How often do you format?


May 23, 2003
How often do you guys reformat/reinstall windows on your machines?
I've gotten a little lazier lately, but I tend to do it every few months. I really like the feel and "smell" of a fresh install. It feels to blazingly fast
I know some people format their computers like once every year, or even every two years. I can't imagine how much junk files and things they must be collecting


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
How about:

"When I build the system"

I don't understand how ppl F up their system(s) soo much. I have systems that haven't had windows (2k) reinstalled in 3 years that still run just as well today as when they were first setup. Too many people put too much CRAP on their system that they don't understand, and no one does any cleanup/maintenance these days.



Senior member
May 2, 2003
Originally posted by: thorin
How about:

"When I build the system"

I don't understand how ppl F up their system(s) soo much. I have systems that haven't had windows (2k) reinstalled in 3 years that still run just as well today as when they were first setup. Too many people put too much CRAP on their system that they don't understand, and no one does any cleanup/maintenance these days.


Computers will get crapped if people got access to internet. All those cookies, popups, microsoft monitoring, etc, just trash the computer. I reformat whever i see that my computer has crap on it (of unknown origin) to many remaints of other programs, etc. 'Sides formatting is way to easy when u got a Norton Commander boot-up CD! Just change BIOS to "Boot from CD-ROM" first, pop in the cd, in the dos menu press: Volkov commander, or Norton commander - and it loads the files into ram (so hdd is free). THen just "format c:" and BAM! Or u can just copy files, or delete folders like windows or program files (to do a pseudo clean install) and just leave ones with the stuff u need. Easy! Its a shame that americans dont have "Reanimator" cds!


Feb 26, 2003
i usually always end up doing it about once every 6 months... something seems to come up where i need to format to get everything back to its original state...

but on my old computer (133mhz) i haven't formatted it in about a year... i just use it for basic usage, so nothing really gets put onto it.. just doing some internet surfing, etc.. on it.


May 23, 2003
Originally posted by: thorin
How about:

"When I build the system"

I don't understand how ppl F up their system(s) soo much. I have systems that haven't had windows (2k) reinstalled in 3 years that still run just as well today as when they were first setup. Too many people put too much CRAP on their system that they don't understand, and no one does any cleanup/maintenance these days.


I don't reformat because my system because it gets slow or sluggish, I just like to clean it thoroughly once every three months or so. I try to clean up the best I can after the programs, but I'm not really sure what dll;s, registry entries or whatever I can remove =/



Elite Member
May 21, 2001
I never put crap on my computer - I download nothing. I never uninstall anything since I only put on usefull stuff. So I never have anything to clean up. I only reformat if something major gets screwed up (which has only happened once on a coworkers computer). That is with dozens and dozens of home and work computers I've used over the last 15 years - just one format needed.

Now I have seen friends and family that have their computer stuffed to the brim with useless junk that all compete for computer resources. Those are the people who should format but don't know how.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: squidman
Originally posted by: thorin
How about:

"When I build the system"

I don't understand how ppl F up their system(s) soo much. I have systems that haven't had windows (2k) reinstalled in 3 years that still run just as well today as when they were first setup. Too many people put too much CRAP on their system that they don't understand, and no one does any cleanup/maintenance these days.


Computers will get crapped if people got access to internet. All those cookies, popups, microsoft monitoring, etc, just trash the computer. I reformat whever i see that my computer has crap on it (of unknown origin) to many remaints of other programs, etc.
That's my point exactly, if you understand how things work, where things go, what everything is doing to and on your system then you don't end up with all that crap.

Originally posted by: Dullard
I never put crap on my computer - I download nothing. I never uninstall anything since I only put on usefull stuff. So I never have anything to clean up. I only reformat if something major gets screwed up (which has only happened once on a coworkers computer). That is with dozens and dozens of home and work computers I've used over the last 15 years - just one format needed.

Now I have seen friends and family that have their computer stuffed to the brim with useless junk that all compete for computer resources. Those are the people who should format but don't know how.
Exactly. Always do Custom installs (even if you don't change anything form default) so that you know what's where. Never click yes to any popups or cookies you don't understand. Use a Anti-Virus program (even a free one is fine ... just keep it up-to-date). If you install something and discover it's crap then remove it right away don't let it fester ...... it always seem the world is full of Joe Average(s) and Script Kiddies reformatting and reinstalling all the time because they have NFC and can't pay attention to what's going on with their system. Or they do pay attention and just don't understand. But in the end it's all ok because you keep people employeed (helpdesk/support) and keep the computer industry going (upgrades because they can't figure out why things aren't working properly/fast).


Edit: I'm sure someone out there will take this as me attacking them directly somehow but that really isn't how it's meant. I simply can't believe the amount of sh!t people put on their computer simply because they lack knowledge .... heaven help they should do a quick search before installing or accepting something they have NFC about.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
Yeah I know, get a anti-virus scanner and update it. This doesn't always work. I've got several viruses a month befor McAfee or Norton discovered them and updated their definitions. Got one the other day, 2 days after it was discovered by Norton but I hadn't updated my definitions for 3 days.

Also, over time...due to some of the aforementioned things a computer just becomes sluggish. A re-format is a good way to go.



Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Three cheers for Thorin! He's my man! I only format when I build a new syustem. I do not allow my systems to degrade - I keep them tuned up and cleaned up constantly. Once they are grooved in - they are solid - no freezes - no BSODs - none of that stuff that seems to plague so many these days.

I keep a reserve HDD cloned weekly from my "in use" drive. And I rotate their use so that each gets a week off.

I select my drive with Trios II.


Golden Member
May 23, 2001
Omniscience must be nice.... personally, I don't find out how useful a program is until i actually install & use it.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: grant2
Omniscience must be nice.... personally, I don't find out how useful a program is until i actually install & use it.
It's simple (no Omniscience needed):

1) Find a program that might be useful.
2) Do some searching on that program and find out if there are better/free alternatives.
3) Get the program (or alternate) from a reliable source (tucows, etc etc..... not Joe Schmoe's crapware emporium).
4) Scan the installer for Virii.
5) Install the software. (Do a custom install so you know what it installs where ..... even if you accept the default install options at least you have more information from having selected Custom install).
6) Decide if it is useful (goto 7a) or not (goto 7b).
i) Clean up your start menu (ie: make extra folders and don't have frickin 60 different program groups in the root level).
ii) Run msconfig and check for additions (real, qttask, winampa, or similar for whatever you installed).
iii) Check for added Services.
7b) Use Add/Remove Programs to remove it, then go and verify that all files and folders associated with it are gone (since you know where it installed since you did a Custom).

etc, etc... for Cookies, PopUps, Windows installs, and other crap........



Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
I used to do it like one in two weeks back in Win98 days.

Now, maybe twice a year or so


May 23, 2003
Originally posted by: thorin
Originally posted by: grant2
Omniscience must be nice.... personally, I don't find out how useful a program is until i actually install & use it.
It's simple (no Omniscience needed):

1) Find a program that might be useful.
2) Do some searching on that program and find out if there are better/free alternatives.
3) Get the program (or alternate) from a reliable source (tucows, etc etc..... not Joe Schmoe's crapware emporium).
4) Scan the installer for Virii.
5) Install the software. (Do a custom install so you know what it installs where ..... even if you accept the default install options at least you have more information from having selected Custom install).
6) Decide if it is useful (goto 7a) or not (goto 7b).
i) Clean up your start menu (ie: make extra folders and don't have frickin 60 different program groups in the root level).
ii) Run msconfig and check for additions (real, qttask, winampa, or similar for whatever you installed).
iii) Check for added Services.
7b) Use Add/Remove Programs to remove it, then go and verify that all files and folders associated with it are gone (since you know where it installed since you did a Custom).

etc, etc... for Cookies, PopUps, Windows installs, and other crap........


When I try to run msconfig it doesn't work... Is that an XP program?

I don't know if I'm maybe missing something when I'm installing programs, but if there is a custom option I'm usually only give the option of wether I want to install certain parts or not, not where they are going to be installed or what registry keys it'll add or what other dll's and stuff it will put everywhere. Could there by any chance exist a program that you could run before you install a program, to see what files/registry stuff it adds? That would be cool..



Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Once or twice a year. It's nice to have a fresh start every now and then. I've never screwed anything up bad enough that it warranted formatting to get it fixed, though.


Golden Member
May 23, 2001
Originally posted by: thorin
It's simple (no Omniscience needed):
<snip: 1 dozen steps>

Dude that may seem simple to you, but even just reading those instructions takes longer than I want to spend on the entire process!



Golden Member
May 23, 2003
Hum...I reformat when I'm bored.

No, actually I do it generally whenever I install a new componet (like video card change - keeps me from having to worry about driver conflicts) or whenever a new driver screws stuff up. I keep almost all of my info on my server anyway.


Senior member
May 2, 2003
Lol, yesterday i had to do 3 (!!!) clean installs. One was routine - its been 6 months, and weird files like "adas&ucirc;&acirc;&agrave;&ocirc;&ucirc;&acirc;&agrave;asqwr.fff" started appearing (after i downloaded 3d mark 2003 from! a pox on them!) in my WinMe "Windows" folder. Plus, i built a new PC less than a week ago (this one) and after runnig all tests, and ensuring the operatiability of components, i was about to install win xp pro. And i did. But after installing winxp pro (succesfully), my dvd-drive started trippin, and OS was constantly asking to put CD in drive g! I dont have a drive g!. Upon restart, - i got a blank screen! Never has this happened before. I clear cmos, to find out that my pc will only work at 100mhz, and that "my memory is bad, but OS will continue to boot??!" Also, it said "checksum error: failure' on the post screen. Well, i had to flash the bios, and everything was fine. And since Windows XP i installed still had trippy remaints in it, i had to reinstall. And i did. As to
"People should know what they download" - well i did. I only used internet to: browse anandtech, d/l Pcmark2002, 3dmark 2001se (sam site) AND d/l the cursed 3d mark 2003 from guru3d. I would understand the computer trips if i was browsing "sites of questionable origin", or porn. But im not. And i dont get junk mail, either. So i was lucky to restore my pc after my bios got corrupted, but $#!+ can happen regardless of whether u browsethru porn, or just downloaded ONE crappy file. But oh well.
A pox on Guru 3d! Also: when i backed up my stuff, 3dmark2003 AND the patch i d/l from guru3d were THE only ones, that didnt work (ie they appeared on cd, but upon opening them they opened a DOS windows, trying to execute some command (hmmm...))


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
When I try to run msconfig it doesn't work... Is that an XP program?
It's native in 98, Millenium (I think), and XP but in 2K you have to specifically install/add it ( here or here ).
Dude that may seem simple to you, but even just reading those instructions takes longer than I want to spend on the entire process!
Heh ok that whole thing takes like an extra 2 seconds once it's part of your routine .... but you'll spend an hour or two (or more) every few months (or every two or whatever you do) to format and reinstall your sys ...... it's your choice but personally (and I think alot will agree) I think it's sad



Golden Member
May 23, 2001
Originally posted by: thorinHeh ok that whole thing takes like an extra 2 seconds once it's part of your routine .... but you'll spend an hour or two (or more) every few months (or every two or whatever you do) to format and reinstall your sys ...... it's your choice but personally (and I think alot will agree) I think it's sad

Your "2 seconds" hyberbole is meaningless. And you have no idea how often, if ever, I format. It's too bad you're sad, but "personally" computers are inanimate objects and I enjoy treating them however my whims dictate!


Golden Member
Nov 20, 2001
I've got an old PIII 600 with a 26gb HD that I bought from Dell back in 1999. I didn't format then because I didn't have to since Dell does it auto and puts all their junkware on there. Anyway, I used that machine HEAVILY for the past 4 years, had my wife smack it around, and had my 3 y/o son bang on it til I got him his own rig. I have downloaded tons of junk, installed, uninstalled, reinstalled, you name it.

Not once have I had to format.

I thought I might need to at one point when my computer would not shut down unless physically powered off. Dell Support's only answer was to "format". Instead, I found a virus that hid itself in nv ram so that once deleted from the system it would pop back once rebooted.

IMO, barring an upgrade that requires a format, there's no need to reformat for optimization. There's too many good utilities out there that will clean the registry, dlls, defrag, etc.



Senior member
Jul 7, 2000
Formatting is a sign that you were defeated.

If a person knows what they are doing, and has a good recovery strategy, they never need to format.

I have not formatted my home system since 1997. Throughout the years I have upgraded hardware numerous times with new motherboards, new hard drives, etc., but I have maintained system continuity without needing to reformat.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2001
I used to format every couple of months with Win9x as it seemed to need it. My current WinXP installation is dated July 02 (the date I changed my mobo) and still going strong. Every week or so I run Spybot, Diskeeper, Regclean, Windows Update etc to keep things ticking along nicely.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Dufusyte
Formatting is a sign that you were defeated.

If a person knows what they are doing, and has a good recovery strategy, they never need to format.

I have not formatted my home system since 1997. Throughout the years I have upgraded hardware numerous times with new motherboards, new hard drives, etc., but I have maintained system continuity without needing to reformat.
Nice example dude!

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