Hot or not? 74 GB WD Raptor HD SATA

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Senior member
Aug 5, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: sparkyclarky
You don't pay attention, do you? I mention that I HAVE Raptors. That is not irrelevant at all. That means I have experience with them.

You wrote that you had TWO Raptor's in RAID0, which again is 100% irrelevant. I was comparing to a SINGLE Raptor. 2 is not the same as 1. Ask any kindergarten teacher.

I have an excellent understanding of psychology - there's no need to patronize me.

Clearly, you do not. Frequently, people tend to overestimate their actual knowledge in an area. Perhaps you're familiar with a study published by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments. It's a must-read for you.

Subjective experience matters in computer hardware, because in the end that's all that you get from it. You interact with your computer hardware. Unless you are a hardware reviewer, you aren't sitting around all day benchmarking. You USE your hardware. And I can assure you that there is no "placebo effect" influencing my assessment of my Raptors.

It's patently obvious to anyone with even casual knowledge in psychology and experimental design that when somebody who has just spent $500 on 2 Raptors will NATURALLY report subjective improvements in performance REGARDLESS of actual differences because of the influence of positive expectations. Furthermore, should there be actual differnce in performance, it would also be expected that these individuals would exaggerate the performance improvement. For someone who claims to have an "excellent understanding of psychology," I am appalled. Please refer to that journal article above.

They are damn fast, plain and simple. You mention video editing. I'm sorry, but you obviously didn't pay any attention to what I mentioned most people do with their PCs. MOST people are not video editing. They use their PCs for accessing small files spread all over the HD, not multi-gig files located sequentially.

Oh really? Then how come the WD information page for your beloved Raptor boldly mentions the following:
"Performance" High-throughput SATA technology serves up huge files quickly, maximizing system utilization and enhancing productivity."

Note that it doesn't say "Performance: High throughput SATA technology serves up small little files quickly"

Furthermore, you seem to totally miss the fact that the Raptors ACCESS time is lower than the SEEK time of any IDE drive. The Raptor will be faster getting to data and moving small files around, plain and simple. You can't seem to get that through your head.

You apparently don't quite have a grasp of the terminology. Access time = SEEK time + rotational latency + (minor factors). I already TWICE explained to you how the improvement in rotational latency with the Raptor is OFFSET by the increased SEEK TIME you have by moving heads across the entire platter vs. only a fraction of your platters when only a small fraction of your 480GB RAID0 array is occupied.

And you bring up this totally BS point about the warranty. Name me 1 single IDE drive which has a 5 year warranty. Come on, you can come up with one, right? Oh wait, that's right! The only drives which have over 3 year warranties are SCSI and the Raptor. The Raptor is billed as Enterprise level hardware. It's designed for light server usage. This is shown in the Storagereview benches, but you must have ignored those. The hardware is built better than most if not all IDE drives.

I have already explained to you that warranty length does NOT in any way EQUATE to reliability. I even cited an example of how a Geo Metro with a 10-year warranty probably is NOT as reliable as a Honda Civic with a 3-year warranty, even though that Geo Metro has a longer warranty. Companies can include longer warranties to make people THINK their drives are more reliable. It's depressing that you are not able to critically evaluate a parallel example. tsk tsk.

That pricetag isn't just going to the 10,000 RPMs. Oh, you must also have forgot to address my point about the reliability of a 4 drive RAID 0 array....

Thanks for bringing that up. Well the bottom line is that regardless of the reliability of your drives, you should ALWAYS have a backup. ALWAYS. So this is irrelevant. But just for the sake of argument, you can take those 4 Maxtors and put them in a RAID10 configuration - that would give you 100% redundant fault tolerance. this would still give you the performance benefit of RAID0 over a single Raptor, plus be several orders of magnitude more reliable. EAT THAT.


People, don't you see??? This Val guy is gonna come after you if you disagree with him!
So don't disagree with him! Just say, "yes master, you're correct!"
Let's get him off this thread!

Is there a way to like "vote" somebody off from this forum? This Val guy is way to confrontational in manner which he conducts himself.
Nobody likes overtly agressive @sses.

Val is probably some dude with a small penis anyways.

Well, my excuses if you're a lady, but then again, that will explain a whole lot! (Sorry ladies, if Val is a lady, people like her give you a bad name)

You're an @ss and you KNOW IT!!!


Senior member
Aug 5, 2001
One last thing...

HAHAHA. There you go imaging things again. NOBODY on this thread has demonstrated the importance of "subjective" evaluations of performance. In fact, anytime this notion has been mentioned, I systematically addressed it and gave important reasons why the "feel" of a drive is NOT an accurate tool for comparison of performance evaluation. I think it's hilarious that someone can be so biased (i.e. you) that you can read the thread and NOT catch this point...and this kind of bias that clouds your ability to make accurate comparisons is EXACTLY why subjective observations are not useful. Thank you for further illustrating my points.

Here is one "subjective" point of view that EVERYONE will agree to...

Val is an @SS...

Bump me if you agree.


Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Originally posted by: jodhas
One last thing...

HAHAHA. There you go imaging things again. NOBODY on this thread has demonstrated the importance of "subjective" evaluations of performance. In fact, anytime this notion has been mentioned, I systematically addressed it and gave important reasons why the "feel" of a drive is NOT an accurate tool for comparison of performance evaluation. I think it's hilarious that someone can be so biased (i.e. you) that you can read the thread and NOT catch this point...and this kind of bias that clouds your ability to make accurate comparisons is EXACTLY why subjective observations are not useful. Thank you for further illustrating my points.

Here is one "subjective" point of view that EVERYONE will agree to...

Val is an @SS...

Bump me if you agree.

eh, not so much an ass... more like an 'anandtech all-star'... making long, cleverly worded arguments that no one really cares about.


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2002
(flame suit on)

I'm still waiting for someone to answer this question:
Originally posted by: Creig
Um, Ignoring the whole ValsalvaYourHeartOut vs sparkyclarky pissing match, why would anybody need a $220 after rebate 74GB hard drive when deals can be had that get you a 7,200 rpm 80GB Western Digital SE (8mb cache) for $20 after rebates?

Are load times so intolerably slow with these drives that you find the need to spend 11X more money for basically the same amount of storage space? Must be nice to have that kind of money to throw around.
After all, this was Valsalva's argument, in a nutshell. He never said the drive was crap, but rather that with the miniscule overall system performance boost afforded by the Raptor over MUCH cheaper drives, it's just not as universally "hot" a deal as some are vehemently arguing. Even as a neutral onlooker I can tell that the 4x120 RAID0 example was thrown up "half-court from the hip", but the group decided to pick it apart, and deconstruct it to death, so he stuck by his guns. Any of you facing the same stacked deck would be on the defensive as well.

FWIW, I would not consider this more than a warm deal (the original point of this thread, lest we forget). To me, and probably a lot of others, no hotter than the ~$150 difference between a P4 3.2C and 3.4C...

BTW, this mountain goat clash is subscribed, you can believe that $hit.



Senior member
Oct 29, 2001
FWIW, heres an SR user doing some real-world benches of a single sata drive 120GB, a single 74GB raptor, and pair of 74gb raptors. Just numbers for those who are interested.



Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2000
You want benchmarks? Okay:

SR Bootup DriveMark 2002 (from their website)
1x 200 GB DM+9 - 288
2x 200 GB DM+9 RAID - 474

Oh wait, 1 Raptor scores 610 and you don't have to wait for the bios of the raid card.

But anyway guys, he doesn't have either setup, so let him argue. Anything he says will be on reliance of someone elses information.
That's why he's all over the place and can't back anything up.

Where's your setups ValsalvaYourHeartOut? Or are you going to continue to not provide any useful information.



Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2000
All of this makes me laugh. It wasn't too long ago that I paid $215 for a 13gb 5400rpm WD HD and didn't think twice about it.

Having used both types of setups I can say without a doubt that 2 raptors in raid is hands down the snappiest feeling fastest overall system I have ever used. 2 PATA drives in raid 0 is no slouch either but the raptors just have an overall feeling of being faster.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: AStar617
(flame suit on)

I'm still waiting for someone to answer this question:
Originally posted by: Creig
Um, Ignoring the whole ValsalvaYourHeartOut vs sparkyclarky pissing match, why would anybody need a $220 after rebate 74GB hard drive when deals can be had that get you a 7,200 rpm 80GB Western Digital SE (8mb cache) for $20 after rebates?

Are load times so intolerably slow with these drives that you find the need to spend 11X more money for basically the same amount of storage space? Must be nice to have that kind of money to throw around.
After all, this was Valsalva's argument, in a nutshell. He never said the drive was crap, but rather that with the miniscule overall system performance boost afforded by the Raptor over MUCH cheaper drives, it's just not as universally "hot" a deal as some are vehemently arguing.

EXACTLY!!! I'm glad somebody here is capable of reading.

Even as a neutral onlooker I can tell that the 4x120 RAID0 example was thrown up "half-court from the hip", but the group decided to pick it apart, and deconstruct it to death, so he stuck by his guns. Any of you facing the same stacked deck would be on the defensive as well.

RIGHT!! And all of a sudden, the "Raptor Owner's Club" came out of the woodwork and had a holy cow because they forked over $250+ on what they thought was God's gift to mass storage. Ordinarily, when people explain why hot deals are "not-as-hot," nobody cares. The Raptor thread is different because apparently there's a lot of people who forked over a lot of serious cash, and it makes them feel jipped to know they could have gotten 4 cheaper drives and obtained 5x the storage space and far-better STR performance.

FWIW, I would not consider this more than a warm deal (the original point of this thread, lest we forget). To me, and probably a lot of others, no hotter than the ~$150 difference between a P4 3.2C and 3.4C...

This is the perfect analogy, if you're talking about a $20 80GB WD vs. a $250 Raptor.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: treetop
ValsalvaYourHeartOut, can you take my GRE critical thinking and analysis section? :]

SSSHHHHHH. You shouldn't use words like "critical thinking" and "analysis" on this thread. You'll offend the Raptor Coalition. I implore you to use phrases like:
"I spent $250 on a Raptor, therefore [XYZ conclusion]"
"I don't want to believe RAID0 can be faster, therefore [XYZ conclusion]"
"The raptor "feels" faster to me, therefore [XYZ conclusion]"

And my personal favorite:
"I'm a smart and mature 17 year-old, therefore [XYZ conclusion]"

Best of luck on GRE, man.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Anyway, at this point, I haven't seen any new arguments that I haven't already addressed or are even remotely worth responding to. It seems like people here have been so desperate to disprove my RAID0x4 suggestion that they've really started scraping the bottom of the barrel for new ideas. This discussion has degenerated to the point where we're now voting whether we think Valsalva is an a$$, and therefore, the Raptor is the faster. BTW, I definitely vote YES...because with the type of offensive responses I've gotten here, I respond in similar fashion.

However, in light of a new deal on 80GB WD drives, I'd might as well offer ANOTHER alternate deal:
- 4 x WD ($20) in RAID0 = $80
- hpt374 RAID cardd = $80
Total: $160

You can use the remaining $90 that you would have spent on a $250 Raptor for something about an 8x DVD burner??
This config would still give you 320GB (vs. 74GB), has much faster STR, and is still cheaper.

Look, you can "choose" to believe me or not. I personally could care less. You could say "I don't like Valsalva's tone, therefore, I think the Raptor is faster." Again, don't care. It's not MY money...because if it WAS, I would pick the solution that had far-faster STR, larger storage capacity, and lower price tag. I don't need to "convince" myself that the $250 I forked over on a Raptor was worth it, so I don't have that pre-bias.

I think most intelligent readers of this thread can objectively consider both options and decide which solution would work best. For instance, people without any PCI slots left might not be able to add a RAID card in. That's reasonable...but to deny the fact that environments that benefit most from a fast HD system (i.e. STR-dependent) would not also receive substantial benefit from a RAID0x4 is 100% "lying to onself."

...and if you're happy with your Raptor, then who cares if a RAID0 is faster and cheaper? I think ppl on ATHD should know by now that you can't ALWAYS get the hottest deal all of the time.




Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: myusername
Originally posted by: Dug
You want benchmarks? Okay:

SR Bootup DriveMark 2002 (from their website)
1x 200 GB DM+9 - 288
2x 200 GB DM+9 RAID - 474

Oh wait, 1 Raptor scores 610 and you don't have to wait for the bios of the raid card.

This is a legitimate concern, but I didn' t point out the benchmarks above are from a particular test rig used by SR to illustrate the difference in bootup performance (in SR's RAID FAQ). These benchmarks are NOT from a formal review -- and I do NOT believe that the test computers were identical. Thus, it is not possible to make absolute comparisons between the benchmarks above and ones done in a formal review. This is why it is ALWAYS important to evaluate the data you're using before you draw conclusions to make sure it's valid and applicable.

In fact, if you look at the formal review benchmarks (which ARE comparable), you find that a single Maxtor DM-9 160GB has a Bootup DM2002 of 361!! This further illustrates the point that the test rigs were likely non-identical. Furthermore, if you look at the RELATIVE performance improvement from the benchmarks above, you see that the bootup DM2002 is improved by 65% with the addition of striping. A 65% improvement on 361 is 596. I think that 596 very well approximates the result of 610 obtained by the Raptor. Furthermore, with the addition of 2 MORE Maxtors in a 4-drive RAID0, I would expect the Bootup DM2002 to improve EVEN MORE. Again, the 4-drive RAID0 config KILLS the Raptor in this area...which is consistent with the excerpt from SR's website that unequivocally states the performance advantage of RAID0 on the STR-intensive boot process.

Nice try, though.



Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
hmm, i think i found out the problem with valsalva.......

inferiority complex
A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: masterxfob
hmm, i think i found out the problem with valsalva.......

inferiority complex
A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.

Well, you got me on that one. I must also have Raptor-envy, because right now I'm running a single 20 MB HD with 16ms access off an ISA controller card. Anything else you got there, Freud?

...or MAYBE...just MAYBE...I happen to be 100% correct, and I've been forced to defend my 4-drive RAID0 suggestion from a barrage of prepubescent, irrelevant, and desperate attacks (from people such as yourself)...but it's nice to know that you're been reading the dictionary and you're capable of reporting back big words that you're not sure how to use.



Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: masterxfob
hmm, i think i found out the problem with valsalva.......

inferiority complex
A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.

Well, you got me on that one. I must also have Raptor-envy, because right now I'm running a single 20 MB HD with 16ms access off an ISA controller card. Anything else you got there, Freud?

...or MAYBE...just MAYBE...I happen to be 100% correct, and I've been forced to defend my 4-drive RAID0 suggestion from a barrage of prepubescent, irrelevant, and desperate attacks (from people such as yourself)...but it's nice to know that you're been reading the dictionary and you're capable of reporting back big words that you're not sure how to use.


excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation
need i say more?


Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Originally posted by: masterxfob
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: masterxfob
hmm, i think i found out the problem with valsalva.......

inferiority complex
A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.

Well, you got me on that one. I must also have Raptor-envy, because right now I'm running a single 20 MB HD with 16ms access off an ISA controller card. Anything else you got there, Freud?

...or MAYBE...just MAYBE...I happen to be 100% correct, and I've been forced to defend my 4-drive RAID0 suggestion from a barrage of prepubescent, irrelevant, and desperate attacks (from people such as yourself)...but it's nice to know that you're been reading the dictionary and you're capable of reporting back big words that you're not sure how to use.


excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation
need i say more?

lol. perfect.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Welp...that pretty much sums up this discussion. The sincerest acknowledgement of defeat is when the opposition starts lobbing over the ad hominem attacks.

Anyway, to summarize, my suggestion is that instead of forking over $250 for a Raptor, a better deal would be 4 drives for $20-$60 each in a RAID0 configuration, using a $80 RAID card or the built-in one on your mobo. This gives you 4-5x the storage space, far-better STR-performance, and it's less expensive.

Nobody has offered any valid challenge to the above conclusion, and I think it's pretty much now established that a 4-drive RAID0 config is superior to a single Raptor for the current price.

I can sleep better at night knowing that I didn't squander $250 on a drive when I could have received far-better performance for less. Other people in this thread apparently can't deal with it, and who those people are is painfully obvious.



Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2000
Can you explain how you get 4 of the $20 80gb drives? The rebate is for 1 drive only.


Golden Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: masterxfob
hmm, i think i found out the problem with valsalva.......

inferiority complex
A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.

Stop it - I am laughing so hard , ,

What I find interesting is that several people here have had all this time for these inflated posts over a Ventine's Day weekend... pretty sad actually


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Welp...that pretty much sums up this discussion. The sincerest acknowledgement of defeat is when the opposition starts lobbing over the ad hominem attacks.

Anyway, to summarize, my suggestion is that instead of forking over $250 for a Raptor, a better deal would be 4 drives for $20-$60 each in a RAID0 configuration, using a $80 RAID card or the built-in one on your mobo. This gives you 4-5x the storage space, far-better STR-performance, and it's less expensive.

Nobody has offered any valid challenge to the above conclusion, and I think it's pretty much now established that a 4-drive RAID0 config is superior to a single Raptor for the current price.

I can sleep better at night knowing that I didn't squander $250 on a drive when I could have received far-better performance for less. Other people in this thread apparently can't deal with it, and who those people are is painfully obvious.


did mommy tell you to give it up?

i, as well as most everybody else, could care less for what you have to say. it's just so funny how some fools can get so worked up over nothing.

as for this thread, i just skimmed through it and noticed that you were being quite the know-it-all (as you always seem to be). so i thought it would be fun to step in and make a little fun of you.
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