hitler vs. stalin!

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Senior member
Jun 10, 2002
Originally posted by: irwincur
I would take Mao and Pol Pot over Hitler and Stalin anyday. Killed about the same amount of people yet get much less press. Mao actually gets good press in the liberal media every now and then. A hero to the common man - the ones he didn't kill at least.

Oh yea, the liberal media loves Mao. Examples?

Why do I bother asking for an example...


Senior member
Apr 27, 2005
Originally posted by: NJDevil
Originally posted by: irwincur
I would take Mao and Pol Pot over Hitler and Stalin anyday. Killed about the same amount of people yet get much less press. Mao actually gets good press in the liberal media every now and then. A hero to the common man - the ones he didn't kill at least.

Oh yea, the liberal media loves Mao. Examples?

Why do I bother asking for an example...

Because stupidity is annoying.



Jan 8, 2004
Hitler is your lovable lunatic megalomaniac while Stalin was more of a methodical Superterrorist. Both dangerous in their own style. Id be more afraid of Stalin if I ever met him face to face and didnt shook his hand strong enough (or too strong).

Now, GERMANY>Almost all. It took three of the most powerful nations (and their commonwealths) in order to stop 'em, and we all know that was because Hitler got himself in a giant mess of war fronts. Give him fuel and ball bearings and we would have started our cold war a mere weeks ago.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Megalomaniacs and superterrorists are in the eye of the beholder.

Cuba calls United States the 'Fourth Reich'

HAVANA - As world leaders celebrated the defeat of Nazi Germany in Moscow?s Red Square on Monday, Communist Cuba held its own parade and accused the United States of using "fascist" policies to dominate the world.

The president of Cuba?s National Assembly, Ricardo Alarcon, denounced the world?s only superpower for employing military force unilaterally in an apparent reference to the US invasion of Iraq.

"They practice a fascist military doctrine and proclaim their right to attack anyone when they please, using their powerful military machine, without any justification," he said in a speech marking the 60th anniversary of the defeat of Germany?s Third Reich.

"The Fourth Reich will be defeated. The 21st century will see the final defeat of fascism," Alarcon said, using the occasion to lay into the United States, Cuba?s longtime foe.

The ceremony at a monument to Soviet soldiers outside Havana was attended by Lyubov K Sliska, first deputy speaker of the Russian Duma, and Cuban Defence Minister Raul Castro.

Cuban troops fired a 21-cannon salute and paraded before the burial site of 67 Soviet soldiers who died -- in accidents or from natural causes-- while serving in Cuba from the 1960s to the early 1990s.

Sliska and Raul Castro, President Fidel Castro?s younger brother and designated successor, laid flowers at the monument, while diplomats from Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine looked on.

Russia withdrew its last troops from Cuba in 1993, two years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and in 2002 dismantled its Cold War-era electronic espionage station on the island.

The Cuban government frequently uses references to Nazi Germany to attack the US government.

A large billboard opposite the US diplomatic mission on Havana?s waterfront shows scenes of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison, with a large swastika and the words "Fascists: made in USA."




Golden Member
Apr 4, 2004
They're all repugnant, but I wanted to add a few facts to the thread.

Stalin wasn't a fan of science. His best known influence on science was Lysenkoist biology which denied natural selection and resulted in large famines in the USSR as the Soviet government forced farming according to Lysenkoist dogma.

The only reason Mao's death toll exceeds Stalin is due to famines, and as many Chinese people died in famines in the first half of the 20th century as they did after Mao took power.


Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: irwincur
I would take Mao and Pol Pot over Hitler and Stalin anyday. Killed about the same amount of people yet get much less press. Mao actually gets good press in the liberal media every now and then. A hero to the common man - the ones he didn't kill at least.

What news to you read/watch? Or is it you can't formulate a statement without blaming the "liberal media?"


Senior member
Jan 25, 2000
Hitler's little order to take a detour and crush the gov't overthrow in Yugoslavia set his troops back 3 weeks in their
assault on Moscow....If this didn't happen, Moscow would have been easily taken by winter and it would
have been Goodnight Irene for the Allies.......


Oct 4, 2002
All of them have one thing in common, they enjoy killing.
If you want a another great leader like them just hire any serial killer from the mental institute. Their all psychopatic and don't know what their doing, what's the difference?


Aug 24, 2004
Right wingers are associated with Hitler while the loony leftists are associated with Stalin. It appears there are many sympathizers of Stalin and communism in general on this forum. What a shame. I will also say that there are neo-Nazi sympathizers among us as well. Pick your own evil.

And whoever says Stalin was cool is either a communist who craves blood or a ignoramas. Maybe a combination of both. Right, having the blood of 30+ million people on your hands makes you cool, makes you a badass, a sort of a cute villain :disgust:. Another attempt at defending a mass murderer by calling him a likeable person, sort of like a Ted Bundy except times a million. The same dolts who fell for Ted Bundy's charm fall for Josef Stalin's. But what they don't understand was that Hitler was the ultimate crowd pleaser, a person who got the crowd pumped up and cheering out of their seats. That is something Stalin lacked in. Hitler was a much better public speaker.

The main reason for the fall of Nazi Germany might have been Hitler's parkinsons and his inability to use flexibility in war. He often went against the wishes of his top military leaders while Stalin listened to his. That was a major reason why Germany was defeated at Stalingrad and Operation Barbarossa ended up as a failure. That is the reason why hundreds of thousands of German women were raped by the Russian soldiers who acted like animals during the war, just like German soldiers for that matter. The Russian soldiers and military leaders showed no respect for civilian lives, the perfect example are cities such as Konengsberg, Danzig and others which once belonged to Germany. Speaking of which, Russia controls Konigsberg today and is now called Kaliningrad. Sickening stuff actually. That land belongs to Germany in reality, although it did lose it.

As for who was more powerful? That is a irrelevant question. Hitler was significantly weakened by parkinsons during his later years and he was a drug addict. His decision making was severly delayed during the last years of the war. He could not make up his mind and was completely out of touch with reality. Stalin was much more in control and was much more flexible. That is the reason why the Russians beat the Germans ultimately. If Hitler had listened to his military leaders, the Communists would have been defeated and 90 million Slavs would have been under Nazi Germany's control. But instead, hundreds of thousands of German civilians, if not millions were killed by Russian soldiers who acted like barbarians, if not worse. Hundreds of thousands of German women were raped. And did the world punish Russia after the war? No, they simply caved in to the Communists and let them take over and dominate any country they wanted. The Russian soldiers still act like barbarians and commit massacres against the terrorist Chehcyans even in the present. In fact, the Russian thug soldiers have significantly reduced the Chechyan male population deliberately. Thats why you have so many female Chechyan homicide bombers who kill innocent Russian children.

The Russians came extremely close to losing all during WW2. In fact they would have lost if Operation Barbarossa went according to the plans of the Nazi military planners, it was Hitler's interference which cost Germany its victory and ultimately its total demise. Its a tale of two tyrannies. One was crushed and humiliated, while the other was victorious and the sleeping world let it become the world's superpower which was in many ways, more evil than Nazi Germany.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Okay raildogg, already knew you were a prude, there was no need for you to make any response to my post. A prude who missed the point of my post as well. I was in no way saying that I thought Stalin was cool, rather, I was making a point about the general jaded view of the average American when it comes to things like this. Their views are affected to an inappropriate degree by the mass media, to the point where they don't necessarily see villains as just that. If you had seen Natural Born Kilers and taken it in it would have simply been all that easier for you to understand the point I was making.

Unfortunately you didn't catch on, and left an insulting and asinine response directed at me. If we can establish from this point onward that you are unable to interpret subtleties and ken deeper meaning from written English, then I would advise you to never attempt to respond to one of my posts. Ever.


Aug 24, 2004
Whatever. What you said was a total mockery of the tens of millions killed.

By the way, you chose to call me a name that got its "negativeness" from the French. Good going.

Let me quote you exactly:

"Uh, Stalin was alot cooler. I mean, people think of Hitler as a sort of "disgusting" evil, whereas people tend to think of Stalin as a sort of... "cool" evil. Like the badass villain in the movie that everybody likes. Reminds me of "Natural Born Killers", actually."

So instead of calling each other childish names, lets disect your post. Also maybe you could've done a better job at telling us you don't condone Stalin's activities. By judging from that post, one would get the idea that Stalin was sort of a grumpy grandpa who wasn't that evil at all.

So Hitler was a disgusting evil tyrant, and Stalin was a lot cooler. How else am I to comprehend your statements?

And who likes Stalin?

Oh thats right, the blood thirsty communists.

Badass villains in the movies dont give orders of rapes of hundreds of thousands of women, whether directly or indirectly, they aren't responsible for deaths of 30+ million people, they don't automatically kill thousands of political opponents overnight without any hesitation.

We must separate the man from the fiction.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
French? What do they have to do with anything?

I already explained why I wasn't condoning Stalin's activities, and that I was attempting to make a broader point. I even pointed you to the very thing that could have solidified this in your mind had you bothered to hit Google with "Natural Born Killers" before leaving an insulting response. Then you could even consider my post in the context of my next post in this thread, in which I call Stalin a "psychopathic mass murderer". Hardly a term of endearment.

The somewhat educated people on this forum may view both Hitler and Stalin in the same light (appropriately), but I was referring to "people" in general, and then clarified this in my last post. The average American. Half the time the average American doesn't even vote. That's the average American. These people are weak minded, with little actual insight into the contemporary history of this world. So they view Hitler in the exact way Allied propoganda would portray him (perhaps rightfully) as the great nemesis of our time. And then Stalin as the just "sort of nemesis" of the Cold War. The average person sees things like this in such simple terms, because they average person is stupid and ignorant (my opinion of course). The average person probably doesn't even realize that Stalin killed more than Hitler.

They have the picture of a cowardly, crude little man shouting like a rat to crowds, and exterminating millions of people on flimsy pretexts. And then they have the picture of the iron fisted ruler, with a face chiseled in stone and warm eyes.


Platinum Member
May 2, 2004
Originally posted by: raildogg
Right wingers are associated with Hitler while the loony leftists are associated with Stalin. It appears there are many sympathizers of Stalin and communism in general on this forum. What a shame. I will also say that there are neo-Nazi sympathizers among us as well. Pick your own evil.

And whoever says Stalin was cool is either a communist who craves blood or a ignoramas. Maybe a combination of both. Right, having the blood of 30+ million people on your hands makes you cool, makes you a badass, a sort of a cute villain :disgust:. Another attempt at defending a mass murderer by calling him a likeable person, sort of like a Ted Bundy except times a million. The same dolts who fell for Ted Bundy's charm fall for Josef Stalin's. But what they don't understand was that Hitler was the ultimate crowd pleaser, a person who got the crowd pumped up and cheering out of their seats. That is something Stalin lacked in. Hitler was a much better public speaker.

The main reason for the fall of Nazi Germany might have been Hitler's parkinsons and his inability to use flexibility in war. He often went against the wishes of his top military leaders while Stalin listened to his. That was a major reason why Germany was defeated at Stalingrad and Operation Barbarossa ended up as a failure. That is the reason why hundreds of thousands of German women were raped by the Russian soldiers who acted like animals during the war, just like German soldiers for that matter. The Russian soldiers and military leaders showed no respect for civilian lives, the perfect example are cities such as Konengsberg, Danzig and others which once belonged to Germany. Speaking of which, Russia controls Konigsberg today and is now called Kaliningrad. Sickening stuff actually. That land belongs to Germany in reality, although it did lose it.

As for who was more powerful? That is a irrelevant question. Hitler was significantly weakened by parkinsons during his later years and he was a drug addict. His decision making was severly delayed during the last years of the war. He could not make up his mind and was completely out of touch with reality. Stalin was much more in control and was much more flexible. That is the reason why the Russians beat the Germans ultimately. If Hitler had listened to his military leaders, the Communists would have been defeated and 90 million Slavs would have been under Nazi Germany's control. But instead, hundreds of thousands of German civilians, if not millions were killed by Russian soldiers who acted like barbarians, if not worse. Hundreds of thousands of German women were raped. And did the world punish Russia after the war? No, they simply caved in to the Communists and let them take over and dominate any country they wanted. The Russian soldiers still act like barbarians and commit massacres against the terrorist Chehcyans even in the present. In fact, the Russian thug soldiers have significantly reduced the Chechyan male population deliberately. Thats why you have so many female Chechyan homicide bombers who kill innocent Russian children.

The Russians came extremely close to losing all during WW2. In fact they would have lost if Operation Barbarossa went according to the plans of the Nazi military planners, it was Hitler's interference which cost Germany its victory and ultimately its total demise. Its a tale of two tyrannies. One was crushed and humiliated, while the other was victorious and the sleeping world let it become the world's superpower which was in many ways, more evil than Nazi Germany.

Germans raped women aswell. Any invading nation rapes women and kills men and children. It's a fact. You did it in vietnam, you do it in Iraq.


Platinum Member
May 2, 2004
Originally posted by: raildogg
Whatever. What you said was a total mockery of the tens of millions killed.

By the way, you chose to call me a name that got its "negativeness" from the French. Good going.

Let me quote you exactly:

"Uh, Stalin was alot cooler. I mean, people think of Hitler as a sort of "disgusting" evil, whereas people tend to think of Stalin as a sort of... "cool" evil. Like the badass villain in the movie that everybody likes. Reminds me of "Natural Born Killers", actually."

So instead of calling each other childish names, lets disect your post. Also maybe you could've done a better job at telling us you don't condone Stalin's activities. By judging from that post, one would get the idea that Stalin was sort of a grumpy grandpa who wasn't that evil at all.

So Hitler was a disgusting evil tyrant, and Stalin was a lot cooler. How else am I to comprehend your statements?

And who likes Stalin?

Oh thats right, the blood thirsty communists.

Badass villains in the movies dont give orders of rapes of hundreds of thousands of women, whether directly or indirectly, they aren't responsible for deaths of 30+ million people, they don't automatically kill thousands of political opponents overnight without any hesitation.

We must separate the man from the fiction.

Well, stalin was actually the first man to have women in arms. And when the germans captured his son, he refused to pay ransoms. So he got waxed by the germans.

But stalin was a bit "off". So to speak. I greatly admire both hitler and stalin i have to admit. They stood by their principles. I just don't think hitler was insane, the same way Stalin was insane. He just lost control, and his mind wouldn't leave that hill he was on, so he overestimated his troops. He had a plan.
Stalin however just didn't care.He was just powerhungry, and very cynical. And add the fact that he most likely killed Lenin.

I find them both interesting, i always like insane people.


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2004
Originally posted by: Forsythe
Originally posted by: raildogg
Right wingers are associated with Hitler while the loony leftists are associated with Stalin. It appears there are many sympathizers of Stalin and communism in general on this forum. What a shame. I will also say that there are neo-Nazi sympathizers among us as well. Pick your own evil.

And whoever says Stalin was cool is either a communist who craves blood or a ignoramas. Maybe a combination of both. Right, having the blood of 30+ million people on your hands makes you cool, makes you a badass, a sort of a cute villain :disgust:. Another attempt at defending a mass murderer by calling him a likeable person, sort of like a Ted Bundy except times a million. The same dolts who fell for Ted Bundy's charm fall for Josef Stalin's. But what they don't understand was that Hitler was the ultimate crowd pleaser, a person who got the crowd pumped up and cheering out of their seats. That is something Stalin lacked in. Hitler was a much better public speaker.

The main reason for the fall of Nazi Germany might have been Hitler's parkinsons and his inability to use flexibility in war. He often went against the wishes of his top military leaders while Stalin listened to his. That was a major reason why Germany was defeated at Stalingrad and Operation Barbarossa ended up as a failure. That is the reason why hundreds of thousands of German women were raped by the Russian soldiers who acted like animals during the war, just like German soldiers for that matter. The Russian soldiers and military leaders showed no respect for civilian lives, the perfect example are cities such as Konengsberg, Danzig and others which once belonged to Germany. Speaking of which, Russia controls Konigsberg today and is now called Kaliningrad. Sickening stuff actually. That land belongs to Germany in reality, although it did lose it.

As for who was more powerful? That is a irrelevant question. Hitler was significantly weakened by parkinsons during his later years and he was a drug addict. His decision making was severly delayed during the last years of the war. He could not make up his mind and was completely out of touch with reality. Stalin was much more in control and was much more flexible. That is the reason why the Russians beat the Germans ultimately. If Hitler had listened to his military leaders, the Communists would have been defeated and 90 million Slavs would have been under Nazi Germany's control. But instead, hundreds of thousands of German civilians, if not millions were killed by Russian soldiers who acted like barbarians, if not worse. Hundreds of thousands of German women were raped. And did the world punish Russia after the war? No, they simply caved in to the Communists and let them take over and dominate any country they wanted. The Russian soldiers still act like barbarians and commit massacres against the terrorist Chehcyans even in the present. In fact, the Russian thug soldiers have significantly reduced the Chechyan male population deliberately. Thats why you have so many female Chechyan homicide bombers who kill innocent Russian children.

The Russians came extremely close to losing all during WW2. In fact they would have lost if Operation Barbarossa went according to the plans of the Nazi military planners, it was Hitler's interference which cost Germany its victory and ultimately its total demise. Its a tale of two tyrannies. One was crushed and humiliated, while the other was victorious and the sleeping world let it become the world's superpower which was in many ways, more evil than Nazi Germany.

Germans raped women aswell. Any invading nation rapes women and kills men and children. It's a fact. You did it in vietnam, you do it in Iraq.



Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: RobCur
All of them have one thing in common, they enjoy killing.
If you want a another great leader like them just hire any serial killer from the mental institute. Their all psychopatic and don't know what their doing, what's the difference?

Hitler was a brilliant public speaker, Stalin had the perfect fatherly countenance. Any psychopathic killer can psychopathically kill. It takes a special breed to be a figurehead.


Aug 24, 2004
Germans raped women aswell. Any invading nation rapes women and kills men and children. It's a fact. You did it in vietnam, you do it in Iraq.

Rapes of German women were widespread. It is estimiated that well over a hundred thousand German women were raped in Berlin alone by Russian soldiers who acted like animals. They raped countless thousands on the way to Berlin in the German territories. Don't justify it by pointing out situations which aren't even remotely close. We didn't rape any women in Iraq, you liar. Vietnam was different, and there was abuse of the locals there, but it was not widespread.

French? What do they have to do with anything?

The somewhat educated people on this forum may view both Hitler and Stalin in the same light (appropriately), but I was referring to "people" in general, and then clarified this in my last post. The average American. Half the time the average American doesn't even vote. That's the average American. These people are weak minded, with little actual insight into the contemporary history of this world. So they view Hitler in the exact way Allied propoganda would portray him (perhaps rightfully) as the great nemesis of our time. And then Stalin as the just "sort of nemesis" of the Cold War. The average person sees things like this in such simple terms, because they average person is stupid and ignorant (my opinion of course). The average person probably doesn't even realize that Stalin killed more than Hitler.

They have the picture of a cowardly, crude little man shouting like a rat to crowds, and exterminating millions of people on flimsy pretexts. And then they have the picture of the iron fisted ruler, with a face chiseled in stone and warm eyes.

The word you called me. Prude French women.

Any person who has been thru high school or college knows about the horrors of Stalin. There is noone running around claiming to like Stalin, noone. Most people in general are ignorant of history, not just Americans.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Okay, let's rephrase that... where's the irony in my use of that word? I don't see it. Seems to be irrelevant to point out the origins of that word.

You'd hope that people would have that knowledge. Problem is, they don't have to retain it. They just have to learn it long enough to pass a test, then they forget it.

Nobody is running around with "I love Stalin" shirts on, I'll concede that ridiculous point. But prop him up against Hitler and see where you get...

I never stated nor inferred that Americans were alone in their ignorance. Sheesh.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
stalin could mass purge his own people because of his massive paranoia even when he was losing. thats nuts


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Rapes of German women were widespread. It is estimiated that well over a hundred thousand German women were raped in Berlin alone by Russian soldiers who acted like animals. They raped countless thousands on the way to Berlin in the German territories. Don't justify it by pointing out situations which aren't even remotely close. We didn't rape any women in Iraq, you liar. Vietnam was different, and there was abuse of the locals there, but it was not widespread.

yup, the allies were disgusted when they learned russian troops looting and raping in berlin and the rest of germany. it was encouraged, the soviets kept their troops well stocked with the alcohol.

Nobody is running around with "I love Stalin" shirts on, I'll concede that ridiculous point. But prop him up against Hitler and see where you get...

no, mostly the idiots have pictures of che


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: raildogg
Right wingers are associated with Hitler while the loony leftists are associated with Stalin. It appears there are many sympathizers of Stalin and communism in general on this forum. What a shame. I will also say that there are neo-Nazi sympathizers among us as well. Pick your own evil.


The Communist manifesto calls for no private business ownership. Who do you think started the SBA so the poor and middle folk could get into biz?

The Communist manifesto calls for the abolition of land ownership. Who do you think started FHA and VA for more people could get houses?

Communists have a centrally planned "command economies" are a central feature of Communist governments. When has democrats ever advocated anything of the sort?

Communist governments all have a "gulag" like police state. Who do you think funds groups like ACLU to protect Americans individual rights and Freedom of information?

So where are your facts to support this idea that "loony leftists" are Communist sympathizers? Seriously?



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Germans raped women aswell.

They did? I thought they had that master race thing going on. Ideas based on eugenics, a racial theory very popular in most western nations at the time and exceedingly so in Germany, were you would'nt touch a "Inferior race".

I don't like germans/nazis but I don't think they raped you just killed you. Not sure which is worse. Either way, I think you're making that up about rape.

Edit: Yeah been doing some searching and can't find anything. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&q=german+raped

All about russians raping germans.
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