Hot or not? 74 GB WD Raptor HD SATA

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Senior member
Oct 29, 2001
Originally posted by: xiaowugui
Thanks Forcemac!!! That is exactly what I was hoping to hear! Hehe you were right that having so many HDD would start to weigh things down, I have 6, 5 WD 8mb various sizes, and 1 IBM 60GXP deskstar (or deathstar...), on top of that I have 3 optical drives... I don't mind the weight so much since I don't move it around much, but having so many HDD seems to be causing stability issue with my setup (most likely due to power consumption). I have a ASUS nforce2 board and I don't use RAID. Because when my soyo dragon mobo blew up in my face (literally), I couldn't recover my RAID partitions b/c of the different on board RAID chipset for the ASUS board, so I just thought "screw it," my data is more important.

Anyways, what kind of setup do you have? How stable is the SATA drive? Any powre consumption issues? Currently I have 3 of my 6 HDD running in 2 external enclosures so I don't have to strain the PSU so much.

Anyone know of a good IDE controller card? The controller card that came with one of my WD HDD seems to be piece of crap... My mobo doesn't play along with it, it doesn't seem to be very reliable, can't boot from drives connected to it, and i can't use it for any ATAPI (optical) drives Any good deals for controller cards?

Thanks so much

At the "height" of my box's superpower I had:

P4 2.53@2.85
512mB RDRAM PC800 Oc'd to PC1066
2x80GB WD 7200 2mb
2x20GB WD 7200 2mb
Promise Fastrack66
Leadtek TV Tuner
Hercules GTXP
Second NIC
Firewire Card
2xOptical Drives

All running on an enermax 350 powersupply, enclosed in a Coolermaster case with 4 panaflos 80mms (2 front, 1 rear, 1 blowhole). I first ran into problems when I upgraded to a 9800np videocard. Would notice the card would lock up or start producing artifacts after only a few minutes of games. I clocked the cpu down back to spec, and that didn't fix anything, then I noticed I had to keep the door open to the rest of house to keep the room from getting to hot and raising the ambient temp. I figured if I had to resort to a ghetto fix like that I need some work inside the case.

I looked at the 4 drives I had sitting directly behind the 2 intakes....and noticed there was very little airflow past the ends of the drive, and little of what was getting through was having to fight through all the copper rounded cables. THe 9800 was the tipping point in my case, I suspect it was temperatures as if I left the side of case off, it seemed to help, but the artifacts still happened, albiet less frequent and further into games (2+hours). I never experiementd with the power supply and pulling drives off to see what would happen. I ended up getting the setup I described earlier and now I don't have any problems.

Setup now is relatively light,
P4 3.0@3.5 (air cooled)
1Gig PC3200
1 74GB Raptor on ICH5 SATA
9800 Np
Leadtek TV Tuner
2 optical drives
Hercules GTXP

1 120GB 8mb external Firewire Drive

Air flow is much much better into the case, as the panaflos aren't being blocked so much now. And no problems what so ever with the 9800np. I did add a card cooler to the 9800 that sucks the trapped heat under the card and exhausts out the back, I think that might help also. I also think that more you move things outside the case the better it is inside...but then you run into all that "other" stuff being outside and have to deal with cords and all that....but in my case its acceptable.



Junior Member
Feb 14, 2004
Heh thanks tallman, (I wish I was tall... sorry I digress ) But any good deals on those cards? Any specific model that you have in mind that is good? If there are no deals then i will just get it off of newegg. But feel free to open my eyes tho



Junior Member
Feb 14, 2004
forcemac: hehe that is some nice setup you have there. Though i would consider the setup you have right now to be the "height" of your computing power

Enermax definitely don't like many HDDs, esp. the "smart" enermax PSUs. I had a enermax 475W PSU. But it was unstable when I put in so many HDDs. Partly it is because the PSU didn't provide enough power to the voltage rail that AMD chip uses (i forgot if it was 5V or 12V, I just remember AMD uses one while Intel use the other...)

I now uses a FSP 530W PSU and my system has been stable, even with a 9800pro. With the exception of the darn nforce IDE controller problems every now and then... (I really need a new mobo... sigh)

Here is what I am using:

Athlon XP Barton 2500+ (@2.3Ghz air cooled)
1GB PC 3200 OCZ matched EL DDR RAM
2 120GB WD 8mb
1 60 GB IBM deskstar
Gecube 9800Pro 128MB (awesome brand that has very nice sammy memory, runs > 390Mhz stock, no artifact what so ever!)
ASUS nfoce2 Board v1.04 (using the soundstorm on it too)
lousy Promise controller for one of my WD HDD
TDK 8x DVD buner
Plextor 24/10/40 burner
Pioneer DVD drive (not being used right now no more IDE ports...)


Golden Member
Jun 12, 2001
For whatever it is worth - newegg now has a sale on the raptor for $235 - and for those brave enough to order two - you may get $30 back - I might just jump on that - raid 0 SATA raptors - yummy

BTW wouldn't that resolve the lengthy discussion we had here for a while?


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Yo2
For whatever it is worth - newegg now has a sale on the raptor for $235 - and for those brave enough to order two - you may get $30 back - I might just jump on that - raid 0 SATA raptors - yummy

BTW wouldn't that resolve the lengthy discussion we had here for a while?

What, the fact that the Raptor is $15 cheaper??? YEAH, that makes an astronimical difference. Bottom line:
You can get easily acquire 4 80GB drives for $80 and stick them in RAID10 with a $80 card, and BAM:
you have 160 (instead of 74GB), you have FASTER STR-performance, and you have way-better fault-tolerance. And it's cheaper.

Of course, if you're gonna whine that your case doesn't have 4 drive bays, or your case gets too hot, then go ahead - spend more money, get slower performance, have less storage space, and have NO fault tolerance.



Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
i can't believe this thread is still alive; especially after this one particular tool started crapping and flaming everyone in it


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: masterxfob
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: masterxfob
hmm, i think i found out the problem with valsalva.......

inferiority complex
A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.

Well, you got me on that one. I must also have Raptor-envy, because right now I'm running a single 20 MB HD with 16ms access off an ISA controller card. Anything else you got there, Freud?

...or MAYBE...just MAYBE...I happen to be 100% correct, and I've been forced to defend my 4-drive RAID0 suggestion from a barrage of prepubescent, irrelevant, and desperate attacks (from people such as yourself)...but it's nice to know that you're been reading the dictionary and you're capable of reporting back big words that you're not sure how to use.


excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation
need i say more?

just reminding everyone about valsalva's problem


Mar 2, 2000
Funny, last time I checked, RAID0 was NOT fault tolerant. In fact, 4 drives in RAID0 is 4 times more unreliable as 1 drive (4 single points of failure versus 1). But then again, this guy has it set in his mind that he is right and everybody else is just plain wrong. I'll be sure that if I ever do get a Raptor, I'll keep it to myself so I do't have to listen to his drivvle.


Golden Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Yo2
For whatever it is worth - newegg now has a sale on the raptor for $235 - and for those brave enough to order two - you may get $30 back - I might just jump on that - raid 0 SATA raptors - yummy

BTW wouldn't that resolve the lengthy discussion we had here for a while?

What, the fact that the Raptor is $15 cheaper??? YEAH, that makes an astronimical difference. Bottom line:
You can get easily acquire 4 80GB drives for $80 and stick them in RAID10 with a $80 card, and BAM:
you have 160 (instead of 74GB), you have FASTER STR-performance, and you have way-better fault-tolerance. And it's cheaper.

Of course, if you're gonna whine that your case doesn't have 4 drive bays, or your case gets too hot, then go ahead - spend more money, get slower performance, have less storage space, and have NO fault tolerance.


Listen pal - it really looks like you still have lot to learn, not only about technology, but also in terms of forum ethics and behavior.

In order to get those drives at your quoted rate one would have to lie their a$$ off when sending in the MIRs for those $20 hdds, risking not only not getting the $60 or so back on one or two drives, but also facing fraud and mail-fraud charges (a serious crime in this country).

Are you really suggesting that we committ mail-fraud?

Otherwise if you do this the honest way your drives would be $20 for the first and $80 a pop for the other three. Add the $80 for your figgin raid card and we are at $340 (4x80+20). Now inn order to make your design reliable you would also have to take into account additional money for special cables ($20 drives are not SATA, so you'd have to add at least $5 per drive for slim cables ($20)) to maintain circulation in your case and probably some money for additional fans (let say another $10) unless you were to do this with harddrive coolers at $20 a pop. So if I round out your design now, we are at $340 for "legal" drives and raid card $20 for cables and $10-80 for cooling - that's $370 to $440....

And that $370 does not take into account that many cases do not accommodate 4 harddrives - so now we have to add another $80 or so for a big fat case with enough bays.

Quite a bit more than $235 wouldn't you say?



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: masterxfob
excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation
need i say more?

just reminding everyone about valsalva's problem [/quote]

Look, buddy, if you're wrong, you're wrong. No quantity of name-calling, and personality analysis (which you're clearly not qualified to be conducting) will change that fact. I just state the facts.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Bish
Funny, last time I checked, RAID0 was NOT fault tolerant. In fact, 4 drives in RAID0 is 4 times more unreliable as 1 drive (4 single points of failure versus 1). But then again, this guy has it set in his mind that he is right and everybody else is just plain wrong. I'll be sure that if I ever do get a Raptor, I'll keep it to myself so I do't have to listen to his drivvle.

Last time I checked, I said RAID10. READ. ...and last time I checked RAID10 is fault-tolerant. I just state the facts, and it's up to objective people to be able to interpret them. Unfortunately, this thread is so full of "I paid $250 for a Raptor, therefore nothing is better" whiners that it's laughable.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Yo2Listen pal - it really looks like you still have lot to learn, not only about technology, but also in terms of forum ethics and behavior.

In order to get those drives at your quoted rate one would have to lie their a$$ off when sending in the MIRs for those $20 hdds, risking not only not getting the $60 or so back on one or two drives, but also facing fraud and mail-fraud charges (a serious crime in this country).

OMFG, I can't believe you would even SUGGEST committing mail-fraud!!! Who here said anything about doing that? I'm sincerely appalled that the thought would even cross your mind. Are you some kind of closet-criminal or something? If you actually bothered to give 2 seconds of consideration to this deal, you would have actually SEARCHED AT for deals on WD and Maxtor 80GB-120 drives. You would have EASILY FOUND:

80GB Maxtor $40 AR at OD
80GB WD $50 AR at CC
80GB WD $40 AR at OM
80GB WD $20 AR at OM
80GB WD $50 AR at BB
80GB Maxtor $50 AR at Staples
80G WD $30 AR at CompUSSR

The list goes on and on and on, and I didn't even check chubby wallet. There's so many deals on these drives EVERY WEEKEND. You'd have to have your head buried in the sand not to be able to acquire 4 drives.

So let me reiterate:
4 80GB drives in RAID0 is:
a) cheaper
b) far-faster in RAID0 or even RAID10 for STR
c) has far more storage space
d) is fault-tolerant in RAID10.

So there you have it. The only thing left for you naysayers is to whine about your crappy case not having enough drive bays or cooling...and maybe a few barely-noticeable dB's of noise.



Golden Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Yo2Listen pal - it really looks like you still have lot to learn, not only about technology, but also in terms of forum ethics and behavior.

In order to get those drives at your quoted rate one would have to lie their a$$ off when sending in the MIRs for those $20 hdds, risking not only not getting the $60 or so back on one or two drives, but also facing fraud and mail-fraud charges (a serious crime in this country).

OMFG, I can't believe you would even SUGGEST committing mail-fraud!!! Who here said anything about doing that? I'm sincerely appalled that the thought would even cross your mind. Are you some kind of closet-criminal or something? If you actually bothered to give 2 seconds of consideration to this deal, you would have actually SEARCHED AT for deals on WD and Maxtor 80GB-120 drives. You would have EASILY FOUND:

80GB Maxtor $40 AR at OD
80GB WD $50 AR at CC
80GB WD $40 AR at OM
80GB WD $20 AR at OM
80GB WD $50 AR at BB
80GB Maxtor $50 AR at Staples
80G WD $30 AR at CompUSSR



How does this average out to $20 per drive?

And - even if you buy the drives at different locations some of the many rabtes are limited to one per user/household/offer and go back to the manufacturer - therefore "mail fraud "



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Yo2
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Yo2Listen pal - it really looks like you still have lot to learn, not only about technology, but also in terms of forum ethics and behavior.

In order to get those drives at your quoted rate one would have to lie their a$$ off when sending in the MIRs for those $20 hdds, risking not only not getting the $60 or so back on one or two drives, but also facing fraud and mail-fraud charges (a serious crime in this country).

OMFG, I can't believe you would even SUGGEST committing mail-fraud!!! Who here said anything about doing that? I'm sincerely appalled that the thought would even cross your mind. Are you some kind of closet-criminal or something? If you actually bothered to give 2 seconds of consideration to this deal, you would have actually SEARCHED AT for deals on WD and Maxtor 80GB-120 drives. You would have EASILY FOUND:

80GB Maxtor $40 AR at OD
80GB WD $50 AR at CC
80GB WD $40 AR at OM
80GB WD $20 AR at OM
80GB WD $50 AR at BB
80GB Maxtor $50 AR at Staples
80G WD $30 AR at CompUSSR



How does this average out to $20 per drive?

And - even if you buy the drives at different locations some of the many rabtes are limited to one per user/household/offer and go back to the manufacturer - therefore "mail fraud "

You just don't get it do you. It doesn't matter if it's $20 or $30 or $40/'s STILL cheaper REGARDLESS....just like if your Raptor is $250 or $235. It doesn't fricking matter. It doesn't change the fact that 4 80GB drives in RAID0 or RAID10 (aka RAID1+0) is CHEAPER, FASTER (in STR), has MORE SPACE, and is fault-tolerant in RAID10 compared to a single Raptor which costs a lot more.

You're obviously out of good arguments. First you suggest committing mail fraud, now you're telling me that you can't get 4 different drives even when I post SEVEN distinct deals from various places (and without even looking that hard).

For other people who haven't invested so much money and emotional attachment to a Raptor, I think 4 drives in RAID0 or RAID10 is a far-better bargain than a single Raptor...(unless you're one of the "my case is too small" or "i only have one fan in my case"...or "I can't choose which deal to get even though someone posted 7 DIFFERENT deals without even looking too hard" people)



Junior Member
Feb 18, 2003
I challenge your rant in defense of the ide drives Valsalsomethingorother

First off, not really challenging you with this, but I don't understand why someone would buy the 74GB SATA Raptor for ~$240 when you can get two 37GB SATA Raptors for ~$230, EACH boasting a 5.3ms access time and true 150MBps transfer rate with 10,000rpm spin. Every mobo that has SATA has raid on it from what I've seen, so I say save $10 and get a faster combination.

Now to slander you First of all, IDE raid is more expensive to have integrated on a motherboard than SATA, which is found on most boards now. Second, have fun formatting your tangled mess of 80GB Maxtors, WDs, what have you. Third, though not highly relevant, I'd rather have a few nice small SATA cables than those planks known as IDE cables. Fourth, four ide drives is a TREMENDOUS strain on the power supply of any newer system unless you have a PSU over 500-550w, which most people only have 300-400w. Fifth, most people don't have the space for that many drives. Sixth, who the hell wants to send in a hundred rebates. Seventh, I'm sure there's a reason why IDE drives took a steeper drop in price around the same time the 1 year warranties took effect. Eighth, I don't care if IDE is ATA133, they're inconsistent, you'll occasionally get a full 133MBps on a full blue moon during an acid rain storm. Ninth, enjoy the 9ms seek time with your erratic transfer speeds.

I feel better now. This is how I have mine set up, though I'll be getting another 37GB raptor soon to raid them together.

37GB SATA Raptor
160GB Maxtor

Simple as that. I have a video capture card that I dub a lot of video with which I later edit. I just leave it on the speedy raptor whilst it's on the cutting table, and once finished transfer it to the lumbering maxtor. I think that's the best solution: a smaller, speedy drive, and then a big lumbering drive for aft storage.



Golden Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Yo2
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Yo2Listen pal - it really looks like you still have lot to learn, not only about technology, but also in terms of forum ethics and behavior.

In order to get those drives at your quoted rate one would have to lie their a$$ off when sending in the MIRs for those $20 hdds, risking not only not getting the $60 or so back on one or two drives, but also facing fraud and mail-fraud charges (a serious crime in this country).

OMFG, I can't believe you would even SUGGEST committing mail-fraud!!! Who here said anything about doing that? I'm sincerely appalled that the thought would even cross your mind. Are you some kind of closet-criminal or something? If you actually bothered to give 2 seconds of consideration to this deal, you would have actually SEARCHED AT for deals on WD and Maxtor 80GB-120 drives. You would have EASILY FOUND:

80GB Maxtor $40 AR at OD
80GB WD $50 AR at CC
80GB WD $40 AR at OM
80GB WD $20 AR at OM
80GB WD $50 AR at BB
80GB Maxtor $50 AR at Staples
80G WD $30 AR at CompUSSR



How does this average out to $20 per drive?

And - even if you buy the drives at different locations some of the many rabtes are limited to one per user/household/offer and go back to the manufacturer - therefore "mail fraud "

You just don't get it do you. It doesn't matter if it's $20 or $30 or $40/'s STILL cheaper REGARDLESS....just like if your Raptor is $250 or $235. It doesn't fricking matter. It doesn't change the fact that 4 80GB drives in RAID0 or RAID10 (aka RAID1+0) is CHEAPER, FASTER (in STR), has MORE SPACE, and is fault-tolerant in RAID10 compared to a single Raptor which costs a lot more.

You're obviously out of good arguments. First you suggest committing mail fraud, now you're telling me that you can't get 4 different drives even when I post SEVEN distinct deals from various places (and without even looking that hard).

For other people who haven't invested so much money and emotional attachment to a Raptor, I think 4 drives in RAID0 or RAID10 is a far-better bargain than a single Raptor...(unless you're one of the "my case is too small" or "i only have one fan in my case"...or "I can't choose which deal to get even though someone posted 7 DIFFERENT deals without even looking too hard" people)


Hey Mr Saliva,

I just ordered 4 Raptors to be run in raid 10 - will need that to send you e-mail while you are in Jail for "mail-fraud" - or are you in fact in the "Pen" already - you seem to have an aweful lot of time...

Now eat your heart out


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: theunholyroller
I challenge your rant in defense of the ide drives Valsalsomethingorother

First off, not really challenging you with this, but I don't understand why someone would buy the 74GB SATA Raptor for ~$240 when you can get two 37GB SATA Raptors for ~$230, EACH boasting a 5.3ms access time and true 150MBps transfer rate with 10,000rpm spin. Every mobo that has SATA has raid on it from what I've seen, so I say save $10 and get a faster combination.

I agree that hands down, 2 36GB Raptors in RAID0 is superior to a single 74GB Raptor...and I already mentioned this in that other thread.

Now to slander you

What you wrote isn't "slander." I don't think you know what the words means. Perhaps you should look it up so you don't sound even dumber than you probably are.

First of all, IDE raid is more expensive to have integrated on a motherboard than SATA, which is found on most boards now.

This is absolutely 100% irrelevant. The scenarios I talked about were a) you already have IDE raid built-in to your mobo or b) you could BUY a dedicated HPT374 controller and still have a less expensive setup. I hate it when people come up with irrelevant arguments to try to prove their weak points.

Second, have fun formatting your tangled mess of 80GB Maxtors, WDs, what have you.

If you don't know how to format a HD, then I feel very sorry for you. You might want to look up how to format a HD while you're looking up what the word "slander" means.

Third, though not highly relevant, I'd rather have a few nice small SATA cables than those planks known as IDE cables.

I'd rather have big-fat rounded IDE cables that are UV-coated...cuz they look cool. That's personal preference as well as irrelevant.

Fourth, four ide drives is a TREMENDOUS strain on the power supply of any newer system unless you have a PSU over 500-550w, which most people only have 300-400w.

WRONG. I have 4 HD's, 2 optical drives, and a Radeon 9800 running on a 350W PSU. NO PROBLEMS. The whole "Oh, you need to upgrade your power supply" is a marketing scam.

Fifth, most people don't have the space for that many drives.

WRONG. Most people run a mid-tower or larger, which almost always have 4-5 3.5" slots and 2-4 5.25" slots. If you don't believe me, just go to newegg and browse through their lists of cases. It's not my fault if YOU happen to have a POS case.

Sixth, who the hell wants to send in a hundred rebates.

Another outstanding point. Why save money when we can pay more and not worry about rebates? This is Anandtech HOT DEALS. Everybody is used to filling out rebates. It's standard practice. Rebates on 4-products is NOTHING. If you're not capable of filling out a form and cutting out a UPC form, perhaps the local kindergarten can teach you those skills.

Seventh, I'm sure there's a reason why IDE drives took a steeper drop in price around the same time the 1 year warranties took effect.

100% irrelevant. I don't see how trends in IDE drive pricing has ANYTHING to do with this discussion.

Eighth, I don't care if IDE is ATA133, they're inconsistent, you'll occasionally get a full 133MBps on a full blue moon during an acid rain storm.

WTH are you talking about. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? What does the maximum theoretical transfer rate of the interface have to do with the actual performance of your array????? Furthermore, don't you know that the SATA interface itself has absolutely NO effect on performance????

Ninth, enjoy the 9ms seek time with your erratic transfer speeds.

WTH are you talking about!? What's this about erratic transfer speeds? The only thing erratic here is your reasoning ability.

I feel better now.

I'm glad...because for a minute there, somebody might have pointed out that you could have assembled an array that was a) faster, b) cheaper, and c) larger than your setup. Phew.

Simple as that. I have a video capture card that I dub a lot of video with which I later edit. I just leave it on the speedy raptor whilst it's on the cutting table, and once finished transfer it to the lumbering maxtor. I think that's the best solution: a smaller, speedy drive, and then a big lumbering drive for aft storage.

Is it the best solution cuz you already have that setup and you don't want to think that you don't have the optimal setup? No way!!! Cuz that would be cognitive disonnance.

Well, my friend, thanks for the incredibly stupid arguments. Enjoy your array.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Yo2
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Yo2
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Yo2Listen pal - it really looks like you still have lot to learn, not only about technology, but also in terms of forum ethics and behavior.

In order to get those drives at your quoted rate one would have to lie their a$$ off when sending in the MIRs for those $20 hdds, risking not only not getting the $60 or so back on one or two drives, but also facing fraud and mail-fraud charges (a serious crime in this country).

OMFG, I can't believe you would even SUGGEST committing mail-fraud!!! Who here said anything about doing that? I'm sincerely appalled that the thought would even cross your mind. Are you some kind of closet-criminal or something? If you actually bothered to give 2 seconds of consideration to this deal, you would have actually SEARCHED AT for deals on WD and Maxtor 80GB-120 drives. You would have EASILY FOUND:

80GB Maxtor $40 AR at OD
80GB WD $50 AR at CC
80GB WD $40 AR at OM
80GB WD $20 AR at OM
80GB WD $50 AR at BB
80GB Maxtor $50 AR at Staples
80G WD $30 AR at CompUSSR



How does this average out to $20 per drive?

And - even if you buy the drives at different locations some of the many rabtes are limited to one per user/household/offer and go back to the manufacturer - therefore "mail fraud "

You just don't get it do you. It doesn't matter if it's $20 or $30 or $40/'s STILL cheaper REGARDLESS....just like if your Raptor is $250 or $235. It doesn't fricking matter. It doesn't change the fact that 4 80GB drives in RAID0 or RAID10 (aka RAID1+0) is CHEAPER, FASTER (in STR), has MORE SPACE, and is fault-tolerant in RAID10 compared to a single Raptor which costs a lot more.

You're obviously out of good arguments. First you suggest committing mail fraud, now you're telling me that you can't get 4 different drives even when I post SEVEN distinct deals from various places (and without even looking that hard).

For other people who haven't invested so much money and emotional attachment to a Raptor, I think 4 drives in RAID0 or RAID10 is a far-better bargain than a single Raptor...(unless you're one of the "my case is too small" or "i only have one fan in my case"...or "I can't choose which deal to get even though someone posted 7 DIFFERENT deals without even looking too hard" people)


Hey Mr Saliva,

I just ordered 4 Raptors to be run in raid 10 - will need that to send you e-mail while you are in Jail for "mail-fraud" - or are you in fact in the "Pen" already - you seem to have an aweful lot of time...

Now eat your heart out

BWHAHAHAHAHAH. LOL. You spent ~$1000 on your hard drives??? BWAHAHAHAHAH You're honestly the biggest fool I've met in a while. OH boy. Two more things:
1) you might have thought "mr. saliva" was clever and witty, but in reality, it wasn't. Seriously.
2) YOU were the one who suggested committing mail fraud, if you recall. Furthermore, I already posted 7 different places to get HD's for a bargain, so clearly I'm not the one with criminal intents on my mind.

Enjoy your wasted money.



Diamond Member
Aug 1, 2003
I'm not taking sides here, but


Do you have any idea what you just said? I could easily find 3 or 4 false statements in those few paragraphs.

First off, not really challenging you with this, but I don't understand why someone would buy the 74GB SATA Raptor for ~$240 when you can get two 37GB SATA Raptors for ~$230, EACH boasting a 5.3ms access time and true 150MBps transfer rate with 10,000rpm spin.

First off, the 74GB version is $230 and the 37GB is $110.

The 74GB has FDB, while the 37GB is ball bearing. 74GB is quieter. 74GB has a 4.5ms seek as opposed to 5.2ms

NEITHER drive hits 150MBps, and they both have a 10k spindle. points irrelevant.

you'll occasionally get a full 133MBps on a full blue moon during an acid rain storm. Ninth, enjoy the 9ms seek time with your erratic transfer speeds.

Show me a consumer level IDE drive that can hit 133MBps by itself made as of 2-24-04 or prior, and I'll buy the entire state of California for you


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
WTF? Why would you rather have rounded IDE cables? SATA cabling is FAR thinner, can be much longer than IDE, and SATA drives are hot-swappable.
Also, hard drive noise is very noticeable, especially from WD's Caviar line, more so than my PSU, case, and HSF put together. High pitched whine is a bitch. My SATA Hitachis do nicely, however. You should also take into account CPU usage on cheap PCI or on-board RAID controllers.


Senior member
Mar 30, 2001
shouldn't this be moved to some other forum? it's no longer about a hot deal, just a bunch of angry teenagers arguing over who has a better HD setup.


Diamond Member
Aug 1, 2003
Originally posted by: sirspotticus
shouldn't this be moved to some other forum? it's no longer about a hot deal, just a bunch of angry teenagers arguing over who has a better HD setup.

Agreed. but which one?


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: sirspotticus
shouldn't this be moved to some other forum? it's no longer about a hot deal, just a bunch of angry teenagers arguing over who has a better HD setup.

You're pretty actually started as somebody posting a deal for a $250 74GB Raptor...then I said the deal wasn't hot cuz you could get 4 cheap HD's and RAID0 or RAID10 them for cheaper...suddenly the Raptor Owner's Club of AT started crying bloody murder, and a retarded discussion ensued.

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