HOTTEST DEAL EVER!!! Remember 9-1-1 , goto your local FD or PD tommorrow!

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Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by: JoeBaD
With all due respect to those who died on 9/11.

I have little respect for firemen (volunteers excluded).

They do nothing 80% of the time. Work 24 hour shifts and get paid to sleep.

They all have 2nd jobs because they have so much free time (not because they're uderpaid).

Unbelievable sick leave and disability benefits. Here in NY if they stub their toe they claim disability and recieve 100% of their pay.

Oh yeah, this should be OT but I couldn't resist.

My dad always likes to talk about the difference of cost versus value. Having them on call all the time does cost money, but terrorists and fires don't occur on a set schedule. So I ask you this Joe. What is the value of your life, because no matter how much taxes I pay for the fire department, I consider it a real hot deal if they drag me out of a burning building, risk their lives charging up the stairs in a high rise attacked by terrorists, or cut me out of a terrible car accident and save my life. Maybe if youre so worried about saving your money on that kind of service, you should move far out into the country, where most of the departments are voluenteer, or do those guys qualify as lazy too?


Golden Member
Nov 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Johnbear007
Originally posted by: Nightfall
Originally posted by: ThisIsMatt
Originally posted by: Nightfall
Uh, and this is a hot deal?
When someone is breaking into your house and the police come or you home is burning down and the firefighters come, then you'll see what a hot deal this is!


Sorry, but they are paid to come to my house in case of emergency. I appreciate what they have to do, just as I am sure the company I work for appreciates the work I do for them. However, I am not obligated to buy gifts or shake their hands to say thanks, just as the company I work for doesn't need to do that for me. I know I am appreciated, and I am sure they know that too.

That said, this is the hot deals forum. This is not a hot deal, but rather a off topic issue. Post it in the off topic section.

It's seriously disgusting how some people can't seem to emotionally connect with the rest of the world they live in. If you dont appreciate them, thats fine, your a jack@ss, and you have to live with that, so no skin off my back. But many people think that appreciating people that saves their lives is a hot deal (I would consider having my life saved a hot deal) such as: let the fire fighter know I appreciate her, she in turn feels good about her job and keeps saving people = hot deal.....

so there you go, ive made a hot deal out of his post, so you can relax, and not waste your time posting in this thread anymore since it doesnt interest you.
First, I never said that I don't appreciate them. Obviously you can't read because I said "I appreciate what they have to do". You might want to learn to read.

Second, stop being a troll. I know that is difficult, but do it anyway.

Third, if you want to let a firefighter or police officer know you appreciate their efforts, go do it. It does not belong in this forum though because it is NOT a hot deal. You might want to read the FAQ and then repost it in the off topic forum where it belongs in the first place.


Senior member
Sep 22, 2001
Guess some of you didn't see the ABC News story on this.

Most NYC firehouses have had their doors closed for the past several weeks. With all this "hero worship," they've had little chance to grieve by themselves, and many are wishing to move on with their lives. In fact, there's still funerals almost weekly as DNA identifications occur.

All this is making them relive it over and over again.

They hope that people will understand and let them honor their fallen comrades... alone.



Senior member
Feb 11, 2002
All I've got to say is that how many of you complainers went to NYC to help? How many of you even made one altruistic effort in your local community? I'm willing to bet not one. My wife and I on the other hand joined the Red Cross and have been VOLUNTEERING our time to help this great nation. Quit whining and DO SOMETHING productive for our nation instead of whining about it.


Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999
Sorry but this sounds pretty stupid. Encouraging thousands to pop into their local FD or PD and give hugs, candys or donations? I guess tomorrow they have NOTHING better to do than socialize with people that only remember the importance of their job 1 day out of the year or sift through bags of jolly ranchers.

Unless you are a hot chick then the best thing you can do for our cops and firmen is to just stay out of their offices unless you have an emergency.

What ever happened to people getting on with their lives and not dwelling so hard on what happened last year. The best F-U we couldve ever given the people who hate us is to pass through 9/11/02 just like it was any other day. But instead then the media and all these "lets make it a holiday" folks are giving these america haters the recognition that theyve been asking for.


Senior member
Jun 23, 2001
2. SAME as above but goto your police dept.
are you crazy?

f**k the police. Where's the memorial for all the people they kill every year for no reason?
I can name some too but this is not the place for that.

And local fire dept? people called the san jose fire dept because their homes were on fire and they said to fight it yourself because they were trying to save a new shopping center (an empty one)down the block. Thats bullshit!

If you want to thank someone, thank:

1. your mailman or woman, for risking their live just to deliver your mail!
2. local emergency room workers. they save lives EVERYDAY!

3. your armed forces, who died on the froint lines for us.

Dont thank people who only act brave, sometimes.
I know it is a hard job. but I have a hard job too.
My dad was a NYC police officer for 25 years, so I know what they are realy like.

Use you own mind and stop watching so much TV.



Senior member
Feb 7, 2002
I think I'll drive a couple miles and visit the police in inglewood. I want to know if there is any progress on convicting the cop that beat up the black kid at the gas station. I have friends that became fireman and there ok, but every jerk I went to high school with became a cop.


Senior member
Jun 25, 2002
Originally posted by: emonkey
Originally posted by: BeerGod

1. Goto your local fire dept and give everyone a hug, maybe a tin full of candy, or a donation, or some flowers.
2. SAME as above but goto your police dept.

I need some more ideas, so please reply with some good things to do tommorrow!

Sorry but this sounds pretty stupid. Encouraging thousands to pop into their local FD or PD and give hugs, candys or donations? I guess tomorrow they have NOTHING better to do than socialize with people that only remember the importance of their job 1 day out of the year or sift through bags of jolly ranchers.

Unless you are a hot chick then the best thing you can do for our cops and firmen is to just stay out of their offices unless you have an emergency.

What ever happened to people getting on with their lives and not dwelling so hard on what happened last year. The best F-U we couldve ever given the people who hate us is to pass through 9/11/02 just like it was any other day. But instead then the media and all these "lets make it a holiday" folks are giving these america haters the recognition that theyve been asking for.



Oct 9, 1999
My wife had similar thoughts, so she picked up a tin of cookies and some flowers. My daughter will be making a card of thanks for them.

Maybe if you live in the sticks, the fire department does little or nothing for 80% of the time. However, I live in the D.C. metro area and live within a mile of the fire station. From all of the sirens that I hear, it appears they are working 80% of the time. Every now and then, there's a local story where a few of them get injured during the process of performing their duties. Regardless of whether they're working or not, their lives are always at risk. Besides, during work time, they are involved with a lot of training - so that they can perform quickly when called upon.

I think stopping by the station and showing a little appreciation is the least that can be done. Personally, I owe a lot of thanks to our fire department. A few years back, my daughter had quite a severe asthma attack (before she was diagnosed and on medicine). The fire department arrived at our house within 5 minutes of us placing the call. I was very impressed with their professionalism.

It seems like I get calls every few weeks from some lame telemarketers asking for donations for my local police department or fire department. I get so sick of these scams because little if any money will ever reach these agencies. However, making a gift donation of goodies to express your thanks ensures that the department gets everything that you want to give to them - and it's from YOUR heart! Give generously, folks!


Junior Member
Mar 28, 2001

I'm a civil service firefighter I/II - EMTb and know you're making harsh generalizations. I'll admit that some departments may be as you describe, but there are many that are far better. I'd like to think of my department as one of those. Now, to answer your questions above honestly. We have 0 FFs currently on disability. We had two long term (more than two weeks) disabilities in the past year - one guy had a fractured pelvis and the other a serious staph infection in his neck. And incidentally, the one with the fractured pelvis worked light duty dispatching after only two months leave and the other man gave up vacation time instead of extended sick leave. I get 10 sick days a year (only five without just cause/doctor's notes or get docked full pay) but a sick day is one shift and we work two in a day (24 hour work days), so I really only get 5 (or 2 1/2 w/o notes) days a year. I personally have yet to use a day... We can accumulate 125 sick days, but again this really works out to only 62 full days. So it would take me 12 years without using a sick day to reach my max and I feel I need the accumulation to cover me should I get hurt outside of work. It's true we have excellent disability coverage but it only covers us on the job.
We respond to an average of 2800 calls per year. True that a good percentage is false alarms, but why doesn't that count? We still have that sudden adrenaline rush, gear up in turn out gear and scotts, fight traffic to the scene, and investigate the cause. How many alarms do we have to respond to to receive your approval. Our fire prevention officer strives to reduce the number of calls we go on. Furthermore, do you think we sit around all day waiting for bells or phone calls - I don't think so. On a daily basis we have business annual inspections, smoke detector inspections, quarterly school/housing inspections, apparatus inspection and maintenance, hose testing, daily chores, reports, fitness programs, and training - lots and lots of training. We train in firefighting techniques, search and rescue, forcible entry, building collapse, firefighter safety, high angle rescue, technical rescue, ice and water rescue, hurst tool (jaws of life), first responder, EMT and Paramedic training, hazardous materials, and many many other aspects of our job. Most of this training is hands on - not just sitting in recliners watching videos... I know you have your doubts, but my days are very busy. Yes, I do get to sleep at night - sometimes. On average we have 2 or 3 calls a night (after 9 p.m.) Do you know what it's like to try to sleep listening to radios and mutual aid bells and going out for 30 min calls a couple times a night (hardly sleeping between them)? And then the next night have a 3 alarm fire on only two hours sleep? It takes days to recoup...
Overtime? What's overtime? I, and most of the department, get 3 or 4 shifts overtime per year. Oh, and I have second job as your mentioned in your first post, but not because I have so much free time but because I can't make ends meet with my FF salary. Can you pay a mortgage, car payment, insurance, save for college/weddings, and feed two kids and a wife on $40k. I can't. And I by no means live a rich lifestyle. I work a second job to better the way of life for my family not because I "have so much free time on my hands". I'm not saying that I'm underpaid - I'm not, but I don't make enough as a FF to support my family. Incidentally, do you have any idea how hard it is to become a firefighter (assuming you have no political strings to pull)? I had perfect scores on my civil service exams (written and physical), I put myself through college at night to earn an A.S. degree in Fire Science (with a 4.0 GPA (I also have a B.S. in Architectural Engineering)), I have a perfect driving record, have never been arrested, have never done any drugs or smoked, I'm in excellent physical condition, became an EMT on my own, and it took me seven years to get on a local community department. Seven years. Maybe in upstate NY it's not that hard to get on, but in many places it is.

Having said all that, I have to agree with emonkey and others. There really is no reason to visit the stations tomorrow bringing token gifts and shaking hands. To show your support just say hi or wave when you see a firefighter/policeman/EMS person out on the streets.

BTW, emonkey, LOL about the hot chick comment...


Jul 18, 2000
It is pretty amazing that so many have turned this into a thread to complain about firefighters. Certainly there are a few bad apples in any area of work...but the vast majority are heros. Check out this link (if you care about our heros):



Sep 15, 2001
i make a donation every week to fire/policemen
it's callled taxes

if anybody i'll show appreciation to is the fed-ex driver for bringing all the hot deal goodies to my doorstep


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Anyways, my hot deal here is that everyone should do something nice tommorrow to help those who suffered the most last year. So here are some ideas for you guys...

I know this is going to come out sounding the wrong way but " I'm so tired of hearing about 911". I feel bad about the people who lost their lives and were affected by it buts its been a year and I think its time to move on. lets kick the ragheads butts who commit these acts and get on with our lives. BTW, the local cops where I live are A$$holes, why would I want to give them anything? I don't really think this thread is appropriate in this forum so it may be time for a lock!



Oct 13, 1999
To you thread flamers, go right ahead and do nothing. It won't affect me either way.

Personally, I am going to try to make it to the Fire Department down the street from my parents' place tomorrow.
I rarely see them idle and they are very present in the community doing more than their fair share of work.

They were there within 3 minutes when my dad had a heart attack.
They were there to give me advice when my dad went manic and kicked me out of my house.
They rescued my neighbor's house when the roof caught on fire.
They found and returned one of my dogs when it ran away.

IMO, they deserve it.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: JoeBaD
With all due respect to those who died on 9/11.

I have little respect for firemen (volunteers excluded).

They do nothing 80% of the time. Work 24 hour shifts and get paid to sleep.

They all have 2nd jobs because they have so much free time (not because they're uderpaid).

Unbelievable sick leave and disability benefits. Here in NY if they stub their toe they claim disability and recieve 100% of their pay.

Oh yeah, this should be OT but I couldn't resist.

All I know is that right now you could be a very very good target for my anger and desires for revenge.

I imagine if I were a firefighter called to your burning home that I would stand in front of it and watch it burn hoping a heart like yours that is devoid of compassion is inside beating for the last time - Thank You.

Very professional 7mb Flash Animation depicting the events as they unfolded *tears
P.S. music is Enya

For Christians - or those of religious belief



Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: dirtrat
Anyways, my hot deal here is that everyone should do something nice tommorrow to help those who suffered the most last year. So here are some ideas for you guys...

I know this is going to come out sounding the wrong way but " I'm so tired of hearing about 911". I feel bad about the people who lost their lives and were affected by it buts its been a year and I think its time to move on. lets kick the ragheads butts who commit these acts and get on with our lives. BTW, the local cops where I live are A$$holes, why would I want to give them anything? I don't really think this thread is appropriate in this forum so it may be time for a lock!


Quick, look into your mirror - you will find a heartless jerk


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
Oh please...I think he's referring to the now-romanticized idea that ALL fire fighters are heroes, He-Man like people with brave, stout hearts and good morals. Yes, this may be partially true but unfortunately, there ARE lazy fire fighters and police officers out there, whether you like it or not. There are corrupt cops out there, regardless of where they are - New York or some small 100-person town in the midwest. At least, that's how I interpreted it.

As far as letting someone's house burn down, jeez...sounds a bit cruel and insensitive.

Edit: It'll be interesting to see what the mood is 10, 20, even fifty years from now. Something tells me it will just become another event in history.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: madcowdisease
Oh please...I think he's referring to the now-romanticized idea that ALL fire fighters are heroes, He-Man like people with brave, stout hearts and good morals. Yes, this may be partially true but unfortunately, there ARE lazy fire fighters and police officers out there, whether you like it or not. There are corrupt cops out there, regardless of where they are - New York or some small 100-person town in the midwest. At least, that's how I interpreted it.

As far as letting someone's house burn down, jeez...sounds a bit cruel and insensitive.

Edit: It'll be interesting to see what the mood is 10, 20, even fifty years from now. Something tells me it will just become another event in history.

YEP, and there evil religious people
There are creepy and sick Moms out there, but they have something called Mother's Day.
Plenty of creeps become Fathers but they have Fathers Day.

Do you see where I am going with this?

There are Asians who are gang members - so are they all bad apples
Threr are whites who are gang members - so are they all bad apples
There are Blacks who are gang members - so are they all bad apples
There are Mexicans who are gang members - so are they all bad apples


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2001
You know...whenever someone says to me "Man, the cops are a$$holes!", 9 times out of 10 the person I'm talking to is a dirtbag who was doing something wrong anyway. If you have a bad attitude about cops, chances are it's because you are freakin' GUILTY!
Frankly, most of these people need a good smack in thier collective pointy head.:disgust:


Golden Member
Nov 17, 2000
to all the dumbass community college folk posting...
I'm doubting they could even get into a community college. For cryin' out loud, this doesn't belong in Hot Deals, OT please. Good intentions or no, you had to know it'd degrade into this bickering...please, it doesn't belong here. Mods, lil' help?


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: SpideyCU
to all the dumbass community college folk posting...
I'm doubting they could even get into a community college. For cryin' out loud, this doesn't belong in Hot Deals, OT please. Good intentions or no, you had to know it'd degrade into this bickering...please, it doesn't belong here. Mods, lil' help?

I think it belongs in the face of every heartless creep who responded with derogatory remarks about firefighters and those who lost their lives in the tragedy.


Mar 27, 2001
To the attention of anyone thinking about posting anymore stupid comments:
Please re-read the post from wolfcry1. You don't know what you're talking about and he does.
And he has a sense of humor about it, even after all your rude, crude and uncalled for comments.
Nightfall, JoeBaD, and the other jerry boys need not post negative comments. Don't get me wrong, I'm the most conservative, tax-hating, near-Libertarian I know. However, therefore, please do note . . . the firefighters provide a service which is necessary. If you're going to @itch, complain about the Liberal agenda and all the wastefull programs that do not provide a service for you. The firefighters, be it privatized or government controlled, save your ducking life. You won't @itch when you escape death.

That being said, I go to the Hot Deals everyday. It's a community, friends, whatever. Even though you're not going to get a hard drive for $9.99 AR after reading this, I think it's an important post. But, I agree with wolfcry 1's comments regarding not visiting your local fire deparment. I don't think they would really want that, just mail a donation or send them a pizza - or the hot chick.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2001
some say that the forums here at anandtech have gone down hill
i unfortunately must now agree
not based on ideas of whether or not this is a hot deal but rather on the content of what doesnt get removed
sure if u post a legit coupon code the deal is locked but if u say something that will obviously hurt others and has no other value then thats just fine
every once in a while i too have a nasty idea that pops into my head but some how im able to control the 2 year old child inside of me and not act on that nasty thought
if the majority of users think this is a good topic then it will get bumped
if the nasty members dont like the topic and if by some chance they are the majority well then not posting will allow it to disappear
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