Hitler and the Religious Right

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Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
This is a comedey thread right. Its not real . Tell me it isn't . The right may say things because it doesn't support the left. But thats about it.

There is no proof anywhere on earth that a true christian has ever murdered anyone. It is well documented however that christians would rather go to jail than Kill . These are facts . Tell me ! One Christian that has ever murdered anyone . You can't because its never happened. A mule can call its self a horse but its still a jackass.

Hitler = Christians . LOL. You guys are sick.

Missed the Dark Ages and Inquisition? "True" christians have always murdered and tortured in defense of their hypocrisy.

That was really intelligent. Because people call themselves Christian doesn't make it so.

You have False religion confused with true teachings. You find me anywhere any source that claims Christ sad it was ok to kill under some circumstances . You can't because Christ teachings don't allow for man passing judgement.
Christ simply said to give to Ceasar that which is Ceasars and to GOd that which is Gods. Ya want to draw lines in the sand were the 2 interesect thats fine by me. But I tell you this trueth . Your talking 2 differant paths(Choice). Half assed Christians are a dime a dozen. Acting like puppets of governments.

Unless you can point to were Christ says its oK to take life for some reason . Which I know you can't your as evil as the religions that spread their sick ideas about what Christ is . Wouldn't it be great to have a War that none showed up for. Thats a Christian.

You live in a world were only a handful of christians are left and than you claim to undestand Christ teaching . I will quit believing if you can show me from any good source that Christ made allowances for killing under any condition . Good luck with that.

I think in the past I have painted religion as being Evil . Religious teachings are not = to the teaching of Christ Anyone who believes differantly just fooling themselves so as to live in comfort. In their little world. You talk about Christ as if you know him . Yet its plain you know nothing about Christ. or Yourself. To deny what is right is to except that which is wrong . Christ can't be proven wrong . Have a crack at it . Good luck . Lets see some proof of this evil Christ ya talk of.



Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
This is a comedey thread right. Its not real . Tell me it isn't . The right may say things because it doesn't support the left. But thats about it.

There is no proof anywhere on earth that a true christian has ever murdered anyone. It is well documented however that christians would rather go to jail than Kill . These are facts . Tell me ! One Christian that has ever murdered anyone . You can't because its never happened. A mule can call its self a horse but its still a jackass.

Hitler = Christians . LOL. You guys are sick.

Missed the Dark Ages and Inquisition? "True" christians have always murdered and tortured in defense of their hypocrisy.

And "true" Democrats have always supported slavery. :disgust:

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
This is a comedey thread right. Its not real . Tell me it isn't . The right may say things because it doesn't support the left. But thats about it.

There is no proof anywhere on earth that a true christian has ever murdered anyone. It is well documented however that christians would rather go to jail than Kill . These are facts . Tell me ! One Christian that has ever murdered anyone . You can't because its never happened. A mule can call its self a horse but its still a jackass.

Hitler = Christians . LOL. You guys are sick.

Missed the Dark Ages and Inquisition? "True" christians have always murdered and tortured in defense of their hypocrisy.

And "true" Democrats have always supported slavery. :disgust:

ABE was a republican my friend . Nice to see ya know the trueth tho.



Aug 21, 2007
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Atreus21
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
I found the OP's quote, and others about being Christian, even using Jesus Christ as propaganda against the Jews Adolf Hitler Wiki Quotes

There are plenty of quotes from Hitler that falls right in line with the democrats platform about business and labor. Should we make a thread that equates the left of the democrat party with Hitler?

These threads where Hitler is invoked in some emotional plea always fail. There is a time and place for discussing Hitler and his National Socialist party. But trying to compare the religious right with Hitler is pretty dumb. Outside of desiring a strong family core and disliking homosexuality(and that is actually debated at times due to a high prevelence of gays in the SA and SS) what does the religious right have in common with Hitler?

Desire for a racially pure state?
Desire to eradicate our neighbors due to being genetically inferior?
Desire to erect concentration camps to house millions of their fellow citizens who dont fall in line with the state politically or genetically?
Command and control economy?
Suppressions of liberal freedoms such as speech, press, or expression?
Totalitarian police state?

I am sure there are nutjobs out there that may hold the above feelings but as a whole the religious right does not. Trying to infer they do is insulting.

And Hitler for all his rhetoric didnt particularily care for the church, felt it was in his way of his idelogy and remarked he wished he lived in the a middle eastern nation with a Muslim faith that is more open to his racial purity policies.

Desire for a religiously pure state.
Desire to eradicate their neighbors due to being religiously inferior.
Desire to erect concentration camps to indoctrinate millions of their fellow citizens forcibly into the accepted state religion.
Command and control economy in support of the accepted religion.
Suppression of religious freedom in speech, press, or expression.
Totalitarian religious police state.

All that and more, all for your own good too. Jim Jones kool aid, good for you.

Yes clearly. Christians are clearly pursuing this agenda. We just can't see/prove/understand it.

People using religion to gain power/money/sex just don't happen, sure there's not a few thousand examples?

Just like people use everything else they can think of to get money/power/sex.


Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
This is a comedey thread right. Its not real . Tell me it isn't . The right may say things because it doesn't support the left. But thats about it.

There is no proof anywhere on earth that a true christian has ever murdered anyone. It is well documented however that christians would rather go to jail than Kill . These are facts . Tell me ! One Christian that has ever murdered anyone . You can't because its never happened. A mule can call its self a horse but its still a jackass.

Hitler = Christians . LOL. You guys are sick.

Missed the Dark Ages and Inquisition? "True" christians have always murdered and tortured in defense of their hypocrisy.

And "true" Democrats have always supported slavery. :disgust:

ABE was a republican my friend . Nice to see ya know the trueth tho.

......I know.

That was the point.
Nov 30, 2006
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
This is a comedey thread right. Its not real . Tell me it isn't . The right may say things because it doesn't support the left. But thats about it.

There is no proof anywhere on earth that a true christian has ever murdered anyone. It is well documented however that christians would rather go to jail than Kill . These are facts . Tell me ! One Christian that has ever murdered anyone . You can't because its never happened. A mule can call its self a horse but its still a jackass.

Hitler = Christians . LOL. You guys are sick.

Missed the Dark Ages and Inquisition? "True" christians have always murdered and tortured in defense of their hypocrisy.
People using the cloak of religion to further their political agendas...hmmm...so "these" are the "True" Christians? Perhaps you consider studying the subject a little more before displaying your ignorance and spewing your bigotry. Just a thought.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Musgrave sets humanity back even futher then Ann Coulter.. but not as far as Palin. But damn that woman needs to GO.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1

That was really intelligent. Because people call themselves Christian doesn't make it so.

You have False religion confused with true teachings. You find me anywhere any source that claims Christ sad it was ok to kill under some circumstances . You can't because Christ teachings don't allow for man passing judgement.
Christ simply said to give to Ceasar that which is Ceasars and to GOd that which is Gods. Ya want to draw lines in the sand were the 2 interesect thats fine by me. But I tell you this trueth . Your talking 2 differant paths(Choice). Half assed Christians are a dime a dozen. Acting like puppets of governments.

Unless you can point to were Christ says its oK to take life for some reason . Which I know you can't your as evil as the religions that spread their sick ideas about what Christ is . Wouldn't it be great to have a War that none showed up for. Thats a Christian.

You live in a world were only a handful of christians are left and than you claim to undestand Christ teaching . I will quit believing if you can show me from any good source that Christ made allowances for killing under any condition . Good luck with that.

I think in the past I have painted religion as being Evil . Religious teachings are not = to the teaching of Christ Anyone who believes differantly just fooling themselves so as to live in comfort. In their little world. You talk about Christ as if you know him . Yet its plain you know nothing about Christ. or Yourself. To deny what is right is to except that which is wrong . Christ can't be proven wrong . Have a crack at it . Good luck . Lets see some proof of this evil Christ ya talk of.

I hope that you don't consider yourself a "true Christian" Nemesis. If so, you must be in the infant stages of your conversion:

Matthew 15:1-9
1 Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,
2 "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"
3 Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?
4 For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.'

5 But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,'
6he is not to 'honor his father' with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.
7You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:
8 " 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
9 They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.'"

And stop with the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.. The people that propagated the atrocities of the Dark Ages and the Crusades did so in the name of the same God that you claim to be a follower of (albeit not a really well versed follower). Perhaps if you actually read the book that you claim so deity-inspired, you'd find that He and those that he commanded did some really fucked up shit. Stop making excuses for them and accept that they were human and humans are inherently incapable of controlling their anger when worked up into a rage by idiots espousing how they speak for their higher power.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).


I think that it is you that is misinterpreting.

When asked why the disciples aren't following the elders' traditions, he asks in return why they are breaking the commands of God (you know...his daddy). He informs them that God's word dictates that they should kill and they are hypocrites for not following it.

Jesus is saying that it is the elders's traditions that are incorrect because they are not in sync with God's laws. IOW, the elders' traditions should be ignored because they are nothing more than rules of man and not commandments of God....like the kill 'em reference he made.


Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).


I think that it is you that is misinterpreting.

Well, you think wrong.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).


I think that it is you that is misinterpreting.

Well, you think wrong.

Wow, what a well thought out, thought provoking reply. Care to add anything more than your unwitty opinion to the subject?
Nov 30, 2006
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).


I think that it is you that is misinterpreting.

When asked why the disciples aren't following the elders' traditions, he asks in return why they are breaking the commands of God (you know...his daddy). He informs them that God's word dictates that they should kill and they are hypocrites for not following it.

Jesus is saying that it is the elders's traditions that are incorrect because they are not in sync with God's laws. IOW, the elders' traditions should be ignored because they are nothing more than rules of man and not commandments of God....like the kill 'em reference he made.
You should actually read the Bible if you wish to have any hope of understanding it. Christ was pointing out the hypocrisy of legalism...he wasn't advocating killing. Sigh.


Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).


I think that it is you that is misinterpreting.

Well, you think wrong.

Wow, what a well thought out, thought provoking reply. Care to add anything more than your unwitty opinion to the subject?

Are you so bigoted against Christianity that you think Christ advocated killing children?



Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: WHAMPOM
Originally posted by: Nemesis 1
This is a comedey thread right. Its not real . Tell me it isn't . The right may say things because it doesn't support the left. But thats about it.

There is no proof anywhere on earth that a true christian has ever murdered anyone. It is well documented however that christians would rather go to jail than Kill . These are facts . Tell me ! One Christian that has ever murdered anyone . You can't because its never happened. A mule can call its self a horse but its still a jackass.

Hitler = Christians . LOL. You guys are sick.

Missed the Dark Ages and Inquisition? "True" christians have always murdered and tortured in defense of their hypocrisy.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ElFenix

one of the features of national socialism was combating the 'rot' that liberalism had wrought on society

And we know how well that turned out! :thumbsdown:

Originally posted by: Budmantom

What do you think of the radical religious left?

Which member of that group? Neither of them posts on AT. :laugh:

Originally posted by: Corbett

Yay! Another thread correctly comparing politicians who pimp themselves to dogmatic fund-dumb-mentalist Christians to Hitler!

Fixed it for ya. No need to thank me.

Originally posted by: Genx87

So does the OP believe this religous faction of the Republican party is going to suspend our constitution and erect a national socialist state? If so when? Maybe he hasnt been paying attention to the polls.

As WHAMPOM correctly pointed out, that's exactly what your Traitor In Chief and his criminal cabal of traitors, murders, torturers, war criminals and war profiteers has been doing for the last eight years. :thumbsdown: :|

Originally posted by: nkgreen

Let me know when the "religious right" start to cremate millions of liberals and gays. :disgust:

I think it's pretty fucking disgusting to compare the GOP/religious with a group that killed millions because of people for being minorities.

Let me know when you've listened to some of the hate filled speeches from McCains' former religious wingnut
supporters, John Hagee and Rod Parsley. I'd love to know how you'd explain this jackass, or this one, or this one.

Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY

I guess it's ok to post troll threads without links...

Napalm's OP doesn't include a link, but it does include a direct citation:

Adolf Hitler: [The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872]

That's enough reference info that anyone can search Google for portions of the quote or the title of the book he cited. Here's your reference and more. I'd say that makes you the troll. :roll:

Originally posted by: BoberFett

That's what happens when you let someone like Harvey moderate this forum.

Thanks for the personal attack before I even posted in this thread. I'd tell you to :lips: my (_!_), but I'm afraid you'd want to try to get close enough to cuddle up and try. :shocked:


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2003
Hitler has nothing to do with being religious.

Hitler = Facist Dictator
Hitler = Religious
religious+facist dictator = committing crimes in the name of religion which btw is a Sin. Using God's name in vain (by committing crimes in the name of God is using his name in vain, saying "god I smashed my thumb" is not)

Being religious and having moral values, does not mean you want to censor everything, and force everyone to adopt your moral code. It just means you want to be able to practice your religion without persecution, or forcing you to conform to beliefs other than your own.


Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: nkgreen

Let me know when the "religious right" start to cremate millions of liberals and gays. :disgust:

I think it's pretty fucking disgusting to compare the GOP/religious with a group that killed millions because of people for being minorities.

Let me know when you've listened to some of the hate filled speeches from McCains' former religious wingnut
supporters, John Hagee and Rod Parsley. I'd love to know how you'd explain this jackass, or this one, or this one.

I have. How many millions have they killed?

Do you honestly think that they represent the typical "religious right" or Republicans?


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).


I think that it is you that is misinterpreting.

Well, you think wrong.

Wow, what a well thought out, thought provoking reply. Care to add anything more than your unwitty opinion to the subject?

Are you so bigoted against Christianity that you think Christ advocated killing children?

Not at all. What I am bigoted against is people that are so devout in their faith that they are unable to objectively and logically look at what it has advocated in the past and the methodology with which it has used to enable itself to endure.

If any religion were truly altruistic, there would be no need whatsoever to indoctrinate children into it. People would be able to come to the decision to abide by it out of the goodness that it advocates instead of out of the fear of eternal damnation if you don't without ever questioning again.

In short, I am completely bigoted against those that do not question their faith but blindly follow.

If you are an X follower because that is what your parents taught you, you're an idiot. If you chose your faith through critical thought and research and came to the conclusion that X religion is the path by which you want to lead your life, I applaud you even though I disagree with you.

Nov 30, 2006
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: BoberFett

That's what happens when you let someone like Harvey moderate this forum.

Thanks for the personal attack before I even posted in this thread. I'd tell you to :lips: my (_!_), but I'm afraid you'd want to try to get close enough to cuddle up and try. :shocked:
Preemptive strike.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

^ You've misunderstood the bible section you quote.

Jesus was having an academic discussion with the religious rulers of the time. Jesus was quoting from the Old Testament, not advocating anyone's death.

Old Testament is pre-Christianity. (I.e., not Christianity).


I think that it is you that is misinterpreting.

When asked why the disciples aren't following the elders' traditions, he asks in return why they are breaking the commands of God (you know...his daddy). He informs them that God's word dictates that they should kill and they are hypocrites for not following it.

Jesus is saying that it is the elders's traditions that are incorrect because they are not in sync with God's laws. IOW, the elders' traditions should be ignored because they are nothing more than rules of man and not commandments of God....like the kill 'em reference he made.

Do we agree that Jesus was quoting (law) from the Old Testament?

Do we agree that Jesus was pointing out that the religious leaders were not following the (law of) the Old testament?

Jesus came so that the laws of the Old Testament need not be followed. More to the point, they were superseeded by Jesus and what he taught.

So, they (religious leaders) came to call out Jesus and his disciples for not following the Old Testament laws, Jesus pointed out that they did not follow them either, and were therefore hypocrites and not sincerely religious. I.e., they did not know God. They just played that game for their purposes - they were pretenders - and thus what they taught was not from God, but themselves. I.e., they have no authority despite their presumption to the contrary. You'll find Jesus did not hestitate to call the pious types the hypocrites that they were. He was not shy about proclaiming his *authority* over them either; that's what he's doing here.

So, he's neither commanding that anyone be killed, nor demeaning them for not doing so. (But he is demeaning them, no doubt about that, but it's for being fakirs and hypcrites.)



Apr 10, 2006
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: nkgreen
Are you so bigoted against Christianity that you think Christ advocated killing children?


As far as I know, there are no Christians that deny the evils that have been done in Christ's name. It's dishonest to say that their evil defines the religion. I agree with the rest of your post, although I am more disappointed than I am bigoted towards those who can't come to their faith by their own means.
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