How the Economy Was Lost

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Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: jman19
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: Vic
The economy is coming back and faster than most of you realize. Granted, a lot of the mess is going to take many years to clean up, and some people are pretty much screwed for life now, but even that is an industry in itself.

As for the recovery, as the Roma Nova, the US has an unique way of collecting tribute from its vassal nations by masking it as debt, and much of the stimulus, etc. is coming from that.

But the real way to know the economy is poised for a rebound is that the gloom has penetrated throughout. Think of it as being like the opposite of the boom, when the irrational exuberance had shoeshine boys buying million dollar houses. We're on the flip side of that now. Just about everyone who bought high has sold off low, so the recovery is nigh.

Saved for later. Hope we still have internet.

Stop posting.

Zebo doesn't fall to peer pressure.

Ha! I actually laughed a little at that :beer:

I only said that because your doom & gloom is excessive and over the top.


Mar 8, 2008
Sounds like a ton of conspiracy bullshit to me. I was just waiting for the "and where does the money come from? IT'S BORROWED, WE'LL BE IN DEBT" mantra. In case you don't know, the stimulus is to stave off Great Depression 2...

Points I agreed with:
  • The US government should never have used billions of taxpayers? dollars to pay off swap bets as it did when it bailed out the insurance company AIG.
Points I disagreed with: everything else.

Deleted member 4644

The trade deficit IS the problem the USA faces in the 21st century. This is just the beginning.. the first burb.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: alchemize
Zebo, since you seem to be predicting some huge economic collapse, basically the fall of society...I mean you're the guy wearing the sandwich board that says "the world will end tomorrow".

Can you please put a timeline around your prediction so we can have the opportunity to mock you when you are wrong? Thanks

PS: I'll be happy to counter-predict for you to mock me but it would be pointless since I'll be out shooting dogs for meat and won't have time for P&N if you are correct.

Is it the end of the world? Not even close, life is good, be optimistic in your personnel life - but has no place in current market realties.

Okay, you want predictions so you can ridicule me, here we go.

By summer half the states will be broke, Federal tax receipts will drop another 15%, DOW less than 3000 and unemployment skyrocketing to perhaps as high as 20%. Gold @$1800 or dollar remains strong due to others being worse off, I can't decide.

News will get worse and worse, you'll here "xyz was worse than expected" in the news - letting you know well in advance of a TEOTWAWKI scenario. Recovery will happen once we fully deleverage and create wealth again.


Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: alchemize
Zebo, since you seem to be predicting some huge economic collapse, basically the fall of society...I mean you're the guy wearing the sandwich board that says "the world will end tomorrow".

Can you please put a timeline around your prediction so we can have the opportunity to mock you when you are wrong? Thanks

PS: I'll be happy to counter-predict for you to mock me but it would be pointless since I'll be out shooting dogs for meat and won't have time for P&N if you are correct.

Is it the end of the world? Not even close, life is good, be optimistic in your personnel life - but has no place in current market realties.

Okay, you want predictions so you can ridicule me, here we go.

By summer half the states will be broke, Federal tax receipts will drop another 15%, DOW less than 3000 and unemployment skyrocketing to perhaps as high as 20%. Gold @$1800 or dollar remains strong due to others being worse off, I can't decide.

News will get worse and worse, you'll here "xyz was worse than expected" in the news - letting you know well in advance of a TEOTWAWKI scenario. Recovery will happen once we fully deleverage and create wealth again.

OK that's not the end of the counter...

- All the states are broke now anyhow by normal solvency standards, but government is unique in it can just raise taxes
- Fed receipts down 15%? OK I can buy that
- Dow less than 3,000 - no I say it won't go under 5,000
- Unemployment 20%? No I say it won't go over 11%
- Gold? Doesn't matter, in a "financial doomsday" scenario gold only has some value if the economy returns to normal. If it's Mad Max, then guns and gas are gold. But I'll say it won't go over $1,400

Deleted member 4644

Originally posted by: Yoxxy
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Originally posted by: Vic
The economy is coming back and faster than most of you realize. Granted, a lot of the mess is going to take many years to clean up, and some people are pretty much screwed for life now, but even that is an industry in itself.

As for the recovery, as the Roma Nova, the US has an unique way of collecting tribute from its vassal nations by masking it as debt, and much of the stimulus, etc. is coming from that.

But the real way to know the economy is poised for a rebound is that the gloom has penetrated throughout. Think of it as being like the opposite of the boom, when the irrational exuberance had shoeshine boys buying million dollar houses. We're on the flip side of that now. Just about everyone who bought high has sold off low, so the recovery is nigh.

Except the CDS house of cards hasn't even started to come crashing down yet.

An estimated $60T volcano of horseshit ready to erupt.

This is a fairly misleading statistic as this is based off two things I will try to explain here.

1.) The value of a derivative is based off the underlying security. We will use a plain vanilla interest rate swap here as this is the most common type of privately traded derivative and banks use these all the time. I will be swapping my floating rate loan from JPMORGAN which is based on 5 years of semi-annual payments of 1 month LIBOR + 100bp for an interest rate swap of 6.5% fixed for 5 years to CITI GLOBAL Markets on a notional value loan of $10,000,000. One would think that the derivatives position would be based on the interest rate of the loan or the interest rate of the swap. Say the difference is 150bp * 10,000,000 for the first payment or $150,000. In actuality when they give these figures out they are taking the loan amount of $10,000,000 and multiplying it by 10 payments equaling a derivatives notional value of $100,000,000. This is for a single transaction, which in itself is 10 transactions. Now take CITI GLOBAL they will also buy an interest rate swap hedging themselves against rates going above 6.5% from another counterparty who buys hedges from another counterparty and so on and so forth creating a significant amount of notional value that in all actuality works out to fractions of pennies on the dollar as even the first contract started out with a spread of only 150bp.

2.) After a year goes by interest rates have come down significantly on LIBOR and I want to get out of the contract. Logic would say I would simply give CITI money and they would forgo the contract. Not the case. I have to write a derivative contract that is the opposite of my first contract saying that CITI Group will pay me LIBOR + 100 bp for the remaining number of payments (8), this then creates another 80,000,000 of notional value in the derivatives sphere. CITI then does the same with counterparties thus crossing their hedges and again almost doubling the fictional notional value that is outstanding.

Forwards and swaps are not like futures, the market is very complex and can be significantly overinflated because it is private. There are literally Trillions of dollars of currency swaps that have been canceled years ago in Europe on currencies that no longer exist...

Hm, can you explain this in slightly simpler terms?


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: chess9
Originally posted by: retrospooty
OK. OK, Zebo... Take your panic button hat back off now. The world isnt over and the country will move on...

What that short sighted article doesnt point out is that the American economy is strong. Its like Pizza - Even when its bad its still good. How many Iphones sold last quarter? still 92% of us are working and this is the worst recession in a long time... The American economy will always rebound - it re-invents itself when previous ways arent working.

You watch... 2-3 years from now, you will feel like a fool for beleiving what was entered in this post.

So, you haven't eaten Little Caesar's?

92% of 'us' aren't working. Where did you come up with that bit of nonsense?

This is fundamentally a very different problem than we've ever had before, so predictions are probably not very helpful.


Well, almost 8% unemployment = 92% working. I realize that isnt exact. Unemploment #'s are those that are looking for work - so I should say that 92% of those that are trying, are working.

So, positive predictions arent any good? Buying into negative hype and panic mentality is worse. The economy is based on consumer spending, and right now, the pessimistic bubble has us worsening our situation. The panic button mentality has to stop - we just need to relax, and look at the big picture. We do need to get spending under control and start paying off the national debt.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2000
Originally posted by: ironwing
Originally posted by: Atreus21

America?s 20th century economic success was based on two things. Free trade was not one of them.

Stopped reading after that.

Why? That part is true. Protectionism works.

If protectionism is so wonderful why don't we apply it at the state level? Why have free trade between states? Why not protect each state from each other so every state benefits? Maryland can impose a tariff on all products made in any other state. All states should do this so everyone can prosper!

Oh wait.... maybe it's because protectionism doesn't really work?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: retrospooty
Originally posted by: chess9
Originally posted by: retrospooty
OK. OK, Zebo... Take your panic button hat back off now. The world isnt over and the country will move on...

What that short sighted article doesnt point out is that the American economy is strong. Its like Pizza - Even when its bad its still good. How many Iphones sold last quarter? still 92% of us are working and this is the worst recession in a long time... The American economy will always rebound - it re-invents itself when previous ways arent working.

You watch... 2-3 years from now, you will feel like a fool for beleiving what was entered in this post.

So, you haven't eaten Little Caesar's?

92% of 'us' aren't working. Where did you come up with that bit of nonsense?

This is fundamentally a very different problem than we've ever had before, so predictions are probably not very helpful.


Well, almost 8% unemployment = 92% working. I realize that isnt exact. Unemploment #'s are those that are looking for work - so I should say that 92% of those that are trying, are working.

So, positive predictions arent any good? Buying into negative hype and panic mentality is worse. The economy is based on consumer spending, and right now, the pessimistic bubble has us worsening our situation. The panic button mentality has to stop - we just need to relax, and look at the big picture. We do need to get spending under control and start paying off the national debt.

Please do yourself a favor and stop buying into what Keynes called "animal spirits". Him, like todays economists who got us into to this mess do not understand or appreciate the problems are real, as opposed to figments of our collective imagination.

What they call a "loss of confidence" is a rational and inevitable, sure as mathematics is, response to the current economic reality that involves too much debt, too little savings, too little income and a mismatch between production and consumption now leading to less spending less consumption and a consequential increase in saving.

That's why I believe Obama is actually making things worse by pursuing policies that encourage people and government to increase borrowing and spending will cause us to dig into a deeper financial hole.



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Zebo

There is a difference.

We replaced those jobs with productive high paying factory jobs.

Today we get to stock shelves for Wal-Mart.

considering that there has been shelf stocking in retail operations basically since retail began, i really don't think that's the case. are you telling me that wally world employs a larger army of shelf stockers than necessary?


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
PS: I'll be happy to counter-predict for you to mock me but it would be pointless since I'll be out shooting dogs for meat and won't have time for P&N if you are correct.
Woot, shoot for the stars!

I mean "Woof"


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: retrospooty
Originally posted by: chess9
Originally posted by: retrospooty
OK. OK, Zebo... Take your panic button hat back off now. The world isnt over and the country will move on...

What that short sighted article doesnt point out is that the American economy is strong. Its like Pizza - Even when its bad its still good. How many Iphones sold last quarter? still 92% of us are working and this is the worst recession in a long time... The American economy will always rebound - it re-invents itself when previous ways arent working.

You watch... 2-3 years from now, you will feel like a fool for beleiving what was entered in this post.

So, you haven't eaten Little Caesar's?

92% of 'us' aren't working. Where did you come up with that bit of nonsense?

This is fundamentally a very different problem than we've ever had before, so predictions are probably not very helpful.


Well, almost 8% unemployment = 92% working. I realize that isnt exact. Unemploment #'s are those that are looking for work - so I should say that 92% of those that are trying, are working.

So, positive predictions arent any good? Buying into negative hype and panic mentality is worse. The economy is based on consumer spending, and right now, the pessimistic bubble has us worsening our situation. The panic button mentality has to stop - we just need to relax, and look at the big picture. We do need to get spending under control and start paying off the national debt.

Please do yourself a favor and stop buying into what Keynes called "animal spirits". Him, like todays economists who got us into to this mess do not understand or appreciate the problems are real, as opposed to figments of our collective imagination.

What they call a "loss of confidence" is a rational and inevitable, sure as mathematics is, response to the current economic reality that involves too much debt, too little savings, too little income and a mismatch between production and consumption now leading to less spending less consumption and a consequential increase in saving.

That's why I believe Obama is actually making things worse by pursuing policies that encourage people and government to increase borrowing and spending will cause us to dig into a deeper financial hole.

Dont get me wrong... I know there is a real problem here. Its just not the end of our country as we know it. We will rebound.

Agreed, spending needs to be under control like it was under Bill Clinton. But right now, we do need to do something about the economy, and the stimulus (at least most of it) is a decent package. Take out the maybe 20% that is crap and I would like it.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Zebo

There is a difference.

We replaced those jobs with productive high paying factory jobs.

Today we get to stock shelves for Wal-Mart.

considering that there has been shelf stocking in retail operations basically since retail began, i really don't think that's the case. are you telling me that wally world employs a larger army of shelf stockers than necessary?

Wally World Jobs are a euphemism.

I'm saying the new economy Jobs are low skill low pay service jobs they have not figured out how to export yet. Jobs, which can't support America to the style we are accustomed to let alone all the socialism the left wants and warfare the right wants. Roberts talks about these jobs in this article you probably didn't read and has been quoting BLS stats in his many other articles for years now.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Zebo

Please do yourself a favor and stop buying into what Keynes called "animal spirits". Him, like todays economists who got us into to this mess do not understand or appreciate the problems are real, as opposed to figments of our collective imagination.

What they call a "loss of confidence" is a rational and inevitable, sure as mathematics is, response to the current economic reality that involves too much debt, too little savings, too little income and a mismatch between production and consumption now leading to less spending less consumption and a consequential increase in saving.

That's why I believe Obama is actually making things worse by pursuing policies that encourage people and government to increase borrowing and spending will cause us to dig into a deeper financial hole.


Deleted member 4644

Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Zebo

There is a difference.

We replaced those jobs with productive high paying factory jobs.

Today we get to stock shelves for Wal-Mart.

considering that there has been shelf stocking in retail operations basically since retail began, i really don't think that's the case. are you telling me that wally world employs a larger army of shelf stockers than necessary?

Wally World Jobs are a euphemism.

I'm saying the new economy Jobs are low skill low pay service jobs they have not figured out how to export yet. Jobs, which can't support America to the style we are accustomed to let alone all the socialism the left wants and warfare the right wants. Roberts talks about these jobs in this article you probably didn't read and has been quoting BLS stats in his many other articles for years now.


You do not and cannot create any real "value" with a retail style job. Even the jobs of accountants and lawyers and the like mostly provide value in the form of "grease" -- not any sort of hard, salable, fungible product.

We are fucked.


Oct 9, 1999
You can't say that the distribution chain adds NO value. Without it manufacturing stops.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2008
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Atreus21

Free trade has a part in killing jobs anywhere.

mechanized farming killed farms jobs everywhere, but i very much doubt that anyone would seriously consider going back to plowing behind an ox on a large scale.

There is a difference.

We replaced those jobs with productive high paying factory jobs.

Today we get to stock shelves for Wal-Mart.

Or cater the parties being hosted by the people selling us out for their own short term gain.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Free trade is correct and right. But its same as the Banks and stock market . It must be FAIRLY REGULATED. In other words Labor must compete on = Scale.

US companies that trade with countries that use Child labor or Sub human wages. Should be by law . Have to conduct business outside US as Inside US.

Free trade works only if its FAIR trade. As it is its not. This stuff made in CHINA is junk.

All tho the Chinesse do seem to construct high rise buildings than Americans. I don't know if you seen,that Fire in china but it was bad . Worse than any fires on 9/11 Yet the China built skyscrape didn't collasp. Funny that.



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Deleted member 4644
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Zebo

There is a difference.

We replaced those jobs with productive high paying factory jobs.

Today we get to stock shelves for Wal-Mart.

considering that there has been shelf stocking in retail operations basically since retail began, i really don't think that's the case. are you telling me that wally world employs a larger army of shelf stockers than necessary?

Wally World Jobs are a euphemism.

I'm saying the new economy Jobs are low skill low pay service jobs they have not figured out how to export yet. Jobs, which can't support America to the style we are accustomed to let alone all the socialism the left wants and warfare the right wants. Roberts talks about these jobs in this article you probably didn't read and has been quoting BLS stats in his many other articles for years now.


You do not and cannot create any real "value" with a retail style job. Even the jobs of accountants and lawyers and the like mostly provide value in the form of "grease" -- not any sort of hard, salable, fungible product.

We are fucked.

you're aware that 2007 was the record high point for american manufacturing, right?
Oct 30, 2004
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: Atreus21

Free trade has a part in killing jobs anywhere.

mechanized farming killed farms jobs everywhere, but i very much doubt that anyone would seriously consider going back to plowing behind an ox on a large scale.

ElFenix--you're making a huge error by equating innovation with global labor arbitrage. They are completely different economic phenomena.
Oct 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Deleted member 4644
The trade deficit IS the problem the USA faces in the 21st century. This is just the beginning.. the first burb.

Besides foreign outsourcing and the trade deficit, we also have a problem with mass immigration, which is another form of global labor arbitrage. Additionally, we have a population explosion (a Malthusian) problem which reduces the amount of resources (land, water, natural resources) available per capita while increasing the strain on the environment. (We received a taste of this last Summer when the price of gas passed $4/gallon.)
Oct 30, 2004

The responses in this thread have reinforced by belief that Americans don't "get it" yet. This leads me to wonder, how much must the nation's economy deteriorate before Americans start to "get it", and, when that time comes, if ever, will it be too late to do anything about it and will they still have the wherewithall to do anything about it?

Sadly, I think that when that time comes, our populace will have adopted a servile, complacent mentality and will just accept poverty as the normal state of affairs much as people have in many other nations.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Aberforth
People still don't get it, the economy was lost because of this




Dr. Roberts blames Bush a plenty but this problem is at least 30 years in the making and multiple factors.
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