How should the people of Gaza deal with a militant Hamas?


Dec 31, 2005
From this article

Members of a Gaza family whose farm was turned into a "fortress" by Hamas fighters have reported that they were helpless to stop Hamas from using them as human shields.
They told the official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper that for years Hamas had used their property and homes as military installations from which the group would launch rockets into Israel, dig tunnels and store arms. According to the victims, those who tried to object were shot in the legs by Hamas operatives.

Palestinian Media Watch quoted the official Palestinian Authority daily, Al-Hayat al-Jadida as reporting on January 27, "The Abd Rabbo family kept quiet while Hamas fighters turned their farm in the Gaza strip into a fortress. Right now they are waiting for the aid promised by the [Hamas] movement after Israel bombed the farm and turned it into ruins."

According to the report, the hill on which the Abd Rabbo family lives overlooks Sderot, making it an ideal military position for Hamas fighters.

The Abd Rabbo family members emphasized to the paper that they were not Hamas activists and that they were still loyal to the Fatah movement, but that they had been unable to prevent the armed squads from entering their neighborhood at night


Has got me thinking about how much you can actually hold a population to task for the people in power. Before this past war I was very pro kill them all and let god sort them out in regard to the people attempting to kill Israel, even with friends in Gaza! Now though, after this war the more that comes out, the more we see that Hamas is itself holding the people of Palestine hostage, forcing them for the most part to submit to their will or face death. Knowing this, my ideas about how to deal and how to support the safety of Israel come into question. The problem is, how do you support a people who have no real resistance besides Fatah? Do you funnel guns to Fatah and hope they win in a civil war? Even if they do, can Fatah bring peace and a two state solution? It seems the Palestinian people are now caught between Hamas who use them as fodder in there quest for power and Israel, who many people (myself included at times) see Palestine as one organism where you just kill it no matter what it takes.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I think you'll find that any Government/Organized Force will take the same position regarding the use of Civilian Property if it is deemed necessary. Including the use of lethal force.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: sandorski
I think you'll find that any Government/Organized Force will take the same position regarding the use of Civilian Property if it is deemed necessary. Including the use of lethal force.

So you think the US army would use civilian property including farms, schools, hospitals if they were deemed strategic in value to stop an incoming invasion?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: sandorski
I think you'll find that any Government/Organized Force will take the same position regarding the use of Civilian Property if it is deemed necessary. Including the use of lethal force.

So you think the US army would use civilian property including farms, schools, hospitals if they were deemed strategic in value to stop an incoming invasion?



Mar 9, 2008
Originally posted by: LumbergTech
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: sandorski
I think you'll find that any Government/Organized Force will take the same position regarding the use of Civilian Property if it is deemed necessary. Including the use of lethal force.

So you think the US army would use civilian property including farms, schools, hospitals if they were deemed strategic in value to stop an incoming invasion?


This is truth. The difference is that the US Army would not use the civilians as shields.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006
but, remember this, the farm was taken over ling before this conflict, they were using it before. so why would they need to use it to stop an invasion that they know wouldnt come, or... would they know because they fire missiles into israel every day..

I feel bad for the people of gaza who are truly innocent, the world really needs to wipe out hamas from gaza.

hamas are a bunch of animals who are so crazy, they even kill their own people.

not sure if you have seen it before, but hamas went to a wedding, beat up the groom, killed a lot of the guests. basically ruined the wedding.

want to know why? because they sang. yup because they were singing at their wedding

Here it is


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
This has been known for some time. Hamas (contrary to what many here would like to believe) ONLY works for itself, holding the people in Gaza hostage.
When the leadership isn't even in Gaza and the funds come from nations like Iran, all you get is a terrorist group that acts on their behalf - NOT a government protecting its people.

This is why we failed in the recent operation. Hamas needed to be wiped out - completely - to begin serious rebuilding of Gaza so that the people there might have a future.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: RichardE
Has got me thinking about how much you can actually hold a population to task for the people in power. Before this past war I was very pro kill them all and let god sort them out in regard to the people attempting to kill Israel, even with friends in Gaza!

With friends like you, who needs enemies? That says all too much about your lack of morality.

Now though, after this war the more that comes out, the more we see that Hamas is itself holding the people of Palestine hostage, forcing them for the most part to submit to their will or face death.

I'm much more concerned with how to deal with people like you, who are so blind to things like the problem of the settlements and the Israeli policies aimed at driving out Palestinians.

Knowing this, my ideas about how to deal and how to support the safety of Israel come into question.

If only your blind one-sided views could be questioned by you more than they are.

The problem is, how do you support a people who have no real resistance besides Fatah? Do you funnel guns to Fatah and hope they win in a civil war?

Hey, now there's a good idea - try to prevent democracy among the Palestinians by funneling arms for them to kill each other. Do that instead of dooing anything about WHY they Palestinians are preferring Hamas in elections - which has a hell of a lot to do with bad Isralei policies.

You are obviously forgetting the fact that Israel *supported* Hamas to try to create an enemy for Fatah (then the PLO), even as you now call for the opposite interfering.

And all for the same reason, because instead of dealing with why Palestinians backed the PLO, the bad policies they had, it was easier to try to use violence.

Even if they do, can Fatah bring peace and a two state solution? It seems the Palestinian people are now caught between Hamas who use them as fodder in there quest for power and Israel, who many people (myself included at times) see Palestine as one organism where you just kill it no matter what it takes.

Why are you better than Hitler? (Rhetorical question, that you are not). You would make a good Nazi; you certainly don't show any better values.

Whether it's listening to Hitler rant about the 'threat' of the Jews and the need to cleanse that disease, or to you about killing the 'one organism' of Palestinians, is quite similar.


Golden Member
Sep 3, 2006
Originally posted by: theflyingpig
Originally posted by: LumbergTech
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: sandorski
I think you'll find that any Government/Organized Force will take the same position regarding the use of Civilian Property if it is deemed necessary. Including the use of lethal force.

So you think the US army would use civilian property including farms, schools, hospitals if they were deemed strategic in value to stop an incoming invasion?


This is truth. The difference is that the US Army would not use the civilians as shields.
Funny that you said that American have uses human shield many times in the War of Independence. American called the slaughter of civilians as massacre while the Brits & Indian saw it as collateral damage & it is justified death because they were human shield.

Fort Mims massacre
Fort Dearborn massacre
Battle of Fort George

What?s good for the goose is good for the gander.


Mar 9, 2008
Originally posted by: NoShangriLa
Originally posted by: theflyingpig
Originally posted by: LumbergTech
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: sandorski
I think you'll find that any Government/Organized Force will take the same position regarding the use of Civilian Property if it is deemed necessary. Including the use of lethal force.

So you think the US army would use civilian property including farms, schools, hospitals if they were deemed strategic in value to stop an incoming invasion?


This is truth. The difference is that the US Army would not use the civilians as shields.
Funny that you said that American have uses human shield many times in the War of Independence. American called the slaughter of civilians as massacre while the Brits & Indian saw it as collateral damage & it is justified death because they were human shield.

Fort Mims massacre
Fort Dearbornmassacre
Battle of Fort George

What?s good for the goose is good for the gander.


smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: sandorski
I think you'll find that any Government/Organized Force will take the same position regarding the use of Civilian Property if it is deemed necessary. Including the use of lethal force.

So you think the US army would use civilian property including farms, schools, hospitals if they were deemed strategic in value to stop an incoming invasion?

Ever read the Constitution?

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Judging by what happened in Lebanon, Hezbollah tripled in popularity for standing up to Israel. The people in Lebanon blame Israel because its Israel who bombed them in an orgy of deliberately unnecessary collateral damage. Why should Hamas and Gaza be any different?

In fact that has been the 60 history of the struggle, the harder Israel tries to kill and repress their way out of the problem, the more determined the Palestinians are to resist. That is simple human nature 101 universal everywhere.

But if we listen to RichardE& Sammy&ilk, the Palestinians should blame Hamas, and then grow gills and swim away. When Israel should be worrying about Fatah being replaced by an even more violent version of Hamas as ever angrier Arab Private citizens scour the arms black markets of the earth to fund any group willing to strike Israel with ever more potent weapons.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.
The meek shall inherit the earth.

Some philosopher or something made those sayings... Dunno who he is, but I'm sure his name is banned from all libraries and text by now. I think he was called the flying spahetti monster or something.

Hamas and Israel live by the sword, both sides. The only way to fix the problem is stop the nonsense and let cooler heads prevail. Thats on both sides of the conflict.

It's hard to create cooler heads when bombs and rockets are dropping on your areas. The only way to create peace is to talk and diffuse the situation. Works with my GF anyhow. But if those Hamas guys aren't allowed at any discussion tables because they are "terrorists", but what can you expect happen? Self fulfilling prophecy I say.

I think those in Gaza would prefer the bombs to stop, and would probably end rocket attacks provided they allowed to speak and have some real discussion, but how do you make that happen? Well, thats up to the USA and Israel, isn't it?


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: RichardE
Has got me thinking about how much you can actually hold a population to task for the people in power. Before this past war I was very pro kill them all and let god sort them out in regard to the people attempting to kill Israel, even with friends in Gaza!

With friends like you, who needs enemies? That says all too much about your lack of morality.

Now though, after this war the more that comes out, the more we see that Hamas is itself holding the people of Palestine hostage, forcing them for the most part to submit to their will or face death.

I'm much more concerned with how to deal with people like you, who are so blind to things like the problem of the settlements and the Israeli policies aimed at driving out Palestinians.

Knowing this, my ideas about how to deal and how to support the safety of Israel come into question.

If only your blind one-sided views could be questioned by you more than they are.

The problem is, how do you support a people who have no real resistance besides Fatah? Do you funnel guns to Fatah and hope they win in a civil war?

Hey, now there's a good idea - try to prevent democracy among the Palestinians by funneling arms for them to kill each other. Do that instead of dooing anything about WHY they Palestinians are preferring Hamas in elections - which has a hell of a lot to do with bad Isralei policies.

You are obviously forgetting the fact that Israel *supported* Hamas to try to create an enemy for Fatah (then the PLO), even as you now call for the opposite interfering.

And all for the same reason, because instead of dealing with why Palestinians backed the PLO, the bad policies they had, it was easier to try to use violence.

Even if they do, can Fatah bring peace and a two state solution? It seems the Palestinian people are now caught between Hamas who use them as fodder in there quest for power and Israel, who many people (myself included at times) see Palestine as one organism where you just kill it no matter what it takes.

Why are you better than Hitler? (Rhetorical question, that you are not). You would make a good Nazi; you certainly don't show any better values.

Whether it's listening to Hitler rant about the 'threat' of the Jews and the need to cleanse that disease, or to you about killing the 'one organism' of Palestinians, is quite similar.

Perhaps you are correct, though under that assumption of what defines true evil you could make the case for many modern figures to be "reincarnates" of Hitler. You mistake being blind to the problem of settlements for understanding there are more to this issue than just the settlements. It is like saying "The assassination of a duke caused World War I!" when ignoring all the build up to and, and the other issues surrounding it. Yes, the settlements are the cause for friction, but do you think if Israel withdrew it would all fix itself? Or would the people than need Israel support for infrastructure, and Israel support for trade? Would Hamas be willing to become a real government or would it use it's new land to continue its crusade of "Death to Israel".

You call me blind towards the issue of the settlements, you are blind to the issues surrounding the settlements and thinking beyond the solution to see what other problems it will cause.
Dec 30, 2004
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: RichardE
Has got me thinking about how much you can actually hold a population to task for the people in power. Before this past war I was very pro kill them all and let god sort them out in regard to the people attempting to kill Israel, even with friends in Gaza!

With friends like you, who needs enemies? That says all too much about your lack of morality.

Now though, after this war the more that comes out, the more we see that Hamas is itself holding the people of Palestine hostage, forcing them for the most part to submit to their will or face death.

I'm much more concerned with how to deal with people like you, who are so blind to things like the problem of the settlements and the Israeli policies aimed at driving out Palestinians.

Knowing this, my ideas about how to deal and how to support the safety of Israel come into question.

If only your blind one-sided views could be questioned by you more than they are.

The problem is, how do you support a people who have no real resistance besides Fatah? Do you funnel guns to Fatah and hope they win in a civil war?

Hey, now there's a good idea - try to prevent democracy among the Palestinians by funneling arms for them to kill each other. Do that instead of dooing anything about WHY they Palestinians are preferring Hamas in elections - which has a hell of a lot to do with bad Isralei policies.

You are obviously forgetting the fact that Israel *supported* Hamas to try to create an enemy for Fatah (then the PLO), even as you now call for the opposite interfering.

And all for the same reason, because instead of dealing with why Palestinians backed the PLO, the bad policies they had, it was easier to try to use violence.

Even if they do, can Fatah bring peace and a two state solution? It seems the Palestinian people are now caught between Hamas who use them as fodder in there quest for power and Israel, who many people (myself included at times) see Palestine as one organism where you just kill it no matter what it takes.

Why are you better than Hitler? (Rhetorical question, that you are not). You would make a good Nazi; you certainly don't show any better values.

Whether it's listening to Hitler rant about the 'threat' of the Jews and the need to cleanse that disease, or to you about killing the 'one organism' of Palestinians, is quite similar.

Perhaps you are correct, though under that assumption of what defines true evil you could make the case for many modern figures to be "reincarnates" of Hitler. You mistake being blind to the problem of settlements for understanding there are more to this issue than just the settlements. It is like saying "The assassination of a duke caused World War I!" when ignoring all the build up to and, and the other issues surrounding it. Yes, the settlements are the cause for friction, but do you think if Israel withdrew it would all fix itself? Or would the people than need Israel support for infrastructure, and Israel support for trade? Would Hamas be willing to become a real government or would it use it's new land to continue its crusade of "Death to Israel".

You call me blind towards the issue of the settlements, you are blind to the issues surrounding the settlements and thinking beyond the solution to see what other problems it will cause.

History has already answered those questions both by example and by word. When a party's spoken and written agenda is death to the infidels, recapture the holy land, and slaughter all the becomes quite clear which side is right.

All Israel's acts of aggression have been reactions that were forced upon them-- they wouldn't need the settlements if Hamas would just leave them alone. If they withdrew, Hamas would just push closer. It's what they've done in the past, and it's what they'll do again.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: soccerballtux
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: RichardE
Has got me thinking about how much you can actually hold a population to task for the people in power. Before this past war I was very pro kill them all and let god sort them out in regard to the people attempting to kill Israel, even with friends in Gaza!

With friends like you, who needs enemies? That says all too much about your lack of morality.

Now though, after this war the more that comes out, the more we see that Hamas is itself holding the people of Palestine hostage, forcing them for the most part to submit to their will or face death.

I'm much more concerned with how to deal with people like you, who are so blind to things like the problem of the settlements and the Israeli policies aimed at driving out Palestinians.

Knowing this, my ideas about how to deal and how to support the safety of Israel come into question.

If only your blind one-sided views could be questioned by you more than they are.

The problem is, how do you support a people who have no real resistance besides Fatah? Do you funnel guns to Fatah and hope they win in a civil war?

Hey, now there's a good idea - try to prevent democracy among the Palestinians by funneling arms for them to kill each other. Do that instead of dooing anything about WHY they Palestinians are preferring Hamas in elections - which has a hell of a lot to do with bad Isralei policies.

You are obviously forgetting the fact that Israel *supported* Hamas to try to create an enemy for Fatah (then the PLO), even as you now call for the opposite interfering.

And all for the same reason, because instead of dealing with why Palestinians backed the PLO, the bad policies they had, it was easier to try to use violence.

Even if they do, can Fatah bring peace and a two state solution? It seems the Palestinian people are now caught between Hamas who use them as fodder in there quest for power and Israel, who many people (myself included at times) see Palestine as one organism where you just kill it no matter what it takes.

Why are you better than Hitler? (Rhetorical question, that you are not). You would make a good Nazi; you certainly don't show any better values.

Whether it's listening to Hitler rant about the 'threat' of the Jews and the need to cleanse that disease, or to you about killing the 'one organism' of Palestinians, is quite similar.

Perhaps you are correct, though under that assumption of what defines true evil you could make the case for many modern figures to be "reincarnates" of Hitler. You mistake being blind to the problem of settlements for understanding there are more to this issue than just the settlements. It is like saying "The assassination of a duke caused World War I!" when ignoring all the build up to and, and the other issues surrounding it. Yes, the settlements are the cause for friction, but do you think if Israel withdrew it would all fix itself? Or would the people than need Israel support for infrastructure, and Israel support for trade? Would Hamas be willing to become a real government or would it use it's new land to continue its crusade of "Death to Israel".

You call me blind towards the issue of the settlements, you are blind to the issues surrounding the settlements and thinking beyond the solution to see what other problems it will cause.

History has already answered those questions both by example and by word. When a party's spoken and written agenda is death to the infidels, recapture the holy land, and slaughter all the becomes quite clear which side is right.

All Israel's acts of aggression have been reactions that were forced upon them-- they wouldn't need the settlements if Hamas would just leave them alone. If they withdrew, Hamas would just push closer. It's what they've done in the past, and it's what they'll do again.

The only People that describes are the Ancient Jews under Moses.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
Originally posted by: soccerballtux
History has already answered those questions both by example and by word. When a party's spoken and written agenda is death to the infidels, recapture the holy land, and slaughter all the becomes quite clear which side is right.

When the side you claim is right is bringing death thousands of people every year as they continue to colonize what little of the Holy Land Palestinians still hold rightful claim to under international law and as backed by world opinion, it is blatantly obvious that Israel's conquest over Palestine is perpetuated by self-righteous and bloodthirsty lunatics.

Originally posted by: soccerballtux
All Israel's acts of aggression have been reactions that were forced upon them-- they wouldn't need the settlements if Hamas would just leave them alone. If they withdrew, Hamas would just push closer. It's what they've done in the past, and it's what they'll do again.

The settlements push Israeli civilians closer to Palestinians, crowding them off their land, and overwhelming military force holds those millions of Palestinians down as the settlements continue to expand. That is the agreesion Israel has been constantly engaged in for decades, since long before Hamas ever existed.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: RichardE
Perhaps you are correct, though under that assumption of what defines true evil you could make the case for many modern figures to be "reincarnates" of Hitler.

I get whiplash between yoiur morally outrageous statements, and then your reasonable agreement when I point that out. I have to give you one thing, few can admit what you do.

You mistake being blind to the problem of settlements for understanding there are more to this issue than just the settlements. It is like saying "The assassination of a duke caused World War I!" when ignoring all the build up to and, and the other issues surrounding it.

No, I really don't. You could address my issue with one simple inclusion of the settlements as an appropriate part of the issue, but instead, you seem to completely ignore them.

I have no problem with your addressing the settlements and going on to many other issues.

You're committing the 'straw man' fallacy by misrepresenting my position, as if I said the assassination of Ferdinand was the only cause, instead of my actually saying you don't mention it - and by the way, you stuff some extra straw in the man by conflating a one time 'trigger event' with the assassination, with the larger role of the settlements as on ongoing, chronic, strategically important issue affecting the chances for peace.

Yes, the settlements are the cause for friction

One of my guilty pleasures is enjoying the language of propaganda as I watch ideologues minimize the important. Yes, that's all they are, a 'cause for friction'.

Not a very important intentional wrongful policy by one nation against a people that is a significant issue in one of the world's leading conflicts in violation of international law.

Not probably the most flagrant violation of the United Nations' expression of world opinion, protected as they are by the US veto. Just a tiny little 'cause for conflict'. Nothing to see.

Amazing. No wonder you have such a hard time with any perspective on the issue.

, but do you think if Israel withdrew it would all fix itself?

Wow, there's gonna be a shortage of straw if you kep making these men. Now, you replace my statements with saying things would 'fix themselves'.

Of course not. There are larger issues and there needs to be a larger agreement. But recognizing this as an issue, which you have failed to do IMO (though you will certainly say it is a 'cauf of friction' that can be addressed once the Palestenians are, say as you have called for previously, all murdered) is important to the situation. It's like working out a fence dispute with your neighbor without addressing the fact he moves it a foot further in your yard every night and resets the 'negotiating parameters'.

Or would the people than need Israel support for infrastructure, and Israel support for trade? Would Hamas be willing to become a real government or would it use it's new land to continue its crusade of "Death to Israel".

The fact that you ask that question rhetorically because you are convinced the Palestinians will only always try to kill all Israelis is why you are 'part of the problem'.

You call me blind towards the issue of the settlements, you are blind to the issues surrounding the settlements and thinking beyond the solution to see what other problems it will cause.

That's incredibly weak, and that's saying something considering the post preceding it was your calling for genocide.

It's like OJ looking at someone accusing him of murder and saying that the accuser is no better - based on nothing but his insane defensive unwillingless to admit his error.

Nothing I said has been 'blind to the issues surrounding the settlements'. Nothing has been lacking in 'other problems it might cause'.

If you see the settlements as part of the process of getting rid of all the Palestinians, then your comments make some logical sense, as morally wrong as they are.

But otherwise they're terribly lacking. Nowhere have I said not to address the larger issues including Israel's security concerns.

We're talking at cross purposes here - me as someone talking about a solution with justice for both sides, you pursuing an agenda of 'genocide as the only solution'. So our quibbling over these details is not going to get very far when we're not on the same page on that basic issue.

And the settlements have not provided, as you imply, protection for Israel from Palestinian attacks. They're simply injustices and part of a larger effort driving Palestenians out.

They're a crime. They take the best land, most of the water, they have the only useful roads across Palestinian lands while Palestinians spend hours in 'checkpoints' in their fragmented communities. They're indefensible, as pretty much every nation in the world besides Israel and the corrupt US say. You're advocating nothing but a position of wrong here. If you were in the shoes of the Palestinians, you would sound very different (or perhaps as a mirror, just calling for the genocide of the Jews as the only solution).


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2001
Let the Palestinians deal with this themselves. They're the one who let themselves be pimped by their Arab brothers. There's way too many hands involved in this "pie" already that it's ruined almost beyond repair.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
Palestinians are in no position to deal with this themselves as long as Israel continues holding them down under overwhelming military force while colonizing their homeland out from under them. Blaming them and Arab nations while excusing Israel's conquest over them is what has allowed this madness to continue for decades.
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