So im rocking SLI 780's and i like shadow play.
Looking to go 1440p 144hz with Gsync.
But WTF is the deal with Gsync? £300 MORE than Free Sync nearly doubles the price of the monitor (Acer 144hz)
2x 980Ti's £550 each... Total cost £1770
£370 for monitor, approx £4xx for the 390X 8GB.
Total Cost likely about £1200 for 90% estimated performance of the 980Ti SLI.
Other than shadowplay what is there to lose?
Or is this just UK bad nvidia pricing..?
Prices of gsync monitors are up there. Their cards are generally more expensive than AMD. Nvidia is the bigger brand which they push with their own set of features and ecosystem. If all u care about is strictly performance at the best price, your best option is usually AMD.
They have been offering great value when it comes to performance per dollar. Some might argue there are trade offs and there are. But perhaps blown up bigger than they really are. The forums argue over the smallest things.
Back to gsync, I was interested in and waited for freesync to see what changed. Freesync turned out very similar to gsync with minor differences that people will argue about. I never found the monitor that I just had to have. The really great freesync panels I read about before launch were not supposed to be cheap. The were others lI just wouldn't be interested in....because of the refresh range, etc
I never found the perfect monitor I wanted but I did finally order a refurb xb270h. It was very cheap at 350$, i feel like its not a huge investment. i really wanted a higher refresh and i needed a new monitor. The downside is this panel is 1080. But, seeing as I have a single 980, I have decided that the resolution would be a much better match for my graphics card. A 1440 panel would have resulted in me upgrading gpus again and I just don't think I want another 28nm card.
The price of that panel, I don't care down the road. If I get an AMD card, I still have a 144hz panel, no big deal.
Also, I usually have multiple monitors anyway. Not for surround gaming but for work. After unfortunate events, I am down to a junk HannsG panel from the kids room. I needed a panel bad. I have no issues replacing it down the road.
In your case, I am not sure what you should do. But personally, I am not sure I would go from a 780sli setup to a 290cf setup. There will be some performance, but 25% isn't enough performance to throw a bunch of cash at. Surely you can overclock your 780s.
We don't know for sure what the r9 390 will be or exactly how it performs. But there are rumors saying the are just Hawaii with a small speed bump. If you are thinking of that route, you just have to wait and see what the cards are like. If they are straight rebrands (and I am not saying they will be) I would not put go that route.
Remember, these are all still gonna be 28nm cards. They are not generation leaps like we had in the past.
I have heard a lot about gsync though, and how great it is. some say it is like upgrading your GPU, just going to gsync and higher refreshes.
Now, I am not gonna tell you what you should do but offer you something you might not have thought of. Perhaps, if you could find a great deal on a 1080 gsync and just rock that and your 780sli for awhile. If I had a 780sli, I wouldn't upgrade to a 980 or 290(x). It is just too small and not worth it. A 1080p 144hz gsync panel wouldn't be to hard on a 780sli and if you snag one cheap, it might make sense for you to. In the US, not only are there stuff like the refurb i spoke of a above, I have seen the AOC gsync as low as 340$ on a bestbuy sale.
These are just options. I know I don't plan on upgrading my GPU until we finally move past 28nm. Which wil be pascal. And by then, the landscape may be very different when it comes to monitors. I just didn't want that to stop me from experience tech that I am very very interested in.