How do you eat right?


Nov 21, 2000

I'm still getting started on my workout schedule, trying to set something up with a personal trainer and in the meantime at least getting myself to the gym regularly to make it routine.

I'm trying to learn to eat right, and get the fundamentals ingrained into my head so that I can do this without doing 3 hours of research a night. I know I need to figure up my BMR to get my total calories for the day. I ran through the calculator on and I'll add the numbers it came up with in the next post. I've also heard that I should try to take in a gram of protein per lb of weight.

So I finally get these numbers sorted out, and I have a list of foods to eat(chicken, tuna, milk, cottage cheese, eggs and thats it). How do I get started on actually planning my meals for a day. I am fairly busy and like to make up large meals on teh weekends to have for most of the week. I cooked up a bag of chicken last night. Am I supposed to eat the whole thing in one day? I work out in the evenings due to my schedule. I've been doing a breakfast of oatmeal, throwing in a cup of yogurt as a mid morning snack, maybe eggs before I leave the house, chicken breast with some veggies for lunch, maybe more chiken or tuna for dinner. I just don't have a good idea in my head of how much I should be eating, or an example of what a few days of good eating is like, or how much time I should be spending tracking down nutrition labels and micromanaging my nutrition as someone starting an exercise program.

To top it off, I'm a member of a CSA and get veggies straight from a local farm every week. But I'm getting a lot of squash and aiieeee noo! they have lots of carbs and all the recipies I find like to stick them in oil. I have a ton of tomatoes and that means some lotsa pasta.

Eventually I give up and just go eat a free donut that some asshat has left in the breakroom.

Right now it just feels like an impossible task to eat according to the guidelines, even with a cheat meal or two thrown in. I find myself not knowing what to eat and frustrated. Right now I'm trying to focus on chicken and tuna as my main meats(whats the story on pork loin/chops - the other white meat) and vegetables. Cutting out most of my cheese(maybe some parm or feta) and adding in cottage cheese and milk. Am I going to be giving up my healthy choice lunches and buying $50 worth of chicken breasts every week?

Please spend 5 hours writing up indepth responses that allay all my fears and guide me onto the path of righteousness.


Nov 21, 2000
Your bodyweight is 100 kilograms.

Step 1 - BMR Based On Weight

For Men: 1 x 100 Kg x 24 = 2395

Step 2 - BMR With Bodyfat Percentage Calculation

Taking your bodyfat percentage into account, your adjusted BMR is 2275 calories per day. This is equal to 95 calories per hour.

Step 3 - Total Daily Calories Burned

Adding in your activity level, we times your BMR by 1.65. This means that your approximate total calories burned each day is 3754.

Step 4 - Macronutrient Breakdown In YOUR Diet

Now that we know how many total calories need to be consumed each day, where do the calories come from? Based on your BMR, Activity Level and Athletic Category you need:

Protein Grams: 88 Grams Per Day.
Protein Calories: 352 Protein Calories Per Day.

Fat Grams: 63 Grams Per Day.
Fat Calories: 563 Protein Calories Per Day.

Carbohydrate Grams: 710 Grams Per Day.
Carbohydrate Calories: 2839 Carb Calories Per Day.



Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2005
im on the no/low carb diet right now

in 3 weeks iv lost 7.5lbs

so ill stick with it


Jun 4, 2007
Well, my response isn't going to perfect. But what has been working for me is to not overdo it. I don't specifically try to plan out every meal of my day. Infact, I buy 2 of my meals everyday at work. I could have made those 2 meals at home and brought them in, but to me that is borderline ridiculous and planning for failure. Instead, I just try to purchase healthier and healthier items from the caff. A big step was going w/ water instead of soda with lunch. Then I gave up french fries, then I gave up the grill and went to the sandwhich line. It was a slow progress of restrictions but it made it that much more doable. For breakfast I get an egg sandwhich, lunch is usually some sort of turkey/chicken/ham sandwhich, and supper is steak/turkey/keilbasa(SP) with vegetables.

So I guess my advice is instead of trying to sculpt all 3 meals, try to pick things out that you don't need. Set little goals of things you can give up and allow yourself time to adjust to the new meal plan.

Squash is great, cook it and mush it up, don't need a ton of oil. Tomatoes are great, cut em up and serve them fresh with any and everything. I also like to have tomatoes cut up w/ parmesan cheese (at least I think that is what cheese it is). Goes great as a side to steak or some other meat.
Mar 15, 2003
Originally posted by: j00fek
im on the no/low carb diet right now

in 3 weeks iv lost 7.5lbs

so ill stick with it

Just a warning based on past experience - eat lots of fiber, mostly in the form of veggies. Not saying you're as dumb as me, but 3 months of low carbing lead to my kidneys hurting.. NOT GOOD.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Here is my plan for now, I am on semi-fat shedding mode while retaining muscle, although I have added some muscle:

Breakfast: a bowl of oatmeal, some fruit

Lunch: sandwich with wheat bread, slices of turkey, very little mayo, tomatoes, lettuce, avacado, and a bit of onion. Unsalted almonds and/or some fruit. OR some rice with veggies, and turkey meat lightly stir fried in extra virgin olive oil with some fruit.

Dinner: Brown rice mixed with white rice, veggie dishes, chicken/salmon dish depending on the day (sometimes neither), fruit. Small portion.

I lift weights and also do some cardio at the moment. I have shed about 10lbs.


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2001
Originally posted by: j00fek
im on the no/low carb diet right now

in 3 weeks iv lost 7.5lbs

so ill stick with it

Uh...7.5 lbs of what? I'll give you a's not fat.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
It's easy to eat right when you have self control and buy only healthy food (toss out the junk). You'd be surprised at how good a tuna fish sandwhich tastes when it's the only thing in your house and you're really hungry.


Nov 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Alienwho
It's easy to eat right when you have self control and buy only healthy food (toss out the junk). You'd be surprised at how good a tuna fish sandwhich tastes when it's the only thing in your house and you're really hungry.

what do you put in the tuna fish? what kind of bread are you using?

I made some decent ones with some flour tortilla's i'm trying to use up so I can go all whole wheat. I used cottage cheese instead of mayo, added a little chipolte tabaso to one and some homeade tomatillo sauce ot the other and made little tuna burritios. They were pretty good.


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Turin39789
Originally posted by: Alienwho
It's easy to eat right when you have self control and buy only healthy food (toss out the junk). You'd be surprised at how good a tuna fish sandwhich tastes when it's the only thing in your house and you're really hungry.

what do you put in the tuna fish? what kind of bread are you using?

I made some decent ones with some flour tortilla's i'm trying to use up so I can go all whole wheat. I used cottage cheese instead of mayo, added a little chipolte tabaso to one and some homeade tomatillo sauce ot the other and made little tuna burritios. They were pretty good.

Why do you need to add anything to the tuna? It tastes awesome by itself, adding mayo or any other rubbish is just wasted calories. Plain tuna on whole wheat, multi-grain bread is awesome.

Edit - also I usually have some lettuce, grated carrot, cucumber or whatever veggies I have lying around in the sammich.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
i didn't read the OP but ...

to do it right, you cycle.

you go a few months bulking, then a few months cutting. gaining muscle and losing fat are 2 completely opposites. one hand you want to have an excess calories, the other you want to have a calorie deficit.

very VERY few people can do both at once, and chances are if you aren't JUST starting to workout, you won't be able to do both at once.

even if you can do both at once, you won't see as good a result by trying to do it that way as you would if you cycled.


Jan 11, 2003
Originally posted by: purbeast0
you go a few months bulking, then a few months cutting. gaining muscle and losing fat are 2 completely opposites. one hand you want to have an excess calories, the other you want to have a calorie deficit.

very VERY few people can do both at once, and chances are if you aren't JUST starting to workout, you won't be able to do both at once.


btw, from that one post you made, that is wayyyyyyyyyy too many carbs.

a 1/3 split between all 3 is decent.

you ideally want at least 1G of protein per day, per pound of body weight.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2003
my advice to you is to make an account on and to track your eating habits over a few days. try to eat what you normally would so you can get an idea of how much you're really eating.

i found i was eating too much without even realizing it. the portions were just bigger than they should've been, and it was impossible for me to lose weight. since then i've been more aware of the amount of food i should be eating and have been steadily losing weight for the past few months, bit by bit.

my 2c


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: iamaelephant
Originally posted by: Turin39789
Originally posted by: Alienwho
It's easy to eat right when you have self control and buy only healthy food (toss out the junk). You'd be surprised at how good a tuna fish sandwhich tastes when it's the only thing in your house and you're really hungry.

what do you put in the tuna fish? what kind of bread are you using?

I made some decent ones with some flour tortilla's i'm trying to use up so I can go all whole wheat. I used cottage cheese instead of mayo, added a little chipolte tabaso to one and some homeade tomatillo sauce ot the other and made little tuna burritios. They were pretty good.

Why do you need to add anything to the tuna? It tastes awesome by itself, adding mayo or any other rubbish is just wasted calories. Plain tuna on whole wheat, multi-grain bread is awesome.

Edit - also I usually have some lettuce, grated carrot, cucumber or whatever veggies I have lying around in the sammich.

\tuna is not very appetizing plain. Light mayo or ranch dressing isn't horrible. Your body needs some fats. I typically skip the bread though. I take a can of tuna drained tablespoon of mayo and mix it up. I put a slice of american cheese on top and i microwave for 60 seconds. tasty Quick breadless tuna melt almost no carbs.

Mr Pickles

Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
Originally posted by: Turin39789
Originally posted by: Alienwho
It's easy to eat right when you have self control and buy only healthy food (toss out the junk). You'd be surprised at how good a tuna fish sandwhich tastes when it's the only thing in your house and you're really hungry.

what do you put in the tuna fish? what kind of bread are you using?

I made some decent ones with some flour tortilla's i'm trying to use up so I can go all whole wheat. I used cottage cheese instead of mayo, added a little chipolte tabaso to one and some homeade tomatillo sauce ot the other and made little tuna burritios. They were pretty good.

Spicy Mustard will be your best friend.


Golden Member
Apr 5, 2006
tuna's disgusting out of a can. I'd much rather get a fillet or steak, drizzle w/olive oil, season, and grill or bake it. Also can wrap in foil w/veggies and throw into the oven or on the grill. Same with vegatables. Slice up, season, drizzle w/olive oil and bake. Whatever leftover is lunch, heat up in microwave and enjoy.


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2004
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: iamaelephant
Originally posted by: Turin39789
Originally posted by: Alienwho
It's easy to eat right when you have self control and buy only healthy food (toss out the junk). You'd be surprised at how good a tuna fish sandwhich tastes when it's the only thing in your house and you're really hungry.

what do you put in the tuna fish? what kind of bread are you using?

I made some decent ones with some flour tortilla's i'm trying to use up so I can go all whole wheat. I used cottage cheese instead of mayo, added a little chipolte tabaso to one and some homeade tomatillo sauce ot the other and made little tuna burritios. They were pretty good.

Why do you need to add anything to the tuna? It tastes awesome by itself, adding mayo or any other rubbish is just wasted calories. Plain tuna on whole wheat, multi-grain bread is awesome.

Edit - also I usually have some lettuce, grated carrot, cucumber or whatever veggies I have lying around in the sammich.

\tuna is not very appetizing plain. Light mayo or ranch dressing isn't horrible. Your body needs some fats. I typically skip the bread though. I take a can of tuna drained tablespoon of mayo and mix it up. I put a slice of american cheese on top and i microwave for 60 seconds. tasty Quick breadless tuna melt almost no carbs.

I love tuna plain, eat it every day! Each to his own though. FWIW, the tuna itself already has a reasonable amount of Omega-3 fats.


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Marinski
tuna's disgusting out of a can. I'd much rather get a fillet or steak, drizzle w/olive oil, season, and grill or bake it. Also can wrap in foil w/veggies and throw into the oven or on the grill. Same with vegatables. Slice up, season, drizzle w/olive oil and bake. Whatever leftover is lunch, heat up in microwave and enjoy.

Yeah but that's much more expensive.


Sep 15, 2003
the starkist tuna in the packet is actually pretty good. a little over a buck for the packet, not too expensive.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2004
I don't count calories but I do watch what I eat. I cut out red meat eat, sweets, and alcohol. I proportion my meals and eat mostly chicken, raw veggies, whole grains, fruits and fish. I workout daily and really dial in on it with a mixture of weight training and cardio. I feel that counting calories is a bit too much and I don't get into the routine of it. To me its not so much how you look but how healthy you feel.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Your probably eating way way way too many carbs and high in fat foods.

List what you eat and how much you work out.

You should be dropping lbs over a month period.

You have to stick to it and be as consistent as you can.

Food portions aren't hard:
1 can of tuna
1 chicken breast

Go for brown bread. Or avoid as much bread as you can.

Your breakfast of oatmeal is sound. Is is the plain one or does it have lots of sweet things in it? Eat like this and you will lean up. Go as mental as you want on salad but do watch out for the sauces. Don't go overboard on them!

Train properly and that will help you build muscle better.

Play basketball and you will be guranteed to drop the lbs. The short bursts of sprinting is great fun and it is a fun sport to pick up!

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