HOT: Ghettopoly! Monopoly with a twist. Awsome Game!!!

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Mar 14, 2002
Hell I was a ghetto living fool from childhood on up to 12 and I was on the same level as everyone regardless of color. Yet, I don't bitch.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
You know, sitting here looking over the thread again I got this sudden BLAST of deja vu! Could it be a glitch in the matrix?!

But seriously, I was looking over some of the "racist" labeling portions of this thread, and suddenly I could almost SWEAR that we had a similar thread where we started debating whether it was in fact racist in and of itself to assume Americans are white or something. Or maybe I'm on crack myself. Heh.

Anyways, on a side note, sometimes people piss me the f*ck off with their views on race, racism and whatnot. Sometimes it's just like, "Can they SERIOUSLY think that?!" cuz it's so stupid. But then they think I'm the stupid one who can't face "reality" when, I feel, in fact that THEY are the stupid wrong ones who can't see past the so called "reality" of races that they so believe in. Of course I just realized now that nobody here has a clue of what I'm saying because of the vague way I just typed this heh.

I personally feel that races are:
a)arbitrary decisions made by some random people who decided to divide people because, hell, they had nothing better to do and what would people do if they couldn't divide everybody!
b)ignorant(modern "races" I mean) of any sort of cultural or ethnic divisions, and-due to this-utterly idiotic because if you're going to try and lump people together based on features or whatever, it's kind of stupid just to group people based singuarly-and even then very poorly-on the color of their skin.
c) do I say this...idiotic as hell. For example, the English believed that the Irish were their own(inferior) race(although I suppose the long hatred between the English and Irish would sort of contribute here heh). Of course nowadays the racists won't bother with trying to distinguish here, but then again you had people like Hitler and such who would slice up white people into god knows how many races. I suppose then you might be better at distinguishing cultures, but then you run into the problem of:
d)Unbelievably retarded numbers of possible races. Ah yes. Think about this one for a second. Now, hispanic people as a "race", not only comprise an absurdly vast array of people based on culture and features and skin tone, BUT are(see the word hispanic) thus a mixture of the "Spanish race" and the native american indians of hundreds of years ago. Thus right here you see a "race" that comes from two "races" mixing. Of course this sort of logic then dictates that EVERY single multiracial mixture possibly must thus be it's own race. Clearly you can see the idiocy that can come to the table if you decide to start applying these race defining rules to everybody, and keep in mind here Hispanic is only the mixing of 2 "races". If you have ancestors of 3, 4, 5 "races" think of how many possible new races you could now define.

Anyway, I guess enough of my rant. I feel that races were largely defined by white people in looking at how the divisions were made, particularly since there seems to be(historically heh) a lumping of OTHER groups together into absurdly large groups while paying closer attention to white cultural divides. Of course this has since stopped to a large extent(perhaps WWII helped remind them what this type of divisive idiocy can lead to), but still... But the point is, I feel that we should just DROP this whole race concept wholeheartedly. It just doesn't make sense to continue trying, if our future as Americans(well I know anandtechers aren't neccessarily from the USA, but hell this is Hot Deals and most of us are from the USA here since I don't see hot deals for Thailand or Greece) includes more "multiracial" people. Already we see the census having more people checking off this option, because quite frankly it would be impossible to continue classifying people with a race.

And why is it neccessary?! If you want programs to aid those who are disadvantaged in climbing higher in society because they live in a ghetto, why not just have programs that are based on financial ability? Why have any specific programs targeted towards specific races? If you make the program cover just poorer people, the fact that there are more poor people in the ghetto would AUTOMATICALLY self select the program for them while simultaneously covering any future changes in the skin color of the population that is disadvantaged or something. But alas, divisive political entanglements have made anybody actually pulling this off damn near impossible. It's become some stupid game of white conservatives going something like "why should we be put at a disadvantage" or "I'm not paying for these programs to help blah blah blah" while black I guess it's called liberals? go something like "it's the right of our people who have been put down for generations" etc. The reason why the white people don't care is partially just that it's not benefiting white people, bad as that sounds. But even though it sounds horrible it's largely true. They just see it as "those people" getting the benefits so they don't really support it. Obviously I'm not saying ALL white people are conservatives that don't support whatever programs, but there is a trend lately towards more conservative republican type thinking(see President). Programs could probably be better made to aid ALL poor people, and hopefully help kill off poverty for America once and for all, but of course these programs would encounter really high resistance from whatever political forces at work. Because once it's not just patching up for some specific wrongdoing it'll quickly become marked as a socialist policy or whatever. BAH!!!

BAAAHH!!!!! BAAAAAAAAA!!!'s too early for me to be thinkin.

But just think of how nice it would be if everybody could FINALLY freakin' let go of races as some way to divide people. Why is it necessary to go around classifying everybody as people of some race? No, really think about it. Even recent studies of the political viewpoints of "hispanics" (see sunday new york times 8/3/03 aka yesterday's) have revealed that IT DOES NOT WORK TO CLASSIFY PEOPLE WITH RIDICULOUS "RACES" if you want to glean ANY useful information. If you're trying to make sure that poor blacks have better living conditions, or poor hispanics, or whatever, doesn't it make more sense to just make sure all poor people have better living conditions? I mean, chinatown isn't glamourous either, nor is a trailer park, or whereever, and the kids there aren't going to benefit from specific race targeted programs. The thing is that these race targeted programs are just going to piss off the people who are excluded and poor themselves, leading them to that "pissed off poor white person who's in the KKK" type of mentality and continue any divisive thinking. It doesn't HAVE to be that way at all if we could just all give THE FVCK UP ON THIS IDIOTIC CONCEPT THAT'S JUST FLAWED BEYOND ALL COMPREHENSION BECAUSE IF YOU REALLY GAVE A CRAP ABOUT PEOPLE'S BACKGROUNDS THEN YOU'D REALIZE THAT LUMPING PEOPLE ALL THE WAY FROM MONGOLIA TO JAPAN TO INDONESIA TO VIETNAM AS MONGOLOID OR ASIANS OR WHATEVER IS RIDICULOUS. And what exactly is "negroid" as a race!? How fricking different are the people being lumped there as far as their historical experiences have been?!? Hell, even tribes living in the same country don't think they're the same people at all, let alone an entire continent of people. And Hispanic people vary just as much, and so do "white" people. Sorry about not putting quotes around enough stuff but sometimes it just slips my mind, or maybe I've used quotes too much. Whatever. Screw this race stuff.

Oh, best of all, if we screw this race stuff we can now enjoy Ghettopoly as simply making fun of poor people! WOOOHOOO! (this was a joke in case you have no sense of humor). And there's nothing racist of making fun of poor people. Hahaha poor people suck!(heh Cartman).


Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Deafcon22
...but comparing living in a ghetto in America to an impoverished people being ruled by a communist dictatorship is ludacris to say the least.


edit: crap, huesmann beat me to it


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: bolomite
haha, Redneckopoly is coming soon

Yeah, I can see it now. You pick a card and it says You froze to death at a drivin movie watching "Closed for Winter"!



Senior member
Dec 8, 1999
Originally posted by: Pugchucker
What would you think if I made a board game chronicling some painful episode in white or American culture, like the 9-11 attacks or Columbine. Yes, maybe a FPS about the columbine school shooting. How would that go over for you? Fun game, or not?

Probably would get a 83/100 on the Ionizer fun scale.


Senior member
Dec 8, 1999
Originally posted by: coomarlin
I absolutely could not have said it better. I am so tired of hearing about racism. Quit using it as a crutch and move on. I am confidient that the most racist people I know are the black comics who insist on belittling us white "Crackers". For some reason it's ok for them to make jokes about us, but if the roles are reversed you get Jesse Jackson and his damn rainbow coalition raising hell.

I don't consider myself a rasist one bit. I have nearly as many black friends as I do white friends. But I do take offense at the black people that throw that sh!t in my face and use racism as a crutch. Besides, it's not just blacks that live in he ghetto or are pimps. Ever heard of Mr. Whitefolks? One of the most prolific white pimps of all time. And I surely know my share of white people that like to smoke chronic. Just get over it.

Originally posted by: BiggieC
Just returning fire. BTW, how did I become the villian in this totally bigotous post-fest by pointing out that that game is as sterotyping and racist as they come. How did you manage to turn that on me. I come in here, get confronted with horrendous and degrading racial sterotypes and then get slammed on top of it. Very nice. Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm done with this thread.

Seriously, this is so racist. I mean, whoever heard of a black neighborhood with a drug or crime problem? Who is defending white people from the racist jokes of eddie murphy or chris rock? its funny if they say cracker, f@g or beloved patriot, but any white comic uses a racist term and he's a terrible bigot and is practically crucified. I think both these guys are hilarious, but the doublestandard there is to making fun of white people vs. any other race is ridiculous.

While I agree wholeheartedly with your comments, I hate to see when non-black people justify not being racist by saying "I have just as many black friends as white friends." Personally, I have no black friends, but I don't feel I am racist in any non-human way. (We are all in some form biological racists, our human eyes distinguish differences in all manners, that's how we see anyway. If we didn't we wouldn't be human. Now acting on those differences is another story and that is true racism.)


Senior member
Dec 31, 2000
Originally posted by: AnimEva
i personally feel people who dont live in the ghetto area will ever know how it is.

it isnt just the area, but also how the environment affects you. if you lived in a ghetto area since childhood, things are just not the same. Schooling is very different. Yes you can still overcome it, but the chances of it occurring is just less frequent.

Do you feel a school that can barely afford computers and have a run down library with old encyclopedia can compete with schools that have modern computers, internet connection and so forth?

I recall watching some show about two black neighborhoods, separated by a crossing bridge, just passing the bridge over to each area and you have two totally different neighborhoods.

Like I said, people who live in good neighborhoods are just sometimes too spoiled and ignorant to understand how much it takes to live in a ghetto neighborhood. Just lots to have to overcome sometimes.

I just dont understand sometimes why Cities keep pumping extra money to renovate certain schools that are already in high Standards lets say in NYC, Stuyvesant, when there are so many other High Schools that really need the funding as well. Makes no sense. I mean spending money for a school just to have escalators for their students, where another schools can barely afford computers, makes no sense to me.

B*LLSHIT! I am Black/Latino (yes I have mixed ancestory). I don't live in the ghetto persay but I'm not middle class. I live in Brooklyn (Flatbush/Midwood area). One of my fraternity brothers lives in a semi-ghetto apt complex (Church Ave area). My cousins used to live in the same area (till it got worse then it was back then). My cousins are still living a semi-impovershed life. My fraternity brother is in school (Syracuse University BABY... NATIONAL CHAMPS) with a 3.0+ GPA and is currently interning at ABC. Yes certain schools in certain areas are better then others. I went to Brooklyn Techincal High School (one of three specialized school in NYC). And while you have to gain admittance by test (prove your smarts), there were plenty of ghetto people in the school, so it's not an elitest school as many think of those three. The point is relying on the fact that you are a minority and living in the ghetto is what is holding people back. Instead it should be pushing them forward. Everyday on the subway or bus I hear kids talking about how they hate school, how they skip class and such. They are more worried about getting a piece of *ss (wonder why there are so many 14-16 year old mothers?) or hanging on the stoop or whatever. Bunch on idiots in my opinion. Education is the key. It can uplift you and take you out of the ghetto. So, some schools don't get the top educational materials and so forth. The students still don't take advantage of the education they get. Minorities are to much into promoting other things then education. Money, sex and drugs (alcohol is a drug to me). is what we promote to our youth. It's like I was telling a friend of mine the other day. There are thousand of top quality street ballers out there. Many of them young people in highschool. They are more interested in playing ball to get into the NBA, when if they took just a fourth of that enthusiam and put it towards school, they could get to the NBA (or at least college). They could end up playing overseas or the CBA/USBL. But instead most will probably end up playing street ball for the rest of there lives while they make minimum wage at Shopright. Very sad.



Dec 2, 2000
I think if Redneckopoly is based on my brother-in-law's family it will be a huge success. They don't own a house or even a trailer, but they do own a 1985 school bus that has Talladega spraypainted on the side. I dont think I laugh at anyone's misfortune.... but I do laugh at the stupid choices they make ;-)

Originally posted by: Pugchucker I guess it makes you feel better to laugh at other people's misfortunes. That's kinda sad...but enjoy if that's your thing.



Senior member
Aug 31, 2002
Originally posted by: Pugchucker
What would you think if I made a board game chronicling some painful episode in white or American culture, like the 9-11 attacks or Columbine. Yes, maybe a FPS about the columbine school shooting. How would that go over for you? Fun game, or not?

Actually, found a link to a website that is developing just such a game (9-11). Tried to go back to give the link although I question the "class" of providing the site with hits. The link was originally on Blue's News and is no longer working. I did find the following commentary about the game here

Concerning the racial discussion; I always think back to a quote made by a comic whose name I can't remember: [Paraphrasing] "There are so many reasons to dislike other people, settling on skin color is simply lazy."


Maybe it is the hermit in me but in a world with BILLIONS of people ask yourself the following questions:

How many would you roughly guess are actually decent, good-hearted people?
How many of these decent, good-hearted people (worldwide) will you actually ever meet?
Of those you decent, good-hearted people you have met in this point in your life, how many of those people have had a telling effect?
Of those you billions you have met and respect, how many have actually become great friends?
Of those billions you have met, respect, and are friendly with; how many have become LIFE LONG FRIENDS?

(note: do not attempt to use family members in the above equation, it skews the numbers downward)

So in the end how many people in this world, when all is said and done, are seriously worth your time and effort to think about? I am not saying I don't care about other people's suffering, but how do you know that when you give your $0.50 a day to help starving kids in Africa, that the Kid's not gonna grow up to be a real prick?
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