~~~~ How Do I? ~~~~

AnandTech Moderator

Staff member
Oct 12, 1999
Continued from the previous thread.

Post here if you need some help or if you have some answers about getting various deals and promotions posted in Hot Deals. Please keep replies brief and on topic. Long discussions will only clog up the thread and make it difficult for anyone to find the answers they need.

Please do not post coupon numbers or links to sites that would be prohibited in other posts.

Requests for deals on specific items should be posted in the ~~~~ IWANNA ~~~~ thread.

Raves and rants about good and bad deals and vendors questions should be posted in the ~~~~ Brag & Moan ~~~~ thread.

Thank You, and enjoy yourselves here while lending a hand to your fellow forum members.

AnandTech Moderator


~~~~ How Do I ~~~~ I continued here.


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
from an old how do I thread

Welcome New Members ! The following AKA list may come in handy.

^ = a symbol used 2 bring 2 the top, a common bump saying
^ 5 = High five
AFAIK =as far as I know
BAN or BANNED Total ban from forum no more access or a vacation 4 ya from the MOD
BM & B&M = brick and mortar (physical store, not online or virtual)
BS= u all know what it means/ if not u r 2 young
BTW = By the way
BUMP = 2 push the thread '2 the top'. In this forum system, everytime a thread is replied 2, it goes 2 the top of the list.
Crap= Act of ripping apart or putting down someone's post( avoid this)
Crapper= The person who craps on the post ( avoid them )
CSR= Customer Service Representative
DD= Done deal
FS/FT = For Sale / For Trade
FYI =For your information
IBTL= In be-fore the lock. ATTENTION : this is now banned here. DO NOT use !
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion or In My Honest Opioion
J/K = Just/Kidding, joke or joking with ya
L8R =Later
LMAO=Laughing my @ss off
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LOL=Laughing out loud
EOM=End of message
MIR = Mail in rebate
MOD=AnandTech Moderator
NEF = A name given to person who nefs in or make a thread of nef.(see neffing)
Neffing= is posting useless garbage solely for the purpose of upping one's post count.
Newbie= short for new member
NM= Never mind
NP = No problem
OBO=Or best offer
OD=Office Depot
OM=Office Max
OOS=Out of stock
POC=Piece of cake 4 u canadians (means easy 2 do)
PITA=Pain in the @ss
PM = private message If you want ANSWERS BE SURE 2 have this turn on. 2 do so click on PROFILE in the top tab. U will find the switch there. Allow private messages: On * Off o
PM= price match. (Store will match other store's prices.)
ROTFLMAO=Rolling on the floor laughing my @ss off ROTFLMA0 + PIMP = p*ssing in my pants
TIA = Thanks in advance
TKS or TU= Thanks or thank you BTW it is a OLD FORGOTTEN AKA
TOS = terms of service
TTFN = ta ta for now
TTT = To the top, a common bump saying
TROLL = A thief. Or someone who tries 2 con other people out of their $$, usually done in the FS/FT forum.
UP=Up to the top, a common bump saying
WTF What the f@@k
WYSIWYG=what you see is what you get
YAFT= Yet another free Tshirt, Yes another free T
YGPM = you got private message
YMMV=your mileage may vary
YW=Your welcome

What is the hierarchy here?

Title followed by Posts Required
Junior Member 0
Member 20
Senior Member 200
Golden Member 1000
Platinum Member 2000
Diamond Member 3000 More info can be found by clicking on HELP which is on the top tab.

Questions and tracking of REBATES for now are posted in fellow forum member erikatcuse's thread here REBATE LINK

How Do I post a deal ?

Looking how 2 post a HOT DEAL? First do a SEARCH Forum Search Engine in search check off HOT DEALS only(important, cause crappers love reposts) 2 b sure it has NOT already been posted. Do not b afraid 2 post a deal. (Not all deals r hot 2 all people). DO NOT post Coupon CODES in your post it is NOT ALLOWED.Altough u can mention any that pertain 2 your deal.
Good Luck !

Posting of Coupon Links

The only links to coupons that we consider acceptable are on the issuer's site. I wish it were possible to verify whether other scans were transferable, but we simply do not have the manpower to do that, so the rule must be DO NOT DO IT.

AnandTech Moderator Message by: AnandTech moderator on 06/19/2001 18:55:55 catid=40&threadid=472107


I posted a deal but goofed up. What do I do ?

Posted a topic in wrong forum or other error. NO BIG DEAL. (We ALL have done it @ sometime) Just delete EVERTHING in your post leaving just a dot ( . ) or a . Next change topic to " MOD PLEASE LOCK THANKS ". Note: Only a AnandTech Moderator can Lock it or DELETE it. Do NOT revisit your error!!! (I fell pry 2 this) Just let the crappers crap.

I ask a question and everybody ingores me. Why ?

Many members do not post in the threads, but will answer you via a PM (private message). EXAMPLE a question in ~~~I WANNA ~~~~ thread will CAN ONLY B ANSWER WITH A PM (rules) So b sure yours is turned ON ! I repeat. "If you want ANSWERS BE SURE 2 have this turn on. 2 do so click on PROFILE in the top tab. U will find the switch there. Allow private messages: On * Off o "

Are messages ever removed from the forums (and it's archives)?

Zuni AnandTech Webmaster/Software Engineer usually warns users at least 24 hours in advance to give them a chance to back up and threads they want to save. He posts the warning in Forum Issues.


Banned email member accounts



Senior member
Apr 26, 2001
Hey! I was wondering if someone could help me with entering coupon codes at Office Depot. I can't figure out where the 'referrer id' is, so I don't know where to put the coupon? Anyone?



Aug 5, 2001
How do I get the "last" click to work correctly? It's been bugging me since I started using Anandtech. No other forums have this web forum false extra page error.

I click "last" and it goes to a anandtech blank page. Also, many times, when I click the "2" "3" "4" or later pages, I get to a anandtech blank page.

Why does it show "2" "3" "4" if the pages are blank!?

By blank page I mean that there haven't been enough messages to require needing the next page. So, why doesn't this forum calculate the page accurately? It puts false extra pages which create a lot of extra clicking to get to the last page.

This is really bugging me! Why hasn't anyone noticed this? fixed this?!:Q


Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
I click "last" and it goes to a anandtech blank page. Also, many times, when I click the "2" "3" "4" or later pages, I get to a anandtech blank page.

I don't know why this happens, but I believe that it only happens when you are not logged in.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
Yep. Somehow the page count uses a certain number of posts per page in the initial display but the actual default no. of posts per page is different when you are not logged in. No. of posts is customizable, so when you are logged in everything works.


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2000
I have a video card and power supply coming to my house from newegg this week...I want to return it and was wondering if I can just refuse shipment from fedex instead of recieving it then sending it back on my own dime. I think its coming tommorow and newegg's cs doesnt seem to be open on sundays so im asking here, thanks!


Senior member
Jun 7, 2000
If I buy a product from Amazon.com's Circuit City store with in-store pickup rather than shipping it, will I still have to pay sales tax?


Junior Member
May 8, 2002
I'm new to Price matching and just got my amex with BVG on Sat. Before I
try it (and have it not work), I would appreciate it if someone would
please email n2mfd@hotmail.com (or PM) me with detailed procedures on how to do it correctly...

THANK YOU in advance!


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2002
I called 4 OM's and found a OM with one piece in stock. So, got the details and went to a BB. There is one in stock there. Bad Luck!!!!The price is changed. Its now $44.97 - $20 MIR = $24.97. So, returned back............


Oct 1, 2002
Is there a way to price match best buy online?
How do I price match them at store? Do I go to customer counter or cash register?
Help, thanks!


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2001
how do i send a CD back to BMG? i haven't opened it yet. it's my "monthly" thing. do i just write "return to sender" on it and put it in the mailbox? thanks!



Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2001
possibly in the wrong place but seems like the best fit to me...

I just got in on the Blockbuster buy 2, get 1 free. I was wondering if anyone knew a way to get off those overlay stickers that they put on the dvd itself without runing the dvd. I can get the stickers on the case off easily but I'm scared to scratch the dvd.

PM please.


Oct 2, 2002
Not sure where to put this question, but I believe this is as good a place as any.

With best buy, after you submit an order online, a page comes up that contains order number, item, and price. I always print this.

After you receive the item, the packing slip contains the same information, plus the all important purchase date AND the SKU number. The SKU number can be just as important as the purchase date. The SKU number on the packing slips match the rebate forms, so this is good.

Now, if you click on any previous order, you can choose "create receipt" and print that out as well. Except, the SKU number on this created receipt is never anywhere close to matching the SKU number on the packing slip, or the SKU number listed on the rebate form!

The 2 rebates on the 40gb western digital hard drive want copies of the receipt. If I include a printout of this 'created receipt' the SKU number won't match and I am worried it will be rejected?

So I was going to include a copy of the original printout after submitting the order, as well as a photocopy of the packing slip. I figure between the two, they have the order number twice, the item and model number twice, the correct sku, the price paid, and the purchase date.

What do you alls include as the receipt when it comes to bestbuy? I don't have this problem with other rebates, just bestbuy's as their stupid create-a-receipt never spews out the correct SKU number. Heck, the SKU numbers it spews are seldom even the correct number of digits. This applies to all past orders, not just the HD, bestbuy's create-a-receipts never show the same SKU# as on the packing slip or what is required on the rebate form.

Thoughts? People's mileage?


Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
You might want to call Best Buy and ask them about the discrepancy with the SKUs. I have never had a problem with one of their rebates when sending in the created receipt.


Oct 2, 2002
I called, extremely pleasant woman answered, but in the end I didn't really walk away with a definitive answer. Which is, to use the created online receipt even though the sku number doesn't match, to use a copy of the packing slip, or to send copies of both and be on the safe side. She took a "send them whatever it is they are asking for" position, ie, the receipt, which would then be the receipt you create online.

Alas, for the PNY cdrs, I already mailed it and sent in copies of the packing slip and the order page/number you get after submitting the order. To me this shows order number, sku, price, item and description, and date of purchase. If they get rejected, I'll call bestbuy and resolve it.

Again, super nice CSR, but didn't seem to have an explanation for the discrepancy when it came to the 2 different sku numbers. Since then, looking at the packing slip compared to the online printable receipt, I figured out what's occuring.

I'll use 2 examples:


Packing Slip:
Item # = 000011173463
SKU # = 000004680214

SKU # required on rebate form = 4680214

Online Create-A-Receipt:
SKU # = 11173464

40GB Maxtor HD
Packing Slip:
Item # = 000011026977
SKU # = 00000

SKU # required on rebate form = 4002199

Online Create-A-Receipt:
SKU # = 11026977

The online create a receipt option is using the item # stated on the packing slip as the sku number. As I compare, it's done this every time. I would be curious if someone could check one of their recent best buy rebate submissions and see if this is occuring with them. Ie sku # on online receipt is equal to item # on packing slip when item(s) arrived.

I am just including copies of both. If they have half a brain, they will see the same order # on both the packing slip and receipt and know it's the same darn order. I'll highlight the 'correct' sku number on the packing slip , the item and order dates on both, heck I even highlighted where it said "Photocopy of original UPC Bar code" on one of the 2 WD drive rebates so they don't just offhand reject it for not including the, usually by default, original UPC. They should be able to look at it all and sort out that the sku number is there, as well as item and description, original upc or photocopy as stated, and the all important order date.

If the rebate was going to TCA...then I'd be more worried.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2001
Originally posted by: hoang101
What exactly is ebates and how can I use it ... PN

ebates give some % rebate if you go thro their site and purchase. Then about once every few months, they will send you the money.


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2002
The rebate forms for the Columbus Day Sale @ cusa from this deal requires that both rebate forms be submitted in the same envelope.

First time for everything I guess.

if there are 2 rebate forms, no.
if one rebate forms up to 2 items, yes.[/b]


Golden Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: JubJub4
Why does everyone rave about liteon?

I have a Yamaha. I would have a lite on if I wasn't so cheap.
Even with the super hot deals here I will wait probably for a dvd burner. Lite On has made a great name and a great product to go along with it. And the prices are real cheap.
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