How much GOD loves Us!

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Golden Member
Dec 1, 2006
The last religious experience I had was after a huge fight with my wife while we were on a walk. She had pissed me off so much I had to walk away from her. As I was walking home there was a Christian guy stopping people as they walk by to tell them how god loves them bla bla bla. He walks right into my path as I'm walking back home fuming. He says ?God? then I cut him off that told him as loud and angrily as I could ?God Dam you can take your Jesus and hell and shove it up your ASSSSSSSSSS? after I said that and vented some steam I continued walking, I felt a peace come over me and I felt a lot better.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: meltdown75
To be able to simply respect the beliefs of others is a lost trait in this world.

You can have any belief you want, you don't ever have to even tell me what your belief is, it's a personal belief so keep it to yourself and we'll get along just fine.

The second you preach to me i'll have a problem with you though because like TallBill, i find your religious beliefs stupid and immature, like you need some kind of father figure because you're not man enough to take care of yourself.

Sounds harsh, i know but unlike preachers and churches and political nartics i'm at least honest, i don't smile and give you blessing with one hand while taking your hard earned money with the other.


Nov 17, 2004
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: meltdown75
To be able to simply respect the beliefs of others is a lost trait in this world.

You can have any belief you want, you don't ever have to even tell me what your belief is, it's a personal belief so keep it to yourself and we'll get along just fine.

The second you preach to me i'll have a problem with you though because like TallBill, i find your religious beliefs stupid and immature, like you need some kind of father figure because you're not man enough to take care of yourself.

Sounds harsh, i know but unlike preachers and churches and political nartics i'm at least honest, i don't smile and give you blessing with one hand while taking your hard earned money with the other.

I would like to exhibit this type of religious troll as type A. He / she / it (some of them may actually be bots) automatically assumes that because you are simply speaking out about respect and tolerance of the various religions / creeds / beliefs here on Earth that YOU YOURSELF are in fact religious (they often brand you as Christian).


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2006
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: meltdown75
To be able to simply respect the beliefs of others is a lost trait in this world.

You can have any belief you want, you don't ever have to even tell me what your belief is, it's a personal belief so keep it to yourself and we'll get along just fine.

The second you preach to me i'll have a problem with you though because like TallBill, i find your religious beliefs stupid and immature, like you need some kind of father figure because you're not man enough to take care of yourself.

Sounds harsh, i know but unlike preachers and churches and political nartics i'm at least honest, i don't smile and give you blessing with one hand while taking your hard earned money with the other.

To true, one of my wife?s cousins became a preacher and within one year him and his wife were able to by a nice house in California on one income I can only imagine how much they are getting from poor suckers. And they are such hypocrites with everything, lower than a used car dealer.

Apr 17, 2005
what do the response be if i went to godtube and posted a video about allah being the true and only god? i mean, it is called godtube, not jesustube.


Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Originally posted by: Garth

Fine, but the point remains that if God didn't WANT sinners he wouldn't have created them.

Mmm, that assumes that God makes us who we are.
Well, he DID allegedly create the universe and the rules by which it operates. Thus, he allegedly decided what humans are and are not capable of doing. If he didn't want people to sin, he would've created a universe that included sinning among the set of actions humans couldn't do.

I made this point a bit earlier but it bears repeating as it goes along with your current point.

God supposedly made us in his own image and if we are to believe the Old Testament he did a very good job. That is why we kill, torture and pillage. We are just following God's example.



Mar 23, 2006
Originally posted by: Darwin333
God supposedly made us in his own image and if we are to believe the Old Testament he did a very good job. That is why we kill, torture and pillage. We are just following God's example.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: meltdown75
To be able to simply respect the beliefs of others is a lost trait in this world.

You can have any belief you want, you don't ever have to even tell me what your belief is, it's a personal belief so keep it to yourself and we'll get along just fine.

The second you preach to me i'll have a problem with you though because like TallBill, i find your religious beliefs stupid and immature, like you need some kind of father figure because you're not man enough to take care of yourself.

Sounds harsh, i know but unlike preachers and churches and political nartics i'm at least honest, i don't smile and give you blessing with one hand while taking your hard earned money with the other.

I would like to exhibit this type of religious troll as type A. He / she / it (some of them may actually be bots) automatically assumes that because you are simply speaking out about respect and tolerance of the various religions / creeds / beliefs here on Earth that YOU YOURSELF are in fact religious (they often brand you as Christian).

Let me get this straight, i say "You can have any belief you want, you don't ever have to even tell me what your belief is, it's a personal belief so keep it to yourself and we'll get along just fine." and your response is that i assume your religious and call you Christian?

I didn't call YOU anything, i meant the general you and if you don't feel that you belong in that group then you are not one of them i'm talking to.

Get that or do i have to type it slower for you?


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
My responses are bolded.

Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: tealk

If God were to remove all the bad things in this world he would have to take away our will. Then we would be machines. Then consciousness would be moot. No God gave us a will so that we might choose life or death.
Quite simply, this is a non-sequitur -- ignoring for the moment the incongruency of free will existing in a world where some being infallibly foreknows the future.

There is no incongruity. Stop pretending there is.

There already exists a literally infinite set of actions that humans cannot do. We cannot see infrared. We cannot hear 50KHz frequencies. We cannot digest diamonds. We cannot travel faster than light. The list goes on.

It does not follow from these facts that we lack the free will to choose among the possible actions available to us, (of course) nor does it follow that we would be deprived our free will were the actions declared to be "sins" members of the set of actions impossible for us to accomplish.

Yes it does follow. Considering we are the source of bad things (sin). We are allowed to do stuff that does not adhere to God's will. If we could not physically do anything to violate God's will, we would be "machines" as tealk said.

All the sufferings of this world are temporary. There are millions of people in the world who have suffered, been tortured, raped and oppressed and they do not feel the need to blame God. Suffering is temporary.
Tell that to the souls your God has allegedly cast into the his lake of fire.

Don't be dense. You know he meant earthly suffering.
If you aren't comfortable with the thought of your life on earth being the cake walk part of your existence, you'd better get right with God. That's not the only motivation, but it sure is compelling.

People might be murdered but God is the net for the soul. If you create a being with its own will rebellion is inevitable. Sin is inevitable and therefor suffering is inevitable. God knew this before he created us yet he has a plan to save those who will humbly seek him.
HA! That's hilarious. If God knows already that he will not save certain people, then he created them for the sole purpose of subjecting them to eternal torment. What kind of a sick, sadistic sonuvabitch would do such a thing?

Don't forget God only physically created two people. The rest were products of man's procreational ability. God enabled us to bring new beings into existence. Granted, it's up to him to endow the forming human with life, but the act of generation is our call.

You may have noticed the Bible says (2 Peter 3:9) that God is unwilling that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Not sure your ranting merited a response. People like you only see what they want to see.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt

Then the big questions remain: Where is this impotent little godling and what the hell is he doing about it? It seems to me that a supposedly supreme being with supposedly unlimited knowledge and supposedly unlimited power might invest ONE SECOND to take care of those who are waging war, committing crimes and molesting children in his name. No matter how you spin the "Jesus hated the church too" angle, your pathetic book of fairy tales descibes your great cosmic muffin as a benevolent being who is watching over and protecting his flock. How exactly are you dealing with the profound and undeniable facts that HE ISN'T?

If God kept the consequences of our stupidity from ever taking effect, we wouldn't really be free to make our own decisions, would we?

Yet another clueless attempt at avoiding the question.

How are kids molested by priests facing the consequences of their own stupidity? Man's inhumanity towards man is a wonderful example of mans freewill. Your useless little cosmic muffin is supposed to protect you from that. What the hell are you going to church and praying to him for if he can't protect children from his own handpicked representatives? THAT is the question you have to answer. Your book of fairy tales CLEARLY AND UNDENIABLY states over and over that your god watches over his flock and will protect them. HE DOESN'T. For 2000 years priests have been molesting hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of innocent children. Those children were not victims of their own free will and they were not victims of their own stupidity. They were victims of priests and GOD DID NOTHING.

Meh, I don't feed trolls, have a nice day

Obvious trolling, but others may have the same viewpoints so I'll go ahead.

When God protects a child from being molested how would YOU ever know??? You weren't there. You don't have a God's eye view of things, so you have no idea what circumstances transpired to safeguard a child that was threatened. God watches over people on a regular basis and you have no idea. That's the great thing about church, you can hear fellow believers relate how God has provided for and watched over them.

I seriously doubt you personally would acknowledge God's role in protecting someone, no matter how blatant it was. You would ascribe it to luck or coincidence. But then, a spiritually dead person, such as you, cannot discern spiritual things. You cannot make a blanket statement that God does nothing.

We all know that priests that molest people are in total violation of God's will as expressed in His Word. Same applies to any other sin you can think of. Only Christophobes would claim that they are following God's direction. People with an agenda of stirring up hatred of Christians. Being a Christian doesn't mean that everything you do is sanctioned by God. You still have that inherent sin nature that you wrestle with. This is why Jesus is our only example as to our behavior, NOT other Christians. Christians are flawed like the rest of humanity.

Yes it's ironic, sad, and pathetic that those chosen to be church leaders can commit such vile acts. IMO, it's symptomatic of the false doctrines taught by Catholicism. Not that the Catholic church advocates sexual abuse, but some of their doctrines have no scriptural basis. I suspect that these false doctrines have prevented many Catholics from becoming Christians, and the evidence of that is apparent in their churches. Corrupt churches do tremendous damage to the cause of Christ. The Bible itself warns of this, as was posted earlier.

There are many reasons why God does not intervene in all circumstances and allows the sinful world to run its course. You need God-like omnipotence to know why God decides as he does, but we can guess. You may remember, that God didn't choose to save the most innocent (sinless) person that ever lived from death or suffering - His son, Jesus. God made certain the reason for that decision was recorded for us all in the Bible.

Remember, God has the big picture and the final result in mind. Present injustices may seem pointless and unfair, but God can bring good out of even the worst. Good that may never be manifest to us while here on earth.


Mar 1, 2000
I enjoyed the OP. Very well done by those that did it and quite moving if you are even the littlest bit religious of any nature. If the performers' God gives them comfort and solace in this world then they truly are lucky aren't they?

I noticed (again) in a religious thread that people automatically equate "God" with Catholicism... with posts about the pedophiles, Crusades etc. You do realize that by saying "God" are beleiving in "God" you are not automatically Catholic right? Although by your intelligent posts, you obviously already know it all.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: FeuerFrei
My responses are bolded.

Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: tealk

If God were to remove all the bad things in this world he would have to take away our will. Then we would be machines. Then consciousness would be moot. No God gave us a will so that we might choose life or death.
Quite simply, this is a non-sequitur -- ignoring for the moment the incongruency of free will existing in a world where some being infallibly foreknows the future.

There is no incongruity. Stop pretending there is.
Argument by assertion. Care to explain how events can be simultaneously known and undetermined?

There already exists a literally infinite set of actions that humans cannot do. We cannot see infrared. We cannot hear 50KHz frequencies. We cannot digest diamonds. We cannot travel faster than light. The list goes on.

It does not follow from these facts that we lack the free will to choose among the possible actions available to us, (of course) nor does it follow that we would be deprived our free will were the actions declared to be "sins" members of the set of actions impossible for us to accomplish.

Yes it does follow. Considering we are the source of bad things (sin). We are allowed to do stuff that does not adhere to God's will. If we could not physically do anything to violate God's will, we would be "machines" as tealk said.
Already addressed. Bald assertions are not arguments.

All the sufferings of this world are temporary. There are millions of people in the world who have suffered, been tortured, raped and oppressed and they do not feel the need to blame God. Suffering is temporary.
Tell that to the souls your God has allegedly cast into the his lake of fire.

Don't be dense. You know he meant earthly suffering.

If he meant it, he would have said it.

If you aren't comfortable with the thought of your life on earth being the cake walk part of your existence, you'd better get right with God. That's not the only motivation, but it sure is compelling.
Argument by threat. Do you ever actually reason?

People might be murdered but God is the net for the soul. If you create a being with its own will rebellion is inevitable. Sin is inevitable and therefor suffering is inevitable. God knew this before he created us yet he has a plan to save those who will humbly seek him.
HA! That's hilarious. If God knows already that he will not save certain people, then he created them for the sole purpose of subjecting them to eternal torment. What kind of a sick, sadistic sonuvabitch would do such a thing?

Don't forget God only physically created two people. The rest were products of man's procreational ability. God enabled us to bring new beings into existence. Granted, it's up to him to endow the forming human with life, but the act of generation is our call.
You are invited to explain how that affects the veracity of my argument.

Are you saying that nobody except for Adam and Eve are God's creations? Would you claim that God didn't know who would exist in the future of his creation?

You may have noticed the Bible says (2 Peter 3:9) that God is unwilling that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.[/b]
So? The verse is only another example of the Bible failing tests of rationality. Omnipotent beings get precisely what they want. Nothing happens against the will of a being with unlimited power. So either the verse is false, or nobody does perish.

Not sure your ranting merited a response. People like you only see what they want to see.
Physician, heal thyself!


Dec 29, 2002
So after not reading this thread, have we come to a conclusion as to whether or not God exists?

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: nick1985
So after not reading this thread, have we come to a conclusion as to whether or not God exists?
No, we've merely established that the claims theists make about their God are inconsistent with either their other claims about God, reality, or both.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: FeuerFrei
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: ADDAvenger
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt

Then the big questions remain: Where is this impotent little godling and what the hell is he doing about it? It seems to me that a supposedly supreme being with supposedly unlimited knowledge and supposedly unlimited power might invest ONE SECOND to take care of those who are waging war, committing crimes and molesting children in his name. No matter how you spin the "Jesus hated the church too" angle, your pathetic book of fairy tales descibes your great cosmic muffin as a benevolent being who is watching over and protecting his flock. How exactly are you dealing with the profound and undeniable facts that HE ISN'T?

If God kept the consequences of our stupidity from ever taking effect, we wouldn't really be free to make our own decisions, would we?

Yet another clueless attempt at avoiding the question.

How are kids molested by priests facing the consequences of their own stupidity? Man's inhumanity towards man is a wonderful example of mans freewill. Your useless little cosmic muffin is supposed to protect you from that. What the hell are you going to church and praying to him for if he can't protect children from his own handpicked representatives? THAT is the question you have to answer. Your book of fairy tales CLEARLY AND UNDENIABLY states over and over that your god watches over his flock and will protect them. HE DOESN'T. For 2000 years priests have been molesting hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of innocent children. Those children were not victims of their own free will and they were not victims of their own stupidity. They were victims of priests and GOD DID NOTHING.

Meh, I don't feed trolls, have a nice day

Obvious trolling, but others may have the same viewpoints so I'll go ahead.

When God protects a child from being molested how would YOU ever know??? You weren't there. You don't have a God's eye view of things, so you have no idea what circumstances transpired to safeguard a child that was threatened. God watches over people on a regular basis and you have no idea. That's the great thing about church, you can hear fellow believers relate how God has provided for and watched over them.

I seriously doubt you personally would acknowledge God's role in protecting someone, no matter how blatant it was. You would ascribe it to luck or coincidence. But then, a spiritually dead person, such as you, cannot discern spiritual things. You cannot make a blanket statement that God does nothing.

We all know that priests that molest people are in total violation of God's will as expressed in His Word. Same applies to any other sin you can think of. Only Christophobes would claim that they are following God's direction. People with an agenda of stirring up hatred of Christians. Being a Christian doesn't mean that everything you do is sanctioned by God. You still have that inherent sin nature that you wrestle with. This is why Jesus is our only example as to our behavior, NOT other Christians. Christians are flawed like the rest of humanity.

Yes it's ironic, sad, and pathetic that those chosen to be church leaders can commit such vile acts. IMO, it's symptomatic of the false doctrines taught by Catholicism. Not that the Catholic church advocates sexual abuse, but some of their doctrines have no scriptural basis. I suspect that these false doctrines have prevented many Catholics from becoming Christians, and the evidence of that is apparent in their churches. Corrupt churches do tremendous damage to the cause of Christ. The Bible itself warns of this, as was posted earlier.

There are many reasons why God does not intervene in all circumstances and allows the sinful world to run its course. You need God-like omnipotence to know why God decides as he does, but we can guess. You may remember, that God didn't choose to save the most innocent (sinless) person that ever lived from death or suffering - His son, Jesus. God made certain the reason for that decision was recorded for us all in the Bible.

Remember, God has the big picture and the final result in mind. Present injustices may seem pointless and unfair, but God can bring good out of even the worst. Good that may never be manifest to us while here on earth.

It goes well beyond Catholics, the worst people i know of are all deeply religious, none of them are Catholics.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
people should stop equating the church- any church, temple or mosque with God.

OP, cool link, thanks.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: nick1985
So after not reading this thread, have we come to a conclusion as to whether or not God exists?
No, we've merely established that the claims theists make about their God are inconsistent with either their other claims about God, reality, or both.

I've read your questions and their "replies" and the only conclusion i'm getting to is that God is either a sadistic SOB or he just lacks power to interact with our world.


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield

Let me get this straight, i say "You can have any belief you want, you don't ever have to even tell me what your belief is, it's a personal belief so keep it to yourself and we'll get along just fine." and your response is that i assume your religious and call you Christian?

I didn't call YOU anything, i meant the general you and if you don't feel that you belong in that group then you are not one of them i'm talking to.

Get that or do i have to type it slower for you?

I'm 96.5% sure that meltdown was agreeing with you


Jan 8, 2002
Originally posted by: NanoStuff
Originally posted by: Homerboy
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: Xavier434
Where there is a Yin, there is a Yang.


God bless them every one :laugh:


Enjoy your ban

See, another reason the religious suck. They want to take away our porn. Give us one reason to like you, just one.

First and foremost, this is a private forum. The moderators or admins of the site have set rules. One of those rules is to NOT post any link to any type of porn site. YouPorn is a porn site. There are MANY people here who are under the age of 18. There is a law that states no one should be giving pornography to children under the age of 18.

You are an idiot to think that only religious people have rules. I can't even comprehend why you would blame someone banning you for posting a link to pornography on a website that have frequent visitors under the age of 18.
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