How smart is Bush?

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Senior member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: LongAce
Originally posted by: ForThePeople
Originally posted by: LongAce
I didn't know european conutry was the only country that mattered? The others don't count? They should just not be heard cause they're poor. OK.

Way to avoid the issue.

When the terrorists start coming from South America then we can start caring about South America. But since the terrorists come from Europe we have to deal with Europe.

In terms of terrorism the only places that matter are Europe and the Middle East.

Oh, and South America? It's poor because its corrupt. Kind of like our very own red states, where self-imposed corruption has led to massive poverty. And horrible educations.

But I don't think you could honestly address anything that I raised - I doubt you could understand most of it - so by all means become a deluded Bush follower who votes to screw himself over in the proud tradition of the red states.

Yes geniuses, we all don?t understand what you're saying. The only person can ever understand what you're talking about is yourself. It seems that you spend too much time doing research that you really have nothing else. Please enlighten us with your wisdom. I think you're a little full of yourself. What are you trying to prove in this forum, how smart you are? You got no one in real life that thinks anything of you so you go and gloat. You crack me up. I feel for you man. I wish you luck in trying to show off your smarts. Lets see if anyone sees it.
I see it and I appreciate it too. I feel exactly as FTP does. Some of you Republicans can be spoiled arrogant in the extreme as if from birth you'd been taught that anything you thought was king and had never met a contending point of view. Then, when you finally get out of your six fingered families into the greater world your heads are so big that you can't even walk a straight line. Then comes the bluster and bullying with words and insult. You act like ill mannered savages tearing at a window behind which is meat having no idea how to get to the prize. Then when somebody comes along mentally equipped to do battle you cave like school yard bullies. Its a real treat to see your immature innards laid out and dressed with herbs. Wah Wah Wah the liberal insulted me as if your behavior wasn't all the embarrassment you'd ever need. And while the process of watching sausage made can be unpleasant, seeing somebody stuff you back in your skins is lots of fun and long long overdue. But the lesson I think, is that if your heads weren't so f*cking fat you wouldn't come off as such a pack of fools, not that all of you do.

Funny to see another tool.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: LongAce
Originally posted by: ForThePeople
Originally posted by: LongAce
Yes geniuses, we all don?t understand what you're saying. The only person can ever understand what you're talking about is yourself. It seems that you spend too much time doing research that you really have nothing else. Please enlighten us with your wisdom. I think you're a little full of yourself. What are you trying to prove in this forum, how smart you are? You got no one in real life that thinks anything of you so you go and gloat. You crack me up. I feel for you man. I wish you luck in trying to show off your smarts. Lets see if anyone sees it.

Anti-intellectualism at its finest.

No, it doesn't take a genius to understand anything that I wrote. All that it takes is a reasonably well educated person; it is beyond sad that this forum is filled with idiots who rely on talking points and have such hatred for anybody that is remotely intelligent.

I can tell you that this is nothing remotely challenging - my work for college was much, much more difficult. The fact that you read my prior post and the most sense that you could make out of it was "poor countries don't count" shows only that you lack basic reading comprehension abilities.

The difference is that we used to let our country be run by the smartest people. Bill Clinton and his cabinet were Ivy league, best of the brightest, and it brought us tremendous prosperity and peace.

Now we have let the idiots run the country and look what it has accomplished.

None of this would matter except for the fact that you, in all your stupidity, are allowed to vote and your ignorance about world affairs and basic inability to understand my post is a recipe for danger. It is people like you, and your "books are for losers" attitude, that have given us the leaders who are driving this country into the ground and have given us failure after failure.

The fact that you are stupid should be a sign of embarrassment - not a source of pride - and the fact that it is the reverse is a sad statement about America.

Haha. You presume that just because we don't like to sound like geeks makes us stupid. Well, you're not the only one who has a college degree and has a job or do you? I really wonder what your education has gotten you. Sorry to tell you but I bet you get your ass kicked in real life and come here to try to be something you're not. It cracks me up how many of you guys are out there. It just plain sad... I really hope you find someone real that you can pay to be your friend. Have fun with this. Just like you people to suck Clinton's **** and now it's Kerry. Man, you liberals love to suck.

You should do that in the toilet and not all over yourself.


Jul 17, 2003
Twelve pages and you haven't read a single post. Amazing. Bush is intelligent, not eloquent. That's the executive summary.

3 and a half years and you haven't noticed it's more than a speech impediment. Amazing.


Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: LongAce
Haha. You presume that just because we don't like to sound like geeks makes us stupid. Well, you're not the only one who has a college degree and has a job or do you? I really wonder what your education has gotten you. Sorry to tell you but I bet you get your ass kicked in real life and come here to try to be something you're not. It cracks me up how many of you guys are out there. It just plain sad... I really hope you find someone real that you can pay to be your friend. Have fun with this. Just like you people to suck Clinton's **** and now it's Kerry. Man, you liberals love to suck.

No, I presumed that your inability to grasp the relevant concepts and points from a paragraph worth of text made you an idiot.

College degree or not you clearly have problems with reading comprehension. We should file your alleged degree in the same category as Cyclo's alleged chemical engineering degree - a sad statement about whatever would-be degree mill actually gave you a piece of paper indicating that you had even the remotest understanding of something.

See, for example, when you say "you are not the only one... or do you?" Anyone with an actual college degree would know that you should have said "or are you?"

So you can call me names and rant and rave about how you, too, have a degree but to anyone looking at this it is quite clear which of the two of us has an actual education, the entire purpose underlying the process of obtaining a degree.

And I'll restate it - if you do, in fact, have a degree then it is a sad statement about whichever school gave you one.

And we can see that you, too, are a partisan hack because you - like all the other conservatives - resort to simple insults and name calling when your ignorance is exposed for everyone to see. Rather than engage in some sort of debate to try and persuade people to your viewpoint you can only insult me and throw a tantrum.

How about this - I provided a thoughtful, cogent analysis of how cooperating with other countries is in our best interest. I used actual facts connected together with a line of reasoning to support that position.

You haven't responded to it with anything but distortion and comprehension problems.

If you are really so smart - college educated, as you claim - do us all a favor and produce some line of argument supporting your position.

No, it is us liberals with our fancy educations and reasoning who "suck" while you and the conservatives bask in the light of ignorance and strut around proving how you don't actually have to know anything to win an argument, all you have to do is lie, distort, bully, and insult.

You, sir, are an insult to thinking people everywhere and an embarrassment to whichever school gave you a degree.


Dec 11, 2000
1280 is a decent score, but I don't really think it's as high as some of you are claiming. Calling him a very intelligent person because they scored a 1280 is a bit off ... I know I got a 1265 in 7th grade, and come junior year in high school, I believe every single person within my personal group of friends, including myself, scored significantly higher than GW's 'adjusted' score. Also, if some of you think 1280 is an acceptable score to get into Yale, you're flat out wrong. Now I'm not saying that one must be brilliant to run this country, but I don't think it would be a terrible thing to be of higher intelligence than President Bush...


Sep 10, 2001
FTP, you belittle everyone else to make yourself feel more important. Your blatant insecurity undermines any intelligence that you might actually have. :thumbsdown:


Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2001
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
SAT is no longer called the Scholastic Aptitude Test. If you want me to provide evidence, I will appease you this time. Otherwise, do you own research:
It was when Bush took the exam.

The stupidity here is obvious. They are changing the SAT in part because of all of the criticisms that it does not test intelligence, because it doesn't.
I wonder how much of this criticism comes from minorities who can't perform well on this exam.

They didn't change the test when the changed the name. It was NEVER a measure of intelligence. It's not like it was before someone demonstrated that it wasn't. How do you not understand this? It is so very simple. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. The SAT by any other name does NOT test intelligence.

I don't know how much of the criticism comes from minorities, but I'm an Asian that scored a 1520 and I'm criticizing the exam (and so are all of my friends that took it, all of them scoring 1300+). You're not talking to a minority student who can't do well on the SAT, you're talking to me, so keep it relevant. People from all walks of life, except maybe College Board employees, criticize the SAT. Heck, not even the College Board claims that it measures intellgence, so why do you?

From the NY Times:

"The SAT is an achievement test rather than an intelligence test," said Dr. Ulric Neisser, a Cornell University psychologist and head of a recent American Psychological Association task force on human intelligence. "It is aimed at what kids learned in school. It's perfectly possible for kids to get smarter in an IQ sense -- especially in terms of logical reasoning and analysis -- and yet learn less and less of the substantive curriculum."

I would even disagree with this. It's partly what the kids learned in school, but moreso it's what the kids learned studying for the SAT. Anyway, the article from which that quotation comes discusses the difficulty in measuring IQ."></a>

Here, I'll even point you to a link supporing your view:


While this does support your view, and I would agree there exists some correlation between intelligence and a high SAT score (this is obvious), this still does not account for the ability of a student to take a 2-week class and boost their intelligence by a significant amount, meaning that it is not a proper measure of intelligence.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
FTP, you belittle everyone else to make yourself feel more important. Your blatant insecurity undermines any intelligence that you might actually have. :thumbsdown:

Your blatant inability to respond to people by making an intelligent point that remotely matches reality undermines whatever intelligence you may have, in my opinion. Nothing about ForThePeople's posts manifest anything even remotely resembling insecurity and it is the very reason your uncharitable inability to assimilate and acknowledge the cogency of his reasoning, more than likely out of some hidden insecurity of your own, has looked so foolish and arrogantly immature. In my opinion your posts are everywhere sprinkled with a contemptuous bullying and blind disrespect to the posts of others and you ran into somebody who stood up to you and kicked you in the teeth. But because the process though amusing, must have required considerable time and effort there really ought to be some short hand way to identify you for the future. It really would be a pain, I fear, if in every thread you post in, others would be forced to expound into pages to run you to the ground. I certainly wouldn't want to do it, my thermodynamics being weak, so I need a mnemonic to prevent me from making that mistake. Ah yes I have it. Remember Moonbeam, do not engage in a pissing contest with PsychoWizzer.


Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
FTP, you belittle everyone else to make yourself feel more important. Your blatant insecurity undermines any intelligence that you might actually have. :thumbsdown:

I am never going to apologize for being intelligent or educated. These are things to which people ought to aspire, not things for which they should be ridiculed.

I don't belittle people - I expose their ignorance and make it apparent to everyone how little thought goes into their responses, and how partisan they are.

Take, for example, yourself and your indication that you will vote this election strictly on the issue of abortion.

Despite the fact that you are in the minority it doesn't matter - no amount of votes is going to make a difference in the abortion debate, no progress will ever be made by those who vote on the basis of abortion. The only way that the abortion policy is going to change in this country is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, and that isn't happening any time soon. Roe v. Wade stands on firm medical and legal grounds, not to mention the various state statutes which would remain in its stead and which have even less of a chance to be overturned. It incorporates our principles of freedom and privacy that have led to our cultural dominance.

Personally I find your view abhorrent and quite frankly I am glad that I live in a country that isn't about to give you the power to control other people's lives simply because you disagree with their choices. This is what separates us from the backwater Middle East countries where the state sanctions abuse against various people simply because somebody else disagrees with how they live their life.

Knowing this it would be prudent for you to not waste your vote on an issue for which it couldn't make any difference but rather use it to address an issue where it might very well make a difference, nonetheless I suspect that you will act in the great tradition of the red states and vote to screw yourself over.

As far as belittling other people all I do is hold their arguments up to the light of reason. If doing so exposes them for the ignorant partisan hacks that they are so be it.

If they wish to be anything other than partisan hacks they ought to make clear arguments based on actual facts that stand up to critical analysis and reasoning while disowning the tactics of bullying, lying, distorting, or insulting those with whom they disagree.

Sadly I think that for the vast majority of the people on this board that would be like asking them to fly - something of which they are simply incapable. This doesn't mean that I am going to stop holding their arguments up to the light of reason and pointing out the glaring flaws. If they don't want to look like ignorant partisan hacks they shouldn't act like ignorant partisan hacks.

The sad part about this is that they did it to themselves with their own brand of anti-intellectualism and tax cut strategies to bankrupt the public schools and universities, the truly sad part is that they continue to do so. This is why the blue states have all of the money and intelligence while the red states are the moochers - we perform where it counts while you have tax cutted yourselves to stupidity while allowing your representatives to strip away all the protections that allowed your jobs to be off shored and left you the economic ruin that surrounds you so they would stick it to the pro-choice people (without ever actually accomplishing anything).

Red states - we're too stupid to vote for our own interest.


Senior member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: ForThePeople
Originally posted by: LongAce
Haha. You presume that just because we don't like to sound like geeks makes us stupid. Well, you're not the only one who has a college degree and has a job or do you? I really wonder what your education has gotten you. Sorry to tell you but I bet you get your ass kicked in real life and come here to try to be something you're not. It cracks me up how many of you guys are out there. It just plain sad... I really hope you find someone real that you can pay to be your friend. Have fun with this. Just like you people to suck Clinton's **** and now it's Kerry. Man, you liberals love to suck.

No, I presumed that your inability to grasp the relevant concepts and points from a paragraph worth of text made you an idiot.

College degree or not you clearly have problems with reading comprehension. We should file your alleged degree in the same category as Cyclo's alleged chemical engineering degree - a sad statement about whatever would-be degree mill actually gave you a piece of paper indicating that you had even the remotest understanding of something.

See, for example, when you say "you are not the only one... or do you?" Anyone with an actual college degree would know that you should have said "or are you?"

So you can call me names and rant and rave about how you, too, have a degree but to anyone looking at this it is quite clear which of the two of us has an actual education, the entire purpose underlying the process of obtaining a degree.

And I'll restate it - if you do, in fact, have a degree then it is a sad statement about whichever school gave you one.

And we can see that you, too, are a partisan hack because you - like all the other conservatives - resort to simple insults and name calling when your ignorance is exposed for everyone to see. Rather than engage in some sort of debate to try and persuade people to your viewpoint you can only insult me and throw a tantrum.

How about this - I provided a thoughtful, cogent analysis of how cooperating with other countries is in our best interest. I used actual facts connected together with a line of reasoning to support that position.

You haven't responded to it with anything but distortion and comprehension problems.

If you are really so smart - college educated, as you claim - do us all a favor and produce some line of argument supporting your position.

No, it is us liberals with our fancy educations and reasoning who "suck" while you and the conservatives bask in the light of ignorance and strut around proving how you don't actually have to know anything to win an argument, all you have to do is lie, distort, bully, and insult.

You, sir, are an insult to thinking people everywhere and an embarrassment to whichever school gave you a degree.

Seriously, how much effert do you put doing these post? Don't tell me you use word or other word processor to edit your stuff so people won't think that you're dumb. Man, get a girl and you'll only have time to post one liners if any.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

Well, that's true, some of us need to get a life, but I'm not sure that problem is limited to one political viewpoint.



Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: LongAce
Seriously, how much effert do you put doing these post? Don't tell me you use word or other word processor to edit your stuff so people won't think that you're dumb. Man, get a girl and you'll only have time to post one liners if any.

Conservative tactic #4: insulting me. Again, like all the others, this comes only after your arguments are exposed for nonsense and your ignorance laid bare.

See, now that is just sad - you assume that this takes some kind of work; that it is somehow unnatural or time consuming to be able to sit down and provide a clear response to easily disputed nonsense. I have no need for Word or anything similar - I have an actual education. This isn't anything compared to work that I have done before.

I do it because the rampant stupidity of my fellow Americans has now come to the point that our country is on a dangerous path. We have raided the treasury, squandered our international credibility, and now pinned down our military in a needless war.

This is all because people like you are incapable of understanding the basics of government and are easily misled into voting for politicians who have anything but our interests in mind. Cheney is working for Halliburton and billionaires, not you poor little red state people in your blighted and ruined towns, and he is laughing at you to the tune of millions of dollars.

I do it because I'll be damned if you are going to steal my country without a fight. If that means I have to come here and take apart your nonsense and poorly reasoned arguments then so be it. Making you look like the foolish people that you are is better for the country.


Jul 17, 2003
"Do you have blacks, too?"
?To Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 2001

"I've coined new words, like, misunderstanding and Hispanically."
?Radio-Television Correspondents Association dinner, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001

"The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."
?Pella, Iowa, as quoted by the San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 30, 2000

"There's only one person who hugs the mothers and the widows, the wives and the kids upon the death of their loved one. Others hug but having committed the troops, I've got an additional responsibility to hug and that's me and I know what it's like."
?Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 2002

"As you know, we don't have relationships with Iran. I mean, that's ? ever since the late '70s, we have no contacts with them, and we've totally sanctioned them. In other words, there's no sanctions ? you can't ? we're out of sanctions."
?Annandale, Va, Aug. 9, 2004

"By the way, we rank 10th amongst the industrialized world in broadband technology and its availability. That's not good enough for America. Tenth is 10 spots too low as far as I'm concerned."
--Minneapolis, Minn., April 26, 2004

"What state is that in?"
--to Welsh singer Charlotte Church upon being told she was from Wales. 10/7/02

Remember now, he's intelligent, not eloquent.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2002
You can only recenter scores from tests administered for a period in 1995 when the new SAT was introduced. The scaling was corrected sometime in mid 1996 to make 1000 the median score again.


Senior member
Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by: ForThePeople
Originally posted by: LongAce
Seriously, how much effert do you put doing these post? Don't tell me you use word or other word processor to edit your stuff so people won't think that you're dumb. Man, get a girl and you'll only have time to post one liners if any.

Conservative tactic #4: insulting me. Again, like all the others, this comes only after your arguments are exposed for nonsense and your ignorance laid bare.

See, now that is just sad - you assume that this takes some kind of work; that it is somehow unnatural or time consuming to be able to sit down and provide a clear response to easily disputed nonsense. I have no need for Word or anything similar - I have an actual education. This isn't anything compared to work that I have done before.

I do it because the rampant stupidity of my fellow Americans has now come to the point that our country is on a dangerous path. We have raided the treasury, squandered our international credibility, and now pinned down our military in a needless war.

This is all because people like you are incapable of understanding the basics of government and are easily misled into voting for politicians who have anything but our interests in mind. Cheney is working for Halliburton and billionaires, not you poor little red state people in your blighted and ruined towns, and he is laughing at you to the tune of millions of dollars.

I do it because I'll be damned if you are going to steal my country without a fight. If that means I have to come here and take apart your nonsense and poorly reasoned arguments then so be it. Making you look like the foolish people that you are is better for the country.

Haha, again.. you still trying too hard man.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2004
Since I like to argue, I have decided to fart. I have been farting lately because I have a new found love of bean burritos and they seems to create gasses in me and now want to be let free! Anyways I think both politcal represenatives are retards but bush seems to have been able to prove he is a retard more so than kerry but I'm sure kerry could do just as great of a job as bush. I think it's simply that bush was trying to finish up the job his dad couldn't do for misc reasons (Back in '91).


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: LongAce
Originally posted by: ForThePeople
Originally posted by: LongAce
Seriously, how much effert do you put doing these post? Don't tell me you use word or other word processor to edit your stuff so people won't think that you're dumb. Man, get a girl and you'll only have time to post one liners if any.

Conservative tactic #4: insulting me. Again, like all the others, this comes only after your arguments are exposed for nonsense and your ignorance laid bare.

See, now that is just sad - you assume that this takes some kind of work; that it is somehow unnatural or time consuming to be able to sit down and provide a clear response to easily disputed nonsense. I have no need for Word or anything similar - I have an actual education. This isn't anything compared to work that I have done before.

I do it because the rampant stupidity of my fellow Americans has now come to the point that our country is on a dangerous path. We have raided the treasury, squandered our international credibility, and now pinned down our military in a needless war.

This is all because people like you are incapable of understanding the basics of government and are easily misled into voting for politicians who have anything but our interests in mind. Cheney is working for Halliburton and billionaires, not you poor little red state people in your blighted and ruined towns, and he is laughing at you to the tune of millions of dollars.

I do it because I'll be damned if you are going to steal my country without a fight. If that means I have to come here and take apart your nonsense and poorly reasoned arguments then so be it. Making you look like the foolish people that you are is better for the country.

Haha, again.. you still trying too hard man.

Give it a little time. Your pride and brused ego will recover or yield to greater humility.



Aug 23, 2004
While this does support your view, and I would agree there exists some correlation between intelligence and a high SAT score (this is obvious), this still does not account for the ability of a student to take a 2-week class and boost their intelligence by a significant amount, meaning that it is not a proper measure of intelligence.
Fair enough. I guess the merits of the SAT should be debated in another thread. Back to the original topic. Given this general correlation, as you say, surely someone who scores a 1280 is probably not "stupid" by any means, more often than not?

You're taking it out of context (why should we compare Bush to some community college students that bombed the SAT?)
I looked over your posts again. The reason I am comparing Bush to the average joe is because it's the average joe that is posting on this forum, whom, incidentally, call Bush an idiot. Last time I checked, this wasn't a top university haven, and I find it highly unlikely that a substantial percentage of P&amp;N members went to a top university, as you define it.


Aug 22, 2004
Bush SAT scores could have been altered, much like his allegedly altered National Guard files. Do you ever see any top politicians' children going to a low ranked school? hmm.. i wonder why..


Golden Member
Dec 21, 2001
Originally posted by: food4thots
Bush SAT scores could have been altered, much like his allegedly altered National Guard files. Do you ever see any top politicians' children going to a low ranked school? hmm.. i wonder why..

even if it's not altered, 1200 is nothing to gloat about, in fact 1200 is merely the average at my old high school.
in my book, average is not good enough to be the president


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Originally posted by: kage69
He got his Master's from Yale. I don't think a dummy can do that.
Didn't he also get in with a C average? I don't think any average dummy can do that either.
Talking about grades, our great speaker Blair got through Oxford with a third class (the lowest possible, quite hard to do in fact). I think he spent all his time in a band.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Gravity
He's smarter than the average Gore.
Obviously, you aren't. After the 2000 election, Gore accepted visiting professorships at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism and Middle Tennessee State University. About the only subjects Bush would be qualified to teach are lying and bugging out.
Maybe smarter than the average Dem in general.
And you know this how? :roll:
Smart enough to surround himself with people much smarter than him, which is very smart.
And too fscking stupid to know when smarter people (which is almost anyone) are leading him around by the nose to serve their own nasty agenda. :frown:


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2004
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
Interesting read.

and better than a substantial number of people in this forum.

#1 I wouldnt be able to even complete my degree at my university if my gpa was as low as his was.

#2 I know a substantial number of people who have a higher score. Personally I scored a 1300 (first take) I know people who scored high 1300's low 1400's

#3 Is it true that he scored better than 92% of test takers today!? WOW he is smarter than the mediocre boy am I impressed! Geez he is better at anologies than a bunch of kids who are stuck in public schools - give the man a cookie.

On another note I thought he scored 1170

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