How much do you think piracy is affecting the PC Gaming market?

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Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
I'm still waiting for a reputable non-bias evidence to actually answer the question posed in the thread's subject.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
You can try to rationalize it all you want, but to attempt to say piracy is not immoral requires a suspension of logic you should be ashamed of.

Morality and ethics are completely and wholly subjective.

You fail.


May 1, 2006
Legality aside, from a moral standpoint, couldn't second hand sales be considered the similar effect to pirating or buying bootlegs...cause if you think about it, if you buy from Gamestop or even Ebay, a used game, the copyright holders don't get any further sales from that. Instead, someone else gets the money and a "potential" profit gone, i use potential with assumption in mind btw....much like a factory owner in Asia, buying a game, then selling copies illegally, just on a more linear scale.

What i'm pointing out is, it's a legal way for someone to avoid paying copyright holders, yet still obtain it and for someone else to profit. One is legal, other is not yet they still share the same end game, the copyright owners getting nothing except the initial sale

I've already commented on my concerns about what I think is fair about resell, but let's say it was ok.

There are still differences - a used copy is very limited in its resell. You can resell that copy you bought, not 2 or 10 or 100, but piracy is unlimited.

Some games have started to be almost useless for resell by including one-time activation codes. Try buying World of Warcraft 'used', what's the point?


Jul 9, 2000
Actually, if I recall correctly it's not anymore. Google reached an accord with the record companies, and they are paying for the use of that music. They of course pass that charge along to you in the form of tracking and advertisement.

I'm shocked there are so many people who feel it's perfectly okay to make someone else pay for their entertainment.

Out of curiosity, who actually said that? We were discussing the degree to which piracy would effect PC gaming. Piracy is the given in this thread, and the discussion is about the degree to which it actually effects PC gaming. Morality has no real place here. You seem to be equating the notion of piracy helping a product or industry with morality. There are studies that go both ways, and picking one side versus the other isnt a referendum on ones morality.

We aren't the moral police. If you really want to discuss morality of piracy, you should start up a new thread or discuss it with your church group. Now excuse me while I smoke some weed and watch some pirated porn.
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Golden Member
May 8, 2010
Probably the most misunderstood and misrepresented issue in all of gaming.

Sure we have piracy numbers showing that piracy is very high, and sales numbers showing us that as a percentage that sales are just a small fraction of people legitimately buying the game.

But like all evidence it needs to be looked at with some careful thought, we could look at the evidence that every galaxy we look at is moving away from us (on average) and come to the conclusion that our galaxy is the center of the universe, but if we use our brain for a few seconds we could also see that maybe the galaxy is expanding uniformly and every galaxy see's the same thing.

Not every pirated copy of the game is a lost sale to the developer, and there's lots of reasons to believe this. Furthermore we don't understand the impact completely of what would happen if we "corrected" piracy, would the money to pay for a pirated game X come out of the money spent on game Y.

It makes more sense to look at the industry as a whole and ask the question, is the industry healthy, is there a decline in profiles and revenue during periods when there has been an uptake in piracy? How much of the reason for piracy is greed on the consumers part and how much is it to do with simply providing a bad service, treating customers like thieves, or simply not keeping up with the times and delivering the content in ways consumers demand? How many of the customers pirating are doing so simply because there is more desireable media than they can possibly afford?

I have no doubt in my mind that piracy exists, and piracy does cause some legitimate lost revenue, but if you consider all of the above I think the evidence points to that being a very small amount of revenue in comparsion to what most game developers estimate, and what anti-piracy groups advocate.

got to say well put post


Golden Member
May 8, 2010
I'm sorry, but the moment I read somebody either defending piracy (in any way) or declaring that their 'studies' suggest it's not a big factor regarding sales, I immidiately conclude that this person does alot of pirating themselves.

Why ? Because as humans we need to try and justify ourselves for doing things that go against our moral compass. You don't just do something because it is bad for the sake of it, or do something wrong because it is wrong, you do it because it is 'good' for yourself, and then make excuses why it 'isn't hurting anybody else' etc.

Stop making excuses, for yourself, or for the other criminals.

Bro - I grew up in the time of shareware; where the whole game was actually on the disks if you had to the codes....and spawned version of games.

How do you think ID; Blizzard and few now dead studios grew as fast as they did? It was through shareware; letting people try before they buy.

Back then to find a game to dl - *remember we were on dial up not dsl or cable/fiber* Was a pain in the ass; was slow as hell and you never knew if you were going to get virused or not. People did it on some games yep.

But; at least with my group of friends back in the states; if you liked the game after trying it; you went out and bought it.

Hell I would of never bought; Woflenstien; Doom, Doom II; Quake; Quake II; Diablo if it hadn't of been for shareware/spawning. Friends shared their games; recommended; said you got to get this. Not you got dl this game......

These days its extremely easy to get stuff; but most people; *not all* most will go and buy the game if its easy to run and not a pain in the ass. Publishers need to sit up and take notice when people with cracked version of their game have a better running of it than an offical copy. That is one of the many things that is wrong with the industry right now.

Between Steam; Amazon; and a few other places I can pick up games for bit coins; I make sure if the game is good the studio gets my money.

Also back at the time; if the game was pulled from a game shop; good luck finding it; only way was to pirate. Was it right? Nope; and I'm not making excuses for the past - but its one of those phazes you tend to grow out of and realise nothing is for free; there is always a price.....


Oct 30, 2008
These days its extremely easy to get stuff; but most people; *not all* most will go and buy the game if its easy to run and not a pain in the ass. Publishers need to sit up and take notice when people with cracked version of their game have a better running of it than an offical copy. That is one of the many things that is wrong with the industry right now.

It has nothing to do with ease of install or how the official game runs. Games with zero DRM have been released and are still pirated just as much as any other game. The reason people pirate is simple. It is a nearly identical game for free. The value is the same.

The only way to stop piracy is to offer more value for retail than you get when pirating. A lot of titles do this by offering multiplayer. Sure, I can probably pirate the latest CoD and find a server that will let me play this copy, but the experience won't be nearly as good as just paying the $60 and paying it on the official servers. There is a reason millions of people don't stop paying for WoW and start playing on free servers. It isn't because it is hard to set up. It is because the experience offered by Blizzard is worth the $15 a month to most people.


Golden Member
May 8, 2010
It has nothing to do with ease of install or how the official game runs. Games with zero DRM have been released and are still pirated just as much as any other game. The reason people pirate is simple. It is a nearly identical game for free. The value is the same.

The only way to stop piracy is to offer more value for retail than you get when pirating. A lot of titles do this by offering multiplayer. Sure, I can probably pirate the latest CoD and find a server that will let me play this copy, but the experience won't be nearly as good as just paying the $60 and paying it on the official servers. There is a reason millions of people don't stop paying for WoW and start playing on free servers. It isn't because it is hard to set up. It is because the experience offered by Blizzard is worth the $15 a month to most people.

Yes and no; if the game you've bought is continuously crashing; servers are not up and you can't play the game because of the drm; yet someone who pirated the game can because they've removed the drm. It has a major impact on whether you'll think about buy from that company again or at worst think about pirating it.

The publishers that do this are not doing themselves any favors. Examples......easy; right now with EA and simcity and the major issues they are having.

UBsoft and them going from always on drm; to now its not because how badly it failed and how pissed off their customers got.

Publishers need to stop treating us; their customers as crimmals. We want to pay for the damn game; allow us to and allow us to actually play the damn thing.

There has been plenty of studies to show Pirates are not lost sales because they weren't going to buy the game; but customers that are treated badly are lost sells as they will think twice about dropping 60 dollars/pounds on the next game coming from the study.

The studios that are getting this are slowly making changes and realising that you need to work with your customers; not treat them like crap.

Some aren't and you'll see what happens over the next few years. UBsoft tried blaming pirates for weak sales on certain items; when the actual numbers for pirate copies out there came out. They realised that no they'd just pissed off their customers with stupid shit.

I'm not saying piracy isn't an issue; it is for the studios; but if they want success; its not hard. Treat your customers well; don't try and nickle and dime them to death and actually deliver what you promise to customers.....Not flat out lie to them....*Looking at you ME3 but that's another discussion*
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Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
Out of curiosity, who actually said that? We were discussing the degree to which piracy would effect PC gaming. Piracy is the given in this thread, and the discussion is about the degree to which it actually effects PC gaming. Morality has no real place here. You seem to be equating the notion of piracy helping a product or industry with morality. There are studies that go both ways, and picking one side versus the other isnt a referendum on ones morality.

We aren't the moral police. If you really want to discuss morality of piracy, you should start up a new thread or discuss it with your church group. Now excuse me while I smoke some weed and watch some pirated porn.

We get it, you're unconmfortable with the idea that other people think your activities are deplorable.

The morality of the issue should really not even need to be discussed. However, there are people here living in their own fantasy worlds that need to come back to reality.

That is why this needs to be discussed in every single piracy thread, because there will always be some ignorant tool who truly beleives he isn't doing anything wrong, or hurting somebody else and their livelihood.


Jan 8, 2010
I think what I have to say bothers you, and it should.

Preach on preacher man. I bet you'll convert the whole lot of them over this internet forum.

Just going to pretend this guy isn't even in the thread anymore. At this point he's just trolling us. He's adding nothing useful to the discussion.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
Well, we've got two crowds here. One that says piracy=bad and one that says piracy = not bad, I can see that you've decided that one of those camps adds nothing 'useful' to the discussion.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2003
I think the point is you are off topic on what the point of this thread was.. You are pretty much just thread crapping right now


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
90% of the posts in this thread don't pertain specifically to it's original topic. But ok I'm thread crapping.


Jul 9, 2000
We get it, you're unconmfortable with the idea that other people think your activities are deplorable.

The morality of the issue should really not even need to be discussed. However, there are people here living in their own fantasy worlds that need to come back to reality.

That is why this needs to be discussed in every single piracy thread, because there will always be some ignorant tool who truly beleives he isn't doing anything wrong, or hurting somebody else and their livelihood.

I dont think you do. We are discussing the effect on the industry. Just saying its immoral doesnt really contribute does it? Its interesting that you actually do think you are the moral police. And you like to put words in others mouth. I probably buy at least 10 games a year at launch, and another 20 just because they are on sale. Heck, I bought 3 games this week that I havent even installed yet. 50+ blu rays a year, subscribed to 3 streaming services, but according to you I am an immoral pirate who is cares what random people on the internet think about my pirating...why is that again?

There are few things more irritating than someone constantly preaching moral platitudes.
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Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
That's great and all if you want to say morality has nothing to do with it. Why do so many stop pirating when they get older many times because they beilive it's wrong ?

It's because those people knew all along, but maybe now have the disposable income to no longer justify it to themselves.

The lack of morality has has almost everything to do with pirating today. It does matter, it needs to be talked about, and it's no surprise at all to me that it is an unpopular thing to bring up.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I estimate that 5-10% of revenues for a game is lost because of pirates who would choose to buy otherwise.

I'd argue its higher than that, especially globally. Probably in the 20-50% range. Definitely higher than on consoles (which already have some issues with piracy).

Ubisoft claims for their PC software it's 93-95% (!!!!!!!) :

I think piracy is considerably lower with the advent of Steam. With their frequent sales, centralized downloads and portable user accounts, it's incredibly convenient to just buy games when they're on sale and play when you have time. I think Steam is a game changer for the entire PC industry. It's like an Apple or Google App Store for PC, and it's been around for several years.

You can see with pretenders like uplay and EA Origin that digital is the way consumers prefer their games now.


Jul 9, 2000
That's great and all if you want to say morality has nothing to do with it. Why do so many stop pirating when they get older many times because they beilive it's wrong ?

It's because those people knew all along, but maybe now have the disposable income to no longer justify it to themselves.

The lack of morality has has almost everything to do with pirating today. It does matter, it needs to be talked about, and it's no surprise at all to me that it is an unpopular thing to bring up.

Well if you actually read the thread you would already know my thoughts on that. But lets say that the lack of morality has everything to do with what. How much do you think piracy is affecting the PC Gaming market? In other words, the topic at hand.

No one is asking for a sermon on morality. If we wanted that, we would be on a bible study forum.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
Well if you actually read the thread you would already know my thoughts on that. But lets say that the lack of morality has everything to do with what. How much do you think piracy is affecting the PC Gaming market? In other words, the topic at hand.

No one is asking for a sermon on morality. If we wanted that, we would be on a bible study forum.

Well, the original topic really can't be answered properly. There is Ubisoft saying it's 95%, and CD Projekt Red saying it's also very high, plenty of forum members saying it's nowhere near that.

Let's face it, it's really a question that can't be answered, we can only guess at best.

How much do I think it's affecting the market ? I don't know. But I know that it's probably enough to hurt it, which gets me upset because PC gaming is one of my hobbies and passions.

So when I see others talking about how piracy isn't actual theft it gets my blood pumping because it's an issue that strikes home. And it's my firm belief, and I really think others can agree on this point, that if people truly thought of it as theft, and then chose to do the right thing based on that, it would be close to a non issue.
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Jul 9, 2000
Well, the original topic really can't be answered properly. There is Ubisoft saying it's 95%, and CD Projekt Red saying it's also very high, plenty of forum members saying it's nowhere near that.

Let's face it, it's really a question that can't be answered, we can only guess at best.

How much do I think it's affecting the market ? I don't know. But I know that it's probably enough to hurt it, which gets me upset because PC gaming is one of my hobbies and passions.

So when I see others talking about how piracy isn't actual theft it gets my blood pumping because it's an issue that strikes home. And it's my firm belief, and I really think others can agree on this point, that if people truly thought of it as theft, and then chose to do the right thing based on that, it would be close to a non issue.

lol If there was one link that we could go to that had the definitive answer, there would be no point in discussing it. But you can find studies which state it helps the market, other thats say it hurts it, and of course the neither. But I think the point is why we think its one versus another.
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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
SimCity and Diablo 3 are what happens to the gaming industry due to piracy. Rightfully or wrongly the executives in charge of these companies view piracy as their #2 threat behind used games and are doing horrid DRM schemes like this to try and prevent it. Perception is everything.


Senior member
Aug 6, 2001
I'd think Steam's frequent sales extravaganzas have much more of an impact on the bottom line...I certainly don't buy full price (or even 50% of full price) anymore since I discovered Steam sales.


Senior member
Aug 6, 2001
SimCity and Diablo 3 are what happens to the gaming industry due to piracy. Rightfully or wrongly the executives in charge of these companies view piracy as their #2 threat behind used games and are doing horrid DRM schemes like this to try and prevent it. Perception is everything.

I call bullshit...EA didn't do it just for (or even mainly for) anti-piracy if I'd venture a guess. It wants Origin to compete with Steam to improve sales from the Origin store so Steam doesn't have the grip it currently has on the market. It also makes it easier for EA to hock a never ending stream of DLCs/expansions for SimCity.
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