
Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2002
This guy is one lucky fvck! Two hands before this he gets me for $134, but this one really hurt. Bad beats like this suck!

PokerStars Game #16790568320: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2008/04/17 - 06:56:21 (ET)
Table 'Eurysaces' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 2: poo-onastick ($219.40 in chips)
Seat 3: andyinkim ($342.40 in chips)
Seat 4: ibiza007 ($205.15 in chips)
Seat 5: EsKoTeiRo ($189 in chips)
Seat 6: dymarko ($147 in chips)
Seat 7: jiyoung ($200 in chips)
Seat 8: The******* ($77.60 in chips)
Seat 9: SalomXwave9 ($117 in chips)
poo-onastick: posts small blind $1
andyinkim: posts big blind $2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to The******* [Tc Qd]
ibiza007: folds
ibiza007 leaves the table
EsKoTeiRo: folds
dymarko: folds
jiyoung: folds
The*******: raises $2 to $4
SalomXwave9: folds
harleybum68 joins the table at seat #4
poo-onastick: calls $3
andyinkim: calls $2
*** FLOP *** [Qs 7d 5s]
poo-onastick: checks
andyinkim: checks
The*******: bets $10
poo-onastick: folds
andyinkim: raises $20 to $30
The*******: raises $43.60 to $73.60 and is all-in
andyinkim: calls $43.60
*** TURN *** [Qs 7d 5s] [3c]
*** RIVER *** [Qs 7d 5s 3c] [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
andyinkim: shows [7h 6d] (three of a kind, Sevens)
The*******: mucks hand
andyinkim collected $156.20 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $159.20 | Rake $3
Board [Qs 7d 5s 3c 7c]
Seat 2: poo-onastick (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: andyinkim (big blind) showed [7h 6d] and won ($156.20) with three of a kind, Sevens
Seat 4: ibiza007 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: EsKoTeiRo folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: dymarko folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: jiyoung folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: The******* mucked [Tc Qd]
Seat 9: SalomXwave9 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2002
If you're trying to hide your poker username, you failed.
Also, not the worst beat ever. You only had top pair v. middle pair after the flop. Quit whining.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2002
By no means is this the worst beat ever, just one river card I did not want to see.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Thats nothing. I had 4 9s on the flop and ending up losing to a straight flush on the river.


Aug 11, 2000
i had 4 queens in a game of 5 card draw, there were also 2 full houses that played to the end, the guy that won, like an $800.00 had 4 kings. now that is a bad beat.


Senior member
Nov 13, 2006
i wouldn't fold 27o to a min raise from the BB. bump the pot up and you would've won the blinds.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
i had 4 queens in a game of 5 card draw, there were also 2 full houses that played to the end, the guy that won, like an $800.00 had 4 kings. now that is a bad beat.

Playing with wild cards?


Golden Member
Sep 14, 2000
Just today:

Started with pocket Jacks and ended up with FH - Jacks over 10s. Was beat with FH Kings over Jacks.

Later, started with A9h and flopped two hearts. After the turn there were 4 hearts, two queens and a king. Kh flops. My opponent opened with a large bet (half his stack) and I immediately went all in with the nut flush. Jackass had FH, Kings over Queens. The only card in the deck that would've caused us both to go all in was Kh.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: ZaneNBK
Just today:

Started with pocket Jacks and ended up with FH - Jacks over 10s. Was beat with FH Kings over Jacks.

Later, started with A9h and flopped two hearts. After the turn there were 4 hearts, two queens and a king. Kh flops. My opponent opened with a large bet (half his stack) and I immediately went all in with the nut flush. Jackass had FH, Kings over Queens. The only card in the deck that would've caused us both to go all in was Kh.
With the pair (Queens) on the board, the nut flush wasn't even the nuts on the turn. If he's got KQ, you're already drawing dead. If he leads out strong after the river, wouldn't you put him on a Q or K?

I'd call if he's a known bluffer or if I was getting fat odds to pay off a full house. A lot of different ways of being beat here; insta-raising wouldn't be at the top of my list but I'm weak.


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2002
He's lucky because you play short-stacked and bad, to be honest.

First off, you have 17 big blinds. Second off, don't raise QTo in the cutoff. Third off, if you're going to raise QTo, raise it to at least 3xBB, not minraise.

Fourth, he's priced in to call you after he raises on the flop. Given that QT vs. 76 on a Q75ss flop is a around 3-1 favorite and he has to call $43.60 to win $125.60 (just shy of 3-1) plus factoring in the times you show up with drawing hand or a terribly misplayed AK or something, it's a profitable call.

But, based on your actions of playing shallow and your preflop play, I'd have to say you're a reason the online games are super profitable.
Oct 20, 2005
Originally posted by: ZaneNBK
Just today:

Started with pocket Jacks and ended up with FH - Jacks over 10s. Was beat with FH Kings over Jacks.

Later, started with A9h and flopped two hearts. After the turn there were 4 hearts, two queens and a king. Kh flops. My opponent opened with a large bet (half his stack) and I immediately went all in with the nut flush. Jackass had FH, Kings over Queens. The only card in the deck that would've caused us both to go all in was Kh.

Wait, if you had JJ and ended up with J J J 10 10, and you were beaten by KKK JJ, then you would have had a 4 of a kind. Did you mean to say he had KKK 10 10 or something else? B/c the way you write it doesn't make sense if I'm reading it correctly.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Let's disect this hand and see where the luck comes from.

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to The******* [Tc Qd]
ibiza007: folds
ibiza007 leaves the table
EsKoTeiRo: folds
dymarko: folds
jiyoung: folds

You have a garbage starting hand. Q10 suited is a junk hand with this many players.

The*******: raises $2 to $4

You min-raised with people still in front of you with a terrible hand. Min-raising is is acceptable when you have AA. With any other hand this is just noob play, and even with AA it's retarded because anyone is going to smell monster and run, or have crackers and (like your buddy for instance), and make you cry.

*** FLOP *** [Qs 7d 5s]
poo-onastick: checks
andyinkim: checks
The*******: bets $10

There is a flush draw and a bunch of low cards on the flop. You still have a weak hand, but you do have top pair. There is no flush or straight possible yet, so the worst you can be betting into is a set, and only if one of the blinds slow played a low PP. A set of queens is out of the question unless you had the case queen (very unlikely), and either blind made a horrid misplay pre-flop. The same is true for any high PP except KK. At this point you have to think you're good, but you only have queens as top pair. Two pair is a way you could be losing, but you should feel confident here. However, you do not want to see more cards. Any A or K is very bad for you. Any spade is bad for you. Any 9,8,7,6,5,4, or 3 is not good for you. You should bet at least the pot here, maybe $2-$5 over. Your bet of $10 is bad and leads you directly to losing this hand. If I am andyinkim, I am thinking I have you beat unless you have AA. Your min-raise represented either AA or bad poker player. Your $10 bet on that flop tells me you are the kind of player that thinks AK is a made hand.

andyinkim: raises $20 to $30

I like his raise. He is feeling you out at $20, and he is probably assuming he is good unless you push hard.

The*******: raises $43.60 to $73.60 and is all-in

Uh oh, allow me to direct you to the quarter fifty table. You do not have enough money to play at a $1 $2 table! This was your first and largest mistake.

andyinkim: calls $43.60

At this point he's not pot committed, but for the small amount of money at a $1 $2 table, thinking he is most likely ahead of you, and has two cards coming, he will call you 90% of the time. If he loses he is not even going to think twice about it or the money. He might actually even hope you have the AA so he can dirty you and make you tilt if he wins.

*** TURN *** [Qs 7d 5s] [3c]

Had you waited until this point to push, you would have induced a fold 75% of the time from decent players, but alas, you do not have enough chips unless he somehow magically surrenders the bet to you, which he will only do if either he is equally bad, or knows he has you DD.

*** RIVER *** [Qs 7d 5s 3c] [7c]

He sucks out and you are left to post this here.

I have yet to answer your question. So how does he get so lucky?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Originally posted by: alexjohnson16
He's lucky because you play short-stacked and bad, to be honest.

First off, you have 17 big blinds. Second off, don't raise QTo in the cutoff. Third off, if you're going to raise QTo, raise it to at least 3xBB, not minraise.

Fourth, he's priced in to call you after he raises on the flop. Given that QT vs. 76 on a Q75ss flop is a around 3-1 favorite and he has to call $43.60 to win $125.60 (just shy of 3-1) plus factoring in the times you show up with drawing hand or a terribly misplayed AK or something, it's a profitable call.

But, based on your actions of playing shallow and your preflop play, I'd have to say you're a reason the online games are super profitable.

Haha, beat me to it and managed to mention your previous play, which I forgot, as you stated you dropped $134 to him two hands previous and this was the worse of the beats.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: alexjohnson16
He's lucky because you play short-stacked and bad, to be honest.

First off, you have 17 big blinds. Second off, don't raise QTo in the cutoff. Third off, if you're going to raise QTo, raise it to at least 3xBB, not minraise.

Fourth, he's priced in to call you after he raises on the flop. Given that QT vs. 76 on a Q75ss flop is a around 3-1 favorite and he has to call $43.60 to win $125.60 (just shy of 3-1) plus factoring in the times you show up with drawing hand or a terribly misplayed AK or something, it's a profitable call.

But, based on your actions of playing shallow and your preflop play, I'd have to say you're a reason the online games are super profitable.


Originally posted by: SphinxnihpS
Let's disect this hand and see where the luck comes from.

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to The******* [Tc Qd]
ibiza007: folds
ibiza007 leaves the table
EsKoTeiRo: folds
dymarko: folds
jiyoung: folds

You have a garbage starting hand. Q10 suited is a junk hand with this many players.

The*******: raises $2 to $4

You min-raised with people still in front of you with a terrible hand. Min-raising is is acceptable when you have AA. With any other hand this is just noob play, and even with AA it's retarded because anyone is going to smell monster and run, or have crackers and (like your buddy for instance), and make you cry.

*** FLOP *** [Qs 7d 5s]
poo-onastick: checks
andyinkim: checks
The*******: bets $10

There is a flush draw and a bunch of low cards on the flop. You still have a weak hand, but you do have top pair. There is no flush or straight possible yet, so the worst you can be betting into is a set, and only if one of the blinds slow played a low PP. A set of queens is out of the question unless you had the case queen (very unlikely), and either blind made a horrid misplay pre-flop. The same is true for any high PP except KK. At this point you have to think you're good, but you only have queens as top pair. Two pair is a way you could be losing, but you should feel confident here. However, you do not want to see more cards. Any A or K is very bad for you. Any spade is bad for you. Any 9,8,7,6,5,4, or 3 is not good for you. You should bet at least the pot here, maybe $2-$5 over. Your bet of $10 is bad and leads you directly to losing this hand. If I am andyinkim, I am thinking I have you beat unless you have AA. Your min-raise represents either AA or bad poker player.

andyinkim: raises $20 to $30

I like his raise. He is feeling you out at $20, and he is probably assuming he is good unless you push hard.

The*******: raises $43.60 to $73.60 and is all-in

Uh oh, allow me to direct you to the quarter fifty table. You do not have enough money to play at a $1 $2 table! This was your first and largest mistake.

andyinkim: calls $43.60

At this point he's not pot committed, but for the small amount of money at a $1 $2 table, thinking he is most likely ahead of you, and has two cards coming, he will call you 90% of the time. If he loses he is not even going to think twice about it or the money. He might actually even hope you have the AA so he can dirty you and make you tilt if he wins.

*** TURN *** [Qs 7d 5s] [3c]

Had you waited until this point to push, you would have induced a fold 75% of the time from decent players, but alas, you do not have enough chips unless he somehow magically surrenders the bet to you, which he will only do if either he is equally bad, or knows he has you DD.

*** RIVER *** [Qs 7d 5s 3c] [7c]

He sucks out and you are left to post this here.

I have yet to answer your question. So how does he get so lucky?


If you had posted this on a poker forum, you would have been completely grilled. It wasn't a bad beat. The bad beat was playing short stacked with a crappy hand like QT. If you are short stacked you are supposed to play tight but aggressive when you do hit a good hand.


Dec 11, 2000
Buy in full
Dont complain when you get called and you are ahead
Everyone sucks out
Not a bad beat


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Big blind, everyone checked.
The flop gave me 2 pair; the highest 2 pair possible. The only way to have a higher hand would have been to have had pocket 9's or pocket 5's. I'm all in. A 2 on the river gave some idiot (for staying in) 3 of a kind.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Originally posted by: DrPizza
Big blind, everyone checked.
The flop gave me 2 pair; the highest 2 pair possible. The only way to have a higher hand would have been to have had pocket 9's or pocket 5's. I'm all in. A 2 on the river gave some idiot (for staying in) 3 of a kind.

With no straight or flush possibilities and you having top two, there are three hands that you can be behind to 99, 55, and XX. What was the other flop card?

All in for how much vs. the stakes, vs. how much in the pot, vs. how much is on the table in total?

With a rainbow flop (as you implied), and you having top two, why all in? This is the spot for a nice sized bet, max, unless your short-stacked. Going all in makes it seem like you are scared. This might be why there was that one "some idiot". We don't have all of the information here, but this is not looking good for you.


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
i had 4 queens in a game of 5 card draw, there were also 2 full houses that played to the end, the guy that won, like an $800.00 had 4 kings. now that is a bad beat.

Playing with wild cards?

nope straight up. it was an unbelievable hand. one guy folded a flush everyone was playing so strong.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
At the end of a long night of poker we usually ended with a game of 5 card draw jack or better trips to win. One night I had quad queens dealt to me in the first hand. The least money anyone had at the table was $200 and there was no limit on the amount of raises, just $10 per max. No one likes to fold at this game on the first hand in the first place, but I was lucky enough to run into trips, a flush, and a full house. 3 people dropped after they donated about $75 a piece, the fella with trips put all of his money in, and luckily he had the least of anyone. I got all of the other two's dough as well; tad under a grand. Best hand I have ever been in.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
i had 4 queens in a game of 5 card draw, there were also 2 full houses that played to the end, the guy that won, like an $800.00 had 4 kings. now that is a bad beat.

Playing with wild cards?

nope straight up. it was an unbelievable hand. one guy folded a flush everyone was playing so strong.

how's that possible.

there would have been qq kk x on the board, so 2 people with full houses isnt possible. if one of the 4 of a kind had three cards on the board, then the board would have been kkkqq and the two full houses would have just played the board. unless they had pocket aces. then throw the flush in too and then then makes the second scenerio impossible too. hell, its late, i'm probably missing something. edit, yep I missed the draw part.


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
i had 4 queens in a game of 5 card draw, there were also 2 full houses that played to the end, the guy that won, like an $800.00 had 4 kings. now that is a bad beat.

Playing with wild cards?

nope straight up. it was an unbelievable hand. one guy folded a flush everyone was playing so strong.

how's that possible.

there would have been qq kk x on the board, so 2 people with full houses isnt possible. if one of the 4 of a kind had three cards on the board, then the board would have been kkkqq and the two full houses would have just played the board. unless they had pocket aces. then throw the flush in too and then then makes the second scenerio impossible too. hell, its late, i'm probably missing something. edit, yep I missed the draw part.

yup, there used to be games other than texas hold em. not my favorite version of poker by a long shot. 5 card draw is pretty good.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2003
Replace bad beat with terrible play and you'd be right. Btw, you know there's a reload button right? Playing short stacked the way you seem to you're just begging for shit like this to happen. Not to mention not being able to take full advantage of your monsters.
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