how to stop the flash mob robberies?


Mar 15, 2007
who do we think is committing these robberies and how do we stop them?

take away mask mandates and bring back jail time?

its going to eventually ruin in person shopping if it cant be controlled / countered.

When i went to a Walgreens in Vegas i watched people just casually taking items in front of the security guard and walking out, he didn't seem to be able to stop any of it, but about 90% of the items in the store over 5$ where under lock and key in lil display cases (which would not stop a mob of course), In SF they are closing most of the Walgreens because of this rampant theft/.

if there is already a thread you can delete / move this one.


Jan 14, 2013
How do we stop white collar criminals from robbing us of millions? The housing bubble was pretty much white collar crime all playing and creating the system. Why do billionaire families that create drug epidemics get sweetheart deals keeping them multi billionaires but immune to taking any responsibility or being taken to court?

I'm more worried about those things. Conservatves care about darker people shoplifting. Which is an issue, but if you look at conservatives concerns, it's shoplifting that's the end of the world.

Conservatives are shite people.

Also around here, nobody is scared of going to a store. Are you a snowflake?


Mar 15, 2007
How do we stop white collar criminals from robbing us of millions? The housing bubble was pretty much white collar crime all playing and creating the system. Why do billionaire families that create drug epidemics get sweetheart deals keeping them multi billionaires but immune to taking any responsibility or being taken to court?

I'm more worried about those things. Conservatves care about darker people shoplifting. Which is an issue, but if you look at conservatives concerns, it's shoplifting that's the end of the world.

Conservatives are shite people.

Also around here, nobody is scared of going to a store. Are you a snowflake?
can all you do is call names and go off topic? if you want to make a thread then you can but looks like you have zero to contribute always except name calling. Does it look like anyone is scared of going to a store.. yes id say people are scared.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
the vast majority of crime stems from seriously underlying social problems, most commonly lack of education and lack of employment.
You fix society you fix crime.
No one wants to do that.
Which is why 200 times per year we get articles titled "How Do We Fight Crime?" from people who either dont know shit about the world, or do know but dont care cuz they're getting paid to write click-bait.


Jan 14, 2013
can all you do is call names and go off topic? if you want to make a thread then you can but looks like you have zero to contribute always except name calling. Does it look like anyone is scared of going to a store.. yes id say people are scared.
Conservatives are shite. As of obvious by all your posts, including you recent one in the crime on the subway post.

Sorry it's just the truth.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Seriously, poor people get robbed every day and no one cares enough to put it in the news so why should I care when corporations get robbed? Is stealing from a paper person worse than stealing from a flesh and blood person?


Jun 23, 2004
Who cares about stores?
If you take down enough of them, I'll be coming for the robbers to do my grocery shopping. And it won't be with a debit card.

The supply chain is all that stands between us and anarchy. Protect it or watch your cities and homes burn.
Reactions: dank69

Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
who do we think is committing these robberies and how do we stop them?

take away mask mandates and bring back jail time?

its going to eventually ruin in person shopping if it cant be controlled / countered.

When i went to a Walgreens in Vegas i watched people just casually taking items in front of the security guard and walking out, he didn't seem to be able to stop any of it, but about 90% of the items in the store over 5$ where under lock and key in lil display cases (which would not stop a mob of course), In SF they are closing most of the Walgreens because of this rampant theft/.

if there is already a thread you can delete / move this one.
Seriously, poor people get robbed every day and no one cares enough to put it in the news so why should I care when corporations get robbed? Is stealing from a paper person worse than stealing from a flesh and blood person?
Who cares about stores?
If you take down enough of them, I'll be coming for the robbers to do my grocery shopping. And it won't be with a debit card.

The supply chain is all that stands between us and anarchy. Protect it or watch your cities and homes burn.
A better idea would be to put the people who steal from "flesh and blood" and those who steal from stores both in jail.


Mar 15, 2007
the vast majority of crime stems from seriously underlying social problems, most commonly lack of education and lack of employment.
You fix society you fix crime.
No one wants to do that.
Which is why 200 times per year we get articles titled "How Do We Fight Crime?" from people who either dont know shit about the world, or do know but dont care cuz they're getting paid to write click-bait.

So they are dumb that's why you say they are doing it? because they don't have nice jobs (strange for a teenager to have nice jobs right?) ? Funny you see people with nice jobs being thieves too guess they didnt get enough education or love as a child, we better change the world to give mandatory hugs and education to everyone.

Maybe one day people will admit there is evil that lives in this world and it doesn't revolve around lack of jobs or education.


Jan 14, 2013
So they are dumb that's why you say they are doing it? because they don't have nice jobs (strange for a teenager to have nice jobs right?) ? Funny you see people with nice jobs being thieves too guess they didnt get enough education or love as a child, we better change the world to give mandatory hugs and education to everyone.

Maybe one day people will admit there is evil that lives in this world and it doesn't revolve around lack of jobs or education.
Yes. Evil exists. It's mostly pople that think the biggest issue to society are shoplifters and not the white collar criminals and health care barons and military industrial war criminals robbing us for hundreds of millions and billions sending innocents to their death to kill other innocents.

You are evil because you think the bigger issue are shoplifters and not a society so inequitable people grow up with so few options in a system that is designed that way.

Yes there are born evil violent people. They need to be dealt with. They are a smaller problem than you though.
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Jun 23, 2004
Yes. Evil exists. It's mostly pople that think the biggest issue to society are shoplifters and not the white collar criminals and health care barons and military industrial war criminals robbing us for hundreds of millions and billions sending innocents to their death to kill other innocents.

You are evil because you think the bigger issue are shoplifters and not a society so inequitable people grow up with so few options in a system that is designed that way.

Yes there are born evil violent people. They need to be dealt with. They are a smaller problem than you though.

"Evil violent people" all while describing your need to commit evil righteous violence.
Don't suppose there is a mirror in your house.

Everything you have shared in this topic places you as either a member of said mob, or an ardent supporter. Frankly, I didn't expect to see someone who wants to watch the world burn. Yet you do not speak against these flash mobs, and instead redirect this topic towards your wanton desire of hating on white collars and Republicans. How very noble.


Apr 8, 2013
"Evil violent people" all while describing your need to commit evil righteous violence.
Don't suppose there is a mirror in your house.

Everything you have shared in this topic places you as either a member of said mob, or an ardent supporter. Frankly, I didn't expect to see someone who wants to watch the world burn. Yet you do not speak against these flash mobs, and instead redirect this topic towards your wanton desire of hating on white collars and Republicans. How very noble.

Heavy handed though he may be, he does have a point. As a society, we are far more apt to complain about common street crime, even non-violent shoplifting, than we are, say, fossil fuel companies who are profiting by warming the planet, and using some of those profits to fund a movement denying the truth.

I have a different take on why we have so much common theft. I don't think it's mainly poor people who can't get a job. Actually, jobs are there for the taking now, with wages going up. I think it's greed from consumerism and attendant materialism. It affects us all, bottom to top, top to bottom. Those at the top are just more sophisticated in how they undertake it and hence are more successful than the shoplifters and burglars. Part of the reason they get away with it is that they wear nice suits and drive fancy cars, so that gives them a presumption of innocence to which they are not entitled. Hence, the success of the greedy materialist only provides more opportunity for success.
Reactions: eikelbijter


Jan 14, 2013
"Evil violent people" all while describing your need to commit evil righteous violence.
Don't suppose there is a mirror in your house.

Everything you have shared in this topic places you as either a member of said mob, or an ardent supporter. Frankly, I didn't expect to see someone who wants to watch the world burn. Yet you do not speak against these flash mobs, and instead redirect this topic towards your wanton desire of hating on white collars and Republicans. How very noble.

Are you on crack? Because you sound like you are. I in no way support any type of mob violence or lots of shoplifting. Please quote me where I do. I also said basic violent evil people exist and they must be dealt with.

But let's see, mob shoplifters or the architects of the Iraq War like Rumsfeld, W, and Cheney that cost us hundreds of billions and tens of thousands of lives and tore up a region? mob shoplifters or those who were the architects of the 2007 crisis by creating a financial playland so they could get wealthy and ended up fucking over literally millions of people and yet again trillions of dollars? mob shoplifters or pharma families like the Sacklers with their criminal enterprise hiding the addictiveness of a drug in the name of profits? mob shoplifters or mobs of Confederate flag waving Trumpies that want to overthrow Democracy?

What do you think is a bigger problem for society? Well you already gave your answer. You are a part of the problem.

And while yes there are just some bad hombres out there, when shorty puts forth there are things society can do about SOME of that stuff, this jackwagon just lumps everyone guilty of any petty crime into one big bucket of bad people, well he is an ignoramus of the worst kind. To not acknowledge a lot of those types of crime are a societal issue is just another way to blame the poors while ignoring those who do the really big criming.

Do you really think the problems of society that make these things happen are the fault of only the poors? Who runs the fucking society? Who denies systemic racsim and injustices exist and wants to fix none of it?

That's a big part of this issue. To ignore that is just terrible.
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Mar 17, 2008
These are sort of a natural evolution of crime in context of social media is it not?
It is.
Either take away social media or adapt some other way.
News at 11, crime is here to stay.
You can eliminate crime, but you’d have to put every single human being down.
Maybe an AI will get around to it some day.


Oct 6, 2009
If you stop reading shit sources that make a living by twanging your amygdala angry flash-mob shoplifting will disappear from your world. Some day you might even realize you are shedding tears over the fact that places of business have to fill out a bit of extra paperwork.
Reactions: cytg111


Mar 15, 2007
Yes. Evil exists. It's mostly pople that think the biggest issue to society are shoplifters and not the white collar criminals and health care barons and military industrial war criminals robbing us for hundreds of millions and billions sending innocents to their death to kill other innocents.

You are evil because you think the bigger issue are shoplifters and not a society so inequitable people grow up with so few options in a system that is designed that way.

Yes there are born evil violent people. They need to be dealt with. They are a smaller problem than you though.
what's brilliant is that you know what I am feeling. I wasn't even sure what I was feeling but good thing mrSquished knows and can share it with us. I am definitely evil and was raised the opposite so.. what now?
again if you want a thread on the military or white collar criminals go ahead, but instead just make stuff up in this one. Good job i am definitely entertained.

gotta love dank's comment ya just extra paperwork no big deal let them steal right? they are def not following people home and committing violent crimes after joining these crime crews. (or they rob a pharmacy and many people Overdosed on the pills they stole,,, but thats cool right just gotta hug it out )

wait wait wait this is all just right wing propaganda they prob hired those people to rob the stores to make the fake news right? (no one was harmed in the filming of this)


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
So they are dumb that's why you say they are doing it? because they don't have nice jobs (strange for a teenager to have nice jobs right?) ? Funny you see people with nice jobs being thieves too guess they didnt get enough education or love as a child, we better change the world to give mandatory hugs and education to everyone.

Maybe one day people will admit there is evil that lives in this world and it doesn't revolve around lack of jobs or education.
ok you just committed so many logical fallacies I dont think I can even debate with you.
You're like a Republican, or a toddler. I dont know how to communicate with people like that.
Reactions: dank69


Mar 15, 2007
Are you on crack? Because you sound like you are. I in no way support any type of mob violence or lots of shoplifting. Please quote me where I do. I also said basic violent evil people exist and they must be dealt with.

But let's see, mob shoplifters or the architects of the Iraq War like Rumsfeld, W, and Cheney that cost us hundreds of billions and tens of thousands of lives and tore up a region? mob shoplifters or those who were the architects of the 2007 crisis by creating a financial playland so they could get wealthy and ended up fucking over literally millions of people and yet again trillions of dollars? mob shoplifters or pharma families like the Sacklers with their criminal enterprise hiding the addictiveness of a drug in the name of profits? mob shoplifters or mobs of Confederate flag waving Trumpies that want to overthrow Democracy?

What do you think is a bigger problem for society? Well you already gave your answer. You are a part of the problem.

And while yes there are just some bad hombres out there, when shorty puts forth there are things society can do about SOME of that stuff, this jackwagon just lumps everyone guilty of any petty crime into one big bucket of bad people, well he is an ignoramus of the worst kind. To not acknowledge a lot of those types of crime are a societal issue is just another way to blame the poors while ignoring those who do the really big criming.

Do you really think the problems of society that make these things happen are the fault of only the poors? Who runs the fucking society? Who denies systemic racsim and injustices exist and wants to fix none of it?

That's a big part of this issue. To ignore that is just terrible.
so what are my chances of the white color criminal killing me / injuring a member of my family? (ill give you a hint its zero), what this is doing is making people hostages in life when people are scared to go out at even during the day. that's ok right just part of life, there are worse people who are war criminals so we cant possibly worry about anything other than the top problems of the USA that we have even less chance of helping.

you are the one that sounds like they are on crack, you did exact as they said refused to admit problem and derail and deflect with name calling along the way. every one of your posts is shockingly the same. who said any of the other problems of the world are not more important? you not getting enough hugs in life sure seems like a bigger issue then a grandma getting pushed over and trampled by kids just trying to get a 2000$ purse because they deserve it in life. She must have been part of the problem if she can afford those purses anyway right?

again its so funny that you pretend to know what someone else feels. classic


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
In SF they are closing most of the Walgreens because of this rampant theft/.

I think that premise should be in question given the below.

I would also expect higher than average retail shutters in SF because their industries are, by far, the most likely to have gone remote and collapsed in person sales.

Part of the skepticism from San Francisco officials and the public stems from Walgreens’ 2019 SEC filing that shows a plan to close at least 200 stores across the US as part of a cost-cutting initiative. The drugstore chain lost $1.7 billion during Covid-19 lockdowns and will likely experience a slow recovery.

“So is Walgreens closing stores because of theft or because of a pre-existing business plan to cut costs and increase profits by consolidating stores and shifting customers to online purchases?” San Francisco supervisor Dean Preston tweeted.

Additionally, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Walgreens stores that are closing had only seven reported shoplifting incidents this year, and the five stores set to close had fewer than two reported shoplifting incidents per month on average. Many items in Walgreens—including toothpaste, shampoo, and allergy medications—are stored under lock and key, requiring an employee to unlock the cabinet for the customer. The Chronicle also reported that despite media reports, reported shoplifting incidents are decreasing.
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