How old is the world according to Theologists?

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Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: Fausto
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: Fausto

Your statement could be used on either side of this argument. It is my belief that G-d's word is truth and anything else is simply wrong.
Except for the "proof" thing. We flew way up in the air, looked down and said "Hmm....that's pretty round." whereas there haven't been any followups on the bible. That, as I pointed out before, is the fundamental difference between religion and science.

I don't know how many times I can say this: if the Bible could be proven, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Which is basically my point. It can't be proven/disproven because it's a book, but science continually works to correct and revise itself through tangible means. As such, your almost complete discounting of the vast scientific works of man is just.....<shrug>.

There are other religious texts out there as well, why are you so sold on just this one? What if you're wrong? How can you ignore the various discrepancies pointed out in and amongst all the yelling in this thread? What if the Buddhists are right and you end up reincarnated as a dung beetle for saying it's okay to kill certain "non-righteous" persons?

Science is not perfect and never will be. I can't put my faith in something that isn't perfect. Concerning my choice of "religions", I couldn't do my story justice by trying to relate it. Besides, no one would believe me [/quote]
Yeah, but you can't prove the bible or anything it relates to, so it's not perfect, so you're contradicting yourself. Science always comes with an asterix attached to some degree, but it's not saying that something is "wrong" but rather that we don't have the whole story yet in some cases. I think we're all pretty sure the earth is round, but we're still not quite sure what all's going on inside the average atom since we keep finding new forms of particles. Science strives to prove itself whereas religion is just put in front of you and someone tells you it's true.

Anyway, this is going nowhere since you still haven't even attempted to address the judeo-christian age of the earth vs the scientific age nor are you showing any indication of doing so.



Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: Ameesh
i really dont care what faith you have if you think the earth is < 10,000 years old you are a complete idiot.

I'm sure Columbus was told the same thing when he said the earth was round
Calling someone an idiot because they have different beliefs than you makes you an idiot, my friend.
Columbus didn't have evidence to disprove the existence of other lands, did he?


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
I love these threads... this is just like the .999... = 1 thread. The more knowledgeable people know for fact that the statement is true, but are completely unable to convince people with no math background that it is... No matter what they do, some stubborn people simply choose to think incorrectly.

This thread is no different, except the people who believe the Earth is 6000 years old, also believe they'll go to hell if they change their minds. There's no way to convince them otherwise. I'll bet when faced with all the proof in the world, AND a hot poker held next to their testicles, they'd still not change their minds.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: DrPizza
I love these threads... this is just like the .999... = 1 thread. The more knowledgeable people know for fact that the statement is true, but are completely unable to convince people with no math background that it is... No matter what they do, some stubborn people simply choose to think incorrectly.

This thread is no different, except the people who believe the Earth is 6000 years old, also believe they'll go to hell if they change their minds. There's no way to convince them otherwise. I'll bet when faced with all the proof in the world, AND a hot poker held next to their testicles, they'd still not change their minds.

I'm impressed, I only expected this thread to get to 2 pages.

I forgot about it way too early, heh.

Anyway.. I'm in agreement... Anybody who believes the Earth is 6,000 years old is quite simply blind and ignorant. They refuse to see the world for what it is.

Research done with the Hubble Space Telescope has determined the Universe to be at least 13 billion years old. I read that on NASA's site the other day.

The oldest rocks found on the planet are 4.4 billion years old.




Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Originally posted by: DrPizza
I'll bet when faced with all the proof in the world, AND a hot poker held next to their testicles, they'd still not change their minds.

::jerky boys:: You know damn right! ::jerky boys:: I would rather have my balls burned off with a red hot poker than renounce my faith. Unlike some people in this world, I have convictions and they actually mean something to me.


Jan 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: Ameesh
i really dont care what faith you have if you think the earth is < 10,000 years old you are a complete idiot.

I'm sure Columbus was told the same thing when he said the earth was round
Calling someone an idiot because they have different beliefs than you makes you an idiot, my friend.

If you have basic knowledge of Geology, you will realize that it is imopssible for Earth to be 10000 years old. If you know something about Physics, you can caculate that there is no way that the Earth can cool down so fast after it got formed..

Stop talking out of ignorance ok?


Jan 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: conjur

IOW, "No, I have no proof. I believe firmly in a book written by various cultures over many centuries and that's full of symbolism."


IOW: "I have nothing useful to add to this thread, I'm simply here to attack Flyermax's beliefs because he's a stupid Christian."

Two can play this game.

I really can't stand your behavior. It seems you are the one who is taking it personally and not able to come up with a comeback.


Platinum Member
Feb 11, 2003
I have no business in this thread. Being that I'm posting this late, I doubt that more than 2 people will read this so I just thought I'd write to say:


Aug 16, 2001
Originally posted by: ndee
OK, my question: The Theologists aren't stupid but how old do they think the world is? Do they deny the dinosaurs? I'm really wondering, not questioning.

They are smoking crack.



Aug 11, 2003
I don't know which comedian said this but I think it's pretty much sum up what I want to say:

"Religious people say that everything was created in 7 days, and it was less than 10000 years ago. So I asked them, what about the dinosaurs? And they answered: Oh, God put them their to test your faith."



Aug 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
For those who wanted evidence of what I was talking about earlier, I submit the following: this Argue with that.

This further proves that you would believe anything that's written. And jo0 teh sux0r @ teh linky.


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2004
yea only a few thousand years, but they dont matter, cause most dont believe in the whole dinosaur stuff nah saying mang


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
I am gonna jump in here with a pretty simple statement. First off, I am a Christian. You guys can debate what that means till the cows come home, but to me that definition is simple: I believe in God and that he sent his son to die for us. In my community of believers there are those who are die-hard evolutionists (is that really a word?) and they believe that God controlled the evolution, others believe in pure creationism. I have read about how the flood could have formed the grand canyon and water-born dinosaours could be still alive.

The simple point I am trying to make is this: it does not matter. If there is a God (which I believe with all my heart) he could do whatever he wanted and that includes making a 6000 year-old earth look like it's 4.4 billion. Yes, the Bible was written by man but it was guided by God. All those who cry for absolute proof must remember that essential part of being a Christian... and that is faith. Don't mistake all faith for blind faith. I am all for science and it's advances, I just know how young we are as a whole. We have come along ways in the last 500 years, just think how far we will go in the next. Can anyone tell me without a doubt that science won't completely change their opinion of the age of the earth in the future?

Anyway, I am not trying to flame or argue with you guys, I am just stating my opinion in the matter. I find evolution without guidance laughable. Half that is my complete lack of knowledge in the subject (I am an Industrial Engineer for pity's sake) and half is the idea that so many things could have gone just right to form us, even in the billions of years they say it took. What I am trying to say is that with an all-powerful God, anything is possible.



Sep 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Spike
I am gonna jump in here with a pretty simple statement. First off, I am a Christian. You guys can debate what that means till the cows come home, but to me that definition is simple: I believe in God and that he sent his son to die for us. In my community of believers there are those who are die-hard evolutionists (is that really a word?) and they believe that God controlled the evolution, others believe in pure creationism. I have read about how the flood could have formed the grand canyon and water-born dinosaours could be still alive.

The simple point I am trying to make is this: it does not matter. If there is a God (which I believe with all my heart) he could do whatever he wanted and that includes making a 6000 year-old earth look like it's 4.4 billion. Yes, the Bible was written by man but it was guided by God. All those who cry for absolute proof must remember that essential part of being a Christian... and that is faith. Don't mistake all faith for blind faith. I am all for science and it's advances, I just know how young we are as a whole. We have come along ways in the last 500 years, just think how far we will go in the next. Can anyone tell me without a doubt that science won't completely change their opinion of the age of the earth in the future?

Anyway, I am not trying to flame or argue with you guys, I am just stating my opinion in the matter. I find evolution without guidance laughable. Half that is my complete lack of knowledge in the subject (I am an Industrial Engineer for pity's sake) and half is the idea that so many things could have gone just right to form us, even in the billions of years they say it took. What I am trying to say is that with an all-powerful God, anything is possible.


Yeah see the problem with that is you completely ignore the other 999 or so recognized religions (aka: Points of view) out there. That's where a lot of conflict comes in to play.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
I am not ignoring them, in fact I understand a great deal of them. What I do know is only what I have experienced, and that is the presence of God. There are many religions who belive in a God as well as many who completely contradict my beliefs. I am taking a stand for what I believe and what I have experienced. It is impossible for everyone to believe everything. My "ignoring" is no different than anyone in this thread who belives absolutly in science. You could say they are ignoring all the 999 other points of view. In any case, they have made a stand as have I. I admire anyone who stands up for what they believe whether or not I agree with them.

Anyway, I am heading to bed so I can get up for my stupid class. (I hate senior design) Peace out all


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: dtyn
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: ThreeLeggedGnome

Actually, I think he was just stating the obvious: People who believe in idiotic facts are known as idiots.

"idiotic facts"?
I don't see how they can be idiotic if they're facts. Once again, one man's facts may be lies to another man, it's all a matter of opinion.

If you believe the Earth was creat c.6000 BCE, how do you explain the Neolithic Era, in particular Catal Huyuk, in which civilizations first began to form, beginning c.10,000 BCE.

Because I don't believe everything I hear, just because it happens to come from a "scientist" (anthropologists are hardly scientists in my book anyway). Besides, carbon dating isn't exactly the most precise method of determining the age of an object...
More precise than Religious text written by Ancient Sheep Buggerers livng in Caves and Lean To's


Platinum Member
Nov 11, 2000
This thread, like all the other religious threads are funny...

this is the reason why men waged wars and people died...over religion and their difference in beliefs. This thread and the other threads I have read in this forum cracks me up, because now its theologists (united) against scientists. Science in my honest opinion is just like a religion. It has become something that people put their beliefs in. And yes, yes I is based on facts; proven and unproven (theories).

But here's a thought, how does anyone really know science is accurate? Because we are taught to believe it is, it must be? Let's take carbon dating for example (only because I read half of the first page and someone wrote about it). This is something we learned about in the last 100 years. For our time, (20th-21st century) carbon might decay at certain rate because of all the things around us, but whose to say that carbon didn't decay faster/slower back in the days when the earth was more natural? There could have been less cosmic rays that penetrated the earth, carbon 14 might have been distributed at a different rate because of different number of life forms on earth, or carbon 14 may have decayed at a different exponential rate after a certain number of years than thought...I don't know. What I do know is that we cannot say with certainty, that carbon dating is accurate especially since the half life is somewhere in 5500-5800 range. I also heard, but I cannot be certain of this, that Radioisotope dating was also believed to be a good measurement for dating stuff, but after the invention of nuclear products, that whole thing went out the door.

Anyway, getting back to the one knows and no one will ever know when this place we call Earth started, at least not in our lifetime. It is not right for anyone to be so "closed minded" about their views and beliefs. It annoys me when I hear atheist people say that religious people are idiotic for not believing in the "facts". And it annoys me when I hear religious people say that their books and teachings are correct. All I know is the here and now. I know what I do and feel is 100% real. If I believe that the earth was 4 million years old or 6000 years old, I know that it is because of what I have learned in my life and formulated in my mind to be facts. If only everyone was truly open minded...threads like this wouldn't be funny anymore



Platinum Member
Nov 11, 2000
Oh and 1 more thing for those that do not know, or care. Dinosaurs are written about in the Christian Bible somewhere. I do not know where, because I don't read it, but a friend pointed it out to me and it did describe something to the extent that very large animals roamed the earth. Alot of people, both Christians and non, do not know this. I thought I would share it with you guys.

I will try to find the verse its in for all of you guys.

LOL - I almost always here people knock religion because there are no talks of dinosaurs in their books. It's funny imo.



Senior member
Oct 4, 2003
You are accually way off on that, the jewish belief is that it is much older than that, moreso in the age of prolly 20k or so years is my guess.
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