I think Greenman is probably a decent dude in real life, probably a good neighbor and good friend. He's just the victim of decades of conservative propaganda, I've got plenty of friends and family like him. Hell I used to be like him, I changed so maybe there's hope for him.
In my personal experience magas and righties are usually good people so long as politics aren’t involved. However once they get going on about politics it’s like a switch gets turned on and their inner deplorable comes out and their logic and common sense just disappear. It’s really weird.
this is NOT weird at all. this is exactly what history has taught us, but most people on the left refuse to learn. it's fucking scary.
Nazis are normal seeming people. you think mid-stage nazis or mid-stage mussolini fascists or mid stage franco fascists walked around kicking puppies and setting fire to trash cans and kidnapping little kids, smashing shopping carts into cars and slamming doors shut on people walking behind them, and causing disturbances everywhere they went? no, they were your normal neighbors, your smiling cashier at the pharmacy, maybe the pharmacist themselves, they might hold doors open for people, they coached kids sports teams at the schools, some were teachers, they had bake sales and their kids shad lemonade stands in the neighborhood, etc...they might have been your friends, unless of course, they turned you into the fascists - you know, like how it happened to tons of Jews in germany, and pro-democracy dissenters in every other authoritarian regime normal people enabled.
but ultimately, they were way more evil than not because look at what they supported in history and look what actually HAPPENED because of these basically normal seeming folks. the vast majority of the worst populations in modern history seemed like normal people and interacted normally day to day with actual decent folks.
This is another big reason why fascism and horrible authoritarianism takes over - people are so naive and unable to really see people for who they are, and that is one of the big reasons these horrific regimes take over - because actual decent folks were too naive to see other people for what they were. i may be rough around the edges but also another reason why some people dislike me is because i am not afraid to call these people what they are. and it's hard to stomach. i went on a couple dates with a woman late last year, she was from Texas and her mom was super far right. a lost cause for a looong time. she said she had to finally start to realize, her mom is basically a modern day Nazi. and it was horrible to think and took her way too long to realize. it's really fucking hard to do that about people you know and love or like or just know as an acquaintance and they 'seem nice'.
there is no hope for Greenman. I mean anyone that's been on here for a few years knows this. except
@fskimospy - he thinks one of the most disingenuous willfully ignorant and proud of it GQP'ers on here is smart. 98% of the posters here know what he really is.
edit: when pcgeek does the laughing emoji at any of my very chill sensible posts, I know I'm 1000% right about it all. It's been this comforting reassurance when I see him do that when I'm not ranting or cracking a joke, just being a student of history and being realistic - I know I hit the nail on the head.