House Speaker election/circus/all ages carnival - ongoing coverage

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Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
It doesn't make sense.
I wasn’t fully paying attention to the segment, but it was mentioned a state house representative’s agreed 15-15 on consensus speaker. That person was a Dem but agreed to switch to independent.


Feb 1, 2008

That will be the news headlines after this new house of republicans REFUSE absolutely REFUSE to fund the US government causing everything to shut down. This is, after McCarthy is out and some new nutcase republican becomes house speaker.
Don't get me wrong, I too enjoy watching McCarthy going down in flames especially after that photo with Donald Trump at Maralago after the Jan 6th insurrection. McCarthy is a worm, not to insult worms.

McCarthy will be out, but listen closely to what house republicans like Chip Roy are saying about what house republicans want out of this soon to be new house leadership. They intend to hold firm and absolutely refuse to compromise because what republicans like Chip Roy wants to do is not simply limit spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want US government spending to return back to levels from the 1990's. Not only will they never go along with government spending increases nor even freezing spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want to cut spending and return to levels of the 90's, possibly as far back as the 1980's.

While social security may be spared from government shutdown as it stands now, just wait until house republicans bring the entire government to a halt over spending. Programs like social security will be affected regardless of current law. It is unavoidable. People think SS would be safe, but just wait and see because these new house republicans are like no others before. They really don't care how much the people suffer from refusing to fund the government. This is exactly why they rebuke McCarthy and deny McCarthy the speakership, because they know that McCarthy would eventually give in to common sense and work something out with democrats. However, these new house republicans? They will never, absolutely never do that.

Just imagine in your own personal life if you were suddenly forced to live off the spending budget you had back in 1980, 1990? Could YOU do it?
Things cost money and the costs of everything goes up year after year. That is mother nature as it were, but to live off your budget back in the 80's 90's? What would it take???

Would you have to start walking rather than driving to fit into your monthly gas allowance? How about food? Food cost a lot less back in 1985 and in 1990. Could you buy the groceries of today on a budget from 1985? What would you have to quit buying? Considering your food budget based in the 1980's, would you be eating bread and butter or Ramen and oatmeal for every meal? How about energy cost? Would you be forced to live in the dark, turning all lights off come sunset to maintain your 1980's energy budget? Cellphone? Nope. Not in the budget. HULU, Disney+ ??? Nope. Not in the budget.

Well, you get the idea.
These new house republicans, these take no prisoners house republicans, would demand government spending be rolled back to the levels of the late 80's/early 90's. republican house rep Chip Roy has basically said this. Said that spending was 10 trillion back in 1990, but grown to 33 trillion today. Chip wants the US government to live off a 1990 budget and that means social security is dead, along with 99% of the other government funded programs.
And you know what? They don't care.
Unlike past government shutdowns and threats of government shutdowns, this new republican house would follow thru with threats and shut down the entire US government. Permanently, if necessary.

I'm glad McCarthy is getting his butt kicked after kissing up to Donald Trump post Jan 6th, and after he demonized people like Nancy Pelosi to the extent some crazy person beat Mr Pelosi over the head with a hammer. Nancy Pelosi never said anything that caused Melania Trump nor Mrs McCarthy to endure a hammer to the head. I enjoy burning McCarthy at the stake, but when these new house members take the helm you can bet we all will suffer to extremes we can not imagine.

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Golden Member
May 23, 2017
For round 7, can someone slyly convince all the freedumb cacusers to vote for "Present"?


Feb 24, 2009
What I keep trying to figure out is ‘if not McCarthy then who?’ and I can’t come up with any good answers. This leads me to think it will eventually be McCarthy but he will be incredibly weak.

A lot of the other candidates seem crazy to me. Like for example it’s not going to be Trump. Not only could he not win the vote, I see no indication he’s even remotely interested in the job.
Won't be able to hide in the Oval Office and actually work at something.


Feb 24, 2009

That will be the news headlines after this new house of republicans REFUSE absolutely REFUSE to fund the US government causing everything to shut down. This is, after McCarthy is out and some new nutcase republican becomes house speaker.
Don't get me wrong, I too enjoy watching McCarthy going down in flames especially after that photo with Donald Trump at Maralago after the Jan 6th insurrection. McCarthy is a worm, not to insult worms.

McCarthy will be out, but listen closely to what house republicans like Chip Roy are saying about what house republicans want out of this soon to be new house leadership. They intend to hold firm and absolutely refuse to compromise because what republicans like Chip Roy wants to do is not simply limit spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want US government spending to return back to levels from the 1990's. Not only will they never go along with government spending increases nor even freezing spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want to cut spending and return to levels of the 90's, possibly as far back as the 1980's.

While social security may be spared from government shutdown as it stands now, just wait until house republicans bring the entire government to a halt over spending. Programs like social security will be affected regardless of current law. It is unavoidable. People think SS would be safe, but just wait and see because these new house republicans are like no others before. They really don't care how much the people suffer from refusing to fund the government. This is exactly why they rebuke McCarthy and deny McCarthy the speakership, because they know that McCarthy would eventually give in to common sense and work something out with democrats. However, these new house republicans? They will never, absolutely never do that.

Just imagine in your own personal life if you were suddenly forced to live off the spending budget you had back in 1980, 1990? Could YOU do it?
Things cost money and the costs of everything goes up year after year. That is mother nature as it were, but to live off your budget back in the 80's 90's? What would it take???

Would you have to start walking rather than driving to fit into your monthly gas allowance? How about food? Food cost a lot less back in 1985 and in 1990. Could you buy the groceries of today on a budget from 1985? What would you have to quit buying? Considering your food budget based in the 1980's, would you be eating bread and butter or Ramen and oatmeal for every meal? How about energy cost? Would you be forced to live in the dark, turning all lights off come sunset to maintain your 1980's energy budget? Cellphone? Nope. Not in the budget. HULU, Disney+ ??? Nope. Not in the budget.

Well, you get the idea.
These new house republicans, these take no prisoners house republicans, would demand government spending be rolled back to the levels of the late 80's/early 90's. republican house rep Chip Roy has basically said this. Said that spending was 10 trillion back in 1990, but grown to 33 trillion today. Chip wants the US government to live off a 1990 budget and that means social security is dead, along with 99% of the other government funded programs.
And you know what? They don't care.
Unlike past government shutdowns and threats of government shutdowns, this new republican house would follow thru with threats and shut down the entire US government. Permanently, if necessary.

I'm glad McCarthy is getting his butt kicked after kissing up to Donald Trump post Jan 6th, and after he demonized people like Nancy Pelosi to the extent some crazy person beat Mr Pelosi over the head with a hammer. Nancy Pelosi never said anything that caused Melania Trump nor Mrs McCarthy to endure a hammer to the head. I enjoy burning McCarthy at the stake, but when these new house members take the helm you can bet we all will suffer to extremes we can not imagine.

View attachment 73923
I feel dramatized.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

That will be the news headlines after this new house of republicans REFUSE absolutely REFUSE to fund the US government causing everything to shut down. This is, after McCarthy is out and some new nutcase republican becomes house speaker.
Don't get me wrong, I too enjoy watching McCarthy going down in flames especially after that photo with Donald Trump at Maralago after the Jan 6th insurrection. McCarthy is a worm, not to insult worms.

McCarthy will be out, but listen closely to what house republicans like Chip Roy are saying about what house republicans want out of this soon to be new house leadership. They intend to hold firm and absolutely refuse to compromise because what republicans like Chip Roy wants to do is not simply limit spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want US government spending to return back to levels from the 1990's. Not only will they never go along with government spending increases nor even freezing spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want to cut spending and return to levels of the 90's, possibly as far back as the 1980's.

While social security may be spared from government shutdown as it stands now, just wait until house republicans bring the entire government to a halt over spending. Programs like social security will be affected regardless of current law. It is unavoidable. People think SS would be safe, but just wait and see because these new house republicans are like no others before. They really don't care how much the people suffer from refusing to fund the government. This is exactly why they rebuke McCarthy and deny McCarthy the speakership, because they know that McCarthy would eventually give in to common sense and work something out with democrats. However, these new house republicans? They will never, absolutely never do that.

Just imagine in your own personal life if you were suddenly forced to live off the spending budget you had back in 1980, 1990? Could YOU do it?
Things cost money and the costs of everything goes up year after year. That is mother nature as it were, but to live off your budget back in the 80's 90's? What would it take???

Would you have to start walking rather than driving to fit into your monthly gas allowance? How about food? Food cost a lot less back in 1985 and in 1990. Could you buy the groceries of today on a budget from 1985? What would you have to quit buying? Considering your food budget based in the 1980's, would you be eating bread and butter or Ramen and oatmeal for every meal? How about energy cost? Would you be forced to live in the dark, turning all lights off come sunset to maintain your 1980's energy budget? Cellphone? Nope. Not in the budget. HULU, Disney+ ??? Nope. Not in the budget.

Well, you get the idea.
These new house republicans, these take no prisoners house republicans, would demand government spending be rolled back to the levels of the late 80's/early 90's. republican house rep Chip Roy has basically said this. Said that spending was 10 trillion back in 1990, but grown to 33 trillion today. Chip wants the US government to live off a 1990 budget and that means social security is dead, along with 99% of the other government funded programs.
And you know what? They don't care.
Unlike past government shutdowns and threats of government shutdowns, this new republican house would follow thru with threats and shut down the entire US government. Permanently, if necessary.

I'm glad McCarthy is getting his butt kicked after kissing up to Donald Trump post Jan 6th, and after he demonized people like Nancy Pelosi to the extent some crazy person beat Mr Pelosi over the head with a hammer. Nancy Pelosi never said anything that caused Melania Trump nor Mrs McCarthy to endure a hammer to the head. I enjoy burning McCarthy at the stake, but when these new house members take the helm you can bet we all will suffer to extremes we can not imagine.

View attachment 73923
that is not how social security works.

breathe into a bag.


Feb 24, 2009
The thing to keep in mind is McCarthy is a really shitty person. That isn't shitty enough for 10% of his colleagues in the house, and others are probably begrudgingly voting for him too.
That's the crux of the problem. They don't like the F! It's not about committee assignments, it's not about rules, it's not about policy. I really don't blame them, it's just for all the wrong reason's.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999

That will be the news headlines after this new house of republicans REFUSE absolutely REFUSE to fund the US government causing everything to shut down. This is, after McCarthy is out and some new nutcase republican becomes house speaker.
Don't get me wrong, I too enjoy watching McCarthy going down in flames especially after that photo with Donald Trump at Maralago after the Jan 6th insurrection. McCarthy is a worm, not to insult worms.

McCarthy will be out, but listen closely to what house republicans like Chip Roy are saying about what house republicans want out of this soon to be new house leadership. They intend to hold firm and absolutely refuse to compromise because what republicans like Chip Roy wants to do is not simply limit spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want US government spending to return back to levels from the 1990's. Not only will they never go along with government spending increases nor even freezing spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want to cut spending and return to levels of the 90's, possibly as far back as the 1980's.

While social security may be spared from government shutdown as it stands now, just wait until house republicans bring the entire government to a halt over spending. Programs like social security will be affected regardless of current law. It is unavoidable. People think SS would be safe, but just wait and see because these new house republicans are like no others before. They really don't care how much the people suffer from refusing to fund the government. This is exactly why they rebuke McCarthy and deny McCarthy the speakership, because they know that McCarthy would eventually give in to common sense and work something out with democrats. However, these new house republicans? They will never, absolutely never do that.

Just imagine in your own personal life if you were suddenly forced to live off the spending budget you had back in 1980, 1990? Could YOU do it?
Things cost money and the costs of everything goes up year after year. That is mother nature as it were, but to live off your budget back in the 80's 90's? What would it take???

Would you have to start walking rather than driving to fit into your monthly gas allowance? How about food? Food cost a lot less back in 1985 and in 1990. Could you buy the groceries of today on a budget from 1985? What would you have to quit buying? Considering your food budget based in the 1980's, would you be eating bread and butter or Ramen and oatmeal for every meal? How about energy cost? Would you be forced to live in the dark, turning all lights off come sunset to maintain your 1980's energy budget? Cellphone? Nope. Not in the budget. HULU, Disney+ ??? Nope. Not in the budget.

Well, you get the idea.
These new house republicans, these take no prisoners house republicans, would demand government spending be rolled back to the levels of the late 80's/early 90's. republican house rep Chip Roy has basically said this. Said that spending was 10 trillion back in 1990, but grown to 33 trillion today. Chip wants the US government to live off a 1990 budget and that means social security is dead, along with 99% of the other government funded programs.
And you know what? They don't care.
Unlike past government shutdowns and threats of government shutdowns, this new republican house would follow thru with threats and shut down the entire US government. Permanently, if necessary.

I'm glad McCarthy is getting his butt kicked after kissing up to Donald Trump post Jan 6th, and after he demonized people like Nancy Pelosi to the extent some crazy person beat Mr Pelosi over the head with a hammer. Nancy Pelosi never said anything that caused Melania Trump nor Mrs McCarthy to endure a hammer to the head. I enjoy burning McCarthy at the stake, but when these new house members take the helm you can bet we all will suffer to extremes we can not imagine.

View attachment 73923
I try to suggest to people on this forum that the world is a product of what is inside their head. The problem is that fear walks hand in hand with ‘catastrophizing’ imagination. Perhaps, if you could quell the race of associative thought you might find yourself sitting safely at home in front of a computer.


Feb 24, 2009
I might also add that you realize that most of the 2O participated extensively in the aiding of the Jan. 6 insurrection and are absolutely afraid of a real functioning Ethics Committee, even with the Pubs in control.
Reactions: DaaQ


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2006
While this was expected from your hyperbolic ass…


That will be the news headlines after this new house of republicans REFUSE absolutely REFUSE to fund the US government causing everything to shut down. This is, after McCarthy is out and some new nutcase republican becomes house speaker.
Don't get me wrong, I too enjoy watching McCarthy going down in flames especially after that photo with Donald Trump at Maralago after the Jan 6th insurrection. McCarthy is a worm, not to insult worms.

McCarthy will be out, but listen closely to what house republicans like Chip Roy are saying about what house republicans want out of this soon to be new house leadership. They intend to hold firm and absolutely refuse to compromise because what republicans like Chip Roy wants to do is not simply limit spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want US government spending to return back to levels from the 1990's. Not only will they never go along with government spending increases nor even freezing spending, republicans like Chip Roy actually want to cut spending and return to levels of the 90's, possibly as far back as the 1980's.

While social security may be spared from government shutdown as it stands now, just wait until house republicans bring the entire government to a halt over spending. Programs like social security will be affected regardless of current law. It is unavoidable. People think SS would be safe, but just wait and see because these new house republicans are like no others before. They really don't care how much the people suffer from refusing to fund the government. This is exactly why they rebuke McCarthy and deny McCarthy the speakership, because they know that McCarthy would eventually give in to common sense and work something out with democrats. However, these new house republicans? They will never, absolutely never do that.

Just imagine in your own personal life if you were suddenly forced to live off the spending budget you had back in 1980, 1990? Could YOU do it?
Things cost money and the costs of everything goes up year after year. That is mother nature as it were, but to live off your budget back in the 80's 90's? What would it take???

Would you have to start walking rather than driving to fit into your monthly gas allowance? How about food? Food cost a lot less back in 1985 and in 1990. Could you buy the groceries of today on a budget from 1985? What would you have to quit buying? Considering your food budget based in the 1980's, would you be eating bread and butter or Ramen and oatmeal for every meal? How about energy cost? Would you be forced to live in the dark, turning all lights off come sunset to maintain your 1980's energy budget? Cellphone? Nope. Not in the budget. HULU, Disney+ ??? Nope. Not in the budget.

Well, you get the idea.
These new house republicans, these take no prisoners house republicans, would demand government spending be rolled back to the levels of the late 80's/early 90's. republican house rep Chip Roy has basically said this. Said that spending was 10 trillion back in 1990, but grown to 33 trillion today. Chip wants the US government to live off a 1990 budget and that means social security is dead, along with 99% of the other government funded programs.
And you know what? They don't care.
Unlike past government shutdowns and threats of government shutdowns, this new republican house would follow thru with threats and shut down the entire US government. Permanently, if necessary.

I'm glad McCarthy is getting his butt kicked after kissing up to Donald Trump post Jan 6th, and after he demonized people like Nancy Pelosi to the extent some crazy person beat Mr Pelosi over the head with a hammer. Nancy Pelosi never said anything that caused Melania Trump nor Mrs McCarthy to endure a hammer to the head. I enjoy burning McCarthy at the stake, but when these new house members take the helm you can bet we all will suffer to extremes we can not imagine.

View attachment 73923

Reactions: Pohemi and esquared


Sep 25, 2001
Once the House returned to business at 8 p.m. Eastern, Oklahoma Republican Tom Cole moved to adjourn until noon Thursday.
In a voice vote, Democrats appeared united in a resounding “nay,” and California Democrat Pete Aguilar asked for a roll-call vote.

wtf? why Repubs ask for a 8pm restart then at 8pm, immediately ask to adjourn till tomorrow?

Dems want to keep the popcorn flowing


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
wtf? why Repubs ask for a 8pm restart then at 8pm, immediately ask to adjourn till tomorrow?
Because they knew the Dems would reject it and force everyone to continue vote 7 at 4 o clock instead of going for dinner


Apr 8, 2013
This is so great. Even if McCarthy does pull this off, and right now I'm starting to wonder even about that, he's going to be weak, and it's going to weaken their entire caucus which is hanging on a threadbare majority right now. Their crazies are pulling them down just like in the midterms which is why they have such a slim majority in the first place.

The GOP look like a bunch of clowns who have no idea what to do with power once they get it.


Sep 25, 2001
Amidst yelling and rushing to vote, the House passed a motion to adjourn by a slim margin of 216 to 214. The House will come back in session at noon Thursday.
Republicans Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Lauren Boebert (Colo.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.) and Bob Good (Va.) — all anti-McCarthy holdouts — voted with Democrats to keep the session going.

So dems are 212 and with the 4 repubs, it should be 216 to 216 tie.
which 2 dems did not vote for continuing?


Jun 4, 2004
This is so great. Even if McCarthy does pull this off, and right now I'm starting to wonder even about that, he's going to be weak, and it's going to weaken their entire caucus which is hanging on a threadbare majority right now. Their crazies are pulling them down just like in the midterms which is why they have such a slim majority in the first place.

The GOP look like a bunch of clowns who have no idea what to do with power once they get it.

You’re right. Even if he does “win” it’s going to be Pyrrhic victory. Especially because I heard he agreed to a 5 GOP vote of no confidence to step down. He won’t last a week.
Reactions: hal2kilo and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Lol a Florida rep saying this is democracy in action. If we were in a Central American country, those 20 would be in jail or executed.


Sep 25, 2001
Especially because I heard he agreed to a 5 GOP vote of no confidence to step down. He won’t last a week.
thought it was a 5 gop vote to START the vote of no confidence?
then dont know if it requires a majority of Repubs to remove him or majority of the house (ie: 218 votes).

and if removed, we're back to the repub speaker elections clown circus


Jul 17, 2003
Wow, he agreed to drop the vote requirement. Yeah he's a goner. I'm glad he's getting humiliated so thoroughly here though. After that crack about smacking Pelosi with the gavel, when her husband was almost killed with a hammer by a nutjob looking for her, I think he deserves it. In fact keep it coming House. Choke on this shame McCarthy, and may your track record of selling out America end soon.

Rapey McForehead bringing up Benghazi during his rant was pretty funny though, a rare glimpse of honesty from that Putin loving douchebag pederast.

It'd be great if people just disgusted with this went and gave Jeffries a few more votes. Unlikely, but great. Record for no Speaker is 2 months and 133 ballots, haha can you imagine?
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