How to attract women...

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Jan 9, 2006
Man ng, just get out of here and stop trying to kill this thread. If it makes you happy, you're better than me because I try to be outgoing with girls.

sygyzy, thanks for the props. Glad you liked my old thread. I have been toying with the idea of a creating a new one. I still can't believe it got deleted (along with all of my other posts).


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Airsofter
Nice try, but you edited it twice. Once at 10:24 and once at 10:34

Unless you just read the cliff notes which were meant to be a joke, I don't say to "pimp it" in my post. I wouldn't be caught dead with a pink shirt and flip flops. I suggest re-reading the whole post again if you are going to comment on it. I attract the girls I want to, not whores. Like I said before, my GF is in AP calc (requires 2 years of pre calc and Ap Stat), on the honor roll, plays field hockey, does the announcements for school each day, and is a genuinely nice person. She always tries to make conversation with these 2 nerdy kids that sit alone in math. Her looks are just a very nice bonus.

That's great for you. Have a . Wait, you attract girls AND have a girlfriend? That's bad news...
LoL, just kiddin with ya...
I really don't want to re-read the entire post. I have no need to. THis knowledge that every guy who has any brains should know. Be confident. But, IMHO, you have taken it one step to far, and are cocky...


Jan 9, 2006
Like someone suggested before, I checked out that fastseduction site. I don't really know where you see the similarities with my post. While they have articles on being confident and everything, most of their advice involves lame openers and canned lines.


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2005
I wonder if this would work if you're looking for a long-term relationship?

Not much chance considering it's mainly based on looks and obviously designed to get you in bed with her, not establinsh a trusting relationship. I don't know though, if it helps you start communication with them it might be of some value.

I know, I know, I'm the only guy here who doesn't just want to get in bed. Go ahead and flame me again and get it over with.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Airsofter
Like someone suggested before, I checked out that fastseduction site. I don't really know where you see the similarities with my post. While they have articles on being confident and everything, most of their advice involves lame openers and canned lines.

gee...that reminds me of a thread that i've recently read....wonder what thread that was

oh wait here's a link



Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Airsofter
Like someone suggested before, I checked out that fastseduction site. I don't really know where you see the similarities with my post. While they have articles on being confident and everything, most of their advice involves lame openers and canned lines.

lol dude. obviously didnt read jacksh1t.


Platinum Member
Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Airsofter
The reason these techinques don't work so well on average girls is because they are not used to being hit on by guys every minute. If I start joking around and teasing them, they'll probably think I am really making fun of them. That is why the higher up the scale you go, the less compliments you give them. If you tell a girl that is a 6 or 7 that she is hot, she'll be flattered. The knockouts will just be disgusted though.

You can't argue with results. They are working for me. I am a junior in high school btw and I don't play on the football team. I gave my older brother some tips and the calls are pouring in for him. I don't think girls are plotting against me at all. You basically just have to show that you aren't intimidated.

Oh, you should retract your statement, "the 'just cute' girls are intelligent beings" My current gf is in my AP calculus actually. Are you trying to say that hot girls can't be smart. When I rate a girl, I give 6 for looks and 4 for personality.

I admit that the post comes off as cocky as can be, but that is how confident you have to be. If you look at a girl and think she is too good for you, then you have no shot. You'll probably be lucky to be her friend that hopes he'll get with her someday.

No you really are an idiot when you agreed with me and said "they arent plotting against me" as if I were serious. And no, I already answered why it doesn't work on cute girls, they aren't fvcking stupid, they just see you as a tool.


Nov 29, 1999
Dude, you talking about "hooking up" with 16-17 year old high school girls. Your "technique" is about as useful as a 4-hour documentary about how to effectively shoot fish in a barrel.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Airsofter
If you followed my last thread, you would have seen that I went from a shy and reserved kid who doesn't have a GF to a complete ladies man in the course of about a month. I mean now, I can literally pick up any girl I see within minutes. I have gotten a lot of pm's asking my "secret". Some guys think it is phermones, lmao.

Well, the ATOT community is mostly comprised of single men, so I decided to just share my methods here. Bear with me though, there is a lot of information to give. I'll try to keep this post updated and my thread clean. I ask that you do not flame unless you are willing to read the whole post, avoid asking the same questions I already answered in this post, and don't flood my pm box.

Trust me on this one; do not tell your friends about these tips. You'll be one of the few people who are good around women, so you don't want to let this get out. Do not show them this thread. It is a privledge, not a right.

Before I start, I want to inform you on something. This guide is focused on getting women who are at least an 8.5 or better. Most of these techniques will not work on girls that are just "cute". From my experiences, girls in the 9-9.5 range respond best to this stuff.

I guess the first rule of thumb, as with most things, is to be confident. This is fairly obvious, so you shouldn't have any trouble. Just remember, no girl is out of your league unless you think she is. You need to elevate your confidence to extremely high levels.

I know some of you might be thinking that you can't land a girl that is a 9, but you have to get that out of your head. I guarantee you that you will be able to get just about any girl you want if you can perfect these techniques (easy) and are decent looking.

While looks my get a girl interested in you, they will not carry you. I'd rate myself around an 8.5, but physical appearance is rarely a factor unless you are absolutely hideous. Just keep up on hygiene basically. Make sure your teeth are white, wear nice clothes, shower daily, etc. Try to work out if you can and get your haircut around every 3 weeks. I find that women like shorter hair and shaved facial hair, but it's up to you. Don't worry about what they think.

Now onto the meat of the tips. For most of you, these will go against your basic instincts. The thing you have to realize is that you can't be intimidated by women. I laugh everytime I think about how I used to be scared to ask a girl out. A little bit of confidence goes a long way. You don't need to brag or anything. Just play it cool.

When you approach a girl, don't used a canned opener or try to flirt with her too much. Hot girls are used to chumps hitting on them all day. Just treat her like she is a friend. If she sees that you aren't too interested in her, you'll try to chase you a little bit. Its more fun to chase then it is to date a pushover.

I know it can be hard for guys to approach random girls, or even ones they know. I usually just make eye contact with them first from about 15ft away. If they look back (which they most likely will), don't look away. Maintain eye contact and give her a smile. As soon as she smiles back (once again, they almost always will), walk up to her. You don't have to say anything genious. A simple, "Hey, what's up." will do. Try to crack a joke about something if you can, but don't force it. Here is one I pulled last week:

Me: So I see you shop at Abercombrie and Fitch
Her: Yup, all the time.
Me: I actually used to model for them for a while.
Her: Really? (showing interest)
Me: Yeah, that's me on the front of the bag.
Her: (Checks it out, then laughs)
Me: Aww, I swear I was on there yesterday.
Her: I am sure (smirking)

The biggest tip I can give is to never compliment her. If she is hot, most guys will hit on her non stop. You don't need to inflate her ego anymore. In fact, take negative hits if you can. Make fun of her for going tanning (works really well) or act all worried and then say a strand of her hair is out of place. If you get her laughing, she's pretty much yours already.

Make sure you keep you voice strong while talking calmly. Don't sweat it. Most girls are actually pretty nice and respect you for having the nerve to just approach them. I have never been blown off before. If a girl does this, she isn't worth your time anyway.

Following with the other tip, don't buy her anything either. If you go out to lunch on a date, have her pay half. Every guy I know pays for all of the girl's stuff. This is the biggest mistake you can make. Would you pay for your buddy to eat with you? Didn't think so. My brother still has to learn this one. He bought this girl a dozen roses on Valentine's Day after seeing her for a week. She ended up "just wanting to be friends" and screwed him out of cash only.

It really boils down to just being a man. Don't agree with everything she says. Do you really want to her about what her best friend said to some guy? If she asks for a small favor, you can do it for her sometimes, but don't always go along. For example, if she asks you to hold her bag while she fixes her hair, say something like, "Would you also like some wine and crackers?" in a sarcastic voice. Or even better, say "Do I look like (insert chump's name here)."

Unless you are absolutely in love with the girl, don't be afraid to associate with other girls. It should be rare that you are seeing less than 3 girls at a time. You can even joke with her about it. When a girl called me asking why I didn't stop over one night, I said "Sorry, it's just hard to juggle school, work, you, and my other girl friends." She might even be more attracted since there will be a "buzz" about you and she'll want to chasey you. This is especially easy in high school. If a popular girl gets ignored for a little bit, she'll be all over you. I had one

There are exceptions when you should compliment a girl though. If you go to the prom or something and she is really excited about, you have to compliment her. Just shake your head in disbelief and say something like "You look awesome." Speak what you are feeling. As always, you can never plan what to say. Your convo will never go the way you plan it. Btw. she'll also really appreciate it when you tell her how amazing she is because you almost never hit on her.

Women are attracted to guys who are perceived to be busy. Never call a girl more than 3 times a week and make sure she calls you at least twice as much as you call her. Keep the phone conversations short. Just say that you have to leave once it is about 5 minutes in. Be very vague, they love the mystery behind it.

Make sure that you never ask a girl for her phone number or ask her on a date. Your goal is to make her offer it to you. Psychologically, she'll feel more attracted to you if she gives you her phone number without you even asking. The line I use most of the time is this, "Well (name), you seem like a lot of fun to be around, we should hang out sometime." If you are feeling cocky, you can even replace the last part with, "... you should hang out with me some time."

9/10 times, she'll give you her number right after that. If she just says yeah without giving you her number and you really like her, you can try this but it is risky. "How do you want to get in touch then. I mean I am seeing your mom (or sister) Thursday night if you want to tag along." Voice tone is important here.

On the phone, use a similar technique. Imply that you are going somewhere and that she should join you. If she says no (unlikely), you are showing her that you would still go there anyway. Don't ever ask her to go out on a date unless the relationship has been steady for a few months. If you want, you can ask her what her schedule is like during the week so she can't really turn you down since you know she is free that day. Also, never call on a Friday or Saturday because she will most likely have plans to go out already.

I'll stop here in attempt to keep this post as focused as possible. I just wasted 40 minutes on it, so I hope you guys put it to good use. Read it, let it digest, and try to snatch some girls over the weekend. There's millions out there, so start practicing now. I bet that you can get the # of at least one 8.5-9 if you try it. I am sure there will be some questions, so I'll expand on the subject in my replies. Good luck guys. Pretty soon, you'll be a pro at it. There is nothing like winning a bet with your friend to hook up with a hot girl and get her number within 5 minutes.

Cliff notes: Go pimp it

Sounds like you picked that post off any one of those online how to get women sites.


Jan 11, 2006
Screw those 9-10 flighty chicks. Attract them... what good is that. Go for a woman in your league. Then you be all be all over that every day... or atleast a few times a week. LOL. If you happen to be one of those guys in the 1-2 range... uhh... sorry you might wanna just stick with building computers and gaming. Seriously this thread is hilarious.
Oct 4, 2004
Cliffs from the OP
1) Be confident
2) Keep your hair/facial hair in check
3) Maintain eye contact but not in a creepy way
4) Be subtle in your flirting
5) Be funny but not too funny
6) Pretend to have a busy life
7) Pretend to be Don Juan De Marco and Hitch's Bastard Love-Child of Catastrophic Proportions
8) Don't be in a dash to blow your stash of cash

Sorry but most of us got that memo on our 13th birthdays.
Maybe you should've titled the thread, "This is what works for me" rather than "The Holy Guide to Attracting 9s"
I'm sure women love it when you refer to them as numbers...I'm sure your magic number isn't an 8.5....its 1337?
Please, do post version 1.1 of this guide - after prom is over.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: ngvepforever2
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
Next someone will make a "How to have Sex Guide". Which will include tips on how to sneak in a donkey punch.

just wait till the OP gets to college :laugh:



"Dude.... she's a COLLEGE chick..... " "Suck me beautiful..."


Senior member
Aug 11, 2004
HOT!!! NEW TIP!! Pick up women by being CONFIDENT!!!

Who knew that women prefer confident men to whiny, insecure losers?



Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: OCNewbie
Originally posted by: ngvepforever2
Originally posted by: AMDUALY
Next someone will make a "How to have Sex Guide". Which will include tips on how to sneak in a donkey punch.

just wait till the OP gets to college :laugh:



"Dude.... she's a COLLEGE chick..... " "Suck me beautiful..."

now that was funny.

Murphy Durphy

Golden Member
Aug 12, 2003
You cover the basics and write a nice article, but now everyone thinks you are cocky.

You seem to have the big idea, but the last step to learning how to pick up any chick you want is to learn not to talk about it.
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