honestly im not happy with tank guys anymore


Senior member
Aug 9, 2006
this kinda pisses me off what the said about paying more and being moved to the front of the line....what lame crap!! oh well i cancelled my order after reading this letter!!

Good Evening Everyone-

Please read this VERY carefully, as I have some important changes I need to make clear to everyone, and any questions are most likely answered here, rather than if you e-mail us and have to wait for us to answer the hundreds of e-mails we?ll get!

We have been trying extremely hard to get these processors out to all of you. We?ve already shipped quite a few of every model, so they have been rolling in. However, all of our suppliers have no raised their prices, and refuse to sell to us at the lower price at which we pre-ordered at the beginning. We are unsure how long these higher prices will last ? though I am pretty sure they are temporary while these are so hard to get in any quantity.

Now, the big issue here is that our suppliers are now charging us MORE than we have sold them for, which obviously presents a problem. While it is my sincerest wish to ship this out to all of you as soon as I can, I simply cannot afford to sell all of them at a loss, especially after how much time and energy we?ve had to put into this. We?ve been struggling to find the best way to handle this situation, and here is what we have come up with:


Option 1: You keep your order as-is.

We will simply keep your pre-order at the price you paid, and will just have to ship it as soon as we can buy the processors at a low enough price to be able to fill these orders. Even if I have to sell at cost, I am willing to do that for you guys ? I just can?t sell at a loss. So, if you opt to keep waiting, you do not have to e-mail us or anything, we will just contact you as soon as a processor becomes available.

You do not need to contact us if you wish to stick with your order.
If we receive processor at a lower price, you will get priority over orders that have paid the ?extra? amount, as long as they ordered after you (that is to say, your original spot in line is most important)
We still do not have an ETA in this case.

Option 2: You opt to pay the higher price.

If time is of the essence to you and you need your processor ASAP, and are willing to pay the premium for it, we can fill your orders quicker. Please note, these prices will NOT be used to give us any larger profit at all ? I am simply passing the recent wholesale price increases along to you. If you wish to do this, simply e-mail us with your order number, and we can take care of this for you. Furthermore, I will not bill you for the additional cost until such a time that I actually have a processor available to ship to you.

If you want to do this, e-mail us with your order number, and we will make the change.
If we get a batch of processors that we pay more for, your order will be filled in the order it was placed, from the pool of orders which accept the higher rates.
If we get a batch of processors that we pay the original price for, you will not be charged the extra amount, if we can fill your order after everyone before you has been filled.
You will not be billed the extra amount until we have a processor in hand, ready to ship.
This method will definitely speed up delivery.
Prices may change if our suppliers change them again!


E6600: $368.00 (subject to change if suppliers increase prices again) (20 currently on the way, available for shipping early next week)

E6700: $599.00 (subject to change if suppliers increase prices again) (None on the way yet, but will update by the end of the week)

Option 3: You can cancel your order outright.

If you wish to do this, just e-mail us with your order number, and credit card expiration date. We will then cancel your order, and issue your refund, less the 5% cancellation fee.


I realize this is all a little crazy, and I am very sorry to have to resort to a system like this. It is my hope that this system is the most ?fair? option, as it does not force anyone to pay more than they originally wanted, it will let people get them sooner if they wish, we do not lose money, and it will hopefully speed up allocation in general. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us? but please realize we are getting a LOT of e-mail lately, so it may take us longer than usual to respond.

You can also keep up to date with the latest news on our forum (http://www.tankguys.biz/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=4)

In other good news, I also have a shipment of P5W DH Deluxe boards on the way as of tomorrow, so we?ll start filling those orders as well ? I knew some of you would like to hear that!

-Ben Peters

Sales Department

TankGuys Computer Parts


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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
True, what else could they realistically do though? They've been pretty good to me always.


Jun 12, 2006
Please read Ben's posts on their message board. You are not required to pay the extra amount, and if you don't, you will get them the same time you would have had the email never been sent out. It's not Tankguys' fault they are getting screwed over by their suppliers.


Senior member
Aug 9, 2006
ya but are they getting screwed or is this just a way to squeak out more cash...sounds fishy to me they say "We will simply keep your pre-order at the price you paid, and will just have to ship it as soon as we can buy the processors at a low enough price" so you still wont get the processor till they supposedly get them at a good price


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
They charge the 5$ fee to help cover credit card processing losses. (I had an order with them for an E6600). They're pretty upfront about everything, including stuff like that. Anyone who had a pre-order with them was furnished with the info that after a certain date, canceling preorders would have a 5 dollar charge. I suspect they are being legitimate with what they are saying.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2005
Originally posted by: tylerw13
ya but are they getting screwed or is this just a way to squeak out more cash...sounds fishy to me they say "We will simply keep your pre-order at the price you paid, and will just have to ship it as soon as we can buy the processors at a low enough price" so you still wont get the processor till they supposedly get them at a good price

Boy do I regret even OFFERING this option to anyone.

This is not to make more money for us.

It does not slow allocation down for anyone.

It does not force anyone to pay more money.

It does not change thier spot in line.

It DOES give people the option to hopefully get a chip sooner.

It DOES speed up shipping for everyone.

For crying out loud, we've got one of the best reputations of any online store on most of the forums. Why, on God's green earth, would I all of a sudden pull some insane stunt to make a few extra bucks? Please, give me the benefit of the doubt here, and realize I am only trying to help our customers out.



Senior member
Aug 9, 2006
that is fine but i still dont even see how that is going to speed up the process...just keep it like it was...first in line gets theirs...why the change then? im not going to spread bad news about your company i just am upset with the stupid change

i really was impressed about the upfront news about your shipping but this was just not a good descision


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2005
Originally posted by: tylerw13
that is fine but i still dont even see how that is going to speed up the process...just keep it like it was...first in line gets theirs...why the change then? im not going to spread bad news about your company i just am upset with the stupid change

I've addressed this on our forum too, but let me explain it here:

You ordered for price XXX. My supplier now asks for XXX + $15. Would I buy those, and then "sell" them to you for a $15 loss? No. Would you?

So, what do I do? I tell everyone that hey, I have some available at a higher price, so if you want, you may pay more to buy those. Keep in mind, I would have never bought them otherwise.

So now, those 20 people pay more, get the chips, are are now out of the line. Tada, you are now a few spots further ahead, have paid nothing, not had your ETA changed at all.

I really, REALLY wish people would just ask me these things, before posting a thread like this. You may not mean to, but yes, you are spreading bad news about our company, and all I'm doing is trying to help EVERYONE out, all while gaining NOTHING for myself



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
TankGuys went out of their way to help me when i ordered a few things from them, & while this is a rough situation, i don't think you can fault Ben for what he's had to do here.

They have an insanely good rep out there, & for good reason.

I am considering ordering from them even though i could get my planned C2D stuff for about the same in Canada, simply because of their service.


Apr 27, 2000
Yeah, doesn't look to me like Tankguys is screwing anyone over. It's the suppliers doing it.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
I think they are great, but I haven;t ordered from them yet.

I definity think they are NOT trying to pull a fast one.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Wow i just read thru the comments on their forums.

They have a bunch of idiots screaming over there, since the idiots don't have reading comprehension.

I feel bad for TankGuys on this one, as they now have to contend with a bunch of whiners who didn't read the fine print before pre-ordering, or who can't seem to comprehend the letter they sent out.


Apr 27, 2000
At least Tankguys has the decency to address the problem on their forums. The whiners don't even seem to appreciate that.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
I'm thinking that if the original e-mail had mentioned a $15 or so price difference, then there wouldn't have been much problem. But, when a company says "more money", involving a C2D, people start thinking the same thing I did when I read that e-mail. So, is the price difference really only $15? If so, nobody should be complaining.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2004
Originally posted by: n7
Wow i just read thru the comments on their forums.

They have a bunch of idiots screaming over there, since the idiots don't have reading comprehension.

I feel bad for TankGuys on this one, as they now have to contend with a bunch of whiners who didn't read the fine print before pre-ordering, or who can't seem to comprehend the letter they sent out.

Most people, like the OP, see a $15 dollar increase and think the company is trying to screw them without reading the fine print.

It says clearly, ETA doesn't change and that they do not pay more. He simply gives the option to people to pay more for getting a chip sooner if they pay a little extra because the supplier decided to try and screw tank guys.


Jul 23, 2006
Isn't a pre-order still an order that must be fulfilled at some specified later date?

Why did they promise if they can't deliver? (assuming they actually specified a date for customers when they pre-ordered).

It's still a contract, irregardless of whatever other circumstances that passed (unless extreme).

If it was up to me, I'd offer a free one-time cancellation (due to extreme circumstances). ie. if you can't offer the goods, then don't take the money.

Supplier raising prices does not imply that you're not obligated to fulfill your contract with your customer.


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by: buzzsaw13
Most people, like the OP, see a $15 dollar increase and think the company is trying to screw them without reading the fine print.

It says clearly, ETA doesn't change and that they do not pay more. He simply gives the option to people to pay more for getting a chip sooner if they pay a little extra because the supplier decided to try and screw tank guys.

Or maybe they see that for more money someone will be able to shortcut the pre-order line. Sure, it says clearly that ETA doesn't change, but what if 200 people were to offer to pay the extra 15 bucks (with the possiblity of that amount going higher)? Who is to say that all 200 of those people wouldn't go in front of the people with the original commitment, regardless of the price from the supplier? Or that $15 dollar figure rises until the amount of people willing to pay the extra money matches the number of shipments received?

Sure, they had a great reputation, and people here trust that the founder is going to be honest about the whole deal, but some people aren't so trusting. Charging a 5% cancellation fee is icing on the cake.

I can understand why everyone who fronted money to them feels slighted, but I cannot understand the foaming at the mouth that exists at their site.

If you think they are being shady, cancel the order, lesson learned and move on.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: shamans
Isn't a pre-order still an order that must be fulfilled at some specified later date?

Why did they promise if they can't deliver? (assuming they actually specified a date for customers when they pre-ordered).

It's still a contract, irregardless of whatever other circumstances that passed (unless extreme).

If it was up to me, I'd offer a free one-time cancellation (due to extreme circumstances). ie. if you can't offer the goods, then don't take the money.

Supplier raising prices does not imply that you're not obligated to fulfill your contract with your customer.


They didn't specify a date by which the pre-orders would be fulfilled.
That was clearly stated on the page for the pre-orders.
It was even bolded IIRC; i remember seeing it a number of times on the main pre-order page.

Those who pre-ordered are still going to get the CPU they ordered at the same goddamn time as they would have.

Ben is merely offering some E6600s for a bit more since some people were asking if he could get some in, but for more.

The sad thing is, if he'd been smart, he never would sent out this email, & the idiots whining now woulda never known any better.
Instead though, he decides to be honest with his customers, & they whine their dumb asses off.



Golden Member
Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by: n7
Those who pre-ordered are still going to get the CPU they ordered at the same goddamn time as they would have.

Assuming, of course, that the supplier drops the prices back down.

[Edit: They just offered to waive the cancellation fees. Great move!]


Senior member
Apr 21, 2005
It says clearly, ETA doesn't change and that they do not pay more. He simply gives the option to people to pay more for getting a chip sooner if they pay a little extra because the supplier decided to try and screw tank guys.

That's not how I understand that e-mail...what is says is:

Option 1: You keep your order as-is.

We will simply keep your pre-order at the price you paid, and will just have to ship it as soon as we can buy the processors at a low enough price to be able to fill these orders.

...which seems to me to be saying that if they get a shipment of 100 processors at $365 apeice, but only 50 people decided to pay the extra $15, they will ship to those 50 people, and leave the other people who did not pay extra high and dry until they can get a shipment of chips in at $350 apeice or less, regardless of the fact that there may exist a surplus of the more expensive chips. Whether or not they would actually do this is open to speculation, but the mere implication that they might is probably enough to convince at least some additional people to just pay the higher amount.

Really I think that as they were the ones who decided to take pre-orders, they should have an obligation to honor the pre-order price, and to follow through on their "first come, first served" policy, even if that means they have to ship out chips at a loss. At the very least, they should not still be charging their 5% cancellation fee to individuals who want to cancel as a result of this change. If they're going to rewrite the rules for themselves, it's blantantly unfair to assert that those same rules still apply to their customers.

Those who pre-ordered are still going to get the CPU they ordered at the same goddamn time as they would have.

No, if you were the first person to place a pre-order, and decide not to pay extra, and a shipment of the more expensive chips come in, then you don't get your chip at the same time you would have. I'm pretty sure that the people pre-ordering were doing so under the assumption that they were pre-ordering the first available chips, on a first-come, first-served basis, and *not* the assumption that they were pre-ordering the first available chips to come in at under the pre-order price they were paying.

Such is the risk that retailers take when they allow pre-orders, and such is the incentive to consumers...by paying early, you guarantee yourself one of the first chips, and (supposedly) lock in an acceptable price early to insulate yourself in case of short supply.


Aug 16, 2006
Originally posted by: n7

They didn't specify a date by which the pre-orders would be fulfilled.
That was clearly stated on the page for the pre-orders.
It was even bolded IIRC; i remember seeing it a number of times on the main pre-order page.

Those who pre-ordered are still going to get the CPU they ordered at the same goddamn time as they would have.

Ben is merely offering some E6600s for a bit more since some people were asking if he could get some in, but for more.

The sad thing is, if he'd been smart, he never would sent out this email, & the idiots whining now woulda never known any better.
Instead though, he decides to be honest with his customers, & they whine their dumb asses off.


Yep. And people wonder why no one (biz/gov/ect) tells them anything these days. People are dumb.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2005
Allow me to explain (yet again ) why this isn't "Bad" for anyone:

1 - If my supplier calls me up and says, "Ben, I've got 300 E6600's for $360, do you want them?" I would say NO. If I only charged $350 for them, why on earth would I pay $360 for them? So, in this case, I don't buy any, and nobody gets orders filled, since I'm still waiting for better priced processors from another supplier. No change in ETA.

2 - Same scenerio, but this time, I tell customers that if they want to pay more, they can, and I'll get them chips. 20 people say yes, they will pay more. I then order 20 of those chips at the higher price, and ship to those 20 customers. The customers who did not pay extra now have 20 fewer people in line, so they get moved up a bit, for doing nothing. Now, we've moved more inventory, so now Intel/Distributors take us a bit more seriously, and speed up allocation and/or drop prices back down, both of which make it easier to fill orders.

Furthermore, if I am able to secure inventory at the lower price, I give NO preference to people willing to pay more, nor will I charge them more.

Now that I explain it this way, please, if anyone still see a problem, let me know.

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