How can a citizen protect himself or herself from a Culture of Fear?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What is a 'Culture of Fear'

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Culture of fear (or climate of fear) is a term used by certain scholars, writers, journalists and politicians who believe that some in society incite fear in the general public to achieve political goals.

The term has been used to describe fears about Islamic terrorism which, it is argued on the one hand that are fears that are usually exaggerated or irrational in nature.[1][2] The term has also been used to describe irrational fear in other contexts, such as citizens fearing persons of different ethnic backgrounds, or neighborhood residents fearing retribution if they assist police in identifying criminals.[3]


Former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski argues that the use of the term War on Terror was intended to generate a culture of fear deliberately because it "obscures reason, intensifies emotions and makes it easier for demagogic politicians to mobilize the public on behalf of the policies they want to pursue".[4]

Frank Furedi, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent and writer for Spiked magazine, points out that today's culture of fear did not begin with the collapse of the World Trade Center. Long before 11 September, he argues, public panics were widespread - on everything from GM crops to mobile phones, from global warming to foot-and-mouth disease. Like Durodié, Furedi argues that perceptions of risk, ideas about safety and controversies over health, the environment and technology have little to do with science or empirical evidence. Rather, they are shaped by cultural assumptions about human vulnerability. Furedi say that "we need a grown-up discussion about our post-11 September world, based on a reasoned evaluation of all the available evidence rather than on irrational fears for the future.[5]

British academics Gabe Mythen and Sandra Walklate, argue that following terrorist attacks in New York, the Pentagon, Madrid, and London, government agencies developed a discourse of "new terrorism" in a cultural climate of fear and uncertainty. UK researchers argued that this processes reduced notion of public safety and created the simplistic image of a non-white "terroristic other" that has negative consequences for ethnic minority groups in the UK.[6]

In his 2004 BBC documentary film series, The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, the journalist Adam Curtis argues that politicians have used our fears to increase their power and control over society. Though he does not use the term "culture of fear", what Curtis describes in his film is a reflection of this concept. He looks at the American neo-conservative movement and its depiction of the threat first from the Soviet Union and then from radical Islamists.[7] Curtis insists there has been a largely illusory fear of terrorism in the west since the September 11 attacks and that politicians such as George W Bush and Tony Blair had stumbled on a new force to restore their power and authority; using the fear of an organised "web of evil" from which they could protect their people.[8] Curtis's film castigated the media, security forces and the Bush administration for expanding their power in this way.[8] The film features Bill Durodié, then Director of the International Centre for Security Analysis, and Senior Research Fellow in the International Policy Institute, King's College London, saying that to call this network an "invention" would be too strong a term, but he asserts that it probably does not exist and is largely a "(projection) of our own worst fears, and that what we see is a fantasy that's been created."[9]

Do you believe we live in a culture of fear and if so how do we protect ourselves from the lemming effect, a mass psychosis or outbreak of hysteria and irrational reaction.

It seems to me that a certain amount of self awareness would be required and a certain willingness to face ones own inherent shortcomings as rational beings.

How do we deal and face the fact that we can be led around by the nose? What can we do to protect ourselves from, well, ourselves. What emotional understanding would it take to resist this temptation. We are descended from apes that run up trees, hoot and throw sticks. Is that all we can be?

Right now, for example, I'm seized with an irrational fear that somebody will go off topic and make this thread about me. But I hope I am proved wrong.

So once again, what kind of mental faculties etc. are required not to be a puppet of fear? How do we transcend what may be some genetic flaws in our capacity to rationally evaluate risk?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Forget Islamic terrorism, what about the health care crisis, the child care crisis, the income equality crisis, the environmental crisis, the coming dust bowl, our cities submerged, our farmland barren dust . . .


Dec 18, 2010
Do you believe we live in a culture of fear and if so how do we protect ourselves from the lemming effect, a mass psychosis or outbreak of hysteria and irrational reaction.

I think living in fear is part of our evolutionary history.

50,000 years ago our ancestors lived in fear of starvation and being killed and eaten by a predator.

5,000 years ago our ancestors lived in fear starvation and war.

500 years ago people lived in fear of disease and war.

Widespread disease and war is just about a thing of the past. So what do we have to fear? How do we forget about living in fear after hundreds of thousands of years?

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
America is a culture of fear. We did not invent modern fear mogering, but, we are pros at it.

Vietnam, Communist witch hunts, Cuban missle crisis, the invasion of Iraq, multiculturalism, etc. Look at the hysterics caused by War of the Worlds as well.

I think there is something in us, that looks for fear. And, it's due to us no longer living in the wild. We have this unaddressed constant fear - which was valid in the wild; constantly worrying about powerful predators that can kill us.

We don't have claws. We are not that strong. We aren't born with anything that can counter wild animal attacks.

We have our brain, but that is provided we have enough time, resources and knowledge share to build weapons to defend ourselves in the wild.

It is in us - fear. And, others realize we want to feel fear. So, they cook up all sorts of stupidity to get us going nuts, for their own gain; war profiteering, ad revenues, wiping out opposition, etc.


Golden Member
May 20, 2009
Forget Islamic terrorism, what about the health care crisis, the child care crisis, the income equality crisis, the environmental crisis, the coming dust bowl, our cities submerged, our farmland barren dust . . .

Don't forget about all the war fronts as well: War on Drugs, War on Women, War on Poverty. These ongoing wars continue to drain the moral of our troops.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
I'm not certain, of course, but organizing a God of some sort seems to be the first documented use of fear to achieve an agenda. I'd argue it was to pass on blame to the people from the God for some event the ruler didn't want attached to him.
500 years ago the Catholic church used fear to effect their agenda and introduced Hell into the mix for the obvious reasons.

It seems we've been hard wired to experience fear... Looking historically, I have not been able to assume there were some folks with a fear potential and some without based on some tangible factor... It seems fear is the emotion produced by something being touched in the mind of the people.
I don't think it is much different today... IOW, we've evolved a set of criteria and today some are more prone to react based on a stimuli than others.

One thing we can do is look to countries with a freedom concept and see the difference tween them and those countries without a freedom to comply.... Like say Iran. One can only use fear when folks want or allow it to function... Folks rebel against or in spite of the consequence of fear IF they find a greater or stronger emotional notion to pursue... William Wallace comes to mind along with a Francis Marion and a Davy Crocket... Why didn't they simply comply? They didn't much care about gaining the power that might attach to their actions... They rebelled against a lesser stimuli. I know Edward Long Shanks was befuddled by the absence of fear in Wallace...


Golden Member
May 20, 2009
Running out of pudding?

Chocolate pudding fresh made is my favorite. I don't like for it to cool off.

Going slightly off-topic of the pudding, I think all of these fears can be squashed by putting on a tin-foil hat to avoid all of the moonbeams that hit your head and cause brain defects.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Don't forget about all the war fronts as well: War on Drugs, War on Women, War on Poverty. These ongoing wars continue to drain the moral of our troops.

In Congress are folks who deny all manner of empirically produced or 'reduced' enlightenment. Climate change, age of the Earth, a God and on and on... I don't accept for a moment that they are devout Christians defending themselves and their religion from the threat of eternal damnation. They have at their core an agenda that is placed their by the folks who have the money to keep them in office.
It is always about the true agenda... what is that... Not what is the current topic... No... the long term major agenda is never seen... It is or could be something so incredible as to draw the ire of rational folks... so it stays hidden..


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I think living in fear is part of our evolutionary history.

50,000 years ago our ancestors lived in fear of starvation and being killed and eaten by a predator.

5,000 years ago our ancestors lived in fear starvation and war.

500 years ago people lived in fear of disease and war.

Widespread disease and war is just about a thing of the past. So what do we have to fear? How do we forget about living in fear after hundreds of thousands of years?

That's what I'm asking. How do we? I love to drive and don't much like flying. Well I love the actual flying but not the thinking about an unintended landing yet the numbers say I'm much safer in a plane than in my car driving to the store. How can I possibly be so stupid? I have decided, in this case, to fly regardless of how I feel but I'm loath to fly for personal pleasure because I feel I'll be punished for that. If I crash in a few months you'll know why. I swear to the heavens though, I'm not doing it for me.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
In Congress are folks who deny all manner of empirically produced or 'reduced' enlightenment. Climate change, age of the Earth, a God and on and on... I don't accept for a moment that they are devout Christians defending themselves and their religion from the threat of eternal damnation. They have at their core an agenda that is placed their by the folks who have the money to keep them in office.
It is always about the true agenda... what is that... Not what is the current topic... No... the long term major agenda is never seen... It is or could be something so incredible as to draw the ire of rational folks... so it stays hidden..

I like to think that rational folk are the only ones who might see it hence the fear agenda to make sure there aren't too many of those. It seems that freedom of thought is allowed so long as it isn't exercised.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
So once again, what kind of mental faculties etc. are required not to be a puppet of fear? How do we transcend what may be some genetic flaws in our capacity to rationally evaluate risk?

This is sort of like which came first the chicken or the egg... everyone knows the egg is the correct answer cuz dinosaurs laid eggs and chickens didn't come about for quite some time after them.

Maybe risk produces fear? Maybe we are evolved to right brain a circumstance and left brain into action... To the extent we can accurately intuit the question and take the right action we survive and those who try to feed the lion don't pass on their genes... All because we don't fully appreciate the risk...

We know about the flight notion and the adrenaline production to enable speedy action... Lots of brain activity going on in many locations.


Dec 18, 2010
That's what I'm asking. How do we?

Education and social reform.

But then again, I think we are hard coded to be fearful. The fear of starving drove our ancestors to hunt, fish and domesticate animals.

We simply can not undo tens of thousands of years of evolution in a couple of generations.

I am fearful of rising food prices, so my wife and I are planting a large garden and increasing our chicken flock from 11 to around 48.
Nov 29, 2006
I think you have to acknowledge the culture of fear and what is the end game they want to achieve. The shit doesnt work on me because im aware of it and i see how it works on others that dont acknowledge it. My mom is a good example of being a lemming to fear mongering.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
I like to think that rational folk are the only ones who might see it hence the fear agenda to make sure there aren't too many of those. It seems that freedom of thought is allowed so long as it isn't exercised.

I hate to bring God into the picture or Religion but...
It is the first best documented use of fear that I can conjure up.

I find it amazing that the Commandments are tools for control. Placing in the hands of the Clergy the Power to do some interesting things....

You are said to have free will... but, commanded to love this particular God, your parents and stuff... Then your are told God knows what you're thinking even.... So you'd better not be thinking no contrary stuff or to Hell with you forever...


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
I think living in fear is part of our evolutionary history.

50,000 years ago our ancestors lived in fear of starvation and being killed and eaten by a predator.

5,000 years ago our ancestors lived in fear starvation and war.

500 years ago people lived in fear of disease and war.

Widespread disease and war is just about a thing of the past. So what do we have to fear? How do we forget about living in fear after hundreds of thousands of years?

Good point; fear is instinctual. But the fears of that past are generally no longer necessary. That fear has to go somewhere, and so the powerful become adept at tapping that pent-up fear for their own purposes.

The only solution is to let go of that tendency for fear.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Education and social reform.

But then again, I think we are hard coded to be fearful. The fear of starving drove our ancestors to hunt, fish and domesticate animals.

We simply can not undo tens of thousands of years of evolution in a couple of generations.

I am fearful of rising food prices, so my wife and I are planting a large garden and increasing our chicken flock from 11 to around 48.

I think we were designed to eat stuff other than meat or hunted critters... I think our teeth show that.

I think we eat to sate the message our tummy sends to the brain. We are wired to do lots of stuff like that... Sense of touch... lets us know that fire is damaging to our fingers and like that.

Maybe 98 or so % of all the creatures that ever existed are extinct... We find ourselves better able to thwart the conditions that would include us in that mix... although, we were down to about 30,000 in Africa at one point in time according to some who deduce these things.

I think it is plausible that fear produced by a rational assessment of risk might be important...


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Education and social reform.

But then again, I think we are hard coded to be fearful. The fear of starving drove our ancestors to hunt, fish and domesticate animals.

We simply can not undo tens of thousands of years of evolution in a couple of generations.

I am fearful of rising food prices, so my wife and I are planting a large garden and increasing our chicken flock from 11 to around 48.

You use the term fear... How about the notion that the risk to your family for not increasing the flocking chickens to 48 will be that you'd have to endure higher prices and as a result you fear the consequences of your budget versus income...

I'm trying to get a handle on what folks really mean by fear and risk and stuff and such like that.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
That's what I'm asking. How do we? I love to drive and don't much like flying. Well I love the actual flying but not the thinking about an unintended landing yet the numbers say I'm much safer in a plane than in my car driving to the store. How can I possibly be so stupid? I have decided, in this case, to fly regardless of how I feel but I'm loath to fly for personal pleasure because I feel I'll be punished for that. If I crash in a few months you'll know why. I swear to the heavens though, I'm not doing it for me.

You have risk and fear both dealing some input to this equation..

You know the risk statistically... so the fear of an unintended landing ought to be consistent but it never is, is it?...

Fear is 100% it seems... Once you gain fear it controls... it overwhelms. You have to be forced by something else to rationally deal with the fear... You'd not get on the plane but for that something... You'd rationalize eight ways to Sunday why you don't need seeing Europe again... I suppose a fear of some other thing can supplant the original fear... and then you can blame it on that if the plane 'crashes'... hehehehehehehhehe
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