How much GOD loves Us!

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Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: tealk
or 3: God uses the broken, as I see everyday!

That doesn't really help your argument, you know
What you just said is wide open to interpretation, such as:
"God broke her so he could make her dance like a puppet as an illustration to others"

thas exactly what i thought too
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: tealk
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
what do the response be if i went to godtube and posted a video about allah being the true and only god? i mean, it is called godtube, not jesustube.

But its not called allahtube either. You fail.

when did i say it had to be just allah?

I guess you miss the point that Godtube is Christ centered. Not "anyone's god" centered. Perhaps you missed the giant cross on the front page of the site. Try reading the about us page.

Well, Allah is just the Arabic name for the god of Abraham so i don't see what the big deal is? Same god, different names.

100% NOT true. There is only ONE GOD, and he takes no other form. He is the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end. And his name is Jesus Christ.

John Godfrey Saxe's ( 1816-1887) version of the famous Indian legend,

It was six men of Indostan,

To learning much inclined,

Who went to see the Elephant

(Though all of them were blind),

That each by observation

Might satisfy his mind.

The First approach'd the Elephant,

And happening to fall

Against his broad and sturdy side,

At once began to bawl:

"God bless me! but the Elephant

Is very like a wall!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk,

Cried, -"Ho! what have we here

So very round and smooth and sharp?

To me 'tis mighty clear,

This wonder of an Elephant

Is very like a spear!"

The Third approach'd the animal,

And happening to take

The squirming trunk within his hands,

Thus boldly up and spake:

"I see," -quoth he- "the Elephant

Is very like a snake!"

The Fourth reached out an eager hand,

And felt about the knee:

"What most this wondrous beast is like

Is mighty plain," -quoth he,-

"'Tis clear enough the Elephant

Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,

Said- "E'en the blindest man

Can tell what this resembles most;

Deny the fact who can,

This marvel of an Elephant

Is very like a fan!"

The Sixth no sooner had begun

About the beast to grope,

Then, seizing on the swinging tail

That fell within his scope,

"I see," -quoth he,- "the Elephant

Is very like a rope!"

And so these men of Indostan

Disputed loud and long,

Each in his own opinion

Exceeding stiff and strong,

Though each was partly in the right,

And all were in the wrong!


So, oft in theologic wars

The disputants, I ween,

Rail on in utter ignorance

Of what each other mean;

And prate about an Elephant

Not one of them has seen!

Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: NeuroSynapsis
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Originally posted by: tealk
Blind leading the blind. I pray for you.

ok, now even I've got to tell you to back it down a notch. Simple little statements like this don't accomplish anything other than to add fuel to the fire. You are not going to convince anyone if this is your idea of debate or evangelism.

A much better response would be:

3. God is interested in us, but not to the point of being heavy-handed and running the whole show. He also often works in our lives in spite of our problems, whether they're the result of accident/random chance or our own doing.

that is a fair enough statement

Except that pretty much every book of fairy tales quite clearly spells out that their version of God is in fact running the show. You don't get it both ways and you can't reinvent the supposedly sacred texts upon which your religion is based to cover the fact that God is a no show. If the bible says he's watching you and protecting you and you need to invent a different version of him where he's an absentee what religion are you following? It's not a chinese menu where you choose one belief from column A and two from column B. If you reject what your holy books tell you about gods role you've rejected the entire foundation of the religion.

what i find amusing about hinduism is that its so patronizing. it makes every other religion a subset of itself. According to Hindu scripture Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster are all part of Brahman, the single supreme spirit.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Did you ever know that hell doesn't exist? There was no such word when the bible was being made and when the holy man was walking. When priests came into the scene, they invented hell to make you straight. Rule out of fear, my god what the hell! lol
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: evolvedbullet
Did you ever know that hell doesn't exist? There was no such word when the bible was being made and when the holy man was walking. When priests came into the scene, they invented hell to make you straight. Rule out of fear, my god what the hell! lol

It's a story, made up as they go along, laws changing, god changing, ever changing and in many places contradictory.

I've heard people say they believe in it literally, these people either never read it or are either insane or bigger than the word of god so their own interpretation is what they literally believe.



Apr 19, 2001
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: evolvedbullet
Did you ever know that hell doesn't exist? There was no such word when the bible was being made and when the holy man was walking. When priests came into the scene, they invented hell to make you straight. Rule out of fear, my god what the hell! lol

It's a story, made up as they go along, laws changing, god changing, ever changing and in many places contradictory.

I've heard people say they believe in it literally, these people either never read it or are either insane or bigger than the word of god so their own interpretation is what they literally believe.

The same could be said of most religions views about everything, not just hell. None of them could imagine the leaps of science and knowledge that later generations would make. When they invented their creation stories and fantasy epics about great floods they didn't believe that eventually science would be able to come along and say "Nope, didn't happen. We can prove that you're full of crap". So now you've got religions backpedaling. Everything that was supposedly fact and undisputed truth is now viewed as allegory or "inspirational". That's what happens when somebody makes something up and tries to pass it off as fact. Eventually it gets Snopesified (I hereby coin that as a word).


Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Ok, for reference, this is being tolerant/respectful while not necessarily agreeing at all

Originally posted by: ZzZGuy
Hey, if it makes you a better person I'm all for it, as long as you don't try and cram it down my throat. If it makes you a worse person I will go out of my way to bring you down. I don't see anything wrong with this, not my cup of tea so it's not on my bookmark list. As for religious rhetoric (good or bad), you'll only listen if you already believe, a video clip isn't going to make people do a 180.

And this is being a troll that contributes nothing

Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: MillionaireNextDoor
Originally posted by: NanoStuff

Doctors are the reason she is still alive,

In the Bible, God is known to work through people. How can you be certain that God didn't send or work through the doctors?

I can't be certain that a blue-green leprechaun riding a pink unicorn with purple polka dots and a lime green three legged dog named lucky aren't trotting around through outer space but I can reasonably say they aren't up there.

You don't have to like us, just be civil. The vast majority of the human population beleives in a god of some kind, there is a reason for this. How about you try to learn why and show them the error of their ways instetad of just agitating people.

I made a valid analogy in response to "How can we be certain God isn't responsible for...."

I am quite civil with religious folk. A hellofa lot more civil than they have been to us historically. Sometimes I do get a bit colorful but I do believe that all of my points are valid. If you have faith no amount of logic, ration, or historical fact will change your mind.

As to your latter sentence religion started out to be a good way to control people and answer questions that where unanswerable. As science answered some of those question religion evolved to answer new questions that are currently unanswerable but in the end its a good way to control a large population.

Why do so many people believe in a god? Quite simply, because they where taught to by their parents. Its no coincidence that 90%+ people believe in the same religion as their parents. Can you really call it "faith" when children are basically programed to have "faith" before they even understand what it is?

Before you say that I am uncivil towards those of faith, I'll let you in on a secret. I pay a nice chunk of change to send my daughter to catholic school. Yes, I am a hypocrite for it but I could not in good conscience send my daughter to the local public schools and there are no private nonreligious schools in my area. Neither my wife or I reinforce the religious education she receives so so far its just another subject to her.

Another point I would like to make is I do not teach my daughter not to believe in God. First of all, she is to young to understand the concept (which is why I believe the church tries to get their teeth into them so early). When she is old enough I will teach her to view her options and to make up her own mind. I see no need to force my beliefs on her as most religious families do their children.

And yet, by sending her away to a catholic school you ensure that she will be forced into a specific set of belief.

I'd rather send my daughter to any public school than any religious school.

The valedictorian of the public school my daughter would be sent to could not pass the exit exam. Most of the graduates barely have basic math skills and might have a 6th grade reading level. The quality of education is far beyond sub par.

I just so happen to play an active role in my daughters education and upbringing. I will take my chances that I can teach her to look at religion critically when she is old enough to understand and prevent the "programing" in the meantime. Worst case scenario is she turns out to be an educated Catholic. In my opinion, that is better than nonreligious and uneducated.

It's not an ideal situation and I admit that it is hypocritical of me but my options are extremely limited. I refuse to allow my dislike of religion to severely harm my daughters education. Moving isn't an option and neither is homeschooling if you have a better idea then by all means I am willing to hear it.


Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: tealk
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
what do the response be if i went to godtube and posted a video about allah being the true and only god? i mean, it is called godtube, not jesustube.

But its not called allahtube either. You fail.

when did i say it had to be just allah?

I guess you miss the point that Godtube is Christ centered. Not "anyone's god" centered. Perhaps you missed the giant cross on the front page of the site. Try reading the about us page.

Well, Allah is just the Arabic name for the god of Abraham so i don't see what the big deal is? Same god, different names.

100% NOT true. There is only ONE GOD, and he takes no other form. He is the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end. And his name is Jesus Christ.

Wow. I know more about your religion than you do.

Jesus Christ is only "part" of the "true God". See, there are really 3 of them in 1. The Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God all make up the "one true God" that you believe in. Jesus is referred to as the "Savior" but not the one true God.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Ok, for reference, this is being tolerant/respectful while not necessarily agreeing at all

Originally posted by: ZzZGuy
Hey, if it makes you a better person I'm all for it, as long as you don't try and cram it down my throat. If it makes you a worse person I will go out of my way to bring you down. I don't see anything wrong with this, not my cup of tea so it's not on my bookmark list. As for religious rhetoric (good or bad), you'll only listen if you already believe, a video clip isn't going to make people do a 180.

And this is being a troll that contributes nothing

Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: MillionaireNextDoor
Originally posted by: NanoStuff

Doctors are the reason she is still alive,

In the Bible, God is known to work through people. How can you be certain that God didn't send or work through the doctors?

I can't be certain that a blue-green leprechaun riding a pink unicorn with purple polka dots and a lime green three legged dog named lucky aren't trotting around through outer space but I can reasonably say they aren't up there.

You don't have to like us, just be civil. The vast majority of the human population beleives in a god of some kind, there is a reason for this. How about you try to learn why and show them the error of their ways instetad of just agitating people.

I made a valid analogy in response to "How can we be certain God isn't responsible for...."

I am quite civil with religious folk. A hellofa lot more civil than they have been to us historically. Sometimes I do get a bit colorful but I do believe that all of my points are valid. If you have faith no amount of logic, ration, or historical fact will change your mind.

As to your latter sentence religion started out to be a good way to control people and answer questions that where unanswerable. As science answered some of those question religion evolved to answer new questions that are currently unanswerable but in the end its a good way to control a large population.

Why do so many people believe in a god? Quite simply, because they where taught to by their parents. Its no coincidence that 90%+ people believe in the same religion as their parents. Can you really call it "faith" when children are basically programed to have "faith" before they even understand what it is?

Before you say that I am uncivil towards those of faith, I'll let you in on a secret. I pay a nice chunk of change to send my daughter to catholic school. Yes, I am a hypocrite for it but I could not in good conscience send my daughter to the local public schools and there are no private nonreligious schools in my area. Neither my wife or I reinforce the religious education she receives so so far its just another subject to her.

Another point I would like to make is I do not teach my daughter not to believe in God. First of all, she is to young to understand the concept (which is why I believe the church tries to get their teeth into them so early). When she is old enough I will teach her to view her options and to make up her own mind. I see no need to force my beliefs on her as most religious families do their children.

And yet, by sending her away to a catholic school you ensure that she will be forced into a specific set of belief.

I'd rather send my daughter to any public school than any religious school.

The valedictorian of the public school my daughter would be sent to could not pass the exit exam. Most of the graduates barely have basic math skills and might have a 6th grade reading level. The quality of education is far beyond sub par.

I just so happen to play an active role in my daughters education and upbringing. I will take my chances that I can teach her to look at religion critically when she is old enough to understand and prevent the "programing" in the meantime. Worst case scenario is she turns out to be an educated Catholic. In my opinion, that is better than nonreligious and uneducated.

It's not an ideal situation and I admit that it is hypocritical of me but my options are extremely limited. I refuse to allow my dislike of religion to severely harm my daughters education. Moving isn't an option and neither is homeschooling if you have a better idea then by all means I am willing to hear it.

In my opinion anyone who is taught the Catholic view of science is per definition uneducated.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: tealk
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Inspector Jihad
what do the response be if i went to godtube and posted a video about allah being the true and only god? i mean, it is called godtube, not jesustube.

But its not called allahtube either. You fail.

when did i say it had to be just allah?

I guess you miss the point that Godtube is Christ centered. Not "anyone's god" centered. Perhaps you missed the giant cross on the front page of the site. Try reading the about us page.

Well, Allah is just the Arabic name for the god of Abraham so i don't see what the big deal is? Same god, different names.

100% NOT true. There is only ONE GOD, and he takes no other form. He is the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end. And his name is Jesus Christ.

Wow. I know more about your religion than you do.

Jesus Christ is only "part" of the "true God". See, there are really 3 of them in 1. The Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God all make up the "one true God" that you believe in. Jesus is referred to as the "Savior" but not the one true God.

I've found that it's not all that uncommon for people outside a faith to know more about others faith-system than they do themselves, not too long ago i corrected someone who had no idea about the tower of Babel.

I have a feeling that Tealk is very young and comes off strong because of his own doubts.


Apr 19, 2001
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield

In my opinion anyone who is taught the Catholic view of science is per definition uneducated.

I went to Catholic schools from first grade through graduating high school. Other than one nun I had for science in 7th grade the science teachers taught actual science. This was in the northeast though. I imagine things might be different in the south and the midwest.

By the time I got to high school I had pretty much written off God. I dumped his fairy tale ass the same time I stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. I HAD to take religion classes in freshman and sophomore year, but they were not at all oppressive. In addition to the basic Catholic stuff the school had the balls to offer classes in comparative theology too, so we studied a little of everything. The classes were structured so that even open-minded atheists could get A's without being forced to regurgitate the party line. The science classes taught evolution, not creationism or intelligent (barf) design. When I went to college I was not the least bit behind in science courses, my catholic school education in that area was as good as anyone else from any public or private schools. Again though, things are a little different up here than they are in the bible belt.

Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield

In my opinion anyone who is taught the Catholic view of science is per definition uneducated.

I went to Catholic schools from first grade through graduating high school. Other than one nun I had for science in 7th grade the science teachers taught actual science. This was in the northeast though. I imagine things might be different in the south and the midwest.

By the time I got to high school I had pretty much written off God. I dumped his fairy tale ass the same time I stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. I HAD to take religion classes in freshman and sophomore year, but they were not at all oppressive. In addition to the basic Catholic stuff the school had the balls to offer classes in comparative theology too, so we studied a little of everything. The classes were structured so that even open-minded atheists could get A's without being forced to regurgitate the party line. The science classes taught evolution, not creationism or intelligent (barf) design. When I went to college I was not the least bit behind in science courses, my catholic school education in that area was as good as anyone else from any public or private schools. Again though, things are a little different up here than they are in the bible belt.

I'm English myself so it might be different, i can't believe i didn't think about that... sorry about that, i wouldn't send my daughter to any of the catholic schools around here and i don't think you would either.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield

In my opinion anyone who is taught the Catholic view of science is per definition uneducated.

I went to Catholic schools from first grade through graduating high school. Other than one nun I had for science in 7th grade the science teachers taught actual science. This was in the northeast though. I imagine things might be different in the south and the midwest.

By the time I got to high school I had pretty much written off God. I dumped his fairy tale ass the same time I stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. I HAD to take religion classes in freshman and sophomore year, but they were not at all oppressive. In addition to the basic Catholic stuff the school had the balls to offer classes in comparative theology too, so we studied a little of everything. The classes were structured so that even open-minded atheists could get A's without being forced to regurgitate the party line. The science classes taught evolution, not creationism or intelligent (barf) design. When I went to college I was not the least bit behind in science courses, my catholic school education in that area was as good as anyone else from any public or private schools. Again though, things are a little different up here than they are in the bible belt.

wow, that explains the bitterness


Apr 19, 2001
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield

In my opinion anyone who is taught the Catholic view of science is per definition uneducated.

I went to Catholic schools from first grade through graduating high school. Other than one nun I had for science in 7th grade the science teachers taught actual science. This was in the northeast though. I imagine things might be different in the south and the midwest.

By the time I got to high school I had pretty much written off God. I dumped his fairy tale ass the same time I stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. I HAD to take religion classes in freshman and sophomore year, but they were not at all oppressive. In addition to the basic Catholic stuff the school had the balls to offer classes in comparative theology too, so we studied a little of everything. The classes were structured so that even open-minded atheists could get A's without being forced to regurgitate the party line. The science classes taught evolution, not creationism or intelligent (barf) design. When I went to college I was not the least bit behind in science courses, my catholic school education in that area was as good as anyone else from any public or private schools. Again though, things are a little different up here than they are in the bible belt.

I'm English myself so it might be different, i can't believe i didn't think about that... sorry about that, i wouldn't send my daughter to any of the catholic schools around here and i don't think you would either.

If public schools were a bad option in my area I might. There are a lot of people in Catholic schools that are not part of the brainwashed bible-thumping masses, they're there simply because that's the best, safest school in that area. I'd rather send a kid to a safe school where they can get an otherwise good education and teach them about comparative theology myself instead of sending them to a public school where they're going to risk getting shot walking to class. You can unbrainwash the religious crap out of a mind, bullets are harder to remove.

My parents are Catholics, but they're not rabid about it. I didn't go to private school because they wanted GOGGODGOD drilled into my head, I got sent there because it was the safest option and the best overall education.


Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield

In my opinion anyone who is taught the Catholic view of science is per definition uneducated.

I went to Catholic school from first grade to twelfth.

Seriously though, you would prefer that your child to graduate high school with an education barely fit to get them a job at MickyD's than to send your child to Catholic school? If so, do you actually have any children?

Not to mention, on another topic all together, the best way to show someone the ridiculousness of our organized religions is to teach them about said religions (without the parental "programing").

If you value a nonreligious education over your child's ability to read and write than that is your choice.

Edit: I didn't realize our "Catholic" schools where that different from those across the pond. At my daughters school they go to school for an hour longer than public schools. 20 minutes a day they learn about religion. It is more like a history class than trying to "program" them. They leave that up to the parents and the church itself. The rest of the day is spent on science, writing/reading, mathematics and social studies.

Long story short, at least for the next 5 years, she is taught who biblical people where but she is not taught anything about "faith".
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield

In my opinion anyone who is taught the Catholic view of science is per definition uneducated.

I went to Catholic school from first grade to twelfth.

Seriously though, you would prefer that your child to graduate high school with an education barely fit to get them a job at MickyD's than to send your child to Catholic school? If so, do you actually have any children?

Not to mention, on another topic all together, the best way to show someone the ridiculousness of our organized religions is to teach them about said religions (without the parental "programing").

If you value a nonreligious education over your child's ability to read and write than that is your choice.

Edit: I didn't realize our "Catholic" schools where that different from those across the pond. At my daughters school they go to school for an hour longer than public schools. 20 minutes a day they learn about religion. It is more like a history class than trying to "program" them. They leave that up to the parents and the church itself. The rest of the day is spent on science, writing/reading, mathematics and social studies.

Long story short, at least for the next 5 years, she is taught who biblical people where but she is not taught anything about "faith".

They're different here and our other schools are the same as them but they teach science and don't indoctrinate them with shame about their own bodies and other religious ideals.

I'm not home much so it's important to me to deal with their schooling even though i'm abroad (Camp Phoenix, Kabul).


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: tealk
I agree with that 100%.....There is ONLY one way......Jesus. As said in my sig.

I like the way that works, i can rape, plunder, pillage, basically do whatever i want as long as i acknowledge Jesus as my saviour. Ok, i'll do that.

Off to eat a baby, will be back, if not, see ya in heaven.

Thats not true. I think you know why....

You go through alot of trouble to act like you know about religion and faith yet you throw this out there.

Was this just a lazy comment? Do you understand why Christians believe that accepting Jesus as your savior is the path to everlasting life?


Apr 19, 2001
Originally posted by: OrByte

Was this just a lazy comment? Do you understand why Christians believe that accepting Jesus as your savior is the path to everlasting life?

Newsflash Zippy: EVERY religion ever invented had as it's tenet that accepting their great cosmic muffin was the path to everlasting life. Take some comparative theology courses, the promise of life after death is the one thing that all religions have in common. Well, that and a supposedly omnipotent god who never really seems to accomplish anything. Oh yeah, and that omnipotent god needs your money. That's it, those three things are common to all religions.



Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: OrByte

Was this just a lazy comment? Do you understand why Christians believe that accepting Jesus as your savior is the path to everlasting life?

Newsflash Zippy: EVERY religion ever invented had as it's tenet that accepting their great cosmic muffin was the path to everlasting life. Take some comparative theology courses, the promise of life after death is the one thing that all religions have in common. Well, that and a supposedly omnipotent god who never really seems to accomplish anything. Oh yeah, and that omnipotent god needs your money. That's it, those three things are common to all religions.

so the answer from you is that you do not understand.


Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: tealk
I agree with that 100%.....There is ONLY one way......Jesus. As said in my sig.

I like the way that works, i can rape, plunder, pillage, basically do whatever i want as long as i acknowledge Jesus as my saviour. Ok, i'll do that.

Off to eat a baby, will be back, if not, see ya in heaven.

Thats not true. I think you know why....

You go through alot of trouble to act like you know about religion and faith yet you throw this out there.

Was this just a lazy comment? Do you understand why Christians believe that accepting Jesus as your savior is the path to everlasting life?

I know, i know, i have to see the error of my ways before i die, i can do that for five minutes before i die though, there is nothing in christianity that stops me from murdering and killing all my life, in fact, the ONLY thing i cannot do is to say that i reject the holy spirit, then i'm truly lost.

I have to see the errors in my ways though and i have to accept Jesus as my saviour, other than that, i can just go eat another baby.

Naturally this all depends on what kind of denomination of christianity you belong to, if you're an evangelical then all i said is right, if you're a Protestant... well, pretty much same thing, if you're Catholic, you'll need to repent, so save another ten minutes before death after a lifetime of raping and murdering for that.

I think i know what you're implying, but i'll let you say it for yourself and then i'll tell you why that doesn't work for most christians of any church.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: tealk
I agree with that 100%.....There is ONLY one way......Jesus. As said in my sig.

I like the way that works, i can rape, plunder, pillage, basically do whatever i want as long as i acknowledge Jesus as my saviour. Ok, i'll do that.

Off to eat a baby, will be back, if not, see ya in heaven.

Thats not true. I think you know why....

You go through alot of trouble to act like you know about religion and faith yet you throw this out there.

Was this just a lazy comment? Do you understand why Christians believe that accepting Jesus as your savior is the path to everlasting life?

I know, i know, i have to see the error of my ways before i die, i can do that for five minutes before i die though, there is nothing in christianity that stops me from murdering and killing all my life, in fact, the ONLY thing i cannot do is to say that i reject the holy spirit, then i'm truly lost.

I have to see the errors in my ways though and i have to accept Jesus as my saviour, other than that, i can just go eat another baby.

Naturally this all depends on what kind of denomination of christianity you belong to, if you're an evangelical then all i said is right, if you're a Protestant... well, pretty much same thing, if you're Catholic, you'll need to repent, so save another ten minutes before death after a lifetime of raping and murdering for that.

I think i know what you're implying, but i'll let you say it for yourself and then i'll tell you why that doesn't work for most christians of any church.

No you are wrong. If you were right well then heck even Satan himself would have a free ticket to heaven. We all know that is not the case right?
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: tealk
I agree with that 100%.....There is ONLY one way......Jesus. As said in my sig.

I like the way that works, i can rape, plunder, pillage, basically do whatever i want as long as i acknowledge Jesus as my saviour. Ok, i'll do that.

Off to eat a baby, will be back, if not, see ya in heaven.

Thats not true. I think you know why....

You go through alot of trouble to act like you know about religion and faith yet you throw this out there.

Was this just a lazy comment? Do you understand why Christians believe that accepting Jesus as your savior is the path to everlasting life?

I know, i know, i have to see the error of my ways before i die, i can do that for five minutes before i die though, there is nothing in christianity that stops me from murdering and killing all my life, in fact, the ONLY thing i cannot do is to say that i reject the holy spirit, then i'm truly lost.

I have to see the errors in my ways though and i have to accept Jesus as my saviour, other than that, i can just go eat another baby.

Naturally this all depends on what kind of denomination of christianity you belong to, if you're an evangelical then all i said is right, if you're a Protestant... well, pretty much same thing, if you're Catholic, you'll need to repent, so save another ten minutes before death after a lifetime of raping and murdering for that.

I think i know what you're implying, but i'll let you say it for yourself and then i'll tell you why that doesn't work for most christians of any church.

No you are wrong. If you were right well then heck even Satan himself would have a free ticket to heaven. We all know that is not the case right?

No he wouldn't and that is the very point, satan rules in hell BECAUSE he would not accept god as his master or as of the new testament, Jesus as his saviour.

Satan WOULD have been forgiven if he had admitted his mistakes and accepted gods superiority, he challenged god and lost.

It would help the discussion if you knew your bible and especially if you refrained from mixing the new testament from the old.

I'll gladly have this theological discussion with you if you really want to but may i suggest that the above (no mixing new and old testament) can be a rule, i know both very well but using one part to refute another means that i can use both and still refer to christianity and if so, you will lose this debate in one post.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: tealk
I agree with that 100%.....There is ONLY one way......Jesus. As said in my sig.

I like the way that works, i can rape, plunder, pillage, basically do whatever i want as long as i acknowledge Jesus as my saviour. Ok, i'll do that.

Off to eat a baby, will be back, if not, see ya in heaven.

Thats not true. I think you know why....

You go through alot of trouble to act like you know about religion and faith yet you throw this out there.

Was this just a lazy comment? Do you understand why Christians believe that accepting Jesus as your savior is the path to everlasting life?

I know, i know, i have to see the error of my ways before i die, i can do that for five minutes before i die though, there is nothing in christianity that stops me from murdering and killing all my life, in fact, the ONLY thing i cannot do is to say that i reject the holy spirit, then i'm truly lost.

I have to see the errors in my ways though and i have to accept Jesus as my saviour, other than that, i can just go eat another baby.

Naturally this all depends on what kind of denomination of christianity you belong to, if you're an evangelical then all i said is right, if you're a Protestant... well, pretty much same thing, if you're Catholic, you'll need to repent, so save another ten minutes before death after a lifetime of raping and murdering for that.

I think i know what you're implying, but i'll let you say it for yourself and then i'll tell you why that doesn't work for most christians of any church.

No you are wrong. If you were right well then heck even Satan himself would have a free ticket to heaven. We all know that is not the case right?

No he wouldn't and that is the very point, satan rules in hell BECAUSE he would not accept god as his master or as of the new testament, Jesus as his saviour.

Satan WOULD have been forgiven if he had admitted his mistakes and accepted gods superiority, he challenged god and lost.

It would help the discussion if you knew your bible and especially if you refrained from mixing the new testament from the old.

I'll gladly have this theological discussion with you if you really want to but may i suggest that the above (no mixing new and old testament) can be a rule, i know both very well but using one part to refute another means that i can use both and still refer to christianity and if so, you will lose this debate in one post.

for shits and giggles, can you do said single post?
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