How old were you when you lost your virginity?

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
i'm a 41 year old virgin, but i have a date this weekend and i'm feeling lucky.

Seriously, im heaps younger than that (and the answer is 17)


Oct 9, 1999
Alpha, for the answer to your questions, do a sarch for a member called snatchface and read his sig.



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Your traps are not traps. They are bullsh!t from an inexperienced teenager.

<< Why? Obviously, it isn't to me. I don't like the idea of people saying, &quot;It's my body and my choice!&quot; and then asking for help from everybody else when they regret it. And who are you referring to when you say &quot;our&quot;? >>

&quot;Our&quot; refers to me and my girlfriend (toolgirl). I don't have sex with other people, she doesn't have sex with other people. The odds of us acquiring an STD are essentially ZERO. STDs are NOT a factor in our relationship. And even if we did...what do you have against health insurance? If you break your leg skiing because you can't ski worth crap, your insurance will cover it, even though it was YOUR mistake. I don't like the idea of supporting lazy ass people any more than you, but that's the way insurance works. Deal with it.

<< You played right into my trap. You seem like an intelligent guy, so you must know that birth &quot;control&quot; is hardly what it says it is. It's more like &quot;birth management 90% of the time.&quot; So obviously there's a large chance that nothing will happen. But what if it DOES? You can't deny the possibility. >>

It has been one hundred percent effective for us. 90 percent is too low. Used properly (key word), it's more like 99.9 percent, according to the information sheet that came with a package of birth control pills I have sitting RIGHT in front of me. Quit making up statistics.

<< Again, right into my trap. That's what everybody says, and, as you say, the divorce rate is around 50%, so even those who are SURE that they've found the right one break up. How do you know that you two won't? >>

Your trap is, again, bullsh!t. How can ANYBODY say that they won't break up, including you? Anyways, I know myself and toolgirl. You do not. STFU until you know us.

<< It is in the Grand Scheme of Things. >>

You get to know a person rather well in 2 years of dating. Once again, you don't know me.

<< Protection can fail. Relationships can end. See earlier. >>

When used properly, protection is extremely effective. See earlier.
I know myself. You don't. See earlier.

<< but it IS a vow. >>

You don't have to have a piece of paper to make a vow. An &quot;unspoken agreement&quot; means just as much to me.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Since when does one's ability to make a decision about what they feel to be right &amp; wrong depend on their age? >>

My issue is not with his age per se, it is that he has essentially no experience with the topic.

<< If that's what he wants, let him have his opinion. It's not affecting you in any way, shape, or form. >>

Unfortunately there are &quot;moral&quot; people who would restrict my right to do what I want on my time if given the chance.

BTW, Windogg's little &quot;narrative&quot; was pretty accurate



Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2000
Nothing against waiting until you're married - but unfortunately there isn't a sex manual included in the bible for &quot;that special night&quot;. You're saviour isn't gonna help you with that department. The first time can be - well, exactly like Windogg described it


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
&quot;Dennis, are you kidding? If not, would you mind explaining a little about that...&quot;


Which part of losing one's virginity don't you understand?

My object A went into her receptacle B.

Clear enough?

Anything else is just circumstances.

Quand On N'A Que L'Amour (Jacques Brel)

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
My issue is not with his age per se, it is that he has essentially no experience with the topic.

The same could be said for any virgin, regardless of their age. You can't get &quot;experience&quot; &amp; still be a virgin to make that choice, so what do you expect him to have?

Unfortunately there are &quot;moral&quot; people who would restrict my right to do what I want on my time if given the chance.

If you can kindly point out to me where he &quot;restrict(ed your) right,&quot; I'll gladly STFU &amp; leave you alone. Until then, you've attacked the personal beliefs of a 17 year old who's done nothing to attack you.

BTW, Windogg's little &quot;narrative&quot; was pretty accurate

And your point is? I don't expect to be making porn videos my first time. Anybody who makes the decision to wait is well aware that things won't go perfectly on their wedding night. And most cherish the act of discovery between them &amp; their spouse. I can guarantee you there won't be any ruined honeymoon for me. If I have my way I'll be marrying my best friend, &amp; we'll be able to laugh together &amp; enjoy our own ineptitude.


Nothing against waiting until you're married - but unfortunately there isn't a sex manual included in the bible for &quot;that special night&quot;. You're saviour isn't gonna help you with that department. The first time can be - well, exactly like Windogg described it

That gets pretty personal, there are some people who will take dire offense to that. I, however, am not one of them. My primary reason for waiting is not due to religous convictions. But even if it was... Did you really need a manual to tell you how to do it? See two paragraphs above.

Viper GTS


Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2000
Hey Naughty. Your points of view are ones I've heard before, and used to share, unfortunately. Keep reading for responses.

Epsilon: Marriage is but a label of commitment, and a statement of love. Who are you (a virgin) to say that sex is wrong before marriage. You have experienced neither of these things, so your closeminded approach seems only an escape to justify your current lack of emotional (and physical as this thread would have it) bondage with another. It is both immoral, and just plain wrong to judge and label people when you have no experience whatsoever with the matter at hand.

Ha ha, how ironic that you label me as closeminded for voicing my opinions, &quot;Oh yee who worship at the Temple of the Open Mind.&quot; (Ha ha, I have to add that to my signature.).

Some of what you're saying was responded to in my last post. For those that weren't:

Who am I? One who believe firmly that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for OUR (YOURS AND MINE) sins. Don't think all intelligent conversation has to end now. &quot;Uh oh, some religious idiot who can't be swayed.&quot; You're right about the can't be swayed part, but why would my ideas less valid because I'm a Christian or 17? And why are yours more valid because you've had pre-marital sex? My parents share the same opinions as myself, and before they were Christians, THEY had pre-marital sex. Now are my opinions valid because they are shared by those who HAVE made the same mistake as yourself?

It is hippocritical to judge somebody for being judgemental, which I wasn't trying to do. (And yes, I know there is judgement in saying you were being judemental).

While I agree with you that having a child at a young age (and due to that young age, most likely also before marriage) would most likely lead to both the poor life of the child, as well as of the parents. Children require money to keep them clothed, fed, and at a certain standard of living. Remember though, adults need that same standard of living. Many married people have the same - or even worse due to the monetary weight of University - economic problem with having children as do unmarried people. So why then is it worse for an unmarried person to have a child than it is for a married person? Both will give the same low quality of life to the child.

It isn't about money to me. It's about the value we place on human life. See below for more.

That brings about the topic of birth control. I'm sure you have heard of contraceptives. Yes my friend, they do exist. With a 99% efective rate on condoms, and yet again, a 99% efecive rate on 'the pill', the usage of both quite assuridly eliminates the possibility of having an unexpected child. If you can't afford to have a child, make sure you can afford these two things before having sex...

I don't know about you, but last time I checked 99% was NOT the same as 100%. What will you do if you happen to be in the other 1%?

But I'm glad to see you making a statement FOR responsibility, even if it is conditional responsibility. My opinion: If you can't deal with having a child, you shouldn't be having sex, PERIOD.

Although, there is the unfortunate side-effect of both contraceptives being faulty. Damn technology, it brought another fetus into the world. Now, before we go into the debate about abortion, let me ask you a few questions.

First, have you ever stepped on an ant? A spider maybe? Or killed a sac of spider eggs... Eaten an egg?

HUMAN BEINGS ARE NOT ANIMALS. This ever-present idea of a human life being worth the same as an animals is inherently flawed. We can respect and love animals, but obviously we are superior to them. Don't misconstrue what I'm saying. ALL human beings are equal. Animals are not.

Second, what do you remember of your pre-birth-canal life?

Nothing. But does that mean it didn't exist, or that I wasn't concious? Science can't tell us if a fetus is concious yet. But if conciousness is the basis for life, then obviously your grandmother, who just had a car accident and is in a light coma, isn't alive, right? Mind if I kill you when you go to sleep? You aren't alive, then, right? What? You say you are? But you aren't concious!

Neither do I remember the first year of my life. Was I not alive then, either? Your logic is flawed.

...Okay, with these questions taken care of, tell me again why aborting a fetus (which does not yet hold a state of conciousness) is a bad thing to do - or at least any worse than the things listed above? In light of the fact that was the child allowed to live, it would grow into a life of poverty, and low living standards (due to the parent's inability to fend for the child) be a worse consequence than aborting the fetus before it had even gained conciousness.

My parents literally began to raise me in a dirt-floored shack. I'm glad I'm alive now, to be my upper-middle class self.

Does life become less valuable with less money?

And, just for your further comprehension:
con·scious (knshs)

1. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts.
2. Mentally perceptive or alert; awake
3. Capable of thought, will, or perception

I've been over this. See above.

Now tell me again why it is that people should deny themselves the basic right for joy, both emotionally and physically? This is a union and melding of self and joy like no other. Until you have experienced it, you have no right to tell other people not to.

You're right, I don't. I never will. I don't have the right to tell anybody (except my children, when they come ) what to do. But I don't have to support it, and I can be a vocal opponent of it.

Oh, and I don't believe in a basic right for joy. I believe in a basic right for the pursuit of joy, so I don't think it's my place to force others to follow my beliefs, if they don't want to. But I can recommend.

And why shouldn't people? I think perhaps we've been over this, yes?

As well, regarding waiting till your wedding night; while it may be a hell of a ride for you to have waited, she's going to wish that she could enjoy the night at all. That is, if she can think above the pain, she'll be wishing you had doen this earlier so that this would be a night for her to remember for different reasons

No, not my wife. The woman I marry will share the same belief in post-marital sex. And a married couple's sex life is not contingent on one night, right? Besides, does it always hurt the first time? Maybe some guys are a bit insensitive, but if it hurt my wife, I hope we'd be able to move through it at a pace that is comfortable for her, even if that means waiting. After all, if I can wait for twenty-some-odd years, I can do it for a bit longer, right?

Marriage is not about sex. But sex is about marriage.



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< But sex is about marriage. >>

NO, sex is about love. You can have sex and love without marriage, as Windogg, toolgirl, and I have stated many times here.


Oct 9, 1999
Viper, I think it's good that you are doing what you are doing because it's what's in your heart. My beef is when people some out swinging and taking shots.

<<<Geeze, I'm surprised at you people! It's too bad when people that young feel compelled to have sex before they're married. I'm 17 and, obviously, still a virgin. I plan on being one until I get married, which could be anywhere from five years (MINIMUM) to never (HIGHLY doubt it. ).

Sure, it may be the best feeling in the world at the time, but has it ever occurred to you that this is something that you CAN'T take back. Besides, it's something truly special that you can share with your wife on your WEDDING NIGHT, and I really look forward to it. Sex with whoever you &quot;feel like banging&quot; completely degrades the value of sex as a whole.

If you've read this far, I congratulate you; most wouldn't. I guess what it comes down to is that I can't stop you from doing what you feel like, but I don't want you to complain to ME and MY TAX DOLLARS when you come down with genital warts and AIDS. Sure, I'll feel sorry for you, and do my best to help as a friend, but you can't expect ME to pay for YOUR mistakes.

If you don't like my ideas, stuff it. lol, j/k

Epsilon >>>

A simple &quot;I'm waiting until I get married&quot; would have sufficed but a smug lecture on the &quot;evil&quot; of others is asking for a flaming. I don;'t like lecturing others but I will fire back when someone shoots first.



Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2000
My reply was meant goodnatured. I didn't mean to offend people.
No, you don't need a manual, and I wish you the best of luck on your wedding night. Like you said, if you can laugh about your ineptitudes, that's great. I just feel sorry for all the women out there who can't laugh about it, who'll just feel uncomfortable about it on their wedding night.

EpsiIon - with a 99.9% rate of effectiveness for oral contraceptives and one of about 90% for condoms, using both combined it makes it virtually impossible to become pregnant.

As for hurting - there are a few lucky woman out there for whom it doesn't hurt. For the rest, no matter how slow you go, the first time you penetrate is gonna hurt your woman like a mother. It just unavoidable. Whether you go slow or fast, there is going to be discomfort for the first few times generally.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I'm 20 and still waiting... My reason is a mix of not being able to get any... and since I've gone this far I might as well wait for a special girl.

Seriously, I am in no rush to get a gf... there have been times that I wish I was committed but I just can't have a one night stand with anyone... to me there is more substance to it (I think ).

Anyways, I realise this post isn't being written very well so I'm just gonna stop typing now


Oct 9, 1999

Huh? Last time I checked we were classified in the animal kingdom under homo sapien sapien. Oh wait a minute, we didn't evolve from otehr species. Some being in the pretty sky pointed a finger and *** POOF *** there we were. Put down your bible because my god can kick your god's ass.

Crawl back under rock the you came from.



Oct 9, 1999
Like toolgirl said, combining birth control methods make it pretty much impossible to have an accident. My girlfriend and I use both the pill and condoms to protect against any accidents. Out annual physicals have came back clean for the last 3 years and we are monogomous.

There goes your disease and unwanted pregnancy argument.



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< The same could be said for any virgin, regardless of their age. You can't get &quot;experience&quot; &amp; still be a virgin to make that choice, so what do you expect him to have? >>

I am not arguing SEXUAL experience, I am arguing relationship and emotional experience.

<< If you can kindly point out to me where he &quot;restrict(ed your) right,&quot; I'll gladly STFU &amp; leave you alone. >>

He's not restricting my rights. But he is blowing stuff out his ass that has no factual basis.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999

My reply was meant goodnatured. I didn't mean to offend people.

None taken. It didn't really seem like you to try to offend people anyway, but there are a lot of people here who would take offense to it. Statements like that will generally be taken as inflammatory, whether they were intended as such or not.

EpsiIon - with a 99.9% rate of effectiveness for oral contraceptives and one of about 90% for condoms, using both combined it makes it virtually impossible to become pregnant.

Using those numbers, the odds of getting pregnant while using both combined are rougly 1 in 10,000. Very slim odds, but still not perfect. If you're willing to take those odds, go for it. I'm not.


I am not arguing SEXUAL experience, I am arguing relationship and emotional experience.

Does one have to be in a relationship to develop some standards as to what he wants from a relationship?

He's not restricting my rights. But he is blowing stuff out his ass that has no factual basis.

Last time I checked, it wasn't a bannable offense to blow non-factual stuff out your ass. There are people here who do it on a regular basis.

Viper GTS
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