how do i beat a speeding ticket?

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Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
Not trying to "win" anything, just trying to have a reasonable discussion. I can see that is not going to happen, C Ya.



Oct 11, 1999
Reasonable discussions do not involve calling people "extreme" or their views "insane".


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999

<< how do i beat a speeding ticket? >>

I get a good lawyer who specializes in traffic to take care of it for me.


I've felt similarly but never able to put it as well you said it. Well Said!


Oct 11, 1999
Thank you, it's always good to hear that someone agrees with you


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2000
Outersquare: Speaking of self-righteousness...
I think you are too sure of yourself that you can't seem to grasp the point.
Of the two car crashes I have been in (none of which I was driving), both were speeding related. Recently, my friend's father was killed in an accident involving a speeding truck. The driver couldn't slow down for a red light and ended up running through it hitting my friend's father car on the drivers side. His body was almost literally shattered and he was dead before his family could even get to the hospital. About a year ago, my neighbor's only child, age 13, died after getting hit by a speeding car on the street. He was thrown into a phone pole and was instantly killed. Had these 2 drivers slowed down perhaps they could have stopped in time for the red light and slowed in time to see the kid crossing the street. Perhaps some laws passed by our legislature perhaps can be deemed unfair or wrong, but who's to judge that anyways? Does it even matter? We choose these people to represent us, so why would we choose someone incompentent or corrupt? Even then he would impeached or kicked out. Laws are passed for a reason, and for the most part they are fair... and for one, Speeding laws are completely fair and justified. If they didn't have any speeding laws; if nobody got tickets and had to pay fines and higher insurance rates than that is giving them the green light to speed all they want. The roads would be total chaos and accident rates would skyrocket... many people die and many others are affected... end of story


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
Hate to break this to ya but you may have a hard time finding people that seriously believe we should have full-blown jury trials for speeding tickets. Our criminal justice system is so backed up now that prosecutors are forced to plea-bargain most cases because we don't have the resources to take them all to a jury trial. This has brought about a serious degradation of true justice. And you think we should increase the caseload by what?...tenfold, hundredfold, hell it might even be a thousandfold. Sorry if this offends you but IMO you have taken an extreme position and it is insane. Once again, no offense intended, I simply disagree with the position you have taken. If you can't even admit that your position is extreme I will not be wasting any more of your time, my time or the members of this boards time. Good day to you and have a happy and healthy New Year.


[EDIT]After 14 months I have finally made &quot;Senior Member&quot;. Where are the balloons and the band?[/EDIT]


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
Actually I think OuterSquare is a hoot (excuse me sounding old hehe). So if &quot;the man&quot; is taking away driving privledges from those who break the laws why not change the laws? We, as citizen (well minus felons, etc) have that right. Whats wrong with groups similar styles of places with similar speed limits. Most residential areas are 25-35 where I live. I have no problem with that. In fact i'd be mad if there were studies done to determine that infact 28 was the acceptable &quot;safe&quot; speed limit as opposed to 25 mph. Many people have poor judgement (some might say our friend here doing 60 in a residential area) and the laws are there to try to beat better judgement in them or take their driving privledges away to keep the masses safe. I have no problem with that.


Oct 11, 1999
NOWHERE did I ever advocate no speed limits at all. And NOWHERE did I say that it is ok to run a red light. Running stoplights is VERY different from mild speeding. I don't know anyone who does that and I sure as hell will never do that. I too have been hit by someone who ran a red. So what? That has nothing to do with handing out undeserved speeding tickets. Both your examples, while tragic, do not directly relate to speeding alone because they both involved people who ran a red light. Don't even bring stoplights into the argument because that is a COMPLETELY separate issue from speeding alone. The &quot;point&quot; you want me to grasp is simply not related to the issue at hand.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2000
Outersquare, how is 57 in a residential area minor speeding? Thats 2mph aster then the limits on highways where I livenno about you, but I find that to be pretty serious speeding (22mph over).


Oct 11, 1999
I can't say for sure for this specific situation, but I do believe we have all seens situations where one is basically in the middle of undeveloped land where the posted speed limit is 35. I really don't care if someone is going 57 mph in a desert that is zoned as residential. Just because an area is zoned for residential does not mean people actually live there.


Dec 25, 2000
Here in KY you can go to traffic school for around $75 and they forget about the ticket. Probably your best bet if available in CA. It sounds like you could benefit from going anyway. I sure wouldn't mention to the judge that I was going my usual speed 57 in a 35, he might up the fine to slow you down, and teach you a lesson.

At the prayer meetings you attend, you might want to pray that you can refrain from referring to people who are doing their job keeping our roads safe, as asshole, and punk-ass-bitch.


Oct 11, 1999

Just because the criminal system is backed up, that makes it ok to assume that accused traffic violators are guilty until proven innocent? Trial by jury for traffic offenses probably is not the answer, but neither is assuming the accused, guilty until proven innocent. Maybe you are willing to have your rights and principles abridged in the name of efficiency, but I am not.

<< This has brought about a serious degradation of true justice >>

So the answer is to degrade the justice system even more by assuming all traffic violators guilty first? I am not a legislator and it is not my job to think of new legal systems. But I do know that the current system is horribly broken.

<< Sorry if this offends you but IMO you have taken an extreme position and it is insane >>

And yet you continue the labels. You imply that I am stubborn, but you yourself are unwilling to drop the name calling. Why should I even bother to reconsider my position if you cannot end the mudslinging? Personal courtesy is a two way street. You want us to stop speeding, and yet you are unwilling to stop the name calling? How fair is that?

<< If you can't even admit that your position is extreme I will not be wasting any more of your time, my time or the members of this boards time. >>

So let me get this straight. If you don't get your way, you don't want to play anymore?


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999

Mudslinging? Namecalling? Puhleez! Calling your ideas extreme and insane is hardly name-calling, it is simply a statement of fact.


P.S. I let ya suck me back in again, I promise this is the last time for this thread. Last word is all yours.


Oct 11, 1999

<< Mudslinging? Namecalling? Puhleez! Calling your ideas extreme and insane is hardly name-calling, it is simply a statement of fact. >>

If denial on this relatively minor point is your last and final say, then I consider myself and my arguments to be in good shape.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
how do i beat a speeding ticket?

If you are guilty,pay it and stop your complaining. You know if you are guilty or not. This isn't rocket science.

You said you are on your way to a prayer service. What does your religeon say about obeying and respecting the rule of law? Maybe you can get some insight from there as to how to deal with it.


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000
The words that are forbidden are highlighted for you.

I haven't responded to alot of crap i've received. I am looking for a way to BEAT a ticket, not to sit there accept it and pay it off.

I am going to make 3 points.
1. government micromanagement
2. police doing their job fairly
3. my right to fight this

I see myself as a good citizen. I have no criminal records, I help out in the community, pay taxes etc. I also feel I am educated enough to know right from wrong. I do not see the need to be micromanaged by a group of beurocrats who aren't experts in the matter. I have driven faster than the posted speed limit on many occasions, and NEVER have I caused any danger to myself or to anyone. I am a firm believe in a Lazie Faire (sp?) type of government. When you begin to goven the everyday lifestyle of people, you become more of a socialist type of government. I do not believe the government needs to dictate every aspect of my life, important aspects perhaps, but not the minor details. I don't care about other drivers, I am a good driver, as I said, the street was split with a few houses on one side and a runway on the other side. There were no pedestrians around and no opposing traffic. The street was straight and it had no intersections for 1-2 miles. I was not under the influence of any substance and i was extremely alert. Therefore, I felt no harm in going the speed i was going, this was my judgement. Nobody was hurt or close to being hurt, therefore i feel I've done no wrong.

Many of you have praised the cop for doing their job and being just. However, i'll tell you now, police aren't very just. I bet if I had a relative in law enforcement, i'd get the ticket erased. A good family friend tells how he never gets ticketed by the LAPD and how any tickets given to him by any other PD are quickly erased because he's a forensic psychologist as well on the board of some california mental health committiee. I know he's not talking out of his ass because of certain things he can get away with. Now, you mean to tell me that relatives of police people or those that work with them, have better judgement than I do? If these police officals were doing their job they would not practice this type of favortism. I mean how many times do you see a cop flash his lights to cross a red light? They are not allowed to do this, but they feel they are all above the law. So please, don't give me this &quot;doing their job&quot; crap.

Finally, it's MY RIGHT to fight this. There is nothing illegal about it. I asked for help in my argument in fighting this ticket. I have the right to defend myself and make my case, I am going to utilize that right. If some of you choose to bend over and take what's given to you, that's your right. Therefore, if you are one of those that are going to tell me to pay it, please don't waste anyone's time.


&quot;You said you are on your way to a prayer service. What does your religeon say about obeying and respecting the rule of law? &quot;

This has nothing to do with religion... so please sit down...

There's a law in some part of the country that says you cannot frown in public, or you can spend the night in jail. You can respect that law if you wish, but I feel it's absurd. This is about micromanagement. I don't need to government telling me that I need to take a crap at 3pm. Maybe China would be a better country for you to live in.


I don't understand why some of these people get gratification from their petty name calling runs. You've delivered your point brilliantly, if they don't have the decency, manners and education to accept your views and respond in a suitable fashion... saying anything to them is a moot point.


Mar 2, 2000
Your immaturity really shows in that post. While you did type it in a very adult manner, your ideas convey that you think you are above the law and above everyone else. This is clearly not the case however, as you don't live in a place where people create laws and where there is no government. You think you're on top of the world, and that the case should be treated special because it is you are involved in it.

Do you have any idea how many people try the court system to get themselves out of trouble? I'm sure it's a lot more than you think, and I'm sure a lot of people have the same mindset as you have. The judges and courts have listened to every possible argument there is, and if going at 57mph in a 35mph WAS safe, then there'd be laws for it, not against it.

And while it MAY be safe for you to go at that speed, there are thousands of drivers out there (and thousands of accidents to prove it), that that is not the standard speed that's considered safe. The speed limit isn't for &quot;people who can't drive well&quot;, it's for everyone. By going above that (and saying you are right in doing so), you are showing much disrespect to those above you.

And I'm curious if it's not too personal, how do your parents feel about this? I know mine's (and if I were a parent), I'd pretty much would've said the same thing I just did.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2000
I'm the ticket master here (proudly speaking).
Got 5 tickets in two months. Not a single point, just a couple hundred in fines (damn, could of got that new video card)

Anyhow, gimme more info... and I'll be more than happy to help.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999
&quot;he asked me if I knew why he pulled me over&quot;
I'd say:
why? did you forget?



Golden Member
Jul 26, 2000
I was also told to call the police department and find out when the officer is working, that way I schedule a court date on his day off. I doubt the ultra-rude city PD will give that informtion though.

That's a good start. In some states, they've started to pay cops overtime for court dates because so many were no-shows. I know this is the case for some police depts. in MI, don't know about the rest of the US.

Good luck!


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

>Your immaturity really shows in that post. While you did type it in a very adult manner, your ideas >convey that you think you are above the law and above everyone else. This is clearly not the case >however, as you don't live in a place where people create laws and where there is no government. You >think you're on top of the world, and that the case should be treated special because it is you are >involved in it.

Your percetion of my maturity is immaterial here... besides who are you to judge my maturity. I dount you are the epitome of maturity. I suggest you take all this energy you have for knitt-picking and do something more constructive. I will not appologize for my ideas. I do not feel i need to be micromanaged. I have enough intelligence to determine the best course of action in certain instances on my own. I accept the fact I am bound my the laws of this muncipality and I will fight in accordance to the rights given to me.

>Do you have any idea how many people try the court system to get themselves out of trouble? I'm sure >it's a lot more than you think, and I'm sure a lot of people have the same mindset as you have. The >judges and courts have listened to every possible argument there is, and if going at 57mph in a 35mph >WAS safe, then there'd be laws for it, not against it.

A very broad statement, seems somewhat logical, but you haven't been there for each and every case in each and every court in this country. Do you mean to tell me that there is no point in trying? This kind of thinking is insulting to this nation and the freedoms it grants us. I suppose you think that everyone held for a crime who isn't guilty should accept that the government knows best and not defend themselves. The ability to fight for oneself one of the most crucial components in liberty.

Municicaplities do not know what's best all the time. Example, there are several intersections in my neighborhood that should be 4 way stop-signs, but because of expense they have two-way stop signs. Visiblity is very poor at the intersections because the curbs aren't redlined, making for a very unsafe area for both pedestrians and vehicle traffic. This has been pointed out on several occasions, but noone has done anything about it. If the government makes laws to protect people, you'd think they'd rectify this manner in the most safe manner possible, but they haven't.

>And while it MAY be safe for you to go at that speed, there are thousands of drivers out there (and >thousands of accidents to prove it), that that is not the standard speed that's considered safe. The >speed limit isn't for &quot;people who can't drive well&quot;, it's for everyone. By going above that (and saying >you are right in doing so), you are showing much disrespect to those above you.

I'm not concered about those several thousands of drivers who have been in accidents, I am a good driver and haven't been in an accident because of reckless driving. Germany has Autobaans where there is no set speed limit, and even though they have less cars that we do, proportionally they have less accidents that we do. Are you sure speed is the only factor involved in the accidents that you speak of?

>And I'm curious if it's not too personal, how do your parents feel about this? I know mine's (and if I >were a parent), I'd pretty much would've said the same thing I just did.

1. their thoughts do nothing to help this sittuation because it doesnt them
2. it's none of your business what they think


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

I'll try and recap in as few words as possible

1. I was getting late for something important
2. I was driving the speed I usually drive
3. the street is 1-2 miles long, straight, no intersections, has a small residential area on one side and a runway on the other
4. the cop said the speed limit was 35mph, on the ticket he wrote 45mph, but the sign (yes I drove the street again and there is a sign exactly where he pulled me over) says 40mph
5. there were no pedestrians anywhere around, so I am thinking about aruging it was a safe speed considering circumstances, although i really don't think it will work
6. I don't know if he was using a radar or a laser gun... either way the gun was reflecting off a chain link fence that had no building behind it for more than 500 yards.

If there's anything else you want to know lemme know... because nothing is comming to mind at the moment.



Mar 19, 2000
First I think your pretty pathetic, the cop is just doing his job.
Were I am from the way to somewhat beat the ticket is as follows:

First get rid of your attitude problem, and realize you screwed up or this definitely won't work. Go talk to the district attorney, or whoever would be prosecuting you. Tell them you are sorry, didn't think the speed limit was 35, you were late for your prayers and whatever you want. The person then may cut a deal with you if he is so inclined. In my state, the deal is usually:
You pay the fine, but usually less then the normal amount usually around $40. You then have to drive safely for 3 months. If you can manage to do that (I dunno since your normal speed is 22 mph faster then the speedlimit) then the ticket is whiped off your record. If you do get another ticket then both tickets go on your record.
I have done this with 3 different tickets, none of them were vary hard to talk the DA into. It may vary from city to city, and state to state, so you might want to inquire about it.

BTW there is a speedlimit in Montana..


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

Attitude? talk to the DA? you have no clue what's going on do you... I don't know how traffic tickets are treated in Montana, maybe they are a bigger deal there than in california... considering not much goes on in that state... but here the DA is not involved... this is an infraction, not a bloody fellony. There is no prosecution involved. I go to court and the judge listens to me, then the police officer, then I can ask the officer questions then I give a closing and the officer gives a closing.

If the judge decides in my favor excellent, if he doesn't I pay the fine and go to traffic school.

I don't understand why you people take this so personally... you didn't get the ticket. All I am asking for is some material I can develop an argument around.
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