HL2 SLI Stopped working


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005
I built my pc and set it up with 2 6800gt's and ran it in SLI at like 100+ fps in 1600x1200 in multiplayer and was thrilled. Now though it runs a max of ~40 but averages 10fps at ALL resolutions. I reinstalled xp, sp1, and sp2, same results with all of them, low fps. I checked the load ballancer and it looks like only 1 card but I mean even 1 card should be able to pull over 10fps at 1024x768 in medium detail.. here's my specs

A8N-SLI w/ 1003 Official
A64 3500+ 90nm
2 X BFG6800GT w/ OCZ Copper BGA Sinks & Waterchill Block
2 Gig Corsair PC3200XL XMMS CL2.0
2 x Maxtor 300G in Raid 0 on the SI3114 Controller (because the nvraid's see's both drives in raid 0 as 300g instead of 600.. freaking nvidia... sigh)
SB Audigy 2 ZS Plat Pro
Plextor 716SA

its all waterchilled and the cards are stable up to 425/1200 but i kept them at stock thinging that might be the problem

Also I noticed something that the CPU usage is always above 50% and according to the task manager's bar graph its the kernel time keeping it high yet the process list shows idle at ~98%.. hmM?

Any help is much appreciated, I been working on this 7 days straight and this is about the 45th reinstall with everything I can think of.

My first 3Dmark 05 spit about 10k *i think, dont remember exactly* I'll run it again shortly and see what it comes up with shortly.



Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005
I checked temp's ..card 1 is 47c idle card 2 is 44c idle.. under load they both read 52c so i dont think its heat


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005
Here is the new 3dmark 05.. it *was* 10,100.. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME :brokenheart:

Width 1024
Height 768
Anti-Aliasing None
Anti-Aliasing Quality 0
Texture Filtering Optimal
Max Anisotropy 4
VS Profile 3_0
PS Profile 3_0
Force Full Precision No
Disable DST No
Disable Post-Processing No
Force Software Vertex Shader No
Color Mipmaps No
Repeat Tests Off
Fixed Framerate Off

3DMark Score 2923 3DMarks Game Tests
GT1 - Return To Proxycon 10.1 FPS Game Tests
GT2 - Firefly Forest 7.6 FPS Game Tests
GT3 - Canyon Flight 20.6 FPS Game Tests
CPU Score 1266 CPUMarks CPU Tests
CPU Test 1 0.6 FPS CPU Tests
CPU Test 2 1.1 FPS CPU Tests
Fill Rate - Single-Texturing 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Fill Rate - Multi-Texturing 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Pixel Shader 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Vertex Shader - Simple 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Vertex Shader - Complex 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
8 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
32 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
128 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
512 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
2048 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
32768 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
System Info
Version 3.5
CPU Info
Central Processing Unit
Manufacturer AMD
Family AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+
Architecture 64-bit
Internal Clock 2211 MHz
Internal Clock Maximum 3700 MHz
External Clock 200 MHz
Socket Designation Socket 939
HyperThreadingTechnology N/A
Capabilities MMX, CMov, RDTSC, 3DNow!, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, PAE, NX
Version AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+

Caches Level Capacity Type Type Details Error Correction Type Associativity
1 128 KB Internal Synchronous
2 512 KB Internal Synchronous

0x00000001 0x68747541 0x444d4163 0x69746e65 0
0x00010ff0 0x00000800 0x00000000 0x078bfbff 1

0x80000018 0x68747541 0x444d4163 0x69746e65 0
0x00010ff0 0x0000010d 0x00000001 0xe3d3fbff 1
0x20444d41 0x6c687441 0x74286e6f 0x3620296d 2
0x72502034 0x7365636f 0x20726f73 0x30303533 3
0x0000002b 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 4
0xff08ff08 0xff20ff20 0x40020140 0x40020140 5
0x00000000 0x42004200 0x02008140 0x00000000 6
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000000f 7
0x00003028 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 8
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 9
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 10
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 11
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 12
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 13
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 14
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 15

DirectX Info
Version 9.0c
Long Version
DirectDraw Info
Version 5.03.2600.2180
Primary Device NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU
Display Devices
Display Device
Description NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Total Local Video Memory 256 MB
Total Local Texture Memory 256 MB
Total AGP Memory 256 MB
Driver File nv4_disp.dll
Driver Version
Driver Details
Driver Date 10/29/2004
Driver WHQL Certified TRUE
Max Texture Width 4096 px
Max Texture Height 4096 px
Max User Clipping Planes 6
Max Active Hardware Lights 8
Max Texture Blending Stages 8
Fixed Function Textures In Single Pass 8
Vertex Shader Version 3
Pixel Shader Version 3
Max Vertex Blend Matrices 0
Max Texture Coordinates 8
Name NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU
Vendor ID 0x10de
Device ID 0x00f9
SubSystem ID 0x025410de
Revision ID 0xa2

Texture Formats
32-bit ARGB [8888]
32-bit RGB [888]
16-bit RGB [565]
16-bit RGB [555]
16-bit ARGB [1555]
16-bit ARGB [4444]
8-bit A [8]
8-bit YUV [800]
16-bit AYUV [8800]
FourCC [DXT1]
FourCC [DXT2]
FourCC [DXT3]
FourCC [DXT4]
FourCC [DXT5]

Capabilities AGP Texturing, Hardware Transform and Lighting, Positional Lights, Subpixel Accurate Rasterizing, Stencil Buffers, Range Fog, Table Fog, Vertex Fog, W-Fog, Specular Gouraud Shading, Anisotropic Filtering, Bilinear Filtering, Point Sampling, Trilinear Filtering, Additive Texture Blending, Dot3 Texture Blending, Multiplicative Texture Blending, Subtractive Texture Blending, Environmental Bump Mapping, Environmental Bump Mapping With Luminance, Cube Mapping, Factor Alpha Blending, Vertex Alpha Blending, Texture Alpha Blending, Texture Clamping, Texture Mirroring, Texture Wrapping, Guard Band Support, Mipmap LOD Bias Adjustment, Projected Textures, Volume Textures, Point Primitive Support, Full-Screen Anti-Aliasing, DXT Compressed Textures, Two Sided Stencil Test, Mipmapped Volume Textures, Mipmapped Cube Textures, Texture Border Color, Spherical Mapping, Automatic Mipmap Generation, Hardware Rasterization, Shading, Transform and Lighting, Scissor Test, Legacy Depth Bias
VGA Memory Clock 1002 MHz
VGA Core Clock 351 MHz
DirectShow Info
Version 6.05.2600.2180

Registered DirectShow Filters
.RAM file Parser
AC3 Parser Filter
ACELP.net Sipro Lab Audio Decoder
ACM Wrapper
ASF ACM Handler
ASF DIB Handler
ASF ICM Handler
ASF JPEG Handler
ASF URL Handler
ASF embedded stuff Handler
ASX file Parser
ASX v.2 file Parser
AVI Decompressor
AVI Draw
AVI Splitter
AVI/WAV File Source
BDA Slip De-Framer
Color Space Converter
Creative AC3 Source Filter
Creative CDDA Source Filter
Creative LiveRecording Filter
Creative MLP Source Filter
Creative MP3 Source Filter
Creative NVF Filter
Creative WMA Source Filter
DV Muxer
DV Splitter
DV Video Decoder
Default DirectSound Device
Default MidiOut Device
DivX Decoder Filter
File Source (Async.)
File Source (Netshow URL)
File Source (URL)
File stream renderer
Indeo audio software
Indeo video 4.4 Decompression Filter
Indeo video 5.10 Decompression Filter
InterVideo Audio Decoder
InterVideo Video Decoder
Internal Script Command Renderer
Intervideo Disc Read2 Filter
Line 21 Decoder
Line 21 Decoder 2
MIDI Parser
MJPEG Decompressor
MPEG Audio Decoder
MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
MPEG Video Decoder
MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
MPEG-2 Splitter
MPEG-I Stream Splitter
Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor
Microsoft Screen Video Decompressor
Multi-file Parser
NSC file Parser
NVF Filter
Overlay Mixer2
QT Decompressor
QuickTime Movie Parser
SAMI (CC) Parser
VBI Surface Allocator
VGA 16 Color Ditherer
Video Port Manager
Video Renderer
WM ASF Reader
WM ASF Writer
WMS Filter
WST Decoder
Wave Parser
Windows Media Audio Decoder
Windows Media Audio Voice v9 Decoder
Windows Media Multiplexer
Windows Media Update Filter
Windows Media Video Decoder
Windows Media source filter
XML Playlist

DirectSound Info
Version 5.3.2600.2180
Speaker Configuration 7 surround + subwoofer
Speaker Geometry
Primary Device SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B000]
Sound Devices
Sound Device
Description SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B000]
Manufacturer Creative Technology, Ltd.
Driver File ctaud2k.sys
Driver Version
Driver Date 7/10/2003
Driver WHQL Certified TRUE
Max Supported 3D Hardware Sounds 64
Name Creative Audigy Audio Processor (WDM)
Vendor ID 0x1102
Device ID 0x0004
SubSystem ID 0x20011102
Revision ID 0x04
Capabilities Continuous Rate, Primary Buffer with 16-bit Samples, Primary Buffers with 8-bit Samples, Monophonic Primary Buffers, Stereo Primary Buffers, Hardware-mixed Secondary Buffers with 16-bit Samples, Hardware-mixed Secondary Buffers with 8-bit Samples, Hardware-mixed Monophonic Secondary Buffers, Hardware-mixed Stereo Secondary Buffers
HD Audio Support FALSE
EAX Support Supported
Memory Info
Total Physical Memory 2048 MB
Free Physical Memory 1732 MB
Total Pagefile Memory 3940 MB
Free Pagefile Memory 3768 MB
Memory Arrays
Memory Array
Max Module Capacity 4096 MB
Location System Board
Use System
Supported Error DC
Supported Speeds
Supported Types
Supported Voltages

Memory Slots Installed Enabled Size Form Factor Frequency Slot Manufacturer Type Type Details Enabled Size Total Bit Width Data Bit Width
512 MB DIMM 0 Hz A0 [Bank0/1] None 512 MB 64 b 64 b
512 MB DIMM 0 Hz A1 [Bank2/3] None 512 MB 64 b 64 b
512 MB DIMM 0 Hz A2 [Bank4/5] None 512 MB 64 b 64 b
512 MB DIMM 0 Hz A3 [Bank6/7] None 512 MB 64 b 64 b

Motherboard Info
Supported Slot Types ISA, PCI
Manufacturer ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Version 1.XX
BIOS Vendor Phoenix Technologies, LTD
BIOS Release Date 1/20/2005
BIOS Properties Plug and Play, Flash

Card Slots Order Designation Type Characteristics Data Bus Width Details Device Class Manufacturer Driver File Driver Version Driver Date Name Vendor ID
1 PCI1 PCI 5.0V, PME Signal 32 b Available, Long 0x0000
2 PCI2 PCI 5.0V, PME Signal 32 b In Use, Long Display Adapter NVIDIA 10/29/2004 NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU 0x10de
3 PCI3 PCI 5.0V, PME Signal 32 b Available, Long 0x0000
4 PCIEX16_1 5.0V, PME Signal 32 b Available, Long 0x0000
5 PCIEX16_2 5.0V, PME Signal 32 b In Use, Long SCSI Controller Silicon Image 7/21/2004 Silicon Image SiI 3114 SoftRaid 5 Controller 0x1095
6 PCIEX1_1 5.0V, PME Signal 32 b Available, Long 0x0000
7 PCIEX1_2 5.0V, PME Signal 32 b Available, Long 0x0000

System Devices Manufacturer Name Vendor ID Device ID SubSystem ID Revision ID
(Standard system devices) PCI standard host CPU bridge 0x1022 0x1100 0x00000000 0x00
(Standard system devices) PCI standard host CPU bridge 0x1022 0x1101 0x00000000 0x00
(Standard system devices) PCI standard host CPU bridge 0x1022 0x1102 0x00000000 0x00
(Standard system devices) PCI standard host CPU bridge 0x1022 0x1103 0x00000000 0x00
(Standard system devices) PCI standard ISA bridge 0x10de 0x0050 0x00000000 0xa3
NVIDIA NVIDIA nForce PCI System Management 0x10de 0x0052 0x815a1043 0xa2
(Standard IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers) Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller 0x10de 0x0053 0x815a1043 0xa2
(Standard IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers) Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller 0x10de 0x0055 0x815a1043 0xa3
(Standard USB Host Controller) Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller 0x10de 0x005a 0x815a1043 0xa2
(Standard USB Host Controller) Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller 0x10de 0x005b 0x815a1043 0xa3
(Standard system devices) PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge 0x10de 0x005c 0x00000000 0xa2
(Standard system devices) PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge 0x10de 0x005d 0x00000000 0xa3
(Standard system devices) PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge 0x10de 0x005d 0x00000000 0xa3
(Standard system devices) PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge 0x10de 0x005d 0x00000000 0xa3
(Standard system devices) PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge 0x10de 0x005d 0x00000000 0xa3
NVIDIA nForce4 HyperTransport Bridge 0x10de 0x005e 0x815a1043 0xa3

Available Rate 0x00000000
Selected Rate 0x00000000
Aperture Size 0 B
Sideband Addressing
Hex 0x00000000
Fast Write
Hex 0x00000000

USB Devices Description Driver Date Driver Version Device Class
USB Root Hub 7/1/2001 5.1.2600.2180 Universal Serial Bus Controller
USB Root Hub 7/1/2001 5.1.2600.2180 Universal Serial Bus Controller
General Purpose USB Hub 7/1/2001 5.1.2600.0 Universal Serial Bus Controller
Logitech Cordless USB Mouse 11/7/2003 Human Interface Device
American Express GCR435 USB Smart Card Reader 12/4/2001 Smart Card Reader
ConvertX M402U XLOADER 11/17/2004 Universal Serial Bus Controller
Plextor ConvertX M402U A/V Capture 11/17/2004 Sound, Video or Game Controller

FireWire Devices
FireWire Device
Description 1394 Net Adapter
Driver Date 7/1/2001
Driver Version 5.1.2535.0
Device Class Network Adapter
Monitor Info
Name Plug and Play Monitor
Manufacturer (Standard monitor types)
Max Width 1600 px
Max Height 1200 px
Power Supply Info
Operating System Info
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP
Version 5.1.2600
Service Pack Service Pack 2
Windows Environment 32-bit
Hardware Support TRUE
Applications Protected TRUE
Drivers Protected TRUE
User Option On for essential Windows programs and services only
Locale US
Desktop Width 1280 px
Desktop Height 1024 px
Desktop BPP 32 b

3DMark05 - Free Edition
Creative MediaSource Go!

Processes Name PID Memory Usage
Idle 0 28 KB
System 4 256 KB
smss.exe 596 388 KB
csrss.exe 660 3164 KB
winlogon.exe 700 4256 KB
services.exe 744 3872 KB
lsass.exe 756 1316 KB
svchost.exe 912 4408 KB
svchost.exe 992 3812 KB
svchost.exe 1084 21 MB
svchost.exe 1128 2568 KB
svchost.exe 1164 4180 KB
explorer.exe 1548 18 MB
spoolsv.exe 1632 4124 KB
scardsvr.exe 1680 2336 KB
nvsvc32.exe 1812 3272 KB
MsPMSPSv.exe 1904 1368 KB
alg.exe 648 3212 KB
rundll32.exe 1276 2992 KB
CTSysVol.exe 1328 5 MB
CTDVDDET.exe 1332 3104 KB
type32.exe 1400 4152 KB
RcMan.exe 1416 6 MB
CTCMSGo.exe 1540 6 MB
EM_EXEC.EXE 1772 3748 KB
3DMark05.exe 276 23 MB

Logical Drives Drive Letter Label Type Capacity Available
A: Floppy 0 B 0 B
C: Hard Disk 559 GB 546 GB
D: CD-ROM 0 B 0 B

Hard Disk Info
Hard Disk Drives
Hard Disk Drive
Name SiImage SCSI Disk Device
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Capacity 559 GB
Model SiImage SCSI Disk Device
Interface Type SCSI
Drive Letters


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005
Color me confused I overclocked the cards to 400/1050 (last test above was stock 350/1000) and the score is now 2823.. that's 100 points less than stock!.. and 7000 points less than what it should be PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME

Width 1024
Height 768
Anti-Aliasing None
Anti-Aliasing Quality 0
Texture Filtering Optimal
Max Anisotropy 4
VS Profile 3_0
PS Profile 3_0
Force Full Precision No
Disable DST No
Disable Post-Processing No
Force Software Vertex Shader No
Color Mipmaps No
Repeat Tests Off
Fixed Framerate Off

3DMark Score 2823 3DMarks Game Tests
GT1 - Return To Proxycon 9.8 FPS Game Tests
GT2 - Firefly Forest 7.4 FPS Game Tests
GT3 - Canyon Flight 19.8 FPS Game Tests
CPU Score 1210 CPUMarks CPU Tests
CPU Test 1 0.6 FPS CPU Tests
CPU Test 2 1.1 FPS CPU Tests
Fill Rate - Single-Texturing 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Fill Rate - Multi-Texturing 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Pixel Shader 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Vertex Shader - Simple 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
Vertex Shader - Complex 0.0 FPS N/A Feature Tests
8 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
32 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
128 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
512 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
2048 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
32768 Triangles 0.0 FPS N/A Batch Size Tests
System Info
Version 3.5
CPU Info
Central Processing Unit
Manufacturer AMD
Family AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+
Architecture 64-bit
Internal Clock 2376 MHz
Internal Clock Maximum 3700 MHz
External Clock 200 MHz
Socket Designation Socket 939
HyperThreadingTechnology N/A
Capabilities MMX, CMov, RDTSC, 3DNow!, Extended 3DNow!, SSE, SSE2, PAE, NX
Version AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+

Caches Level Capacity Type Type Details Error Correction Type Associativity
1 128 KB Internal Synchronous
2 512 KB Internal Synchronous

0x00000001 0x68747541 0x444d4163 0x69746e65 0
0x00010ff0 0x00000800 0x00000000 0x078bfbff 1

0x80000018 0x68747541 0x444d4163 0x69746e65 0
0x00010ff0 0x0000010d 0x00000001 0xe3d3fbff 1
0x20444d41 0x6c687441 0x74286e6f 0x3620296d 2
0x72502034 0x7365636f 0x20726f73 0x30303533 3
0x0000002b 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 4
0xff08ff08 0xff20ff20 0x40020140 0x40020140 5
0x00000000 0x42004200 0x02008140 0x00000000 6
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000000f 7
0x00003028 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 8
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 9
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 10
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 11
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 12
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 13
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 14
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 15

DirectX Info
Version 9.0c
Long Version
DirectDraw Info
Version 5.03.2600.2180
Primary Device NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU
Display Devices
Display Device
Description NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Total Local Video Memory 256 MB
Total Local Texture Memory 256 MB
Total AGP Memory 256 MB
Driver File nv4_disp.dll
Driver Version
Driver Details
Driver Date 10/29/2004
Driver WHQL Certified TRUE
Max Texture Width 4096 px
Max Texture Height 4096 px
Max User Clipping Planes 6
Max Active Hardware Lights 8
Max Texture Blending Stages 8
Fixed Function Textures In Single Pass 8
Vertex Shader Version 3
Pixel Shader Version 3
Max Vertex Blend Matrices 0
Max Texture Coordinates 8
Name NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU
Vendor ID 0x10de
Device ID 0x00f9
SubSystem ID 0x025410de
Revision ID 0xa2

Texture Formats
32-bit ARGB [8888]
32-bit RGB [888]
16-bit RGB [565]
16-bit RGB [555]
16-bit ARGB [1555]
16-bit ARGB [4444]
8-bit A [8]
8-bit YUV [800]
16-bit AYUV [8800]
FourCC [DXT1]
FourCC [DXT2]
FourCC [DXT3]
FourCC [DXT4]
FourCC [DXT5]

Capabilities AGP Texturing, Hardware Transform and Lighting, Positional Lights, Subpixel Accurate Rasterizing, Stencil Buffers, Range Fog, Table Fog, Vertex Fog, W-Fog, Specular Gouraud Shading, Anisotropic Filtering, Bilinear Filtering, Point Sampling, Trilinear Filtering, Additive Texture Blending, Dot3 Texture Blending, Multiplicative Texture Blending, Subtractive Texture Blending, Environmental Bump Mapping, Environmental Bump Mapping With Luminance, Cube Mapping, Factor Alpha Blending, Vertex Alpha Blending, Texture Alpha Blending, Texture Clamping, Texture Mirroring, Texture Wrapping, Guard Band Support, Mipmap LOD Bias Adjustment, Projected Textures, Volume Textures, Point Primitive Support, Full-Screen Anti-Aliasing, DXT Compressed Textures, Two Sided Stencil Test, Mipmapped Volume Textures, Mipmapped Cube Textures, Texture Border Color, Spherical Mapping, Automatic Mipmap Generation, Hardware Rasterization, Shading, Transform and Lighting, Scissor Test, Legacy Depth Bias
VGA Memory Clock 1053 MHz
VGA Core Clock 402 MHz
DirectShow Info
Version 6.05.2600.2180

Registered DirectShow Filters
.RAM file Parser
AC3 Parser Filter
ACELP.net Sipro Lab Audio Decoder
ACM Wrapper
ASF ACM Handler
ASF DIB Handler
ASF ICM Handler
ASF JPEG Handler
ASF URL Handler
ASF embedded stuff Handler
ASX file Parser
ASX v.2 file Parser
AVI Decompressor
AVI Draw
AVI Splitter
AVI/WAV File Source
BDA Slip De-Framer
Color Space Converter
Creative AC3 Source Filter
Creative CDDA Source Filter
Creative LiveRecording Filter
Creative MLP Source Filter
Creative MP3 Source Filter
Creative NVF Filter
Creative WMA Source Filter
DV Muxer
DV Splitter
DV Video Decoder
Default DirectSound Device
Default MidiOut Device
DivX Decoder Filter
File Source (Async.)
File Source (Netshow URL)
File Source (URL)
File stream renderer
Indeo audio software
Indeo video 4.4 Decompression Filter
Indeo video 5.10 Decompression Filter
InterVideo Audio Decoder
InterVideo Video Decoder
Internal Script Command Renderer
Intervideo Disc Read2 Filter
Line 21 Decoder
Line 21 Decoder 2
MIDI Parser
MJPEG Decompressor
MPEG Audio Decoder
MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
MPEG Video Decoder
MPEG-2 Demultiplexer
MPEG-2 Splitter
MPEG-I Stream Splitter
Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor
Microsoft Screen Video Decompressor
Multi-file Parser
NSC file Parser
NVF Filter
Overlay Mixer2
QT Decompressor
QuickTime Movie Parser
SAMI (CC) Parser
VBI Surface Allocator
VGA 16 Color Ditherer
Video Port Manager
Video Renderer
WM ASF Reader
WM ASF Writer
WMS Filter
WST Decoder
Wave Parser
Windows Media Audio Decoder
Windows Media Audio Voice v9 Decoder
Windows Media Multiplexer
Windows Media Update Filter
Windows Media Video Decoder
Windows Media source filter
XML Playlist

DirectSound Info
Version 5.3.2600.2180
Speaker Configuration 7 surround + subwoofer
Speaker Geometry
Primary Device SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B000]
Sound Devices
Sound Device
Description SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [B000]
Manufacturer Creative Technology, Ltd.
Driver File ctaud2k.sys
Driver Version
Driver Date 7/10/2003
Driver WHQL Certified TRUE
Max Supported 3D Hardware Sounds 64
Name Creative Audigy Audio Processor (WDM)
Vendor ID 0x1102
Device ID 0x0004
SubSystem ID 0x20011102
Revision ID 0x04
Capabilities Continuous Rate, Primary Buffer with 16-bit Samples, Primary Buffers with 8-bit Samples, Monophonic Primary Buffers, Stereo Primary Buffers, Hardware-mixed Secondary Buffers with 16-bit Samples, Hardware-mixed Secondary Buffers with 8-bit Samples, Hardware-mixed Monophonic Secondary Buffers, Hardware-mixed Stereo Secondary Buffers
HD Audio Support FALSE
EAX Support Supported
Memory Info
Total Physical Memory 2048 MB
Free Physical Memory 1647 MB
Total Pagefile Memory 3940 MB
Free Pagefile Memory 3714 MB
Memory Arrays
Memory Array
Max Module Capacity 4096 MB
Location System Board
Use System
Supported Error DC
Supported Speeds
Supported Types
Supported Voltages

Memory Slots Installed Enabled Size Form Factor Frequency Slot Manufacturer Type Type Details Enabled Size Total Bit Width


Golden Member
Oct 19, 2004
Reinstall Half-Life.

I just had to do that, too, after changing my video card (even though I kept the same drivers). I had different troubles, though.


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005
Yeah I reinstalled everything several times now, its basically like this, the first time I set it up it was uber fast. I turned it off, the next morning I got up and it was no longer fast at all.. as you can see about 1/3rd of the speed. I reinstalled windows with 71.20's, still slow. Reinstalled windows again with 66.93's.. still slow. I flashed the bios several times to the various in between betas they've had reinstalling each time for good measure.. nada.

Also, its not just half-life, everything is slow. Games run faster not in SLI than they do with SLI enabled, this includes HL2, D3, 3dmark, and everything else. It sounds to me like a hardware problem but nothing changed since it worked.

I normally dont pester forums but I'm desperate at this point


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Did you reinstall DX 9.0c?? And if so when....

Also have you tried it without updating to SP2???


Golden Member
Dec 17, 2004
Have you tried to run each video card separately to make sure the second one isn't dead and now just sitting there doing nothing?


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005
the chipset ones are in yeah, I havn't taken it apart yet to try, I will do it on tuesday.

I suspect I'm another victium of a faulty A8N-SLI I've seen a lot of people with somewhat similar problems to me.

I'll post my results after I take it down to just mobo.

Thanks for trying to help guys I really appreciate it


Apr 23, 2004
Did you by chance - install coolbits?

After installing coolbits, several of my games and 3DMARK were not running in SLI. I also noticed that the application profiles option went missing from the Performance and Quality settings page.

Re-installing the same forceware driver did not fix the problem. I had been using 67.66, so next I tried installing an older driver (67.03) which un-installed 67.66 cleanly and resolved my SLI issues.




Golden Member
Oct 19, 2004
This really really smells like incorrectly installed APG drivers, although this is of course PCIe.

I would make double-sure that the mainboard drivers for the PCIe slots are installed correctly, by comparing the drivers output with a working machine.


Jan 13, 2005
Your system could have been infected with a virus or spyware since you claim your CPU usage is always high. You check that possibility yet? No reason SLI would just stop working, specially if you did not change anything.

Did you remove the bridge connector? I highly doubt this has anything to do with "SLI" specifically....

Also, the latest SLI drivers are 67.66.

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