How do people eat so much?

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Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
Please link to this mythical person that can violate the laws of thermodynamics, and gain weight without eating?

People who have Hypercortisolism or Cushing's Syndrom have

1. A greatly reduce metabolism even on a diet of 1000 calories they will still gain weight.

2. This is compounded by the fact their body desire for sugar is greatly increased.

3. Cushing's Syndrom also causes diabeties directly.

Other diseases such as Insolinoma also hae similar affects, greatly reduced metabolish, increased desire, and diabetes.

The only thing is these conditions are rare, like 1 in million people a year rare.
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Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2008
Good God man, learn to make sense. I said that eating does not make one fat. You said provide the link. I did. What part of that don't you get?

This is thread about fat people, not about people that cant keep weight on.

Stop eating and you will lose weight.


Nov 27, 2001
liquid calories. sweets which have low satiety but are loaded with calories. nuts, which have healthy fats but are easy to overeat. portion sizes. 1 serving size of captain crunch is 27g. Most people use a lot more than that.

Sodas and stuff can definitely provide a ton of calories. I used to drink quite a few of them, but then I noticed that I could literally drink between 800-1000 calories a day! A can of Mountain Dew has ~170 calories in it... just a mere can that I can down with about one gulp!


Apr 12, 2004
A can of Mountain Dew has ~170 calories in it... just a mere can that I can down with about one gulp!

This kind of stuff surprises me too. I mean, I know it happens, but I open a can of soda keeping in mind the time (if it's caffeinated) knowing that I'll need about six hours to finish it. If I were like people I know downing 16oz Monster drinks every few hours I would need to carry a can to piss in.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
FYI one of the most common disease in woman is PCOS it causes type 2 diabetes in women if left untreated. There are many diseases of the endocrine system that can causes diabetes.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
Ok, confession time. I'm fat. I'm fat because I love to cook and love to eat. I'm not stupid, I know exactly how many calories are in the food I eat. Some folks may have a slightly higher metabolism, but it's still calories in vs. calories out that dictate your weight. Everyone knows this.

Over the years I've had doctors tell me I need to see a dietician or try to give me books on nutrition. Please! I'm not stupid. I know exactly what a low calorie/fat/carb/cholesterol diet looks like. I just don't have the willpower to keep myself on one. It's not that I like junk food, I like *ALL* food. Portion control is my biggest problem.

My weight has fluctuated over the years, and when it gets bad I start having back problems and other issues. When I exercise and cut back on what I eat my weight drops and those issues go away.

I don't ask to be treated any different than other people, but if you still want to judge me then go ahead. I try to take responsibility for what I do in life, including how high I pile my dinner plate. I don't smoke, I've NEVER used an illegal drug, I try to be an honest and kind person. I just happen to like food.

A lot of fat people tend to be rude, obnoxious, loud, ignorant people. Everyone hates those folks, but their weight has nothing to do with it.

I find most people who are outraged purely over my weight have demons of their own they are wrestling with, and are just looking for someone to look down on to make themselves feel better. You can call me a fat pig and hate me, but you better be a damn good person and not have any sins of your own before you do. Hypocrisy trumps overeating as sins go.


Apr 12, 2004
I honestly don't hate fat people (unless they're really sweaty and smelly or something). I didn't create this thread to troll/hate on fat people (although admittedly I knew some would). I'm just wondering the kinds of foods they eat. tbh I would totally get myself fat if I could cook chicken breasts and bake pies like my mom can, but when I see my peers who always have a bag of candy and 20oz soda on hand, I figure they're really hardcore with their sweets.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
Ok, confession time. I'm fat. I'm fat because I love to cook and love to eat. I'm not stupid, I know exactly how many calories are in the food I eat. Some folks may have a slightly higher metabolism, but it's still calories in vs. calories out that dictate your weight. Everyone knows this.

Over the years I've had doctors tell me I need to see a dietician or try to give me books on nutrition. Please! I'm not stupid. I know exactly what a low calorie/fat/carb/cholesterol diet looks like. I just don't have the willpower to keep myself on one. It's not that I like junk food, I like *ALL* food. Portion control is my biggest problem.

My weight has fluctuated over the years, and when it gets bad I start having back problems and other issues. When I exercise and cut back on what I eat my weight drops and those issues go away.

I don't ask to be treated any different than other people, but if you still want to judge me then go ahead. I try to take responsibility for what I do in life, including how high I pile my dinner plate. I don't smoke, I've NEVER used an illegal drug, I try to be an honest and kind person. I just happen to like food.

A lot of fat people tend to be rude, obnoxious, loud, ignorant people. Everyone hates those folks, but their weight has nothing to do with it.

I find most people who are outraged purely over my weight have demons of their own they are wrestling with, and are just looking for someone to look down on to make themselves feel better. You can call me a fat pig and hate me, but you better be a damn good person and not have any sins of your own before you do. Hypocrisy trumps overeating as sins go.

Buy smaller plates and make yourself use them if portion control is the issue. You can also buy smaller forks.

Exercise exercise exercise. Find something you like to do. Not everything is for everyone. I can't run to save my life. I prefer to life weights, i like stairmaster machines, i like walking briskly in pools though I can't swim. Just find something that works for you.

As for why obesity bothers me. Personally, I don't care if someone is obese. I really don't give a shit. The thing that bothers me is that obese people say they don't care if they die they just want to live full rich lives and aren't hurting anyone. But I disagree. To me it more that healthcare in this country is shared. A smoker for example knows smoking will give him COPD and lung cancer and etc says f it I'll die when I die. The thing is noone just dies. People tend to opt to treat stuff and try to live so and when that smoker develops these things he will generally opt for the hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars worth of treatment over the course of the diseases he gets. The general public however foots the bill (via taxes, insurance premiums, etc). The same goes for drug use (there are people who constantly use crack, give themselves heart attacks every month strictly due to crack use, and need to be admitted at extremely high costs for something totally preventable). The same goes for obesity. Its very upsetting to think that whilst I take great care of myself, my taxes are going to paying for people who if they made a few lifestyle changes wouldn't even need my tax dollars in the first place.

What you should know is that human tastes are extremely adaptable. For example, here in the US there is a ton of salt in our foods. WHen americans are shipped over to france where they use way less salt, at first people say oh this needs salt, but over time they stop noticing and find the foods equally tasty. The same goes for fats, sweets, cheeses, etc.
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Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Seriously. I ate what I thought was a considerable amount today (two bagels + cream cheese = ~700 calories, protein bar = ~250 calories, soda = ~300 calories, and Chipotle burrito = ~700 calories) but that still only touched the supposed normal 2000. Granted, I don't exercise so I won't judge athletes and construction workers and other physically active individuals, but HTF do others manage to eat so much? Do you people live on candy and frappuccinos and shit? Not that I'm saying more than 2000 is necessarily a lot either, but I am seriously confused as to how a physically inactive individual manages to eat 3000/4000+ calories every day.

EDIT: Title changed.
You have only one soft drink. Keep adding them on. They add up real quick. Also, what you eat is a pittance. That would last me till about 2 in the afternoon.

Also, exercise is a big component of appetite; the reason that exercise generally doesn't work as a weight control measure is that people tend to eat more after they exercise, so that what they eat afterwards completely negates the calories they used during exercise, and then some. Spending a whole day working even a lightly active job does a lot more for appetite than you might think. I'm doing 8-10 hour days now, round 40:40:20 sitting, standing, and walking, and I can probably eat twice as much as when I was just going to classes.


Nov 27, 2001
This kind of stuff surprises me too. I mean, I know it happens, but I open a can of soda keeping in mind the time (if it's caffeinated) knowing that I'll need about six hours to finish it. If I were like people I know downing 16oz Monster drinks every few hours I would need to carry a can to piss in.

Six hours? Damn... I would easily have a two liter bottle gone by then. I actually switched over to all diet drinks as part of my Drink No Calories Rule*.

*Note: Alcohol is an obvious exception!

Although, when it comes to food, I don't each much. I eat less than 2,000 calories a day. On the weekdays, I eat lunch and dinner, and on the weekends, I eat a very light lunch and a heavier dinner (I should probably swap that around). Note that when I say "heavier dinner" it doesn't mean I eat close to 2k calories, but rather I could eat that aforementioned McDonald's meal without worrying about it.


I also bake quite a bit, but I don't really eat any of it. I mostly bake it to give away at work. In fact... I've got some Strawberry Cinnamon No-Bakes hardening downstairs as we speak! Well... not sure about the hardening part... it's my own "recipe" and I haven't mastered the amount of oats yet (the strawberry and lack of peanut butter found in some no-bakes drives the oat requirement up a lot).
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Apr 12, 2004
You have only one soft drink. Keep adding them on. They add up real quick. Also, what you eat is a pittance. That would last me till about 2 in the afternoon.

Also, exercise is a big component of appetite; the reason that exercise generally doesn't work as a weight control measure is that people tend to eat more after they exercise, so that what they eat afterwards completely negates the calories they used during exercise, and then some. Spending a whole day working even a lightly active job does a lot more for appetite than you might think. I'm doing 8-10 hour days now, round 40:40:20 sitting, standing, and walking, and I can probably eat twice as much as when I was just going to classes.

Yeah, I'm not counting physically active people. Although I have a sibling who is 5'8" ~155lbs, and while obviously not ripped or anything, is quite muscular despite eating less than me on average (he's more of a deli sandwich and salad guy than a hamburger and cake guy like me), and he goes on 12 mile hikes and does 100 pushups daily and stuff.


May 24, 2003
but HTF do others manage to eat so much? Do you people live on candy and frappuccinos and shit?
The desire to eat is caused by low blood sugar. Anything that lowers your blood sugar will cause you to eat more. Lots of things affect your blood sugar:
-physical activity

Hormones - Women who are pregnant or on birth control eat more.
Physical activity - Run up a flight up stairs as fast as you can and you will no longer feel like eating (actually try this).
Drugs - Stimulants like nicotine and cocaine greatly reduce appetite.
Diet - Foods high in sugar but low in fibre will cause blood sugar to spike very quickly then crash after the body throws out a ton of insulin to deal with it; this causes hunger to hit much sooner. You will crave food less often if your meals contain a lot of fibre or if most of the calories come from protein and fat. Protein and fat take much longer to process, so they are like a slow release of energy over a long time; blood sugar never crashes. Fibre will reduce appetite by slowing down the rate of food digestion so blood sugar never spikes or crashes.

You'll notice that first world countries have problems with 2 of those. Most people don't exercise, and lots of people don't eat much fibre. The result is very spiky blood sugar.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
The desire to eat is caused by low blood sugar. Anything that lowers your blood sugar will cause you to eat more. Lots of things affect your blood sugar:
-physical activity

Hormones - Women who are pregnant or on birth control eat more.
Physical activity - Run up a flight up stairs as fast as you can and you will no longer feel like eating (actually try this).
Drugs - Stimulants like nicotine and cocaine greatly reduce appetite.
Diet - Foods high in sugar but low in fibre will cause blood sugar to spike very quickly then crash after the body throws out a ton of insulin to deal with it; this causes hunger to hit much sooner. You will crave food less often if your meals contain a lot of fibre or if most of the calories come from protein and fat. Protein and fat take much longer to process, so they are like a slow release of energy over a long time; blood sugar never crashes. Fibre will reduce appetite by slowing down the rate of food digestion so blood sugar never spikes or crashes.

You'll notice that first world countries have problems with 2 of those. Most people don't exercise, and lots of people don't eat much fibre. The result is very spiky blood sugar.

Things that lower your blood sugar can also make you eat less and things that raise your blood sugar can also make you eat more.

Adrenal Insufficiency Syndrome lows your blood sugar, in fact people with this face life threatening hypoglycemia and death if not treated. Adrenal Insufficiency reduces appetite, and are often of very low weight.

Cushing's Syndrome raises blood sugar, and of left untreated will lead to diabetes, it also causes increase appetite. While most who develop diabetes will lose weight at first, those with Cushing's syndrome even when diabetic will have increased appetite and weight gain.

Insulin isn't the only thing that regulates blood sugar level, cortisol plays a major role in the regulation of blood sugar.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
I would highly recommend people signing up for a free netflix trial and watching the documentaries on food, obesity, healthcare, etc

They may seriously change the way you look at food, diet, and exercise.


Golden Member
Oct 27, 2008
I watched an episode of horizon last night which was interesting. Two points really came out though.

Firstly you should as much as possible stay moving, if you have a desk job then atleast fidgit in your seat because if you do nothing the body stores the fat you eat but if you are moving somewhat then the amount of fat in your blood will reduce and part of whats left will be sent to your muscles.

The other point was about an experimental exercise routine called H.I.T. (high intensity training). It was a very simple routine where you do 3 20 second bursts as hard as you possibly can 3 times a week. The presenter did this for 4 weeks and saw a 20% increase in insulin production.

It was very interesting and well worth a watch. The full title is Horizon: The truth about exercise.


Dec 6, 2004
I eat about 3500 calories a day (or im supposed to but i dont like spending so much money sometimes) because I work out a good amount and I get hungry every 30 minutes. I eat pretty small meals every time and I get full quick, but I also get hungry quick. I'd say 95% of my meals are healthy (besides all the vodka/red bulls I drink on friday/sat nights)


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011
I eat a big bowl of oatmeal at 6:30 am, then 2 mini pizzas or whatever they have in the cafeteria that day and a coke at 10 am, at 2 pm I have 4-6 slices of danish smørrebrød. 4 pm I'll have a couple of slices of white bread and then at 6pm I'll have a big dinner. after my evening run I'll get hungry again and have a couple of more slices of white bread before I go to bed. rinse and repeat.

I ate a hell of a lot more when I was in the army.

I cannot for the life of me gain wheight. I'm very tall with an athletic build like all men in my family, and I'll stay this way until I die.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2000
Most important thing is to figure out your BMR, basically the amount of calories you burn just sitting on your ass the whole day. Keep you caloric intake below that (BUT not too much below) to lose weight at a healthy rate (~2lbs max / week).


Jul 2, 2001
Please link to this mythical person that can violate the laws of thermodynamics, and gain weight without eating?

Nothing to do with the laws of thermodynamics. The number of calories you consume puts a ceiling on the number of calories that you absorb. The efficiency of absorbing calories from food also varies from person to person (and intestine to intestine).

Similarly, the rate at which people burn calories varies relative both to their inherent metabolism and their total calories burned from activity, and their total calories burned from activity varies based on their muscle mass.

Therefore, the equation, broadly would be:

net calories to fat = (calories eaten) * (intestine efficiency factor) - (inherent metabolism) - (muscle mass)(metabolic activity factor)

We know that people with more muscles need to eat more to keep their bulk up.

We also know that people on amphetamines (which, IIRC, used to be prescribed as diet aids) have higher metabolism.

Therefore, it stands to reason that fat people are likely to gain more weight from eating the same food than a thin person. The ways to fix this are:
-Eat less than the thin person.
-Find some drug to lower intestinal efficiency
-Amp up your metabolism.
-Increase exercise and build muscle mass.

Obviously, the simplest and safest solution is to eat less and move around more. That said, to pretend that all people have the same difficulty gaining or losing weight is just preposterous, as is the notion that all fat people simply eat many, many times more calories than thin people. Yes, many do. But not all.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
You are in your early 20's, right? Try eating like that with no physical activity once you are 40 or so. Of course, you could have an active thyroid, high metabolism, etc, but most guys can eat like that when young.

Yeah no kidding. 18-26, I ate anything I wanted and didn't gain much, maybe 5 pounds over those couple years. Worked out, but nothing even close to regular. 26-28, kept eating, and gained almost 30 pounds. My workouts became harder to do. Now its a battle to get back into shape. I got so used to my diet of eating whatever I wanted that I forgot how to eat healthy.

Lost 7 pounds since January though. Hoping to get back down to 240ish by July.


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2008
Nothing to do with the laws of thermodynamics. The number of calories you consume puts a ceiling on the number of calories that you absorb. The efficiency of absorbing calories from food also varies from person to person (and intestine to intestine).

Similarly, the rate at which people burn calories varies relative both to their inherent metabolism and their total calories burned from activity, and their total calories burned from activity varies based on their muscle mass.

Therefore, the equation, broadly would be:

net calories to fat = (calories eaten) * (intestine efficiency factor) - (inherent metabolism) - (muscle mass)(metabolic activity factor)

We know that people with more muscles need to eat more to keep their bulk up.

We also know that people on amphetamines (which, IIRC, used to be prescribed as diet aids) have higher metabolism.

Therefore, it stands to reason that fat people are likely to gain more weight from eating the same food than a thin person. The ways to fix this are:
-Eat less than the thin person.
-Find some drug to lower intestinal efficiency
-Amp up your metabolism.
-Increase exercise and build muscle mass.

Obviously, the simplest and safest solution is to eat less and move around more. That said, to pretend that all people have the same difficulty gaining or losing weight is just preposterous, as is the notion that all fat people simply eat many, many times more calories than thin people. Yes, many do. But not all.

You guys seem to have a serious problem with reading comprehension. Yes, I know metabolism can cause people to lose weight.

But it's impossible to gain weight if you cease eating.

So if you're fat, stop eating. There's no excuse.
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