis for your objectivity here?

M: The absurdity of your reactions is a start.

c: Surely if you are objective, then there must be others on this site who agree with the statement you wrote.

M: Why?

c: When you make claims like this, it is no longer a joke.

M: Claims like what?

c: You were honored with the title of elite member - your words, your thoughts, are reflective of those who run this forum.

M: I wouldn't know.

c: If these types of conversations amuse and entertain you... (I'll let everyone else fill in the remainder of that sentence how they see fit)

M: This forum is full of sick and stupid people who have never run into anybody who cares about them. You don't even know what it looks like. I am a nobody but I seem to say things that cause you to punch the air. Do you know what you feel?
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