Honesty please, Are overweight people (women) undesireable?

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vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Wow. A poster who can't even comprehend his own posts. Now I've seen everything.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< What, specifically, is so ignorant about nomahe? >>

I find his remarks to be devoid of rational thought. He makes absolutist remarks as fact. What I dislike most is his word choice in stating his ideas. Not to mention to overall lack of civility

A difference exists between an opinion and stating one's opinion as infallible with no evidence.


May 21, 2001

<< I find his remarks to be devoid of rational thought. He makes absolutist remarks as fact. What I dislike most is his word choice in stating his ideas. Not to mention to overall lack of civility

A difference exists between an opinion and stating one's opinion as infallible with no evidence.

I started out stating my opinion in a civil way. You guys want to attack me and I'm supposed to remain civil? There's more idiots here than I thought. None of you would remain civil if you were attacked either. I have a right to not think fat people are/aren't sexy, big frickin deal. I wasn't cutting them down until you guys flamed me, so live with it.



Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
Yes, it's turned into a nomahe vs. Everyone Else bashfest.
It's shallow, ovbious and pointless. Mind you, there's plenty of girls out there as shallow and meaningless so he probably won't have to go without sex. Unless he's butt-ugly as well as scrawny.

I'd post a pic of my wife and I but I have no way of doing so.... I need webspace.


May 21, 2001

<< I'd post a pic of my wife and I but I have no way of doing so.... I need webspace. >>

I don't blame you. Spare us please.
I know I'll worry about this for a long time. All these people ganging up on me for what I believe. I should reconsider my opinions.

hzl eyed grl

Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999

<< jeweleeann,

This is one hell of a big thread for your first one right out of the box. Good job, flames and all!! I tip my horn to you.

You can see why she and I are such good friends. Heehee

This has ended up being rediculous. Of course nomahe is entitled to his opinion. Everyone is. He just hasn't developed the technique of tact or delivery. Given time, maybe he will.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2000

This has ended up being rediculous. Of course nomahe is entitled to his opinion. Everyone is. He just hasn't developed the technique of tact or delivery. Given time, maybe he will.[/i] >>

Of course we may not be alive then but here's to hoping


Senior member
Dec 7, 2000
this must be a very genetic impulse. Many cultures are attracted to &quot;fat&quot; women. I personally am not. I hate it. Had I seen pictures of my wife as a child before we got married, we would not have. that was 27 years ago. The weight turns me off. BUT, it seems to be a normal thing for a lot of women to put on a certain amount of fat during their twenties. Actually some of it looks healthy and some of it does not. I feel sorry for a couple where either person looks reasonalbly healthy and the other looks obese or towards obese. just does not seen fair. Its like, you like candy and trash food more than your partner. O:N THE OTHER HAND, the eating disorders suck. skinny is not a turn on for me either. SO if you going to gain weight anyway, eat as healthy as posssible and keep the portion of chocolate ice cream down to a small bowl. just buy expensive ice cream. yum, just had some. mount


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
I'm gonna bump this thread with some discussion of myself...

One thing people don't realize that genetics play a rollin obesity more than just metabolism. It also effects appetite and lifestyle... Look at it from an evolutionary perspective... the fat gene is designed for efficiency... to be able to survive as long as possible with the least amount of food. This means people with this gene... eat as much as possible when faced with food, because evoloutionarily speaking their bodies doesnt know if or when they'll get more. They tend to avoid unnecessary physical activity... it burns more gas, and the physiology of the person is intended for maximum efficiency.

I use myself as an example... I crave food... I desire to eat even when I'm not hungry... You talk about self dicipline... but it's as hard for people like me to eat &quot;normal&quot; as it is for you to fast... our bodies battle against us with all their might. Also the more overweight you are the more difficult it is to consistently work out.

Beyond even all these physiological obstacles... there is the issue of our society.... I SIT in an office for 8-12 hours a day... everywhere you go there are snack bars, fast food, soda machines... and people eating. Add the above to the physiological circumstances.. and you can clearly see a problem

You have people meant to go long periods of time without eating... who are continuously presented with more food to eat... and their physiology continuosly begging to eat more.

Basically what I am trying to say is you &quot;skinny&quot; and &quot;normal&quot; people HAVE NO IDEA AT ALL what it's like for the rest of us. You can't even imagine it... try doing this... try eating ONLY toast and water every day for a month... thats what dieting is like for us... x2...

Myself... I am indeed overweight... but in a weird way.. I'm 6'5&quot; 300lbs.. but I run a 4.7 in the 40... thats close to the speed of the average NFL linebacker... I benchpress 450 pounds... I play rugby... and was the leading try(touchdown) scorer on my team... and that came not just from running over people.. but through my agility... which I have alot of... and I play for a Division I college team... so we're talking the real deal. And yet I have alot of fat on me... and it is soooooo hard to lose... in fact really I shouldn't worry about it... this is how my body is supposed to look... it would take unnatural effort to fit our societies mold of a person. So what would be said to me?... just eat more veggies?... run every day?.... please if it were only that simple!



Senior member
Apr 7, 2000
hey nomahe,,,u just went from senior to elite member by talking sh*t to people. Maybe i should find some people to insult too

BTW, why is namahe being flamed for stating his opinion? If he isn't attracted to fat people, then he should be able to say it. Period.


Senior member
Jun 28, 2000
Well as a guy, I am a bit ashamed to say that if you showed me two women who I didn't know I would always pick the better looking (thinner whatever...), but I suppose one could be attracted to a chubby 'chick', but probably not at first glance. I used to be fat and trust me it's much easier for me to get laid now then back then (women who say they dig fat guys are either liars or have weird emotional problems that need to be dealt with).

MY $00.02

Urinal Mint

Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2000

Too bad 99.9% of the good looking chicks out there don't like big guys, eh? Well, I guess if you were making millions as an NFL player it might change things.


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
You know what makes me sick? I get treated better by everyone (including the Mister) when I am in good shape. Naturally, I try to stay in good shape because I don't like being treated like crap. Oh, I can tell the difference, and we aren't even talking about me ever being really big or anything. One of the main reasons I have worked to get back in shape after each kid and then strive to stay in shape is because it makes a difference in the way my husband treats me. Oh, he denies it... but he just isn't aware of it. He was raised in a family that values beauty in women above all other qualities, and even though he has learned to value intelligence in women as well, he still equates prettier with better. I have more 'power' when I am in good shape and I think that is a really sad commentary of our societal values. I am more easily 'forgiven' my transgressions if I look appealing.

I'll tell you this much... if there was a man who could love me and treat me right because of who I am inside rather than how hot I could be, I would die from the shock.



Sep 13, 2000

<< I'll tell you this much... if there was a man who could love me and treat me right because of who I am inside rather than how hot I could be, I would die from the shock >>

Nah, you would do what I did, marry his ass quick smart.

Edit - Isla, very true !


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Well I'm gonna start off by saying I read through all of the posts! whew! I used to have an overweight girlfriend. She was larger than I was. I'm 6'1&quot; @ 200. Anyways, I liked her for what she was. It was what attracted me to her. And I think everyone woudl agree that if you are attracted to their personality, you will become attracted to her completely.

As far as obesity goes, there are extremes that are #1) unappealing and #2) unhealthy. My sister works in a OBGYN clinic in beverly hills. She's part of the labor and delivery ward. She has to deal with alot of patients who are overweight. In fact a mojority of the patients that are in need of urgent or emergency care or have complications with labor are severely overwieght women. She had a 500lb woman where they had to have 3 nurses hold back the fat from the legs in order to have a successful delivery. On top of that, their hygiene isn't one to be commended.

In any event, skin and bones women are something less desired. For me, I am prefectly happy with a little meat on my GFs bones. It's just kinda cute! And for those that think women don't like a little plump guys, just ask my GF. Uses my belly as a pillow!

But in all honesty, heed the wors of the wise. Try and maintain a healthy lifestyle if you feel you are overweight or cannot look at yourself in a mirror and say &quot;Damn! I like the way I look!&quot; A large part of your whole being resides in how you feel about yourself. I see alot of users posting threads about how do I approach this girl, or what can I do, or blah blah blah. Don't stress out over it. I mean what can you do about it right? Just be yourself (god how many times have ppl said that) and you'll eventually get what you've been looking for.

And back to the original question at hand.... NO overweight people are not undesirable, may be less desirable for some, as can be said for superskinny.


May 4, 2001
I think it depends on what you mean by overweight. Some girls are thick, or big-boned (or whatever you wanna call it) but healthy. Some girls are athletic and healthy, others are skinny to the point of unhealthy, and some girls are overweight to the point of being unhealthy.

For the most part, most of my friends, myself included, would rather have a &quot;healthy&quot; gf, than one who is skinny, or overweight. What matters alot is personality, yes. But so does appearance. I'm sorry but it does. Overweight people have more risk of having all kinds of medical problems later in life. (heart conditions, back problems, breathing, etc.) Being underweight also carries many health risks. I think that unconsciously factors into our minds. Also, it can be (obviously it's not a rule but it CAN be) an indicator of lifestyle, like whether a person is lazy or active, neat or messy, etc.

Really, I think it's unfair to blame men on &quot;letting&quot; society shape our minds of what attractive means. IMO the standards were much lower before the women's rights movement. Now, at the height of power that womanhood has ever known, the standards for being an &quot;attractive female&quot; are also the most limiting they've ever been. Secondly, if the standards truly are created by men, then it's because that's what men want isn't it? Not because we let society make us want that. (I'm probably rambling at this point, I hope this all makes sense in some way.)

Besides, TV and magazines really don't reflect the true perception men have on beauty. Rather, they offer a narrow sense of it. I'd prefer an all natural soccer-chick as opposed to some silicone-injected bimbo who's waist is 1/18 the circumference of her chest.

Also I think women promote this trend just as much as men do. I always hear my female friends commenting that being in shape, and dressing in particular ways makes them FEEL confident. Which makes them feel more sexy, which makes them feel better about themselves. And let me tell you that I, and most people I know, find confidence an attractive trait.

So I guess I'd say weight is not necessarily an issue, while being overweight can be, jusy as being underweight can be an issue.


May 4, 2001
vi_edit, I dont go to the gym and my body fat is 7%, genetics I guess, I eat crap like fast food all the time, stays the same, and I have a six-pack with no situps

See, having a six-pack is ALL about metabolism and having a caloric deficit in your diet. It's funny houw many people think you can spot reduce an area of fat on the body. Well, you can't. You're just a lucky person who has high a$$ed metabolism. The simgle most important part of losing fat is hacing a good diet, which has a caloric deficit, so that your body uses burns fat for energy. But that doesn't mean not eating. In fact, you'll notice that healthier people eat more. Ironically enough, you also have to provide nutrients to prevent muscle loss because your body will also deteriorate your muscle cells for energy.


Sep 13, 2000

<< Appearance must mean a hell of a lot, because chicks won't have anything to do with me. >>

Unless your real name is Urinal Mint, I can't see why that would be the case, I clicked on your link and you look fine.

Urinal Mint

Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2000

<< vi_edit, I dont go to the gym and my body fat is 7%, genetics I guess, I eat crap like fast food all the time, stays the same, and I have a six-pack with no situps

See, having a six-pack is ALL about metabolism and having a caloric deficit in your diet. It's funny houw many people think you can spot reduce an area of fat on the body. Well, you can't. You're just a lucky person who has high a$$ed metabolism. The simgle most important part of losing fat is hacing a good diet, which has a caloric deficit, so that your body uses burns fat for energy. But that doesn't mean not eating. In fact, you'll notice that healthier people eat more. Ironically enough, you also have to provide nutrients to prevent muscle loss because your body will also deteriorate your muscle cells for energy.

That's a fact... I eat 6 times a day and since I started doing this I've lost 30 lbs of scale weight (lost 40lbs fat and gained 10lbs muscle).

Kassy: Thanks for the words of encouragement, and no, this isn't my real name But honestly, I have to wonder about it, because all I ever get is the cold shoulder.
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